Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"I'm not surprised," Jen whispered into Biff's ear. "You're a cutie Biff."

Jen slowly leaned back, taking her time to give the 19 year old a good look down her blouse.

Biff didn't say anything, he didn't know what to say. His heart pounded in his chest and he felt flushed. His cock was fully hard now, in fact it was the hardest it'd ever been.

"Cat got your tongue?" Jen teased with a knowing smile. "Are you okay?" she asked, putting her hand on Biff's leg again. This time though, instead of giving him a quick squeeze, she ran her hand up his thigh. She stopped just before the outline of his erection in his pants. She kept her hand there as she asked again "Are you okay honey?"

Biff's eyes grew wide. "She called me honey. Jen Andrews called me honey! And her hand's practically on my cock!" The 19 year old's head was spinning, he felt like he was going to pass out.

At that moment Jen glanced across the bar. There he was! Mike! Her heart did a flip when she saw her husband. She made eye contact with him, a silent message passing between them. Then she got off the stool. "I'll be back," she told Biff. "Little girl's room."

Jen and Mike met in the darkened corridor leaning to the bathrooms. She immediately pulled Mike deeper into the corridor to a darkened alcove.

Jen felt out of control! Flirting so brazenly with her young intern made her feel wild! She was in full nympho mode now!

"God I missed you!" Jen told Mike as she wrapped her arms around his neck and smashed her lips against his. The married couple kissed urgently, their hands all over each other.

"Did you fuck Frank last night?" Mike asked between kisses.

"No but I wanted to," Jen said honestly. "God I'm so hot baby. If I don't get fucked soon I'm going to explode."

"Who is that?" Mike asked, still urgently kissing his wife.

"My intern, Biff," Jen said kissing her husband back. Giggling delightedly, she added "He's only 19, a college sophomore at NYU. Isn't he cute?"

"He looks like he's crushing on you," Mike said. He'd arrived about 15 minutes ago and immediately saw that Biff was enamored with his wife.

"Really?" Jen asked with another giggle. She liked the idea of a 19 year old crushing on her, it definitely boosted her self-esteem. "Does that bother you?"

"No," Mike said with just a moment's hesitation. Their game was always more intense when there were emotions between his wife and her lover, not just great sex. "Are you crushing on Biff?" he asked excitedly.

"Oh you'd like that right?" Jen asked with a laugh. She reached down and squeezed his cock, noticing he was rock hard. Playing into her husband's fantasies, she gushed "Biff's adorably cute, he's got the bluish eyes, and god what an ass. Yeah, I could definitely see myself with that boy."

"For just a while though right?" Mike asked, his insecurities flaring. It was the never ending cuckold conflict.

"Of course baby," Jen said rubbing her husband's chest reassuringly. She smiled inside. She knew she was pushing Mike's buttons, but she liked when he was jealous. It showed that he loved her, even though he was willing to share her body (and her affections) with other men. In some ways, Jen was more insecure than Mike. So she needed that emotional reassurance from Mike to have fun playing their game.

"How should we do this?" Jen asked her husband.

"Maggie's with Anna?" Mike asked. When Jen nodded, he suggested "Hotel room?"

"Maggie can't stay much longer," Jen said nixing that idea.

"I'll go home and let Maggie go," Mike said.

"Okay but ... it'd probably be better if Biff didn't know you were there," Jen said, knowing the college sophomore might get freaked if her husband watched as they fucked.

"I'll stay in Anna's room," Mike said, knowing their daughter was a sound sleeper. "He won't know I'm there."

"Okay but ..." Jen said uncertain, playing with the buttons on Mike's shirt.

"What?" Mike asked seeing his wife's apprehension.

"I might be with Biff a while," Jen said hesitantly. She remembered how Mike got upset when she lost control with Scott (and other men), ignoring Mike as she enjoyed the bodies of her lovers (and they enjoyed hers).

Mike's cock pulsed at the thought of his wife spending all night with Biff. Jen had a major cum face on, it would take a lot to satisfy her. Biff was young, he probably had the stamina to go multiple times. How many times would Jen cum on his cock? How much time would the sophomore spend in her exquisite pussy? Over the course of a night, would it be measured in minutes or hours? What shape would his wife's pussy be in when she finally came back to him. Mike was small, below average. Would Biff ruin her for him?

Mike felt the lust of cuckold angst as he said "I'm good with that. But he has to be gone before Anna wakes up."

Jen looked relieved. "Of course baby," she said rubbing his chest again. "He'll be gone way before that." Then she stroked Mike's erection again. "Anyway, I want some of this tonight too mister."

