Michele & BBC - Copied
Michele and I are typical Southern Cal professionals. She is a La Jolla girl, and I was born and raised in Orange County. We met while attending college in Claremont. I was immediately attracted to Michele's burnished, honey-blonde looks, and thoughtful personality, but for long it remained platonic. Maybe it was intimidation, since every man who sees Michele wants to make love to her, and every man who knows Michele wants to marry her. What an indescribable beauty!
And brilliant. Michele was a biology and chemistry student aiming for a biotech career. I was an economics and finance major aiming for law school. We were both top students. Go-getters. Friends always said we were a natural couple and eventually we recognized the same. We became closer and closer, until finally we embraced the love that we had known deep down was there from the beginning.
After graduation Michele took a research assistant position in Santa Barbara with the intent to start graduate school part-time at UCSB. I moved to Los Angeles to attend the UCLA School of Law. It was a tough run being apart, especially the first year, even with only a two hour drive between us. There were times when we argued due to stress, and I thought Michele might move on without me. But we stayed together, and when I called to announce that I had secured a law position in Santa Barbara she cried with joy! I graduated with my law degree in May and started my new position in mid-June.
We were engaged that September, then married the following May. Our wedding was amazing, capped by a two-week Tahitian honeymoon. We established a wonderful life with a beautiful home, good friends and neighbors, and healthy disposable income. I quickly advanced to Junior Partner while Michele was working with the same biotech firm. She completed her Master's, then switched to part-time employment while studying full-time to complete her PhD. Where she found the energy to do all that I do not know! But she felt it was important to continue with the firm, as they are world class and had supported her all along.
She saw it all through and earned her Doctor of Philosophy in Biochemistry, her strategy paying off as she was subsequently awarded a prestigious Principal Scientist position with her firm. Our families were both so proud! We were on our way and we began to think about starting a family.
In the meantime we each had lots of responsibility, and we had a wonderfully supportive relationship. Our intimate life was good. I say "good" rather than "great" because we were different sexually. Even though we both come from upper middle-class backgrounds, I was considerably more open: I had a libertarian outlook, while Michele was more traditional.
Yet there is a mysterious duality to Michele. She has always been confident, as you would expect of a 5'-7" woman who hovers right at 130 pounds! And besides her mostly Dutch and French heritage, she has a Greek great-grandmother. So she has the kind of clear, beautiful skin that shines golden when she gets just a touch of sun. She has always been comfortable strutting her stuff on the beach. It's been equally typical to see her relaxing in tiny bikinis or nothing at all in our secluded garden by the pool. It's always arresting to see her golden body slipping into or out of the water, bathed in sunlight amidst lush bougainvillea, or in evening torchlight.
She exudes a natural, sunny elegance. It shines through in everything about her: her radiant smile, her kindness, her graceful body language, and gentle voice. You don't know how many times we have gone out on the town, surrounded by countless attractive women flaunting their goods in less than subtle ways, and yet the eyes of men unfailingly settle on Michele's unforced sensuality. It drips from her being, and so it was frustrating when she showed constant reluctance for any sexual adventure, even something as mundane as a dirty movie.
That all began to change one late-summer Sunday evening. I was extremely horny but Michele was busy reviewing a case study. What to do? I decided to sneak in some porn. I pulled a favorite site up on the TV and searched for something interesting. As mentioned, Michele was not a fan of porn and made fun of me every time she caught me watching. That night was no exception! As I watched I lost track of what she was doing. I thought she was in the study working, when suddenly she appeared in the bedroom in her standard t-shirt and panties, ready to hit the sack.
She looked at the screen and shook her head. "Tyler! Why do you watch this stuff? It's so lame!" she exclaimed with her hands on her hips.
I couldn't help but smile at her spunkiness - and she looked so sexy!
"He's humping her like a puppy and she's squealing like a cat in heat. It's so fake!!" she continued.
Again I smiled, laughing at her sense of humor, then wrestled her onto the bed and held her. "You're so adorable!" I said, as we cuddled.
