Adultery Making It Work by xleglover-COMPLETED
Just then her cell rang. She looked at the caller ID. It was Keri.

"Hello Jennifer," Keri said. "Sorry to bother you, but could you meet me in Surrender?" Surrender was another night club in the Wynn.

So much for her plans, Jen thought.

"Um, sure, can you give me 30 minutes?" Jen said. She wanted to change into a more conservative outfit.

"No, I need to talk to you now, please come immediately," Keri said and she hung up.

Jen sighed. Oh well it was Vegas, people dressed to impress here.

Jen found Keri at the bar. To her surprise, Keri's dress was just as daring as hers. While Jen's dress plunged in the back, Keri's plunged in the front revealing a lot of shapely breasts. Keri wore her hair up, showing off her elegant neck.

"That's a beautiful dress," Keri said with a smile. "Chanel?"

"Um, yes," Jen said, impressed Keri could tell with just a brief look.

"Mine is Chanel too, do you like?" Keri asked. Jen looked. She noticed how Keri's nipples dented the dress. Clearly she wasn't wearing a bra. Jen wasn't either, but Keri's breasts were so much larger.

"It's beautiful," Jen said.

"Where are Scott and Allie?" Keri asked.

"Out partying I guess," Jen said with a laugh.

"You don't party with them?" Keri asked with a knowing smile.

"Um, no," Jen said awkwardly. "You know, they're single and I'm married."

"Ah okay," Keri said, still smiling.

Just then a tall distinguish man walked up. "Jennifer this is my husband Jim."

Jen knew all about Jim of course, her team had researched the couple to prepare for the meeting. Jim was mid-40s (a few years older than Keri), a self-made billionaire. He was a minority owner of the 49ers and the famous Manchester United soccer team in England. He wasn't a hunk and probably never had been, but he was tall and distinguished, had kind eyes, and was attractive in a college professor sort of way.

"Pleased to meet you Mr. O'Reilly," Jen said.

"The pleasure's mine, but call me Jim or you'll make me feel older than I am," Jim said with a kind smile.

"Okay Jim," Jen said joining him in a laugh.

"Jennifer -- by the way, do you go by Jennifer, Jen, Jenny?" Keri asked.

"Most people call me Jen," Jen said.

"Okay," Keri said. "Well Jen, I wanted to tell you I'm very impressed. We haven't decided who we're going to hire, but you're definitely on our short list."

"Keri that's such good news, thank you!" Jen gushed.

"Don't thank me, you've earned it," Keri said smiling. "So you know, I think Allie is rough but has potential. Scott's the same. My point being, you're the reason your firm is on the short list. I've called Johnny and told him this."

"Keri I don't know what to say," Jen said taken aback and flattered.

"Now that business is out of the way, can I talk to you about something personal?" Keri asked.

"Of course."

"I think I'll take my leave," Jim said with a smile to both Keri and Jen. "It was lovely meeting you Jen," he said and gave her a quick peek on the cheek. "See you in the room later love?" he said to Keri, and they kissed on the lips.

They ordered drinks. "At work I have to be dragon lady," Keri said. "I hope outside work we can be ourselves."

"I'd like that," Jen said and they clinked martini glasses.

"Can I tell you a personal story?" Keri asked.

"Of course," Jen said.

"Jim's my second husband. I met him about a year after my divorce. When Jim and I got serious, my friends asked why I was going with him," Keri said. "He was poor then, barely able to make his rent. It wasn't until later he became successful. He's cute but not like the really handsome guys I dated after my divorce. But I saw something in him. Can you relate to what I'm saying Jen?"

"Yes," Jen said, thinking about her and Mike.

"We got married and it was rough at first, money-wise. But we were in love and happy, and then he became really successful. I don't have to work now. I do this Google thing just to have something interesting to do."

"Okay," Jen said, not knowing where Keri was going.

Keri shrugged. "When you have a lot of money the challenges go away. Jim got bored, I got bored. Our marriage was in trouble. It was ironic. We still loved each other, but we were this close to getting a divorce."

"I'm sorry," Jen said.

"That's okay, it worked out," Keri said with a smile. "I need to tell you something so don't be alarmed, okay?"


"I'm bi," Keri said. "Are you okay with that?"

"Yeah, I mean, I have some bi and gay friends," Jen said.

"Good," Keri said with a smile. "Jim and I were going through a particularly bad time. We both were traveling a lot. Well, I met a girl in a bar and we had sex. It was just a one night stand. I don't even remember her name."

"Oh," Jen said.

