Adultery Cheating and Rivals by xleglover-COMPLETED
Cheating and Rivals Pt. 06

Continuing Book 1: Cheating. This Part 6 continues the flashback from Part 5.


"What's with you?" Allie asked the following Saturday.

"What?" Jen said.

"You've got a bounce in your step today," Allie pointed out. She added with a teasing grin, "Getting over Mike?"

"I'm not getting over Mike," Jen said frowning at Allie. "I don't know. Maybe I'm adjusting to him being away." Jen had decided not to tell Allie about Wes. She didn't want to deal with Allie's "I told you so" attitude or how that proved Mike wasn't the guy for her. But was she more chipper lately? Maybe she was, the after effects of getting fucked really good.

"I'm going out with Brian tonight," Allie said. "What to come? I think his friend Wesley might be there."

Jen paused just a moment at hearing Wes was in town. "Allie stop trying to set me up with Wes," she snapped. "I'm with Mike, okay? And isn't Wes engaged?"

"He's engaged? How do you know?" Allie asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Um, I don't know," Jen said, chastising herself for the slip. "I guess at the pool party."

"Okay, well ... I'm not being cupid, we're just going clubbing."

Jen shook her head no. "I'm not feeling it," she said. "And I'm calling Mike later." It was their regular Saturday call.

"Whatever," Allie said rolling her eyes at the love birds talk.

The next day Jen got a call from Wesley. Before answering she moved from the common room (where it was crowded) to an empty room down the hall. "Hey," she whispered into the phone.

"I missed you last night," Wesley said.

"You really thought I'd be there?" Jen asked incredulously.

"I guess not," Wesley said with a laugh. "What are you doing?"

"Studying," Jen said. "Eating popcorn and watching movies. Kinda both."

"Multi-tasking huh?" he joked. "Want to get together?"

"Are you serious?" she asked with that incredulous voice again. "Wes that was a one-time thing, a mistake."

"I just want to talk."

"Yeah right."

"Come on," Wesley urged her. "I'm at the Sheraton."

"Maureen works there," Jen said shaking her head. "My sorority sister. She knows Mike."

"Okay, how about the Hilton?" Wesley suggested, thinking fast. The Hilton was a few miles from campus.

"I thought you said just talk," Jen said noticing he only suggested hotels.

"The Hilton has a bar," Wesley pointed out, acting innocent.

After a few moments of hesitation, Jen asked "... is Brian with you?"

"He left this morning."

"You didn't say anything, did you?" Jen asked. "I don't want Allie to find out."

"Of course not," Wesley promised. He knew how to keep a secret, even from his best friend Brian. "Brian's friends with Steph, I'm not telling him anything. So how about it?"

Jen hesitated again. "... okay," she finally said.

"This is wrong, I shouldn't be here," Jen said later at the Hilton bar, looking nervously around the room. It was unlikely anyone she knew would be here, but still. She looked at Wesley. "What do you want to talk about?"

"I want to make you feel better about what we did," Wesley said. "Look Jen, you love Mike, I love Steph. What we did didn't change that. It was just sex."

"So it's okay to cheat?" Jen said scornfully, her anger at herself as much as Wesley.

"Mike and Steph will never find out," Wesley said with a shrug. "No one gets hurt."

Jen studied him, suddenly understanding. "You've done this before," she said. "Cheated on Steph."

"I love Steph, we're getting married," he pointed out.

"But I'm not the first."

"You're special Jen," Wesley assured her.

"I'm not looking for compliments," Jen said irritably. "I want to know. You've cheated on Steph before."

Wesley paused, then shrugged. "Yeah, but why's it matter?" he said. "I love Steph. But sometimes I need more."

"Fuck," Jen whispered, looking over Wesley's shoulder and retreating into the dark shadows of the bar.

"What?" Wesley said looking over his shoulder to follow Jen's eyes.

"It's okay," Jen said relief in her voice. "I thought I saw someone."

"Would you feel better going up to my room?" Wesley asked. "Just to talk," he assured her.

Jen hesitated again, then said "Okay."

"So you were saying?" Jen asked a few minutes later in Wesley's room, as he handed her a Corona Light with a lime. Wesley was drinking a Blue Moon.

"It's just sex," Wesley said sitting on the edge of the bed. Jen sat in a chair across from him. "It doesn't affect my feelings for Steph. If anything it makes us closer."

"Oh really, how?" Jen said giving him a "you're full of shit" look.

"It makes me appreciate Steph more," he said. "When we're together, she gets all my attention. It makes us closer."