She relaxed in my arms, then we watched together as the clip continued. Michele was barely paying attention, except for giggles and wisecracks about the man's unimpressive equipment, and the "acting". Until the final scene, that is. The transformation that followed her watching that final scene can only be described as an awakening.
What was it? That last scene featured a hugely-hung black man and a beautiful white girl. When this guy pulled his cock out both the girl and Michele gasped! We sat and watched, and Michele did not utter a peep: no giggling, no jokes, no wisecracks. She just sat there next to me staring at the screen, gently holding my hand, her head leaning softly against my shoulder. Occasionally I would hear a faint sigh or groan, or hushed comments like, "That's so hot..." or, "It's so incredible..."
I could hear her raspy breathing, and as I looked down I could see her slightly parted lips and glassy gaze in the dim light. Michele was truly captivated, quickly forgetting that porn is "fake". I did not say a word, not wanting to break the spell. I just sat quietly, observing her reaction.
It was all very understandable since the visuals were so intense, the girl literally worshipping the man. It was sensual the way she worked him, even kind of romantic like soft-core porn, and yet despite this it was overpoweringly intense. By the half-way point, Michele was gripping my arm tightly and trembling.
All because of this black man and his tremendous sexual power. It's rare to see a porn star respond so genuinely, and even I had never, ever seen one respond like this. The look on the girl's face was a combination of adoration and lust. She was as captivated by him as we were! And so it continued for another ten to fifteen minutes, getting progressively less sensual and more visceral: first with the man stretching her open in missionary; then the girl on top impaling herself, where the contrast between her tight body and his size was striking; then him plowing her from behind on a chair; and finally with the man straddling her chest as he pumped a massive, gooey load onto her face. It went from sensual beauty to domination. Normally Michele was disgusted by such things, but now she simply shook her head with a distant look on her face.
When the scene came to an end Michele and I were both breathless and didn't say a word. We sat there for a few minutes holding each other, necking. I was rock hard. We slid down onto the bed and started to kiss more intensely as I caressed her curves. Then I placed my hand between her legs to find she was hot and drenched.
"You're so wet!" I exclaimed. "Soaked!"
Michele bit her bottom lip and gasped, "I know! I'm so hot... I need it!" Then we really started to go at it, touching each other and kissing deeply.
"What do you need?" I asked.
"I need you inside me..." was her breathless reply.
I got out of my underwear as quickly as I could before flipping Michelle onto her belly and pulling her panties down her legs. She quickly got onto all fours, arching her back and presenting her tight bottom to me. She looked so amazing! Even in the dim light I could see her arousal. I quickly positioned myself behind her, with my hands on her smooth, gracefully curved hips.
Michele was so hot and wet that I found the mark without looking and effortlessly slid my 7 1/2 inches in to the hilt. She was steaming!! I knew it wasn't just due to our kissing, she had to have been stewing for some time. It was the video! It was the black stud dominating the white girl!
I knew it, but I wanted to tease her, asking, "Did you like watching that beautiful girl take black cock?"
She moaned as I stroked into her, but said nothing.
I was so turned on, with my mind and mouth going crazy. "I know you loved it. You want it for yourself...black cock slut!" I continued, instantly afraid that I went too far. Instead, Michele went crazy herself! I could feel her clamping down on me, and so I repeated my taunt, stroking into her as straight, smooth, and forcefully as I could: "You loved watching her take black cock!"
Finally, with her spasms and sounds growing in intensity, and her face buried in the pillow, Michele cracked and choked out, "Yes! Hearing that gave me a jolt and I picked up my pace even more.
"Say it!" I urged.
"I loved it!" she cried, gasping. "So sexy...watching him fuck her..." Shortly after she came, roughly. I had never seen her come in such a deep, guttural way! Then I came. It was a big, satisfying release. I sank down on top of her.
We were both hot and sweaty when she sighed, "That was sooo amazing..." I rolled to the side pulling her on top of me and we held each other.
For a few minutes we were silent, then started to talk. I brought up the video and how she responded: "You were so intent on that scene. Like, speechless! I couldn't believe how hot and wet you were!"
