Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
"You look incredible," Mike gushed. He looked from her lips to her chest and saw her nipples dented the satin of the halter blouse (she was braless underneath; she couldn't wear a bra with the halter top). "You look really good baby," he said, reaching up and thumbing her hard nipples through the silky fabric.

"Bad boy," Jen said, smiling at him. Mike noticed that, unlike before, she didn't say "all for you baby."

When they entered the pool room, Josh happily peeled away from his friends and played a game with Mike and Jen. It wasn't a real game, more like "let's take turns hitting the ball." Mike and Jen were both pathetic at pool. Josh made a good show of giving them both tips, but in truth he focused 99% of his attention on Jen. Clearly, the wedding ring on her left hand didn't discourage him.

When it was Jen's turn, Josh stood behind her as she bent over the table to line up the shot. He put his hands on her hips, ostensibly to help her form, but really to - well, to put his hands on her hips. It was a tough shot so Jen had to get on her tiptoes in the heels and reach across the table. As she did, the halter blouse hiked up, exposing her lower back. There in full view was the 2 inch band of pantyhose extending above her shorts. Even more so, the T of her thong panties peeked up from her low rise shorts, the pink lace muted but still clearly visible under the silky nylon. Her tat was also exposed.

Mike practically gasped at the sight. Josh didn't share Mike's kink, but still he couldn't resist running his thumb across the lacy T of Jen's exposed thong.

Then Josh remembered Jen's husband was there. He pulled his hand back and looked guiltily at Mike. But now the cuckold side of Mike was in control. Rather than glare or chastise Josh for taking liberties with his wife, Mike looked down at his feet. He muttered "I'll get us beers" and walked towards the bar. Josh stared at Mike as he walked away, leaving him alone with his sexy wife.

Jen took the shot and missed by a mile, actually making the ball hop off the table. Jen laughed at herself as she rose up. Her laugh cut off when she noticed Mike gone. "Where's Mike?" she asked.

"Come here a minute," Josh said, guiding Jen through a door to a deserted alley outside. "What's up with you and Mike?" he asked.

"What?" Jen said playing innocent.

"Were you guys together when we hooked up?" Josh asked.

Jen looked at Josh, deciding what to tell him. Fuck it. "We were married, but not together," she said telling the truth. She shrugged seeing the incomprehension in Josh's eyes. "It's complicated."

Josh wasn't naïve, this wasn't his first rodeo. "But now you're together, and he likes watching you with other men," he said.

Jen shrugged. "Something like that," she admitted. "At least he used to."

"He doesn't anymore?" Josh asked.

Jen shrugged again. Honestly she didn't know.

"Was he watching that time we fucked?"

"I'm not sure," Jen said. "I think so."

"You never asked?"

"I told you, we weren't together then."

Josh nodded, trying to take all this in. "Did you come here tonight, hoping to see me?" he asked.

"I don't know why I'm here Josh," Jen said honestly. She moved passed Josh to the door. "I've got to get back to Mike."

Josh grabbed her wrist, stopping her. "Do you get off fucking other guys?" he asked.

Jen hesitated, searching herself as she considered the answer. Finally she said "I get off doing what my husband wants." Pulling away from Josh she went in search of Mike.

She found him at the bar, drinking an Anchor Steam. He was watching a baseball game. "Who's playing?" she asked.

"The Mets and Phillies," Mike said. "They're winning."

"That's good baby" she said, knowing Mike liked the Mets. She watched the game with Mike for a few moments. She wasn't interested in the game. Instead she was gathering her courage. "Um, can we have that talk now?"

"Where's Josh?" Mike asked.

"The pool room I think."

"I saw you go out with him," Mike said accusingly.

"You left," Jen pointed out, but not harshly.

Mike studied his wife's beautiful face. Had they sucked face? Did she go down on him? She had her cum face on, clearly she was in lust with Josh. But he didn't see the telltale signs like tussled hair or messed up lipstick. "You've got your cum face on," he said.

Jen grimaced. She hated that expression. "Can we talk?" she asked again.

"Go ahead," Mike said brusquely.

"Don't be mad Mike, nothing happened," she said taking his arm. "We need to talk."

Mike took a few moments to calm down and gather himself. "Okay, go ahead," he said in a more reasonable, softer voice.

Jen took the Anchor Steam from Mike's hand and took a long gulp. More liquid courage. "I'm worried about us," she told him. "You're not telling me things."

"What?" Mike said not understanding. Where was this coming from?

"You're keeping secrets from me," Jen said. "You used to tell me everything. Now you've closed off."

"What are you talking about?" Mike asked. He had no idea what Jen was talking about.

At that moment the bartender approached. The Anchor Steam was empty. Despite already having a number of drinks they both felt stone cold sober. Mike ordered another scotch and Jen an appletini.

"Sex Mike," Jen whispered as the bartender walked away to mix their drinks. "You never talk about sex."

Mike's mouth opened in shock.

"You never talk about your fantasies," Jen whispered. "You expect me to believe all of a sudden you're ..." She paused, searching for the right word. "... normal?"

