Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"Yeah?" Mike prompted her. Of course she was. That was the point.

"I mean, I'm a slut right?" Jen said in a self-critical tone of voice. "Tell me the truth. What do you really think? I'm a freak right? Any girl who fucks so many guys is a slut right?"

"No baby you're not a slut," Mike assured her. "You --."

"Don't say I'm sensual," Jen said interrupting him. "That's just another way of saying I'm a freak for sex."

"I wasn't going to say that," Mike said.

"Then what?"

"You're not a slut Jen, because when a guy fucks you, he's not fucking your body," Mike said.

"What?" Jen said not understanding.

"I mean they do," Mike said. "But when you're with a guy, you open your soul to him too."

"What?" Jen said again, this time more softly.

"You don't have random hook ups honey," Mike explained. "I mean sometimes but not usually. Most times you give yourself to your lovers. For you it's romance. And friendships. Like Hugh and Lou. I bet you're friends with them."

"Yeah I am," Jen said beginning to understand. And maybe believe.

"See?" Mike said. "A slut just fucks. You don't do that. When you have sex, you open up your soul. You make love with your soul as much as your body. That's why you're a goddess Jen. That's why."

Jen stared at the iPhone, speechless.

"Are you okay?" Mike said after a few moments of silence.

"Yeah," Jen said.

"So it's okay to act like a slut with Frank," Mike said encouragingly. "I want you to. But know in your heart you're a goddess."

"Okay," Jen said with a laugh, but now it was a happy laugh. "I'll act like a slut. For you baby."

Mike chuckled. "I'd rather you do it for Frank," he said.

Jen paused, processing Mike's words. It didn't surprise her. But once again, in a tender moment, he chose her and another man instead of her and him. This was her husband. This was who he was.

She said "Frank says I should accept you're a cuckold. He says you'll be happier when I do."

"I'm not sure happy is the right word," Mike said with a laugh. But it was a nervous laugh. "Maybe more like ... fulfilled."

Jen nodded slowly. Frank was right. But then she already knew that.

She said "He says I shouldn't consider you when I do things. A wife doesn't need to do that if her husband is a cuckold. Is that right?"

Mike hesitated. It hurt when Jen openly called him a "cuckold." It made him fear if she still respected him as a man. But it turned him on too. "I have limits," he said, his throat hoarse with excitement.

Jen nodded again, remembering their limits they talked about in the hot tub. "But otherwise?"

"Otherwise Frank is right," Mike said, his voice so low Jen could barely hear him.

"What if you get upset?" Jen asked.

She wasn't surprised when he said "That's part of it for me."

"I want to make sure I understand," Jen said. "I do what I want. I don't ask you. I don't think about what you want or how you feel."

"Yeah," Mike said, his voice shaky. He was so turned on he was literally shaking.

"I might do things for Frank," Jen continued. "Things you don't like. How do you feel about that?"

"The limits," Mike reminded her.

"I won't break the limits," Jen promised.

Mike swallowed hard. "... then okay," he agreed hesitantly.

"And that turns you on?"

"Yeah," Mike said.

Jen didn't respond for long moments. Her face felt flushed. Her pussy tingled. When they were playing the game ... when she was feeling super wicked (like she felt now) ... making Mike do things, controlling him ... it was a big turn on. A huge turn on.

"Alright then," Jen said. As if to test Mike, she said "Then I'm not wearing stockings anymore. Because Frank doesn't like them." Suddenly unsure if she crossed the line, she quickly added "Unless you want to add that to your list?"

"Jen don't ask me that," Mike said. "It ruins it."

Jen understood immediately. It was like the pretend bang with her. And the pierced nipples. Being asked ruins it. Recovering fast, she said "Well then Mike, I'm not wearing stockings anymore. Unless Frank says so." She instinctively felt like she needed to up the ante to make up for her mistake. "And I might not wear high heels for you when we go out. I'll have to think about it."

"... I understand," Mike hesitantly said, the words coming out like a moan. They were silent, each processing this new development in their game. Mike finally said "There's something I want to add to the list. It's small but I'd like to add it."

"What?" Jen asked.

"When you're with Frank," Mike began. "Like after sex or when you go to sleep. I'd rather you didn't wear his shirt."

Jen couldn't help smiling. The smallest things set Mike off.

But Jen wanted to test out her new found power. Play with it. Like a new toy. "No baby that's not practical," she said sweetly. "You know I get cold at night." It was actually a true statement. And it was harmless. Yes, she liked wearing her man's shirt. If she liked a guy, that meant she liked his scent, she liked the feel of his shirt. But it wasn't like it meant she was in love with him.

Mike hesitated, then said "You're probably right."

Jen listened closely to his voice. She could tell he was hurt but not bad hurt. In reality, Jen didn't realize how much angst Mike felt over this. Seeing Jen wear another man's shirt was like a kick to his gut. But while it hurt it was delicious too.