"I confessed to Jim. He got mad of course. I mean, he knew I'm bi but I'd cheated on him. About a week later, I came home and found him in bed with his secretary Alice."

"Wow," Jen said.

"The funny thing was, I was really good friends with Alice, I still am," Keri said. "She started crying when I caught them. So here I was, after catching my husband cheating, with my arm around the woman he cheated with. Looking back it's funny."

"Yeah, I guess."

"You probably know where this is going, right?" Keri said. "Somehow Alice and I started kissing, and then Jim joined us. That was our first threesome." Keri paused as if in self-reflection. Then she continued, "So we started swinging. I'm not sure if it saved our marriage. I'd like to think we would have made it in any case. But our marriage became exciting again. Even though we had sex with other people, it made us closer."

We finished our drinks and ordered another round. We clinked glasses again when they arrived.

"Usually it's another girl," Keri went on. "Sometimes we play with a couple, but we both prefer just a girl." Keri hesitated, and then said "I need to tell you something else."

"Okay," Jen said, more than a little wary by this point.

"We ran a report on you. It's SOP on a major project like this, you being the project leader. You probably ran a report on me, right?"

"Yes," Jen admitted.

"Our research is pretty extensive. We're Google right?" They shared a laughed. "We found out a lot. About Ricky and Scott. We even found the video Scott emailed to Mike, and your wedding video with Ricky."

Jen's eyes narrowed. "Who's seen this report?" she said coldly.

"Just me and Jim, no one else will see it," Keri assured her.

"I want to see it," Jen demanded.

"I'll give it to you tomorrow," Keri promised.

Jen took a long sip, finishing her Cosmo. "Okay," she said, calming herself down. "So why are you telling me all this?"

"You know why, don't you Jen?" Keri said with a smile. "Jim and I want you to join us in bed."

Jen laughed, but it was out of nervousness and to buy time, not humor. "You should ask Allie, she's wilder than me," Jen joked, but was half serious.

"Jim likes tall brunettes with big boobs, like me and Allie. I'm not letting her get within a mile of him," she said with a laugh. "Besides, I like being friends with girls I share Jim with. I like you Jen. You're interesting and really talented. And I'm not just saying that to get into your pants." Keri laughed again.

"I don't know," Jen said. "When were you thinking of doing this?"

"How does tonight sound?" Keri said smiling.


"Come on Jen," Keri said with a knowing smile. "You're not dressed like that to see Barry Manilow."

"I'm not bi," Jen said as if apologizing.

"That's okay, I know," Keri said. "But I saw the video. You enjoyed yourself with Allie, I could tell. You like to experiment, don't you?"

Jen's cheeks reddened with embarrassment. She said "I need to call Mike."

"Of course you do," Keri said. She pressed a key into Jen's hand. "We're in the penthouse suite. It has a private elevator. Use that if you decide to join us. I hope you do. So does Jim."

Jen left Surrender and found a quiet corner off the Wynn lobby. She called Mike and told him Keri's story.

"Do you want to do it?" Mike said. He was obviously excited about the idea.

"I don't know," Jen said. "It's kind of weird. They're older, and if we get the Google gig she'd be my boss."

"That's kinda hot," Mike said.

"Yeah it is," Jen agreed with a giggle.

"I think you should do it," Mike said.


"Yeah. You have to call me right after it's over. And make him use a condom, okay?"

"I will," Jen promised.

Jen nervously rode the elevator up to the penthouse. She was awestruck when the doors opened. The penthouse looked like a palace.

"I'm glad you decided to join us," Jim said handing a glass of Dom Perignon to Jen. He gave her a peek on the cheek.

"Hi honey," Keri said, giving Jen a hug. Jen couldn't help noticing how big Keri's breasts felt. "Come on," she said leading Jen into the bedroom.

Keri showed Jen a bottle of pills. Ecstasy. "Want one?" she asked.

"Um, I don't think so," Jen said unsure.

"Okay, just let me know," Keri said. She took one and so did Jim.

"Jim's going to watch at first, okay?" Keri said. Jim sat in a chair next to the bed.

"Okay," Jen said nervously, gulping down the expensive champagne and handing the glass to Jim.

"You look like a sweet princess, an Alice in Wonderland, you know that?" Keri said stroking Jen's face. "Come here," she said guiding Jen to the bed. They sat on the edge, facing Jim.
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RE: Making It Work by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 11:45 AM
RE: Making It Work by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 11:46 AM
RE: Making It Work by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 11:47 AM
RE: Making It Work by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 11:47 AM
RE: Making It Work by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 11:48 AM
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RE: Making It Work by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 11:49 AM
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RE: Making It Work by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 12:14 PM

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