Incest Incest story treasure... from Internet
But then, I turned 22. I just turned 22 a couple of weeks ago. As usual, I was expecting my mom to outdo herself in the sex department which she claimed to do every year. I concurred in her assessment. She really did find some tremendously new filthy things to do to me every birthday since we started having sex on my 18th birthday. My birthday was doubly special as both of us considered my birthday to be our "anniversary of perversion". It was fun to call it that because we didn't really think of our relationship as perverted but as the highest form of expression that could ever exist between a mother and son. But my 22nd birthday was somewhat different.

Since the last few months, mom and I were getting into more and more fights with each other. There were multiple reasons for this. Firstly, my dad Arun had been on touring a lot on business to Europe and the Middle East leaving us mother and son alone. This presented us to be like a "real" couple for a lengthy period of time which was not the case earlier as dad was present most of the time in the house. Living side by side with each other made us realize the inherent flaws in each other in the same way that any other couple would find once they started living a routine life post cohabitation. Second, I had been thinking a lot about our present "arrangement". I was no longer the sex crazy naive teenager who didn't think about the future. I had started thinking on the lines of whether the steps we had taken four years earlier boded well for both our futures. After all, mom would get older and I would start having problems of her own. I on the other hand would eventually find a "normal" girl friend and settle down somewhere down the future. That left the question hanging about "us".
Both of us knew this implicitly but never discussed it openly for the fear of jinxing the whole thing. We loved each other so much, we were petrified of what would happen if things started breaking down between us. After all, she was my first love and I, her only real one (She grew out of the relationship with my dad but stayed in only for my sake as is the case with a large number of Indian marriages where divorce is still considered taboo). It wasn't as if we could break up and go our own separate ways. We were mother and son and would still have responsibilities towards each other.
But as time passed I was having double thoughts about our relationship. I just didn't know what to do. This indecision on my part was taking a toll on our relationship even though mom was quite adamant in her stance of continuing this relationship just the way it was.
Slowly, the sex started to lose passion, the number of sessions reduced and it nearly became a routine chore between us. We were starting to fall apart at the seams.
Mom was visibly disturbed by all of this. I could always see the tension on her face when I was around. It was like a weird kind of sexual tension was engulfing the both of us.
Coming back, my 22nd birthday was assumed by both of us to be sort of a ceasefire day. We had decided to let off all the steam on this day by going out for dinner once I came back from college (I am in my last year now) at one of my favourite eateries in the elite Prahladnagar area of Ahmedabad. And then, we had decided to turn off the lights and turn our sex engines on until kingdom cum!
My birthday started with mom waking me up in the morning with a kiss on the cheek and hugging me tightly even as I lay in my bed wondering what the hell was going on. I got ready, had my lunch and went to the college. Before I left for college, mom winked a wicked grin at me and told me to be ready as it was going to be the best night of my life. That comment did send a small shiver down my spine and also gave me a mini hard on. But I didn't make much of the comment in my mind. I was troubled as it is with all the thoughts I had been having. Add to that fact that I was genuinely sceptical of my mom's ability to innovate in bed after all the last four years of wild sex. I thought her proverbial sexual quiver was empty. Boy, was I wrong! My mom turned out to be a bigger sex crazed bitch than I ever could imagine possible!
I came back home around 7 pm in the evening after a rather exhausting day at the college. My finals were coming up and I was really down. But not out. I was looking forward to the "ceasefire sex" that mom and I had planned tonight. But I was really hungry and needed to get a bite first before doing anything else.
I remembered I had to shower and get changed first before getting a bite as mom and I had planned to go to a restaurant for dinner. So, I hurriedly climbed the stairs and went to my room. I found the door of my mom's room closed so I figured she too must be getting ready.
I turned the knob of my room's door and slowly entered. It was dark as the sun had nearly set and I couldn't see a damn thing. The windows were shut curtains were drawn closed so no light from the outside could penetrate in. It did smell a bit weird in my room but I guessed it must be some room freshener that mom had sprayed. She was always experimenting with fragrances. I fumbled a bit and found the switchboard. I clicked a couple of switches on.
And then my jaw nearly dropped to the floor!