Jen slowly nodded. She sorta got that. "Aren't you afraid you'll get caught?"

"I don't do it that much, I'm not an addict," Wesley joked. Getting more serious, he said "Steph's in Philly, I'm in Hershey. My lovers are ... I try to find lovers who are in relationships."

"So they won't say anything," Jen said understanding.

"And no emotions," Wesley said. "My lovers are friends, but no one's looking for anything but sex." Wesley pulled the plastic baggie of weed from his pocket. "Want a hit?"

"That's your plan huh?" Jen scoffed. "Get me high, then fuck me. Like last time."

"Is that what you think Jen, that I forced you?" he said frowning.

Jen looked down at her feet. "No," she admitted in a soft, quiet voice.

Wesley shrugged. He rolled a joint, lit it and then took a long drag. As he held the smoke in his lungs he offered the joint to Jen.

Jen looked at the offered joint for a few moments. "What the fuck," she thought to herself. She got up and took the joint from Wesley. Sitting on the bed next to him with one leg under her, she took a long drag.

They sipped their beers as they shared the joint, not saying anything. Wesley put his hand on Jen's thigh.

"So you want to add me to your harem?" Jen said looking at him. She didn't make him take his hand off her leg.

"It's not like that Jen," Wesley assured her. "I like you a lot. We have a lot of fun together." Wesley noticed she didn't push his hand away. He began caressing her.

Jen looked at his hand. Both watching and feeling him caress her. She looked at him. He was so gorgeous. She remembered the feel of his hard, chiseled body pressed against her. She remembered the feel of his gloriously big cock inside her. Her breathing got heavier, her nipples hardened, her pussy tingled. She got her cum face on. "I'm such a fuck up," she said deridingly in a low voice.

"What?" Wesley said not hearing her.

She looked at him again. "Mike will be home in a few months," she said.

"I'll be history then," Wesley promised. "I won't bother you. I won't call. You'll never see me again. Unless you want to."

"I won't want to," she told him firmly.

"I understand," Wesley said. "I'm good with that."

Jen nodded. She gulped down the rest of the Coors Lite, as much for the liquid courage as to buy time to change her mind. But when the bottle was empty she hadn't changed her mind. She wanted him. Her heart belonged to Mike, but her body wanted Wes.

Jen put the empty bottle aside. "Just sex, right?" she asked.

"Yeah, just sex," Wesley assured her, his breathing getting hard too as he realized this was going to happen.

Jen slid to the floor, onto her knees. She worked on his belt and zipper, then pulled down his pants. Wesley helped her by taking off his shirt.

Jen felt dizzy with lust as she looked at the huge tent in his boxers. She wanted him in her mouth again. She realized that desire - that longing - had been there since their first time together. She missed that, having something so big in her mouth.

She pulled down his boxers. "You're so big," she said as in awe, her eyes focused on his cock. She realized what she said and giggled. "Sorry, size queen alert," she joked.

"That's okay," Wesley said with a grin. He leaned back on his elbows and watched her looking at him. He was proud of his body, he worked hard to stay hard. He was especially proud of his cock. He knew how to use it too, as far as he knew his lovers (and Steph of course) had no complaints.

Jen blushed realizing she was practically ogling him. But if was going to do it, she was going to enjoy it! Wesley's body was so hot! She especially liked his chiseled chest and hard abs.

She ran her fingertips over the hard ridges of his six pack abs. "Did you play sports?" she asked.

"Yeah, lacrosse, in high school and Penn State," Wesley said.

"Oh okay," she said her nipples getting even harder. Athletes turned her on. She'd never fucked a lacrosse player before. She continued tracing his well-defined chest with her fingertips.

"That feels good," he said. Jen smiled at him. "Did you play sports?" he asked.

"Gymnastics, in high school," she answered. "I made states in the balance beam." Knowing her accomplishments weren't nearly as impressive as his, she quickly added "I compete on the Penn State club team."

"That's cool," he said smiling at her. "I'd like to watch you sometime."

Jen's thoughts flashed to Mike. He loved watching her meets. "That's probably not a good idea," she said.

"Don't worry, I'll stay in the background," Wesley assured her.

"It's not that," Jen said. That was Mike's thing, watching her compete in meets, she didn't want to betray him more by letting Wesley into that part of her life. "It'd just be better if you didn't," she said.

"Okay," he assured her with a "no worries" shrug.

Jen didn't want to think about Mike, certainly not at that moment. Brushing her long blonde hair to the side, she lowered her head and took Wesley into her mouth.
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