Michele seemed embarrassed and tentative. But then she opened up to me, admitting that it really did turn her on: "The sight of it going in. It was so intense and graphic, and you could tell the girl LOVED it. She wasn't faking! The way she touched him, and her expressions as she watched him penetrate...it was like she was in love. It was like NOTHING I had ever imagined!"
'Wow! What a response!' I thought. Then I led her on: "So, you liked seeing it inside of her..."
She nodded in agreement.
"Was it the size or the darkness?" I continued.
"Both!" was her immediate reply.
My mind was spinning at this admission, and my heart skipped a beat: it wasn't just "big cock" that got her, it was "big-black-cock"! I wasn't sure if I should push it, for my own sake, but I did anyway: "Would you want a real black man?"
She opened her mouth in shock and gave me a play slap: "I love YOU!"
"Good girl..." I sighed, relieved, and we went at it again.
I woke up Monday morning with Michele already long gone to work. My mind immediately drifted to the night before and my cock, crusty with our dried juices, was aching again. I turned on the TV, then pulled up some action to knock one off.
That done, I kept thinking of Michele's reaction. It really was a shocker, and it turned me on immensely. I was intrigued by her attraction to the graphic nature of the scene. To be truthful, I was relieved when she expressed no open interest in a real black man, but part of me wanted to expose her to more interracial action. It was then that I came up with one of the more perverted thoughts I had ever had.
I did some things around the house, and then at about 10:30 AM I showered, dressed, and headed to an adult store outside of town. My mission? Bondage tie-downs and a big black dildo for Michele. I had attempted to get her into light bondage before, but to no avail. I felt it was worth another shot, and I thought the idea might be more compelling if I had the gear on hand. The dildo idea was the result of the previous night - I wanted to tempt her with the size and darkness that had so turned her on.
Due to ubiquitous internet erotica, along with Michele's straight-laced demeanor, I had not been to a place like this since my UCLA days. It felt a bit awkward considering I was looking for a dildo. A big black dildo!
Luckily, at that time late Monday morning it was nearly empty. I quickly found both items, thrilled to find a "Mandingo Phallus" claiming to be ten inches long and two and a half inches in diameter. It was dark brown, almost black, with realistic skin texture, veins and head, and balls. 'Just what the doctor ordered...' I thought. Thankfully the girl at the counter was nice. She did raise a mischievous eyebrow, but then was very cool. Minimal embarrassment and...mission accomplished!
For the next couple of hours my mind was at work with the details for Michele's next "session". How would I make this work? When? I did not have a clear answer for either. Probably not that night, more like Wednesday or Thursday. But I came up with a plan. I fixed the straps to the bedposts low, where they met the frame, tucking them discreetly out of the way. Then I hid the "phallus" in the back of my sock drawer. Hopefully we would watch another video in a few nights and see where it would go. That was my plan: wait patiently, don't try to force it. I must say it was very frustrating, not knowing when or if it would happen, and being constantly turned on by the thought of it.
When Michele got home at about 4:30 PM she was in a pensive mood. She seemed confused and distant. When I asked what was wrong she said she just had a tough day and thought a run might help clear her head. I encouraged the run and told her I would make dinner for when she returned. She readily agreed and got ready. God, she looked sexy in her running shorts and shirt as she headed out! Then I got everything ready - salad, roasted potatoes and chicken.
She returned forty-five minutes later, sweaty and glowing, then headed to the shower. After about another forty-five minutes, near 6:30 PM, everything was ready as she came outside to the table. Michele was so gorgeous, wearing a steel blue top and white shorts that contrasted with her tan legs.
After dinner we watched some TV, then she told me she was going to read in bed for a while. Michele left me alone. I expected nothing, and after a while I figured I would read in bed too. So, I headed to the bedroom, undressed, brushed my teeth and sat in bed leaning against the headboard.
Michele was facing me from her side of the bed, cross-legged, in panties and a pink top that came to her midriff. She put down her book and we talked some more. Surprisingly, she brought up the night before. She looked a bit embarrassed, and seemed to be trying to apologize for what she had said. Like she thought I was disappointed in her!
