Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"I wish I had yours," Jen said admiringly as she felt the heavy weight of Juliet's big perfect breasts in her hands.

Abruptly Juliet's pretty face turned sad. "Roman dumped me."

"I'm sorry," Jen said as she continued to rub oil on Juliet's breasts. Juliet was so lovely and she seemed nice. What man in his right mind would break up with her?

Juliet smiled at Jen. "You're so pretty," she said. "Like Alice in Wonderland." Juliet turned to look at Frank. "Uncle Frank I want to fuck your new girlfriend." Looking back at Jen she said "God I haven't gotten laid since Roman dumped me. You're probably a better fuck than that asshole."

Frank chuckled. He took Jen's hand and led her away.

Jen looked over her shoulder at Juliet. She was already talking to other people, in full social butterfly mode. Jen felt sorry for Juliet. No doubt she was partying extra hard to forget Roman. Jen's thoughts turned to Mike. If he left her, would she turn into a Juliet?

"What do you think of Jules?" Frank asked. When Jen didn't reply, Frank curled a finger in Jen's bikini bottoms and pulled her close to him. "If I wanted you to fuck Jules you would," he said. He gave her a knowing smile. "And you'd love it. You're a slut Jenny. You'd love it."

Jen looked at Frank, breathing hard. Her head was fucked up. She felt sorry for Juliet but turned on too. Frank kept her off balance. Usually SHE kept her boyfriends/lovers off balance, wrapped around her finger. This was a new experience for her. Was that part of Frank's appeal?

Thankfully the party finally ended. Jen walked with Frank to the car. She moved to put on her top but Frank stopped her. "No," he said taking the top from her. He dropped it in a trash can.

"Frank that's expensive," Jen said retrieving her top.

"Don't you understand yet?" Frank said. "While you're with me you don't have to worry about money."

Jen frown at Frank. She put the bikini top in her bag.

Hugh opened the door for Jen, his eyes on her bare breasts.

"Hold on Lou," Frank said as Lou was about to drive back to the villa. He looked at Jen. "You've still got your cum face on," he said loud enough for the bodyguards to hear.

"Yeah," Jen admitted. She felt hot, her pussy tingled.

Frank leaned against the door, looking at Jen. "Get yourself off," he said. "I want to watch you make yourself cum."

"Seriously?" Jen said, glancing at Hugh and Lou. They were turned in their seats and looking at her. Jen guessed another perk.

"You know I don't like saying things twice," Frank warned. "Do it."

Jen looked into Frank's face. Again she felt the intensity of his stare. Whatever, she thought. She slid down into the rich leather seat of the limo. Looking anxiously at Hugh and Lou, she reached her right hand into her bikini bottoms. She closed her eyes and found her clit. She practically jumped when she touched her love button. That's how hot she was, how hot this scene was. She began rubbing herself. After a few moments, she brought her left hand up and fondled her breast. It wouldn't take long. And she wanted – needed – release.

Frank, Hugh and Lou's eyes were on Jen as she masturbated. She was an incredible sight, her beautiful face contorted in concentration, her nipples hard on her small tits, her hand inside her bottoms, her long shapely legs open, the strappy high heels flat on the floor.

Jen moaned and arched her back. She was almost there, right at the edge. Her toes curled in the high heels, digging into the lush carpet of the limo.

Abruptly Frank pulled Jen's hand from her bottoms. The movement ruined Jen's orgasm. "What?" she groaned, her eyes opening. Her body felt disappointed, needing release even more now than before.

"I don't like being disagreed with," Frank said crossly.

"What?" Jen said, still not understanding.

Frank reached into her bag. He pulled out her bikini top. He opened the window and threw it out of the car. Then he tossed a few 100 dollar bills into her bag. "You still don't understand Jenny," he said sternly. "I'll let you cum when you do."

Cheating and Rivals – Part 27

(Part 3 of the Caribbean vacay)

They drove to the villa. Frank took Jen's hand and they walked into the villa. Jen felt weak kneed after having been so close to an orgasm and having been denied. She resented Frank too. But at some level it was also a turn-on.

Hugh and Lou followed Frank and Jen into the villa. Miranda and Johnny were already there. "Let's get ready for dinner," Frank told everyone.

Jen pulled her hand from Frank's. She crossed her arms over her chest to cover her breasts. (Miranda had her top back on.) "Frank, where are we going?" she asked. "I need to call Mike."

Frank seemed annoyed but he said "The Palomar."

