Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"That's good Jas," Deidre said coldly. "But I really don't feel like talking about Jennifer Andrews."

"Well I don't feel like talking about her either," Jasmine shot back. "How do you think it makes me feel having to sit in meetings with her? She always looks so perfect. Do you think she dyes her hair?"

"Every blonde dyes her hair," Deidre said knowingly.

"Fuck you Dee," Jasmine said with a glare.

"Whatever," Deidre said. They were silent for long moments. Finally Deidre got the wine bottle and refilled their glasses. She said "You know she's fucking Frank."

"Dee everyone knows she's fucking Frank," Jasmine scoffed. "And I'm sure Mike is getting off on it. They're perfect for each other."

"You should have married him Jasmine," Deidre said scoldingly.

"Like I had a choice," Jasmine said angrily.

Deidre put her hands out as if in surrender. "I'm just saying, Mike was perfect. Public figure but not overbearing. Agrees with your views." She looked at Jasmine intently to emphasize her next point. "Open minded."

"You mean perverted," Jasmine said.

"I mean open minded," Deidre insisted.

Jasmine gave a "whatever" shrug. As if to herself, she said "I liked him too."

"I know you did honey," Deidre said, squeezing Jasmine's hand consolingly. She felt a tinge of jealousy. But Mike Andrews was a guy. She could live with that. "I liked him too," Deidre said, squeezing Jasmine's hand again. The squeezed turned into a caress. "We need to find a man like that. Right?"

Jasmine looked at her friend. Deidre was a little taller. She had long dark hair and wore glasses. With the glasses she looked like a pretty librarian. Deirdre didn't have a voluptuous Playboy centerfold body (unlike Jasmine) but she was definitely attractive (in a bookish kind of way).

Jasmine gave Deidre a weak smile. "Right," she said.

Deidre leaned in and kissed Jasmine. "Wait honey," Jasmine said. She took off Deidre's glasses. Then Jasmine kissed her back. They fell onto the bed and took their time undressing each other. Then they made passionate love.


A few days later Willy was eating a Burrito Supreme from Taco Bell and drinking an Old Mil when he got the latest download of Jasmine Kelly's hotel room. He clicked on the video and watched.

Willy's eyes went wide as the video played out on the computer screen. Taco Bell and the cheap beer were forgotten. "Holy fuck, this is the mother lode!" he said to himself, barely able to believe his eyes. The sexy ESPN-CNN reporter was a dyke! He was going to be rich!

Cheating and Rivals – Part 31

"I'm going to miss you so much honey," Jen said as she hugged and kissed Anna. "I have to gone on a business trip for a couple days. Daddy will be here. Maggie will be too sometimes."

"Okay mommy," Anna said. She was too young to really understand what it meant for her mother not to be there. Her mom worked a lot anyway; Anna was used to it. Anna brightened at the prospect of seeing Maggie. She loved playing with Maggie. Maggie was like her big sister.

Jen kissed Anna again then went into the bedroom to finish packing. As she entered the bedroom she took off her engagement ring and wedding band and put them in a box on the top of her dresser. Then she turned to Mike and hugged him. She said "I'm going to miss the two of you."

"It's only a couple days," Mike said hugging her back. He grinned at her. "You'll be busy."

Jen grinned back at him. "It really helps with you here," she said hugging him tight. She added with a whisper so Anna couldn't hear, "I'm not just talking about the game." In a more normal voice she said "I mean everything. Knowing you're here when I'm not. Taking care of Anna."

"I never thought I'd be a stay at home dad," Mike said. He worked part time teaching and with the CATF. Because his jobs were part time, it meant he was able to be with Anna a lot. But it also meant his income was limited.

Reading his thoughts, Jen said "I like it this way baby. We have friends who are just like us. It's pretty common now you know." Mike was the stay at home dad while she was the primary wage earner.

"I always thought the man should make the money," Mike lamented.

"You ARE my man," Jen assured him, giving him another kiss and hug. "It doesn't matter how much money you make."

Mike didn't want to get into this conversation with Jen about to catch a plane. Changing the subject, he said "I'm thinking about getting a drink with Jim to catch up." He closed their bedroom door halfway so they could still watch Anna as she played with her toys but she couldn't hear their conversation.

"Oh," Jen said. She'd forgotten about that. "Stacy's pregnant again?"

"That's what Jim texted me," Mike said with a nod. "I'll get the details when I see him. I might see Stacy too."

"Oh okay," Jen said hesitantly. "And Stacy's friend – what's his name? Deshawn? Will he be there?"

"I guess he might," Mike said with a shrug. "I don't know where things stand with them."

Jen nodded and thought about it. She knew Mike's pregnancy fantasies would go into over-drive after seeing Jim and Stacy. Especially if Deshawn was there. Especially if Stacy really was pregnant and her bump was showing. Jen would have to deal with that when she got home because that was one fantasy she had no intention to make come true. But lately she'd been thinking of ways to help Mike explore his pregnancy fantasies (without actually doing it for real). After all he was letting her explore her fantasies with Frank, so it was only right she help him explore his if she could.

