Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"Not just like that," Paige said. "He seduced me I guess. I had a crush on him. All the girls did, remember Jenny?"

Jen nodded. Sophie used to joke about it, how all her friends had crushes on her dad. Jen probably would've had a crush on Mr. Tower too if she hadn't been so involved with Colin.

"He said he wanted to show me something," Paige continued. She laughed trying to remember. "I can't remember what. That's when it happened."

"Where you a virgin?" Jen asked.

"No, remember, Mark?" Paige said.

"Oh yeah," Jen said thinking back. Paige had lost her virginity to her then boyfriend Mark during her junior year.

"I felt like a virgin though, with Frank," Paige said with a giggle.

Jen gave a brief smile. Then, remember her own recent experience, she asked "Did he force you?"

Paige gave Jen a knowing look, the 2 old friends sharing a silent message. She said "Not so much forced. More like, he's used to getting what he wants." After a moment she added in a low whispered "It was the best sex of my life Jenny. He didn't force me." Paige's cheeks were red with embarrassment.

Jen nodded slowly. She asked "So what happened?"

"It lasted all through college," Paige said. "Mostly holidays and summers at home. But sometimes Frank visited me at college."

Jen nodded again, processing all this. Frank had told her he cheated on Mrs. Tower. He seemed regretful about that. Now Jen knew Paige was the girl he cheated with. Were there others? Jen knew that was a stupid question. Of course there were others.

Paige seemed to read Jen's thoughts. "You probably think I'm terrible," she said looking embarrassed and sheepish.

Jen knew she had more than a few skeletons in her closet. Deciding to come clean, she whispered "I had an affair with Mr. Hayden."

Paige's jaw dropped. "When?" she asked wanting to know all the details.

"Remember Mr. Hayden directed Chicago our senior year?" Jen whispered. "Around then." With a grim expression she added "When Colin cheated on me."

"Oh yeah, I'm sorry Jenny honey," Paige said, remembering how devastated Jen had been. Still curious though, she whispered "How long did it last?"

"Just that semester," Jen said. "I think we both felt guilty about cheating on his wife. And I got back together with Colin."

"Wow, Mr. Hayden," Paige said amazed. She suddenly felt a lot better. She said with a giggle "God Jenny I think that tops me."

"I don't know about that," Jen said with a giggle back. "I guess you never told Sophie?"

"Ya think?" Paige said sarcastically. They both laughed.

"Have you talked to Sophie?" Jen asked.

"No, not since her mom died," Paige said. "She didn't invite me to her wedding."

"Me either," Jen said. "Frank says she took her mom's death really hard."

Paige nodded. "You're working with him now?" she asked.

"How'd you know?"

"He stopped by the other day," Paige said. "Then I heard you were in town."

"What'd he want?" Jen asked.

"He wanted to talk about you," Paige said. "And Mike."

"What'd you say?"

"I didn't say anything," Paige said. "God Jenny, we haven't talk for forever."

Jen nodded, knowing that was true. "So ... what did Frank say about me?" she asked hesitantly, although she already knew the answer.

Paige was embarrassed again. "Jenny ... you're thinking about hooking up with Frank?" she asked feeling awkward to ask such a private question.

"What did Frank say?"

"He kind of said you were hooking up," Paige said. "Listen Jenny, I don't care what you do. I'm not judging you."

"I'm not cheating on Mike," Jen said defensively. "I tell him everything."

Paige nodded slowly, processing this. "So you guys are swingers?"

Jen inwardly sighed. It seemed she was always having to tell people about their "secret" game. "Mike likes to watch me with other guys," Jen whispered. She giggled and said "He's kind of kinky. Please don't tell anyone."

"Wow," Paige said. "Does he hook up with other girls?"

"No, Mike only wants me," Jen said definitively.

"Oh, okay," Paige said, giving Jen a doubtful look. "So, ah, you and Frank have a thing?"

"Not yet," Jen said, not thinking a blow job in a hotel stairwell rated a "thing." "But Frank's having a party tomorrow."

"Yeah, Bob and I are going," Paige said. Seeing Jen's questioning look, she added "Bob works for Frank."

"Oh," Jen said, taking that factoid in.

"Jenny you can never say anything to Bob," Paige said.

"He doesn't know?" Jen asked.

"God no," Paige said. "Bob is so jealous, I don't tell him about any of my old boyfriends. He thinks of me as his virgin bride."

"Seriously?" Jen said with a skeptical look.

"He knows I wasn't a virgin, he just doesn't like thinking about it," Paige said.

"Okay," Jen said. Bob was so different than Mike. But then, Bob was probably closer to normal and Mike the strange one.

"I just want to tell you, if you're going to get involved with Frank, you have to be careful," Paige said.

"What do you mean?" Jen asked.

"Just be careful," Paige said. "Don't fall in love with him."

"I'm not going to fall in love," Jen said with a laugh. "This is just play, a game."

"You say that, but ..."

Jen looked at her old high school friend. "Paige, do you love Frank?"