Jen called Mike. She told him about the Palomar and they talked about his day. Anna was having a lot of fun at the beach and pool. So much fun in fact that she barely noticed her mother wasn't there. Of course, Anna was getting constant attention from Mike and Maggie so it wasn't like she was starved for attention. Also, with the health conscious Jen not there, Mike and Maggie were letting Anna eat fun foods like hot dogs with ketchup (or ketchup with hot dogs given how Anna always drenched her plate with the condiment) and cheese curls.

Jen frowned. She'd missed Anna's first flight and now she was missing Anna's first real beach vacation. At the same time she was happy Anna was having fun. She consoled herself with the fact that tomorrow was another family day.

After hanging up with Mike, Jen showered and did her hair and makeup. Frank had said to wear something casual, so she pulled out a thong, bra, crop top and skirt. She put on the thong and was about to put on the skirt when Frank walked in. He looked at the clothes and shook his head. "No, wear this," he said handing her something black.

Jen assumed it was another of Sally's panties. But it wasn't. It was a bra.

"Frank this isn't my size," Jen said. She was an A cup. The black bra was a C.

"You said you wanted bigger breasts like Juliet's," he said.

"I'm not wearing this," Jen objected.

"Yes you are," Frank said with finality, giving her another stern look. He left the room and called out "Miranda, help Jenny please."

"Look what he wants me to wear," Jen said disbelievingly to Miranda, holding out the C cup bra.

"Just do it Jenny," Miranda urged her. "Believe me, it's easier to do what Frank says." She pulled the bra over Jen's arms and then reached behind to snap it.

"But I look ridiculous," Jen said looking in the mirror. Her small breasts provided no support for the large C cups.

Miranda looked around for a box of tissues. Seeing one, she picked it up and began stuffing the bra with tissues. Jen gave Miranda a "what the fuck?" look.

"Don't tell me you've never done this," Miranda said.

"Yeah, like, when I was fourteen," Jen said sarcastically. She couldn't believe what was happening. What she was allowing to happen.

"It's better just to go with what Frank says," Miranda said as she finished stuffing Jen's bra. With the bigger bust, Jen's petite crop top no longer fit. Miranda gave Jen one of hers. Jen put it on. The crop top was tight. It had 2 spaghetti straps and ended just above her belly button (perfectly showing off Jen's diamond belly ring).

"You look fine," Miranda said consolingly.

Jen looked in the mirror. The C cup breasts looked too big for her slim petite figure. She didn't look natural. Instead, she looked like a girl who got too big a boob job. "Who'll be at the club tonight?" she asked. "The people from the beach?"

"Probably," Miranda said.

Jen's heart sank. Those people had seen her topless. They'd seen her small breasts. All of a sudden she had big tits? Those people would know she was wearing a stuffed bra. Jen's cheeks reddened, already feeling embarrassed and humiliated. But at the same time her pussy tingled. She couldn't help it. Frank controlled when she came. Why not this too?

Hugh poked his head into the room. "Mr. Tower wants to go," he said. Then his eyes went wide seeing Jen's big bust. He looked at her face and they locked eyes. Jen's cheeks got even more red.

"I'm not doing this," Jen said to Miranda when Hugh was gone.

"It's only a few hours," Miranda said. "Here, take this, it'll help." She offered the Ecstasy to Jen again.

Jen thought about it as she looked at the pill. It was only 7pm. The recreational drug would be through her system before the start of their family day tomorrow morning. It would help her deal with tonight. And Mike would be at the club, she'd explain then.

Jen took the pill and swallowed it. Almost immediately she felt calmer. Euphoria washed through her. She didn't notice the relief on Miranda's face.

"You look lovely," Frank said later at the Palomar. He stroked over her almost bare shoulder and down the spaghetti strap to the edge of the crop top. "How do you like your new bra?"

Jen flushed. "How long will we be here?" she asked. She was hot. Her pussy was tingling. She wanted to go home and fuck. She wanted – needed – an orgasm.

Frank grinned. "You've got your cum face on Jen honey," he said. "You love this don't you? Finally looking like a real woman."

Jen caught her breath, but it could have been a moan. "I'm already a real woman," she insisted.

Frank stroked down the front of her crop top. "Would you rather I made you wear the training bra?" he asked.

"No," Jen said immediately, her face becoming even redder.

Frank's other hand moved under her short skirt. Jen jumped when his fingertips grazed her pussy. The touch felt like an electric shock of pleasure.

"You're soaking Jenny," Frank said with a knowing grin. "Don't worry. I'll let you cum later."
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:36 PM

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