Having Mike wear Durex condoms was one way. She didn't like using condoms (especially the extra thick Durex's) because she liked feeling him but she knew at some level he got off on knowing there was no way his sperm could get inside her. Her conversation with Paige gave her other ideas. So maybe it was a good thing Mike was seeing Jim and Stacy (and Deshawn too). It would certainly give him some exciting fun (beyond watching the Mets) while she was with Frank.

Then it hit Jen. Watching might involve Mike seeing Deshawn and Stacy having sex. Jen didn't like the idea of that. She wanted Mike's sexual thoughts and life to be focused exclusively on her. But they'd watched Stacy and Deshawn before, both of them, at the sex party. (Author's note: This happened in Cheating and Rivals Part 12) This was a tame thing (watching people fucking) compared to what she was doing (actually having sex with other men). Jen knew she had no right to object.

Having reached that decision, Jen decided to encourage Mike. So she smiled and said "I think it's a great idea. Say hi to Jim and Stacy for me. And Deshawn too if he's there."

Mike nodded, looking at Jen. Her easy, complete acceptance bothered him. It was what he wanted, but it still bothered him. It was like she was getting rid of him (so he wouldn't bother her while she was with Frank). It reminded him of what Maria said. He felt an ache in the pit of his stomach but didn't show it, because he knew he was being schizoid about everything.

A little later Jen said "Oh I almost forgot. Bobby and Grace are renting that house in the Hamptons next weekend."

"This late in the year?" Mike asked surprised.

"That's what I said," Jen said. "I don't know. Allie says it's an excuse to party."

"Maybe watch the Mets and the Royals," Mike offered. "If they're still playing."

"Yeah I guess," Jen said with a shrug. "I don't really want to go. But Allie's going and she really wants us there. She's upset about Darren. He's mentioned divorce."

Mike grimaced, feeling bad for both Allie and Darren, and especially their son Darren Jr. (they called him DJ). "Maybe you should go and I'll stay here with Anna," Mike suggested. "You can make it a girl's weekend." Even after knowing Allie for over a decade Mike still felt uncomfortable around her. Mike felt uneasy around "Populars" and Allie was the epitome of The Popular Girl.

Jen read his thoughts. "Allie likes you Mike," she assured him. "She really does. She'll be disappointed if you aren't there. Anyways, Allie's bringing DJ and he'll want to play with Anna. She will too. I don't want you here by yourself if we're at the beach."

A few minutes later Jen got a call on her cell. "Lou and Hugh are downstairs," she told Mike. She picked up her suitcase.

"Have fun," Mike said forcing a smile.

"You too," Jen said with a smile back. She gave him a hug and kiss. "I'll call you."

"If you don't that's okay," Mike said. He didn't want Jen to make a promise she might not be able to keep. "I know you'll be busy. We'll catch up on Sunday. You'll be home Sunday right?" Calling was one thing, but getting home was another. He wanted her home.

"I'll fly back early Sunday," Jen promised. "And I will call." She kissed and hugged Mike and Anna, then she was gone.

It was a short flight from the private New Jersey airport to Boston's Logan Airport. The fundraiser was being held at the Marriott but Frank booked rooms at the St. Regis hotel so they would have more privacy. He booked 2 rooms so there was at least the illusion to the rest of Jasmine's team they weren't sleeping together.

They arrived at the St. Regis and Frank hurriedly led Jen to his room. Inside his room he was all over Jen. "I missed you," he said as he urgently kissed her and ran his hands over her body. Jen was just as hungry for Frank. They tore off their clothes and made passionate love.

Jen had a small orgasm when Frank entered her bareback, his thick cock stretching her wide. She came again when he came, the feel of his cock erupting inside her throwing her over the edge into a massive orgasm. Like he often did, Frank held Jen's hands over her head so she knew it was his cock giving her body such pleasure.

Afterwards they got ready for the fundraiser. Frank watched as Jen pulled one of the new padded bras from her suitcase. "You brought some of the unpadded ones?" he asked.

"Yes but I'm not wearing one tonight," Jen told him, finality in her voice. If she wore an unpadded bra the nipple rings would easily dent her dress. No way she was going to let that happen at a formal event like the fundraiser. Especially with the bottle blonde bitch Jasmine there. Frank's head games were exciting but there were limits.

Frank nodded, as if agreeing there were limits. "I have something for you," he said. He opened the closet. It was full of dresses.

"Oh my god," Jen gasped. She hurried to the closet and ran her hands through the dresses. Christian Dior, Prada, Gucci, Chanel, Fendi, Armani, Vera Wang, they were all there, all the designers Jen admired and coveted. "Freaking amazing," she gushed with wonder as she slowly fingered through the beautiful dresses.

"Claudia worked with the designers," Frank explained. "She and Annette picked them out for you."
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:44 PM

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