Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Cheating and Rivals – Part 21

The next weekend, Mike and Jen were getting ready for a fundraiser for Jasmine's campaign. Frank was going to be there but they weren't planning on hooking up. Mike just got home from the CATF meetings so they hadn't had a chance to reconnect yet.

"Don't wear stockings," Mike said. Jen was sitting on the edge of the bed and she was about to put on thigh highs.

"Seriously?" Jen said with a laugh.

"Frank likes bare legs right?" Mike said grinning.

"Yeah but I'm not doing anything with him tonight," Jen reminded her husband.

"We can still play," Mike said.

"You're so bad. And predictable," Jen said with another laugh.

Mike sat next to his wife on the bed. He put his hand on her stocking-less thigh. "Did Frank call this week?"


"He wanted to get together?"

"Yeah," Jen said. "I told him no."

"You wanted to though right?" Mike asked.

Jen hesitated, then said "I think it's better to go slower too."

"But you wanted to see him," Mike pressed.

Jen leaned into her husband. "Mike, honey, what do you want me to say?" she said gently but with a little exasperation.

"I want you to tell me the truth," Mike said.

"Then, the truth is, I think it's better to go slower," Jen said.

At the fundraiser Jen met with Frank to coordinate final details with the rest of the team. As their meeting ended Frank said "Jenny hold up a minute." Jen held back as the others filed out of the room, looking at each other and suppressing smiles.

"Frank we have to be careful, people are talking," Jen said when they were alone in the small conference room. The conference room was down the hall from the ballroom where the fundraiser was taking place.

"You look lovely tonight," Frank said. He closed the door.

"Let's keep the door open," Jen said with a laugh. "We can't be seen alone together."

"Do you really care what others think?"

"Frank, Mike is here," Jen said.

"He knows," Frank said pointing out the obvious.

"Of course he knows," Jen said. "But if people are whispering he'll be uncomfortable."

"He probably likes that," Frank said with a grin. "This looks delicious," he said running his hand over Jen's stomach and feeling the belly ring.

"You can see it?" Jen asked.

"If you look closely," Frank said, his eyes on Jen's stomach. The diamond of the belly ring dented her dress slightly.

"You like that?" Jen said giving him a smile.

"Yes I do," Frank said, excitement on his face. Jen realized Frank was turned on knowing she wore the belly ring under her dress. It was like when Mike saw the bump of a garter belt; it drove him crazy knowing she wore stockings under her dress.

"Thanks for dressing for me," Frank said touching her bare leg.

"I didn't dress for you," Jen said with a laugh.

"You know I prefer bare legs," Frank pointed out.

"Mike told me not to wear stockings," Jen said.

"So your husband wants you to dress for me," Frank said. "That doesn't surprise me."

Jen gave Frank a look, as if processing his words. "We've got to get to the fund raiser," she said.

"Wait," Frank said, putting his hand on Jen's stomach again (this time to stop her from walking out the room). "We need to talk. The three of us. Tonight."

Jen looked at Frank again. "I'll ask Mike."

Later, Jen pulled Mike aside and whispered "Frank wants to meet. He wants to talk about something."


"I don't know," Jen said. "Honey, can I asked you something? When you told me not to wear stockings. Is it because you want to tease Frank? Or because you think I should dress how Frank wants?"

Mike thought about it a moment. "Does it matter?"

"It matters to me," Jen said.


"Just tell me," Jen said with a laugh.

Mike thought about it. "I guess, I want you to get him hot. But it turns me on you're dressing the way Frank wants."

"But, you love when I wear stockings," Jen said, wanting to explore Mike's thinking. "So if I'm dressing for Frank, I'm not dressing for you."

"Yeah but ..."

"I think that's hot," Jen said, excitement on her face. "Frank's making you do things. He's got you telling me to dress for him and not you."

"You think that's hot?" Mike asked.

"A dominate man making us do things," Jen said nodding her head. She looked excited, the beginnings of a cum face.

"Why do you want another man controlling me?" Mike asked.

"I want him to control both of us," Jen said.

Mike nodded, not really understanding why this turned Jen on so much. She had sub fantasies. Why did that include him? But she probably didn't fully understand his desires. At least her fantasies included him and not just her well hung lovers.

Seeing the frown on her husband's face, she squeezed his arm and said "It's just a game honey." They were silent for a few moments, as if studying each other. Then Jen said "So should we meet with Frank tonight?"

"Yeah, let's meet him," Mike said. "At our place."

"Mike, baby, if we meet him at home you know what will happen," Jen said.

"Yeah, I want it to happen," Mike said, squeezing Jen's hand and giving her a kiss that looked more innocent (because of the people around them) than it really was.

After the fundraiser, Mike and Jen rushed home. They checked on Anna at their loft apartment. Their baby was sound asleep. Mike got Maggie (their babysitter) a taxi home. Frank arrived a few minutes later.

Mike pour drinks, a Highland Park scotch for himself and an AsomBroso tequila for Frank. "What do you want?" Mike asked Jen. There were alone in the kitchen.

After a moment's hesitation, Jen said "I'll have a little scotch baby."

"Jen, you don't have to drink scotch just because I'm drinking scotch," Mike said. "If you want tequila just say that."

"I actually don't want anything," Jen said trying to be diplomatic. "How about I take a sip of yours and Frank's?"

