Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Cheating and Rivals Pt. 10

[Continuing Book 1: Cheating]

"Your polling numbers are getting worse," Jacob said. Jacob Kelly was Jasmine's father.

"Who told you that?" Jasmine said irritably. "Josh?"

Jacob shrugged. Never confirm or deny, that's how he dealt with people, even his daughter. "You need to do better Jasmine," he said in a disapproving tone.

"Dad I haven't even announced yet," Jasmine said.

"And you won't be announcing, not with your numbers," Jacob said. "The party won't support you, they'll turn to another candidate. You'll get no funding, no endorsements. You'll be dead before you start."

"So I'll do my own fund raising," Jasmine said stubbornly. She wasn't worried about financing her campaign, she had a ringer chairing her finance committee. Getting quality endorsements was another thing. Her father knew it too.

"But who'll endorse you? Football players? Movie stars?" Jacob said dismissively. Shaking his head he said "ESPN was a mistake. Now CNN. Both bad choices Jasmine."

"So where should I work? Fox News?" Jasmine said sarcastically.

"Get out of TV," Jacob said. "Quit CNN. Your numbers among women are atrocious. Get married. Then they'll identify with you better."

"Get married to help my numbers?" Jasmine said incredulously. "Dad, I like being a reporter. I'm doing good things. I exposed Liberty-Gate."

"That was a bad decision, you hurt your own party," Jacob said sternly. "You think you'll get any support from the President after embarrassing him like that? You're practically radiative."

Jasmine glared at her father. They were truly father and daughter, both ambitious and stubborn to the core. So the Democratic Party wouldn't support her? Fine! To hell with them and her father! She'd run as an independent, she'd do it on her own!


Artie called Mike, telling him the meeting with Drums was set for the next day. Mike was still confused over Jen's confession. Yes, cheating turned him on. At least the abstract idea of cheating. But now Mike was faced with the reality. It wasn't suspicions anymore, he KNEW Jen had cheated. And not told him for years. He was hurt and pissed. Yes, it turned him on at some level. But he was too upset to get excited about it.

But for the moment he had to push all that from his thoughts. He had to get ready for the meeting with Drums. This was for Anna's sake. It was important to know who was her biological father. So Mike got ready.

The hardest part was hacking into Drums' iPhone. After that it was easy.

First Mike found pictures of Drums fucking girls and doing drugs; he was amazed how many pictures like that Drums kept on his iPhone and Mac. Clearly he fucked a lot of girls (groupies?). There were a lot of orgies, and more than a few of the girls didn't look legal.

Mike set up an account on iCloud (he made Drums the owner). He copied the pictures to that iCloud account.

Then Mike hacked into the Ramones' financial accounts. He installed sleeping demons that (once activated) would move money from Jay, Mal and Artie's accounts to offshore accounts owned by a shell company. Mike made Drums the owner of the shell company.

Mike's plan was simple. He assumed Drums would refused to take a paternity test, and make trouble for Jen and Anna. When that happened, Mike would threaten to release the pictures and activate the software demons. It would ruin Drums' life. Mike was certain Drums would give in.

Later that day Mike met his best friend Sam for a drink. Sam was in town for a hearing. "Jen's working with you about a deal with the government?" Mike asked. "When's that happening?"

"I gave her some papers, it's all set up on my end," Sam said.

"So when's it happening?" Mike asked impatiently. "I should just call up Banks and work the deal myself."

"Don't Mike," Sam cautioned. "Jen's right, it's got to be orchestrated. You don't have the best judgment about people sometimes."

"What's that mean?" Mike asked irritably.

"You're not a people person," Sam said. "You don't always read people right, that's all." Sam wasn't telling Mike anything he didn't already know. But he could see Mike was pissed. He asked "What's with you?"

Mike was still angry at Jen about the cheating and it was spilling over to this. Sam was his best friend, he needed to talk to someone. "Jen cheated on me," Mike said, a pained look on his face.

"What? When?" Sam said surprised. "Who?"

"A few years ago," Mike said. "She just told me."

"Back in college? With Ricky?" Sam asked. As Mike's best friend, he knew most of the stories of their game.

Mike shook his head. "I think it was before Ricky. This guy Wesley. Allie's friend. And another guy. At least one more. I'm not sure who, if he was before or after Ricky. Or Scott."

"Mike, look what you're saying," Sam said trying to be the peace maker. "Ricky, Scott. Then there was Tom. And other guys right?"

"What are you saying?" Mike asked defensively.

"Come on Mike," Sam said. "With the games you and Jen play, is anything really cheating?"

"Jen did this behind my back," Mike said exasperated, incredulous his best friend Sam was taking Jen's side. "She didn't tell me for years."

Sam gave Mike a frown. "No offense Mike, but I know how you and Jen are," he said. "You're sure this wasn't part of your game?"


