Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Jen moaned around Frank's cock as she felt his fingers rub her sensitive nipples. She didn't try to pull away again. His hand holding her head, his other hand rubbing her nipples, the whole situation of going down on Frank in a hotel fire escape stairway. Her body had already been sexed up before any of this started. It was too much. Jen reached into her bikini bottoms and fingered herself as Frank fucked her face.

Moments later Frank's body tensed. He moved his hands to the back of Jen's head, again gripping her tightly so she couldn't move or pulled away. He furiously pumped his cock in and out of Jen's mouth. Then his back arched as he forced his cock deep down Jen's throat. He moaned and his head rolled back as he came. As he ejaculated he held Jen's head tight so she couldn't pull away as he flooded her mouth and throat with his sperm.

Jen almost gagged as Frank abused her mouth and face. But she'd done this before of course, with other well hung guys. She forced herself to relax and just take it. When his cock jerked and shot off in her mouth and down her throat, her own body shuddered as she had a massive orgasm.

When Frank was done, he staggered away from Jen. With his crazed lust sated he looked guilty, regretful. He turned and left, leaving Jen alone in the stairway.

Jen staggered to her feet. She felt dazed. She picked up her ruined cover up and held it to her bare breasts. Her heels had fallen off. She picked them up with her other hand. Then she staggered to her room. Luckily she didn't run into anyone.

Jen took off her bikini bottoms and got into a hot shower. She still felt dazed, her head spinning. After the shower she dried off and got into bed. Her first instinct was to call Mike to tell him what happened.

But she found herself still panting. Her nipples were still hard and her pussy throbbed.

Jen reached for her bag. She found his card. She called his number.

"Cap, it's me Jen," she said. "I'm in room 1507." She hung up and impatiently waited for the Marine.


Later that evening, Jen went downstairs to the big ballroom for the fundraiser. She didn't outwardly show the effects of Frank's rough treatment. Somehow her face wasn't bruised, although her knees were scbangd up a little from the concrete floor of the hotel fire escape stairwell (but her stockings hid signs of it).

There was evidence underneath her clothes though. Cap had enjoyed Jen's body, and she'd enjoyed his. The Marine did not disappoint. She felt bad though. The sluttiness of anonymous one-time hookups always made her feel bad. Mike would make her feel better – he always did -- but she hadn't had a chance to talk to him yet.

Frank eyed her from across the room. Jen glared at him. Frank gave her an uncaring shrug. His earlier show of guilt and regret were gone.

As the fundraiser ended, Frank walked over to Jen. "You did a great job again," he said. Again they more than doubled their fundraising goal for the evening.

"That's what you say to me?" Jen said disbelievingly. "No apology?"

"You got what you deserved," Frank said simply.

Jen gawked at Frank incredulously.

"You've always been a tease Jenny," Frank said, remembering that party at his house when she was in high school. "You can't do that to some men. You should know that by now."

"That gives you permission?" Jen asked still shocked.

Frank moved closer and whispered, "Don't give me that. You might still look like a teenager but you're not some innocent girl. You fuck around on your husband. And you got off on it. I saw you fingering yourself."

Jen's cheeks flushed. She whispered back defensively "I don't cheat on Mike. I have his permission."

"If that's the case," Frank said stroking Jen's arm.

"You must be freaking crazy," Jen hissed, stepping away.

Frank shrugged. "Next weekend I'm having a party at the Belmont house. Like old times. I'd like you to come." Like an after-thought, he added "And your husband too of course."

"I don't think so," Jen said stubbornly.

"Come on Jenny stop playing hard to get," Frank said. "You know how this is going to end, right?"


"You're going to end up in my bed," Frank said confidently.

Jen stared at Frank, not knowing how to respond but her heart pounding in her chest.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:12 PM

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