"I'm not like that anymore," Mike said. "It's too dangerous."

Jen looked disappointed and hurt. She knew he was lying. People didn't just turn things off. "You're cheating on me," she said, voicing her worst fears.

"What?" Mike said shocked.

"You're cheating with someone at school," she said. "I see it when you come home. You're distracted all the time."

Nancy! She was talking about Nancy! "How did -."

The two words were a confession. "You shit!" Jen cried hitting his chest. "How could you Mike?!" Tears welled up in her eyes and fell down her cheeks.

"Jen, her name's Nancy, it's -."

"Oh my god, you fucking love her!" Jen cried. Suddenly she was sobbing.

It seemed like the bar was suddenly quiet and everyone was looking at them. Jen was crying uncontrollably. He cradled her in his arms and walked her out.

"Hey man the check," the bartender said. Mike threw down a credit card and walked Jen out of the bar.

"Let's go home," Mike said.

Jen pulled away. "I don't want to go home, I don't want Anna seeing me like this." She was crying so hard her words were almost incomprehensible.

"Jen I'm not cheating on you," Mike said. "Nancy's the principal. She's cheating on her husband."


"We're friends," Mike explained. "She tells me about her affairs. I tell her things we've done."

"You told her about us?! About me?!" Jen said angrily. "You told this to a woman?! Without telling me?!"

It flashed through Mike's head it would've been okay if he told a guy. But telling a woman without Jen's knowledge, that was definitely a no-no with Jen. Once again, Mike was reminded that Jen was probably the most jealous person on the planet.

"I'm sorry baby," Mike said reaching for her.

"Don't call me that!" she hissed, pulling away from him.

"Come on honey," Mike pleaded. "I was wrong, I should have told you. But I didn't want to bring up the game. I almost lost you and Anna. I didn't want to risk that again."

"So you mind fucked another girl," Jen said accusingly.

"No it wasn't like that," Mike insisted. "Okay, I admit, hearing her stories got me hot. Nancy's cheating on her husband Mac. She loves him, but needs more sometimes. She's cucking him. You get how that turns me on, right? Nancy's nice, she wants to be your friend."

"Believe me Mike, Nancy will never be my friend!" Jen hissed angrily.

Mike didn't know what to say to that. They were silent for long moments.

Finally Jen said "Do you think of her when you fuck me?"

"No Jen, never."

"Do you beat off to her?"

"No Jen, nothing like that, I swear."

"Then why didn't you tell me?" Jen asked exasperated, pounding on his chest. "We could have shared it."

"Shared it ... how?" Mike said not understanding.

"I don't know," Jen said frustrated, hitting his chest again. She was still crying, but not so hard now. "We're married, we're supposed to share everything."

"I know, I'm sorry, it'll never happen again, I promise," Mike said, pulling her into his arms to comfort her. This time she didn't pull away.

"I understand you Mike," she said. "You don't need to hide your fantasies from me. I'm as bad as you. You never forced me to do anything. We did it together."

"The game's so dangerous," Mike said.

"But you have to talk to me," Jen insisted. "You can't do things on your own, keep secrets. That's worse. It's like cheating."

"You're right, I'm sorry," Mike said hugging her again. "I'll never do it again, I promise." Jen hugged him back. She was calming down, the crisis passing. His hands were at her waist, under the halter top, on the pantyhose. "Jen honey, what's going on today?" he asked gently. "Did you know Josh would be here?"

Jen pulled back a few inches so she could look at Mike. "I thought he might be," she admitted.

Mike felt himself hardening. "Is that why we're here?" he asked. "You want to play the game again?"

"I don't know Mike," she said honestly. "I know how you are. I just ... I want to make you happy. I'm afraid ..."

"What baby?" Mike prompted.

"I don't know," Jen said. She hugged Mike, holding him tight.

Mike's heart was pounding and his cock rock hard. After a few moments he asked "Do you want to go to bed with Josh?"

Jen didn't answer at once. Then she pulled back a little like before, so she could look at him. "You know what I want?" she asked, an embarrassed smile on her pretty face. "I want you like before. Hot and bothered all the time. Obsessed." She laughed to make it sound like a joke, but Mike could tell she was serious.

"I'm not sure -," Mike began, not understanding.

"With me," Jen explained. "Obsessed with me." She laughed again to hide her embarrassment, and began playing with the buttons of his shirt. Her hand drifted down to his crotch. She cupped his erection. "I want you always hot for me. Like now."

Mike began to understand. When they played the game, Mike constantly obsessed over Jen. Where was she, who was she with, what was she doing? His entire existence was centered on her. Jen was sexy and beautiful, but also insecure; she needed that.

"I'm terrible huh?" she said. "Wanting you bothered. Even hurt sometimes."

"Good hurt isn't bad," Mike said.

"Yeah, good hurt's not bad," Jen agreed. "It turns you on. It turns me on too."

"So, you want to have sex with Josh?"

"It wouldn't suck," Jen said with a humorless laugh, brushing her hair behind her ear. "At the pool table he pressed against me. He was hard."
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RE: Cheating and Rivals by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 25-12-2018, 03:50 PM

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