Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Cheating and Rivals Pt. 07

Continuing Book 1: Cheating. This Part 7 continues the flashback from Part 6.

Jen hated herself, despised herself. Many times the next week she thought about calling Mike and breaking up. Not because she wanted to. But because she didn't deserve him.

But she didn't, because she was selfish. She didn't want to give him up. She loved him. Even though she was cheating on him.

"What's up with you?" Allie asked later that week. "You're quiet lately."

"Nothing, I'm fine," Jen said, feigning an unconcerned shrugged. She'd decided not to tell Allie about her affair.

"You're pissed at me right?" Allie lamented. "About what I said about Mike. I'm sorry, okay? I'm sure he's great in bed."

"He's not though," Jen admitted, her melancholy making her reflective. "I mean, he is and he isn't. When we make love it's wonderful, it's sweet. But ..."

"No fireworks," Allie said completing her sentence. This didn't surprise her. Mike didn't strike her as the "fucking machine" type.

"Yeah," Jen admitted, looking down. "I mean, sometimes ... but yeah."

Allie looked at Jen a long time, studying her. "Is that why you're upset? Because sex with Mike isn't great?"

"I mean ... I don't know," Jen said. "I'm upset because I'm cheating on Mike," she thought to herself. She didn't say that to Allie of course.

Allie leaned against the wall and crossed her arms. "You know, life isn't all about great sex," she said sagely.

"What?" Jen said.

"Think about all the great romances," Allie said. She rattled them off on her fingers. "You know, Shakespeare and Jane Austen, Gone with the Wind, Romeo and Juliet. They're about love, not sex."

Jen stared at Allie. This was so ... mature. So unlike Allie. "Sooo, what are you saying?" she asked.

"I'm saying, it's okay to love bubble boy even if he's no tiger in bed," Allie said.

"You wanted me to cheat on him," Jen said incredulously.

"I want you to have fun," Allie corrected her. "I want US to have fun. There's a difference."

"So you think cheating is okay?" Jen said frowning.

"Sex isn't love," Allie said. "You're only 20, do you really know what love is? Besides, if you still love Mike after fucking another guy, why does it matter?"

"Not exactly conventional advice," Jen said with a frown.

"I'm not a conventional girl," Allie said. "Neither are you." She shrugged. "Don't get me wrong. I kinda like Mike. He's grown on me."

"Really?" Jen said with an amazed laugh.

"Yeah, believe it or not," Allie said with a laugh back. "Too bad you're not MST," she said handing Jen a paper. "You could visit Mike."

"What?" Jen asked taking the paper. She read it. The paper announced an upcoming trip to London for some of Penn State's gifted math, science and technology students. Her heart sank, as she definitely wasn't MST. "I wish I could go. I'm worried about Mike. He's really lonely."

"That's ironic, a loner's lonely," Allie said with a laugh.

Jen shot a glare at Allie, shutting her up. Then she looked back at the paper, reading the list of students going on the trip. She frowned seeing one of the names on the list. It gave her an idea though.


Maria Fernandez was in the big common room of Kappa Phi, text books all around her. She looked up as her friend Julie approached, an excited curious look on her face. "What's up?" Maria asked.

"Jenny Johnson is here, she wants to talk to you," Julie said.

"About what?" Maria asked warily.

"I don't know."

A few minutes later Jen joined Maria in the Kappa Phi common room. She looked at the books strewn all around Maria. Differential Equations, Thermodynamics, Physics. She felt intimidated. Not only was Maria beautiful (unofficially the 2nd prettiest girl on campus), she was also really smart. "Um, this is impressive," Jen said with an awkward laugh, fingering the spine of Maria's Physical Chemistry text book.

"I guess," Maria said, being just as hesitant and wary as Jen. The two girls didn't really know each other. They knew of each other, but had never really spoken. But the stupid calendar had kinda made them rivals. "You're lucky, you've got Einstein as your personal tutor."

"I guess," Jen said with another hesitant laugh. "Um, that's what I wanted to talk to you about. I read you're going to London over Thanksgiving."

"Yeah, that's why I'm cramming, to get ahead," Maria said.

"You know my boyfriend is at Cambridge?" Jen said, purposely saying "my boyfriend" to stake her claim. "He's kinda homesick. It'd be nice if he could hang with you guys a little."

"Oh," Maria said, surprised. She said immediately "Sure, Mike can hang with us. I'll talk to Professor Sloan." Sloan was head of the math department and one of the chaperones for the trip. "He's on Mike's dissertation committee, I'm sure he'll be okay with it."