What I saw made me a bit queasy at first but I quickly realized what I was actually seeing. My mom was lying buck naked on my queen size bed with her arms and legs spread wide open, her long flowing hair tied in a neat bun. What caught my attention the most was that she had sprayed dollops of whipped cream on both her breasts to make them look like two small mountains of whipped cream and to add icing to the cake, she had topped of both her mountains with a strawberry each. As my eyes moved from her breasts down to her pussy, I saw a similar arrangement there. She had lapped up so much whipped cream on her pussy that it was not visible. She had planted a couple of strawberries in that snow as well.
Needless to say, I instantly had a hard on trying to tear through my pair of Levis'. My mom had a spectacularly wicked look on her face. She looked me in the eyes with no shame and told me to lose my clothes. I complied as quickly as I can.
As soon as I disrobed, I saw my cock standing up in salute to my mom's wicked beauty. She was looking like a woman who was begging to be ravished wildly. I was so excited I feared I might come without any external stimuli.
Mom was looking at me like a hungry vixen full of satanic lust for her own offspring. She was soaking in my naked body through her evil eyes. It's a feeling few have the honour to witness. A mother hungrily looking at her own son with expectations that are so taboo, even thinking of it makes the mind and body shiver in unison.
Mom told me to get first take the strawberries of her breasts. She then directed me to put a strawberry between my lips and bring them closer to hers. I did as she commanded. I put the strawberry between my lips and brought them close to hers. We shared the juices of the strawberry as we kissed, our tongues twirling with the other's. We passionately kissed for a few minutes till the strawberry dissipated completely, the juices shared by mother and son. The same fate met the other strawberry.
Then, mom directed me to lick the whipped cream off her breasts one by one. I was so turned by then by the kissing that I hurriedly pounced on my mom's breasts quickly licking the cream off them and sucking her breasts like a wild dog. I was in a sexual frenzy by then. And mom was enjoying this as well. Her head was swaying from side to side displaying her obviously elevated sense of sexual pleasure.
I could have sucked on those tits for an eternity. But mom had other ideas. She told me to get down between her cream layered thighs and lick everything off like an obedient son. I loved this. I always loved it when mom referred to me as her son when she was fucking me. It was such a turn on.
I quickly obeyed my mom's orders and got down to her pubic area and violently started to lick the cream off. I kept on licking till the pussy was free of whipped cream. Mom immediately directed me to lick the remnants of the cream between her thighs and pubic area. The aroma of her sweat, whipped cream and pussy juices combined made the task of licking her crevices an utmost pleasurable and erotic one. Mom was moaning like crazy by then with shouts of "Oh fuck", and "Oh Jesus" (yeah she was convent educated!)
At this juncture, I suddenly saw something sticking out of mom's pussy. A red object was slowly peeping out of her pussy. I tried to insert my finger in her pussy and tried to pull out the red object. To my surprise, it turned out to be a strawberry! My sex crazy mother had inserted a strawberry into her pussy for me to fish it out as some kind of treasure hunting exercise. And boy, was I happy to find the treasure. Mom squealed when I put my finger insider her to retrieve the strawberry.
Surprisingly, all the whipped cream had taken care of my hunger by then!
As soon as I fished out the strawberry, she began demanding me to fuck her. She was so hot by then. I scolded myself mentally to not cum so quickly. I slowly assumed position for the missionary position above her and lowered and inserted my stiff cock towards the hole from which I once emerged.
My mom's pussy engulfed my beautiful cock as we started rocking the bed with thrusts and humps. My mom kept moaning "That's my son", "I love you son" and "Oh Jesus" as she kept spreading and moving her hands across the length of my spine from the top of my neck down to my ass. I was feeling so much tension being eased by this confluence of sexual maternal love that my mom was giving me. She kept kissing me on my neck as I kept slowly humping her.
At that moment, it really felt like we were lovers more than mother and son. I can't quantify the feeling that I was having at that moment in words. It was simply one of the most beautiful moments in my life. I felt my eyes wetting with sheer joy.