"Are you okay?" Allie asked Jen in the hotel bar. They were having a drink after a full day of meetings. Scott was joining them later for dinner. "You seem distracted," Allie said. Jen hadn't been her normal super-brilliant self during their meetings. A few times she lost her train of thought and she and Scott had to cover for her.

"I'm fine," Jen said, lying. She WAS distracted about her confession to Mike but she didn't want to get into it with Allie. Wanting to change the subject she asked "How's Darren and Darren Jr.?"

Allie's face lit up at the mention of her son, who was a few months older than Anna. "DJ's wonderful," she gushed, using her son's nickname. Then her face clouded as she thought of her husband.

"What's wrong?" Jen asked suddenly concerned for her best friend.

"You know how I told you, we kind of have an open marriage now?" Allie said.

"I thought you liked it."

"Variety's fun," Allie said with a weak grin. She shrugged. "Darren's getting back into the black bull thing," she said. Her cheeks reddened, both at the embarrassment of saying "black bull," and the knowledge Darren had once played the black bull for Jen and Mike.

"Um, I guess that's not a good thing?" Jen asked cautiously, also feeling awkward.

"It was okay in the beginning," Allie said. "We played with other couples. It was fun."

"Okay ..." Jen said prompting Allie to continue.

"Then Darren got back into the black bull thing," Allie said. "It's like an obsession, the way Mike is. His cuckold fantasy. You know?"

"Yeah I get it," Jen said with a humorless laugh. "Um ... it would be better if you didn't say the C word to Mike. You know how he is around you."

Allie shrugged. For her that ship had sailed a long time ago, but whatever. Anyway she had her own problems. "Lately it's gotten worse with Darren," she said. A frown crossed her face. "You remember Stacy? The girl Darren got pregnant?"

"Yeah," Jen said.

"They live in New York now," Allie said. Looking cross she said "Darren's talked to her. He wants to see the baby. Jen, they named her Dannika."

"Oh god ..." Jen said with a grimace. "Does he want to ... have sex with Stacy?"

"I don't know, he says he doesn't," Allie said looking distressed. She put her face in her hands. "God this is so fucked up. I don't know what to do. I mean, I don't mind an open marriage, we both enjoy it. Even the black bull thing, it's a turn on knowing my husband's so desirable to other women. But he got another woman pregnant. On purpose. And yeah ... now I'm worried he wants to have a relationship with them. Not just with the baby. But with Stacy too."

"It's probably as much Jim as Stacy," Jen said.

"Jim?" Allie asked.

"Stacy's husband," Jen said. She shrugged. "It's part of the C fantasy," she explained.

Allie nodded slowly, knowing Jen was probably an expert on how a cuckold's head and lust worked. She cautiously asked "Did Mike want to see you with Drums again?"

"Not possible," Jen said, grimacing at the memory of being with Frankie while Mike was in jail.

"Yeah but ...," Allie said, knowing nothing was ever simple with Mike. "Has Mike ever said anything?"

"It ended bad," Jen said with another shrug. She'd never told Allie how it ended with Frankie - how she lost interest, how he got possessive, how he hit her - and didn't feel like getting into it now. Wanting to change the subject, she offered "Maybe Mike can talk to Darren, Jim too. It helped last time right?"

Scott arrived a few minutes later and they went to dinner. It was a working dinner as they strategized about the next day's meetings. They weren't very productive though, because Jen continued to be distracted by her ongoing rift with Mike.

They parted after dinner, Jen going to her room, Scott and Allie going out for a drink. Jen wondered if Allie was sleeping with Scott again. It wouldn't surprise her. Allie had an open marriage, and Scott was the same player as always.

Jen had no interest in Scott, especially now with Mike upset with her. But if Darren was off doing his black bull thing, maybe Allie was spending time with Scott if for no other reason than the company.

As Jen crossed the hotel lobby to the elevator, she heard music coming from the hotel bar. A cover band was playing U2's Beautiful Day. Jen loved live music, and this band sounded pretty good. Having nothing else to do, she decided to listen for a little while.

Jen sat at the bar and ordered a white wine. Within moments she got hit on. Then she got hit on again. Both guys were good looking, but she wasn't interested. She got irritated when another guy hit on her. This guy was even better looking, gorgeous actually. But Jen just wanted to sip her wine and listen to the music. When the fourth guy hit on her, she left the bar and went up to her room.

Jen felt lonely and missed Mike and Anna. She desperately wanted to smooth things over with Mike. She hated when he was upset with her, it was like throwing her world into a tailspin.


Mike met Drums later that week at a bar. When he got there Drums was already on his second beer, watching the Mets game on the TV.

They didn't shake hands. Mike felt his former friend's hostility. Drums clearly didn't want to be there.

"So what do you want to talk about?" Drums asked.

"I want you to take a paternity test," Mike said getting right to the point. "It's important we know Anna's biological father."

"Okay, fine, whatever," Drums said with a shrug.

Mike was surprised Drums gave in so easily. He passed a card over. "Here's the doctor's office," he said.
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 03:53 PM

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