Mike said "I saw Jim."

"Stacy and Deshawn?" Jen asked.

"No just Jim," Mike said. "Stacy is pregnant. It's Deshawn's."

"They're still involved?" Jen asked.

"Stacy and Deshawn? Yeah. Big time. Jim hasn't seen Stacy's breasts in months."

"Oh," Jen said. A hot wave of excitement ran through her. But she would never do that to Mike. Or agree to do that. She had limits too. But that didn't mean the prospect didn't excite her. Making him do things. Denying him things. Like her body. That really turned her on.

"Jim said, if we go down that path, you'll need to know I love you," Mike said. "And you'll need to know I'll always be there. You know that right?"

Jen thought about what he said earlier. About why she was a goddess. And she thought about the Caribbean bar. And the masquerade party. There were so many other things. "Yeah baby, I know you'll always be there. You're my hero," she said. She added "But you know how I feel about doing a Stacy and Jim."

A "Stacy and Jim." In their game that was now a verb.

"Yeah," Mike said sounding disappointed. Relieved too. But disappointed.

Jen remembered her conversation with Paige. And the super strong Durex condom. "I have some ideas though," she said.

"What?" Mike said suddenly intrigued.

Jen looked up. She saw Frank standing there. How long had he been listening? "I can't talk now baby," she said. "Later. I better go."

After hanging up Jen looked at Frank. He stared at her. A smile came to his face. He came over and stroked her face.

"You understand now?" Frank said. "About Mike?"

"Yes, I understand," Jen said. She did too. It was like waking up. Or a page in their life turning.

"Good girl," Frank said, leaning over and kissing her. Jen didn't stop him as he pulled her into his arms.


Jen showered then did her makeup and hair. As she did Frank watched her.

"It's hard to do this with you watching me," Jen said with a laugh, her mascara in her hand. Frank was already fully dressed (how did men get dressed so fast?). Jen was still naked under the luxurious St. Regis silk robe.

"I've admired you from afar for years Jenny," Frank said smiling at her. "How can I resist watching now with you in the same room?"

"Okay, well," Jen said with another laugh, charmed by his compliment. Frank had this thing of speaking so formally, like he just stepped out of a Charles Dickens novel. But that didn't mean she wasn't charmed.

She walked over to him, dropping the robe along the way. She teasingly nudged his knee with hers. "You have something for me?" she asked with a crooked smile.

Frank smiled at her. He opened his hand. Black lacy panties.

Jen took them and pulled them up her long legs. Like the others they fit her almost perfectly. "Someday you need to tell me about this," she said.

"Perhaps," Frank said.

"It's just weird wearing another girl's panties," Jen said.

Frank shrugged but didn't say more. Jen decided not to push it.

"Would you mind?" he said, handing the bottle of Jenny to her.

Jen gave Frank another crooked grin. She took the small crystal bottle with the perfume Ralph Lauren designed for her. For her! As she always did with perfume, she sprayed a little perfume behind her ears. She sprayed a tiny amount on one wrist, and then rubbed that wrist against her other. Then, because Frank was watching, and because she felt sexy, she spritzed a little perfume under her breasts, and then in her little trimmed landing strip.

"Beautiful," Frank said admiringly. "You're truly stunning Jenny."

Jen smiled at him. She went to her suitcase. She frowned seeing it was empty. "Where's my clothes?" she asked.

"Your valet unpacked" Frank said simply.

"I have a valet?" Jen said with an incredulous laugh.

"The best servants work in the background," Frank told her. "Your clothes are in the dresser."

Jen did a whatever shrug, but she was smiling slightly, still tickled at the thought of having a valet. More of her "personal staff"? She took one of her new padded bras from the dresser.

"I'd like you to wear an unpadded bra today," Frank said.

Jen looked at Frank. "I don't feel comfortable with that Frank," she said. This was a work event. A lot of people would be at the fundraiser. The bottle blonde bitch Jasmine Kelly would be there! She didn't want them to know about her pierced nipples. She especially didn't want Jasmine to know. She would feel diminished if they found out.

"Do what I say Jenny," Frank said.

Jen stared at Frank for a few moments. As always though, his intense glare was too much. She turned back to the dresser. Reluctantly, she put the padded bra back and picked out an unpadded one. She put the bra on.


Later at the lunch fundraiser Jen worked the crowd. She wore one of her new dresses. It was short but had a loose bodice. She was relieved Frank didn't insist on a tight dress. Jen didn't mind showing a little extra leg if that meant no one suspected she had nipple rings.

About halfway through the fundraiser Jen sidled up to Frank. "Jasmine looks distracted," she whispered. "Leo too." A few times Jen had caught Jasmine looking at her. She looked anxious, even scared. And something else too. Jen wasn't sure.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:46 PM

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