Mike smiled weakly at Jen. He knew she would barely feel him inside her after a night with Biff. It occurred to him that they didn't know if Biff was well endowed. At least, he didn't. Jen probably did, she always seemed able to pick the well-hung guys. Voicing his thoughts, Mike grinned and asked "So does Biff pass your hands and toilet roll test?"

Jen grinned at the memory of her high school test for measuring a man's endowment. "I'm pretty sure," she answered, having checked out Biff from afar for the last 6 months. "That turns you on right?" she asked wrapping her arms around Mike's neck and giving him a kiss.

"Yeah, that he's bigger than me," Mike admitted.

Jen giggled. It never ceased to amaze her that, because of his C-fantasies, her husband seemed to relish having a small penis.

"You better get going," Jen told Mike, rubbing his chest again.

"You want to get back to Biff," Mike said stating the obvious.

"Yeah I do," Jen said with a giggle. "I want you to tell me all about your trip."

"Okay, later," Mike said.

"Yeah, later," Jen agreed.

Jen walked back to Biff. "You didn't pick up another girl while I was away?" she said teasingly as she sat on the stool and crossed her long legs. "You're not as much a player as I thought."

Biff grinned uncertainly. He'd thought hard while Jen was away but still couldn't figure out what was going on. Was she really hitting on him? Maybe she was just being friendly, her flirting due to the Cosmopolitans (she seemed to be tipsy from the alcohol). Yeah she was superhot and he'd love to get into her pants, but he couldn't risk making a move on her. If he was reading things wrong it could mean the end of his career before it even started.

Jen knew her lipstick was smudged due to kissing Mike. She took out a small round container of pink lip gloss from her purse. She dabbed a bit on her finger, then used her finger to apply the gloss to her lips. Biff couldn't help watching of course, and Jen took her time so as to give the 19 year old a good show. After she was done, she wiped her finger on a napkin and dropped it next to her martini glass. Biff found himself staring at the sexy pink smudges of the lipstick on the napkin.

Somewhere in his brain Biff registered that Jen was talking to him. "What?" he said stupidly, finally pulling his eyes from the napkin. Not able to help himself, his eyes focused on Jen's lips. The pink lipstick fit Jen with her long blonde hair, blue eyes and angelic face. Jen didn't have super full lips (nothing like Angelina Jolie), but the lip gloss emphasized what she had, and it gave her lips a wet sexy look. Biff couldn't stop from staring at Jen's lips and mouth.

"Hello, Earth to Biff," Jen said with a smile in her voice.

"What?" Biff said again, finally tearing his eyes from Jen's mouth.

"Can I give you some advice?" Jen said with a laugh. "When you're talking to a girl, look at her eyes, not her mouth."

"Oh uh ...," Biff stammered, his cheeks turning deep red.

"Unless you're hitting on her," Jen said.

"What?" Biff said confused.

Jen gave Biff a sly smile. "Are you hitting on me Biff?" she asked in a half serious voice.

"No, god, Ms. Andrews, I mean Jen, I'm not," Biff stammered, completely off balance now.

"It's okay Biff," Jen said with another laugh. Squeezing his leg again, she said "If you call me Ms. Andrews again I'm going to have to hurt you."

Biff gave Jen a weak embarrassed smile. He didn't fail to notice that Jen touched his leg again. Again!

"But you know ...," Jen said as if thinking. Coming to a decision, she crossed her arms and said "Okay, go ahead, hit on me."

"What?" Biff said, really confused now.

"Make a move on me," Jen said with a grin. "You're a player right? Scored with 8 girls. I want to see what you've got."

Biff looked bewildered at Jen. Was she serious?

As if reading his mind, Jen said "I'm serious, I want to see your moves. Wait." She gulped down the rest of her Cosmo and ordered another one from the bartender. "Okay, go ahead," she said. She was slurring her words now, and only part of it was pretend. Jen was petite, so she couldn't help getting tipsy from 2 Cosmos.

Biff looked at the girl sitting across from him. Jennifer Andrews was gorgeous, probably the prettiest girl he ever met. She was incredible sexy with those long legs and tight ass (and her tits in that pink bra looked really good too).

Jen was definitely halfway drunk, and had just ordered another Cosmo. Biff knew the advantages of alcohol. Four of those 8 girls - maybe 5 - had been drunk when he got into their pants. It wasn't bang, no one was complaining - but the alcohol clearly lowered the chicks' inhibitions.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 04:08 PM

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