Paige shrugged and didn't answer for a long time. Finally she said "I'm not jealous of you, if that's what you're asking. I always knew Frank had other girls. That's how he is."

"I'm not looking for anything exclusive," Jen said. "God Paige I'm married." She laughed. "I know that sounds weird. Mike and I play, it's our game, that's all."

"It's just ... Frank can really get inside you," Paige said. She laughed thinking about what she just said. "Not just physically. I mean in your head. He's like that. Pretty soon, you'll be thinking about him all the time."

"I mean ... yeah, I get infatuated with my boyfriends," Jen whispered to Paige. "That's part of it for us. It's part of the thrill. But I get over it."

"That's what I'm saying Jenny," Paige said. "Frank might not let you get over it. He's kind of, a force of nature. If he wants you ... it's hard to say no. You won't want to say no."

Jen stared at Paige. Finally she asked "Paige, are you still seeing Frank?"

Paige was silent for long moments. Then she said "The other day ... I hadn't seen him for years. Bob works for him. They see each other all the time. But Frank never did anything, never tried to see me, until this week."

"You slept with him?" Jen whispered.

"Yeah," Paige whispered back, red faced again.

Thinking about it, Jen mused (to herself as much as Paige), "Do you think Frank hired Bob, to keep in touch with you?"

Paige didn't answer for a long time. Then she said "I don't know, but I think so. I don't want to cheat on Bob. But if Frank comes over again ..."

"You can say no," Jen said.

"Jenny, he controls Bob's schedule," Paige said. "He knows when I'm alone."

"So say no," Jen said again.

"Jenny, that's what I'm saying," Paige said, trying to make Jen understand. "With Frank Tower, it's hard to say no. You won't want to say no." Ominously she added "You'll see. It'll be the best sex of your life. But it's more than that. He gets inside your head."

"What do you mean?" Jen asked, doubting the "best sex of your life" part. She didn't doubt Frank was good. But after years of playing the game, she'd had a lot of incredible lovers and awesome sex. As an after-thought, Jen thought "Mike's awesome too of course."

Paige had thought about it for years. She said "There's a reason Frank's so good at business. He looks at you and it's like he's reading your soul. He's manipulative. But he's so good at it, it's like you want to be manipulated."

Jen noticed how Paige gushed unconditionally over Frank. She asked again, "Paige, do you still love Frank?"

Paige shrugged. "It doesn't matter, Frank doesn't want me," she said with more than a little bitterness.

"But --."

"I know what you're asking," Paige snapped. She was silent for long moments. Finally she said "I love Bob and Alisha," she said. "But honestly? Yeah, sometimes I daydream about being Frank's wife."

"God Paige," Jen lamented.

"I know I'm terrible," Paige admitted. She laughed but it was without any humor. "I know he'd cheat on me. But I'd live with that, to be his wife. Sometimes I wonder if Mrs. Tower was like that. She knew about his cheating, but she stayed with him because she loved him so much."

Jen nodded. Probably Paige was right. That was exactly the reason why her mom stayed with her dad.

"You're lucky, you know," Paige said. "You can have both. Frank, and your family."

"Yeah," Jen said.

"Just be careful Jenny," Paige warned. "Frank is really competitive."

"What do you mean?"

"I'm not sure," Paige said honestly. "It just ... I'm not sure how Frank will deal with another man involved. Mike I mean." Paige laughed (again without any humor). "I can't believe we haven't seen each other for years, and we're talking about this."

"Paige, you're a really good friend for telling me all this," Jen said smiling at Paige and squeezing her hands.

Paige smiled back. Then she got serious again. "I guess I should tell you one more thing," she said hesitantly.


"This isn't coming from me, it's Frank," Paige said.

"Okay ... what?" Jen asked warily.

"Frank doesn't think Mike is Anna's father," Paige said hesitantly. She hurriedly added "That's what Frank thinks, not me."

"Why does he think that?" Jen asked, her expression going cold.

"I don't know," Paige said evasively. Of course, she suspected the same thing as Frank. She said cautiously "Maybe he counted months?"

"Mike is definitely Anna's father," Jen said sternly, her tone making it clear that was the final word on the topic.

"Oh okay," Paige said, looking away to escape Jen's glare. Their conversation ending, she said "You won't say anything to Bob, right?"

"Never," Jen promised. They hugged goodbye soon after that, knowing they would see each other the next night at Frank's party.


Mike got a drink after the movie. He didn't want to get home before Jen (not wanting to be in the house alone with Jen's father).

When Mike got home the house was dark and quiet. He went up to Jen's bedroom.

Jen was there in a long robe. Mike looked down and saw she still wore the socks and saddle shoes.

"Anna?" he asked.

"She's asleep next door in Emma's room," Jen said as she walked up to her husband. Emma was her older sister. Emma was married and lived in Belmont too. "Mom's asleep. Dad's out somewhere. How was the movie?"

"Ant man wasn't playing," Mike said. "I watched the Fantastic Four. It was weird seeing the Human Torch as a black guy."
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