I explained, "Sweetie, it was my idea. And it was fun! It was awesome! There's no reason for you to be embarrassed."
She sighed, apparently a bit relieved. It was then that I noticed how hard her nipples were...clearly visible through her top.
"You are beautiful!" I said, reaching out and running my fingers on the side of her firm calf. She lifted her crystalline green eyes up to mine with a shy smile,
"That really affected you, didn't it? That black cock..." I continued.
Her smile became tentative.
"Hmmm?" I prodded.
She nodded her head gently, "Yes," her jaw lightly clenched.
My cock hardened instantly and I had this instinctive urge to toy with her: "It really was intense seeing his darkness penetrate into her sweet body, wasn't it?"
She nodded, "Yes," again, looking a bit dazed.
"Don't worry - it was a turn-on hearing you say what you said. It was sexy..." I continued. "And I hope what I said didn't offend you."
She shook her head nervously, whispering, "No, it's okay..."
"I'm glad," I said, again looking deep into her eyes. "But heavens, you did love it. It makes me wonder..."
"Wonder what?" she responded.
I was silent.
"What??" she repeated.
"Well..." I continued, "It makes me wonder if you have ever had black cock..."
A shocked look passed over her face.
"No, of course not! You are only the third guy I've ever had sex with, and I've told you before who the other two were," she clarified in a slightly breathy, quivering voice.
"Right, right. I know - some kid the summer after high school, and then Mike in your freshman dorm," I said.
"Yes," she confirmed. "You don't believe me?"
"I believe you," I answered.
She sighed again in relief. Her top clinging to her swollen nipples.
"Not that it matters - if you did I wouldn't think less of you," I assured her. "With that settled, have you ever fantasized about it?"
She look flustered, tripping on her words: "W..well...not really?"
"What do you mean 'not really'? That isn't 'no'. Do you mean 'a little', maybe?" I countered.
"No, no!" she cried. "I mean, in college some girls were into black guys. Whether black students or locals. I knew a few such girls: Emilie, for example."
My mind wandered back to Claremont and all the pretty girls. It was always a rush when you would see a gorgeous, fresh-faced girl with a black stud. Not that we didn't see lots of this in Santa Barbara - we see LOTS of it - but in Claremont most students were so preppy and wholesome that it really stood out.
Michele cut off my memories: "Anyway, girls can be as tasteless as guys, or worse, and pictures used to make the rounds."
"So you saw some hot pictures of black men," I concluded. "Did you like them?"
"Some," she admitted. "Though I don't know if 'like' is the right word. There was peer pressure...you just kinda 'had' to look. Some were very well 'put together'.
I was surprised at how emphatically she stated this, considering the tension seconds before.
"But I never saw anything as impressive as the guy in the video, except for one," she continued.
"So, a well-built black man with a huge cock really intrigues you..." I added, slyly.
"I didn't say that!" she snapped.
"It was strongly implied," I noted.
"Whatever, Mr. Attorney!" she quipped in a resigned voice, crossing her arms. "It seems like it turns you on more than it does me..."
I smiled with a chuckle, and prying her arms apart I took her hands in mine: "It's okay, Michele! It was obvious that it turned you on, and like I said the whole thing turned me on, too. There is nothing for you to be ashamed of. Nothing." I gently pulled her hands up and kissed them. By this time I was incredibly turned on by her verbal and physical reaction to our conversation.
I'm glad you're not disappointed in me," she said.
"Of course I'm not..." I assured her. Silence followed. And then...
"Do you want to see more?" I asked.
Michele hesitated.
I asked again with just my eyes.
Finally she whispered, "Yes..."
Could this really be happening? I didn't think there was much of a chance for that night! I turned down the light dimmer and fired up the TV and internet, quickly locating another interracial scene while pulling off my underwear.
Michele sat between my legs in the two-man luge position, quickly falling into the same trance as Sunday night. This guy was even bigger than the first one, and when the girl pulled down his shorts and his dark organ prang out Michele cried aloud, "Oh my God! What the...?" She trembled in my arms. This scene was definitely less sensual than the first, much more raw from start to finish.
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