I must have kept on thrusting for what was like nearly nine to ten minutes before I felt my mom's thighs tightening up under me. I could feel a mighty orgasm enveloping my cock in her pussy. It was very difficult to hold on to my orgasm at that time but somehow I did manage not to cum. But I knew I would not last for too long.
My mom was starting to come to back to a normal state but I could still see she was still quite turned on. My estimation proved to be right when she told me she did not want the cum insider her pussy but instead, inside her belly. The thought of her swallowing my cum was so tempting. She rarely did it. I always suspected she didn't like it but did not say it as it was one of my pet peeves to make her drink my cum. It was surprising to see her demanding it. Maybe, it was because of my birthday.
I immediately took my cock out from her pussy and went towards her face. I made it suck it. She started to suck it slowly knowing full well I loved it when she sucked my cock, especially when she slowly moved her tongue around the tip of my penis. She kept on kissing the tip of my cock and sucking it slowly. Then, she alternated for a few minutes between stroking my balls and sucking my cock and then reversing the process.
Then out of the blue, she lunged her head forward and pulled in my cock completely. My mom was deepthroating me!
That was it. I could hold on no more and exploded when the tip of my cock was touching the back of mother's throat. I felt like my body was being completely emptied of everything.
My mom nearly choked on my cum but managed to drink it all up like an expert cocksucker.
I collapsed next to her on the bed panting after a marathon session of one and one lovemaking.
My mom had truly outdone herself this time on my birthday. I loved her for that.
But my thoughts had immediately started resurfacing as to our future. I know it's weird but the mind has a mind of its own I guess.
But, little did I know that mom was willing to go to any lengths to maintain her grip over me. I had no idea a lover could stoop to the levels my mom would soon stoop to, to retain her lover.


Now, with my dad running this great business he had very little time for his own family. My mom didn't have a lot to do around the house as the staff managed everything. So she took to clubbing, charity work and socializing. But, even all this was not good enough to fill the void in her life for my dad who was busy all day at the factory or on some business trip around the world. In his defence, I must say that he was doing all of this for the good of his family. But then again, there wasn't much balance in his life between home and work. This affected my mom was well. She only had me to fall back upon at times. But there were limitations on what she could share with me and expect from me.
Nonetheless, things kept moving on until one day my parents had a heated argument over a trivial issue (It was so trivial, I don't even remember it!) which escalated in a full scale dog fight with both people calling each other names and shouting at each other. I was almost 20 at that time and was mature for my age. I was the only person who could understand the real challenges and pressure both of them were facing. But I also knew that they needed to get this frustration and rage out of their system. I might have tilting towards mom in this case but I felt that I did owe a little leeway to my dad as he was facing problems in the external world that neither my mom nor I could comprehend.
But eventually, it all cooled down. My parents did not talk to each other despite my several futile attempts over the next couple of days. I sensed thawing of the ice between them, after a couple of days. My dad made the first show of goodwill and apologized to my mother. Mom, being the good hearted person that she was reciprocated with a sincere apology on her own. A truce was signed. But not peace.
They behaved a little weird and distant for the next week or so until one Friday evening my dad walked up to me and said "Sahil, we need to talk". Now, I know that is never a good thing! I started speculating in my mind what the hell was wrong? Were they separating? Were they filing for divorce? Or something even worse?
The three of us sat down in the living room. Dad picked up his Benson, lit it up and said "Son, I know the last 10 odd days have been really complicated for your mom and I and you have been caught in the crossfire. This situation between the both of us has been building up since a long time and we need to face it right now."
He continued. "So, your mom and I have decided after a few days of discussing this matter deeply that we need to seek professional help. We are going to see a marriage counsellor."
I was a little startled on hearing this. Indians (even educated ones) have this wrong notion that seeking any type of personal or couple counselling signifies the end times of a relationship. But I knew my parents better than that. They were going to do this the right way and try and work their way out of what was only a rough patch in their relationship. All in all, I was relieved on hearing this declaration. My fears were unfounded. I applauded their maturity. "I think it's a good idea dad. Mom and you have been going through a rough patch since some time. Some independent and professional help will do a lot to straighten things out between the two of you." I said.
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RE: Incest story treasure... from Internet - by usaiha2 - 18-05-2019, 08:04 PM

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