Mike nodded. In the family room he gave the tequila to Frank. He sat in the sofa across from Frank. Jen sat next to her husband.

"I'll get to the point," Frank said looking at Mike. "We've only dated a few times, but I enjoy Jenny's company."

Mike nodded.

"I'd like to explore our relationship," Frank said.

"You can't have more of her time," Mike said immediately, drawing a line in the sand. He looked at Jen. "We have Anna now. You have to be here."

"I'm not suggesting more time," Frank said. "I believe in quality over quantity." He smiled at Jen. She smiled back, sharing their inside joke.

"What do you want?" Mike asked.

"Having to use condoms is unacceptable," Frank said.

"No offense Frank but ..." Mike said.

"I understand your concerns," Frank said. "I have the same concerns."

"What?" Jen said.

Frank looked at Jen. "No offense Jen honey, but you've been with your share of men."

"What are you saying?" Mike hissed angrily, glaring at Frank. He didn't like anyone saying anything bad about his wife.

Jen put a hand on her husband's arm. "It's okay Mike," she said. Frank was right, she'd been with a lot of men.

"I suggest we all get tested," Frank suggested. "Including you Mike."

"What?" Mike said.

"Unless you plan to stop having sex with Jenny," Frank said with a chuckle.

"Of course we're not going to do that," Jen said hugging Mike's arm.

"So we're agreed," Frank said with a grin.

"We haven't agreed to anything," Mike said still glaring.

"It's okay we'll do what you want honey," Jen told Mike, rubbing his arm. "Frank, can you go over to the other room so we can talk?"

Frank went into the kitchen.

"We'll do what you want baby," Jen whispered so only Mike could hear.

"But you agree with Frank," Mike whispered back, hurt and bitterness in his voice. "Was this planned?"

"No honey I had no idea this is what he wanted to talk about," Jen said honestly. "I swear."

"But you want this," Mike said.

Jen put her arms around Mike. "You know I like skin-to-skin best," she said. "Everyone does. Condoms are messy and I'm always worrying about them breaking or coming off. I'm on the pill."

"Sometimes you forget," Mike said.

"I haven't in months" Jen said.

"It's just ... so intimate," Mike lamented.

"But don't you want that?" Jen said. She pressed Mike's hand across her face as if to take any sting out of her next words. "You want me to date Frank and be his girlfriend. It's not as real if he has to use condoms."

"What do you mean?"

Jen kissed his hand. "Mike honey, I never make my boyfriends use condoms. I mean, sometimes for stretches as part of the game, but usually not."

"We're playing the game right now," Mike reminded her.

"You know, I've only had 2 real boyfriends in my life," Jen said. "You and Colin. I've been with you like 5 times longer than Colin. So kinda, you've been the only man in my life, ever."

Mike thought about that. It made him feel good. "What about all the other guys?" he asked.

"That's what I'm saying. Everyone else has been the game. They haven't been real boyfriends. Only you're real."

"Clint," Mike pointed out.

Jen hugged Mike's arm too. "I like to think of Clint as part of our game too," she said in a quiet voice.

Mike stared at his wife. Then he put his arm around her. "So this is just part of the game."

"Yeah," Jen said. She brushed her hands across Mike's cheeks. "And I want you to give into what Frank wants." She looked into her husband's eyes. "Not because of me. You're doing it because it's what Frank wants."

Jen had her cum face on. He was breathing hard too. The lust and excitement of their game was clouding out any other thoughts.

"The pill's not 100% perfect," Mike said.

Jen knew the pill was mostly perfect, like over 99%. She didn't know anyone who got pregnant while taking the pill. The ones who did were like urban myths. But she knew what her husband loved to hear. If he would play her game, she would play his.

She looked into Mike's eyes and said "Yeah, it's not perfect. It's risky not using condoms."

Mike was breathing hard, looking into Jen's beautiful face. "Okay, we'll do what Frank wants," he said.

A few minutes later they toasted to their agreement. Jen didn't have a glass, so she took Frank's tequila from his hand and took a sip. Mike felt some cuckold angst when Jen did that. But it was better that way, because if Jen had sipped from his glass he'd feel like she was being condescending to him.

"One more thing," Frank said. "This probably goes without saying, but just so we're all clear. I want us to be exclusive Jenny."

"What?" Mike said.

"Getting tested makes no sense if we continue to have other partners," Frank said. "What do you think Jenny?"

"You make it sound like a business arrangement," Jen said.

Jen's words seemed to take Frank aback. For a moment he looked vulnerable. He quickly recovered, but still his face looked softer. "I'm sorry, I haven't done this for a while," he said with an almost embarrassed, hopeful smile. He laughed (it sounded like nervous energy). "I'm not sure what the right words are."

Jen looked from Frank to Mike. "I think what Frank's saying is he wants me to be his exclusive girlfriend," she said to her husband.

"Yeah," Mike said.

"Are you okay with that?" Jen asked Mike.

Mike hesitated only a moment. This is what he wanted after all. "Yeah, I'm okay with that," he said, his voice hoarse with excitement.

"I'm okay with it too," Jen said. She took Frank's hand and said "So we'll date, and only have sex with each other." She hurriedly added "And I'll have sex with Mike too of course."
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