"Okay then ...," Jen said nodding slowly. She didn't like Maria's enthusiasm. And how did she know who was on HER boyfriend's freaking dissertation committee?


"Are you going home for Thanksgiving?" Wes asked, talking to Jen on the phone.

"No, I avoid home," Jen said with a humorless laugh. Airplane tickets were expensive, but that was mostly an excuse. She didn't have much of a relationship with her father, and she didn't like seeing how he treated her mother. She'd rather stay at the sorority house, that's what she did most holidays.

"Stay with me in Hershey," Wes urged her.

"Aren't you seeing Steph?"

"Just a couple days," Wes said. "She has to work at the hospital. Residents get the worse hours."

"I can't stay all that time," Jen said. She was whispering, even though she was alone in her room.

"Why not?" Wes said. "Mike's in England, Steph's working, your house is empty. It'd be great." He added with a laugh, "We might even get out of bed once or twice."

Jen couldn't help smiling. "You're so bad," she said. His offer was tempting. "Okay, maybe a day or two."

"That's all?" he asked sounding disappointed. He knew Thanksgiving break was almost 2 weeks.

"We'll see," Jen said with a laugh.


Jen squirmed from under Wes, her body (like his) damp with sweat. She was still panting from getting fucked hard from behind, but she wanted to check her phone.

"Are you waiting for something?" Wes asked as he lit a cigarette. Jen had been checking her phone ever since arriving earlier that day. "Want one?"

Jen shook her head no, focused on her phone. She was a social smoker and enjoyed a cigarette after sex (not with Mike though; he didn't smoke). But she didn't feel like one as she checked her emails and texts.

"What's up?" he asked again.

"I'm waiting for a text from Mike," Jen told him, looking frustrated at no messages from Mike. "He's meeting up with some Penn Staters today in London."

"Oh okay, cool," Wes said with an uncaring shrug.

Jen pulled her knees up to her chin, staring at her iPhone as if willing a message from Mike.

"Is something wrong?" Wes asked.

Jen shrugged. She didn't want to get into it with Wes, but she felt like she had to say something. "This girl - Maria - has the hots for Mike."

Wes got it. "So you're worried he's going to hook up with her?" he said with a laugh. "That'd be ironic."

"Shut up okay?" Jen snapped. "How would you like it if it was Steph?"

"I wouldn't," Wes admitted. "Kind of hypocritical though, right?"

Jen shrugged. She couldn't help the way she felt. She continued to stare at her iPhone.

"I'm going home," she said suddenly getting up.

"You just got here," Wes objected.

"I need to be home when Mike calls," Jen said. She hurriedly dressed and left.

The drive from Hershey back to State College was monotonous. She was tired from the earlier drive to Hershey, sex with Wes, and now the drive back to State College. She stopped at a rest station to clear her head and get some caffeine. The good thing about Pennsylvania rest stops, they all had Starbucks.

She checked her iPhone again. Nothing. Why hadn't Mike texted or called her? Was he with Maria? Well, yes, she knew he was with Maria and the other Penn Staters, that was the whole point of today, to lift his spirits by hanging around people he knew. The last time he texted was right before meeting everyone at Trafalgar Square. He'd promised to text later to check in. So why hadn't he?!

Looking at her watch, Jen saw it was 3pm her time. So it would be evening in London. Did Mike go to Maria's room? Were they having sex? Jen couldn't stand the thought.

She glared at her phone. Why didn't Mike call or text her? She felt like screaming!

Jen almost jumped when her phone rang. It was Mike!

"Hello?" she said, acting calm and composed. She wanted to scream "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN!!" but she didn't want to let on how psycho she was feeling.

"Hey baby, I'm on the train back to Cambridge," Mike said.

"Oh okay," Jen said feigning unconcerned nonchalance. "Have fun today?"

"Yeah, it was fun, I'm glad you talked me into meeting everyone," Mike said. He sounded in way better spirits. Jen felt better hearing his cheery voice.

"How's Maria?" Jen asked, intensely interested but forcing her voice to be indifferent.

"She's good," Mike said. "We hung out."

"Um, okay," Jen said, frowning.

"I'm glad I went, thanks for suggesting it baby," he said. He definitely sounded better.

After hanging up, Jen obsessed over what Mike said. "We hung out." What the fuck did that mean?

Well, at least Mike was on his way home, he wasn't with Maria anymore. For a moment she considered driving back to Wes in Hershey. But no. Their sex earlier that day hadn't been good, she'd been too distracted about Mike. She still was, so her interest in more sex with Wes was about zero.
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