Adultery Making It Work by xleglover-COMPLETED
"Oh, that's soooo nice to hear," Jen said sarcastically. They shared a laugh.

"But I've met cucks like Mike before," he said.

"Please don't call him that," Jen said.

"Okay, whatever," he said with a shrug. "I'm just saying, I get what's inside his head. I bet he loved watching us, didn't he?"

"Sorta," Jen said. "I told you, it's complicated."

"So when can we get together again?"

"We'll see," Jen said. "Maybe a few weeks."

"How about lunch? I'm in New York this week. We'll just talk."

"Yeah right," Jen laughed.

Darren laughed back. "Seriously, just lunch. I'd like to get to know you better."

Jen was tempted, but ... "Darren, that's not a good idea," she said.

"Okay," he said with a shrug. "But tell me something Jen."


"Who owns your pussy?" he said playful mischief in his voice.

"Did you really just ask me that?" Jen said with a laugh.

"I know you Jen," Darren said, his voice now hard and serious. "You're a slut for black cocks. So who owns your pussy?"

"Darren --."

He cut her off. "Are you a slut?"

"Darren, come on --."

"Shut up bitch and answer me!" he growled. "Or next time I'll whip your ass! Whip your ass good! Now answer me, are you a slut?"

Jen hesitated, then said "Yes."

"You're a slut for my black cock. Say it Jen."

"I'm a slut for your black cock," Jen said as if mesmerized.

"So who owns your pussy Jen?"

Breathing hard, her pussy burning, Jen said "You do Darren."

Jen was distracted at happy hour. She felt guilty about her conversation with Darren. If Mike heard it he'd be terribly upset, and he'd have a right to be. She should've just said "I can't see you again Darren" and hung up. Instead she'd been disloyal to Mike and said terrible things. Again!

"Why am I like this?" she thought. "Why can't I control myself?" Maybe her mom was right, she was a fuckup.

To Mike's surprise, the Sapphire report was easy to prepare. It was only 730. He decided to go to the happy hour. Maybe Jen could leave early and they could have dinner together.

Scott sidled up to Jen. She'd kept her distance from him, but she was distracted and anyway it didn't matter since Mike wasn't there. As usual, Scott was the center of attention, but she was only half listening. She was still thinking about her earlier call with Darren, chiding herself for acting so foolish.

"Jen did you hear me?" Scott asked.

"Sorry, what?" she said, distracted by her thoughts.

He held a lit cigarette. "Want one?" he asked.

Jen was a social smoker. She didn't often smoke because Mike didn't like it (cancer ran in his family; his brother had cancer but thankfully it was in remission; he had an aunt and uncle who died of lung cancer). But a cigarette sounded really good, it would help with her frazzled nerves. "That sounds good," she said smiling.

Scott put the cigarette in his mouth and pulled out the pack for another one. It was empty. "Sorry, you're out of luck," he said.

Jen gave him a WTF grin. "You offer me one and you're out?" she said mischief in her voice.

"Tough luck babe," Scott said with a chuckle.

With a crooked smile on her face, Jen swiped the cigarette from Scott's lips. "Your tough luck BABE," Jen said laughing.

"At least share it," he said laughing.

"Okay," she said. She took a long drag then gave it back to him. She'd at least mostly comply with Mike's wish that she not smoke.

The bar was crowded but Mike finally found Jen. She was about 20 feet away. She was with a group of people but she was off to the side, talking to Scott. They were laughing and talking, like they were the only two people in the world. He watched as Jen took Scott's cigarette from his lips and took a long drag. Then she gave it back to him. The way a boyfriend and girlfriend would share a cigarette.

A flood of emotions filled Mike. Jealousy, anger, hurt, insecurity. Had Jen lied to him about breaking it off with Scott?

At that moment Jen turned and saw Mike. Her heart leaped at seeing her husband and a big smile came to her face. But then she saw the dark expression on his face. For a moment she feared Darren had recorded their call and emailed it to Mike, like Scott had done with the video. But Darren wouldn't do that, not if he ever wanted to see her again.

She rushed to Mike and gave him a kiss and hug. "What a surprise baby!" she said. She rubbed his arm looking into his face. "Are you okay?"

Mike glared passed Jen at Scott. Jen followed his eyes and saw Scott smoking. She played back in her mind what Mike had seen. "Oh shit," she thought.

"Okay, I know what you saw, but I wasn't flirting with him," she said. She grabbed his arm and moved him towards the exit. She wanted him alone so she could explain. The last she needed is Scott coming over and doing an alpha male move on Mike. "Let's get out of here baby."

They went to their favorite bistro, down the street from their Soho loft. "It was a dumb thing," she explained. "He offered me a cigarette – I'm sorry honey but I had a rough day – and then he was a jerk and told me he didn't have any. So I took his from him." She squeezed his hand. "I gave it back though, I didn't smoke all of it."

"Okay," Mike said feeling foolish.

"Do you believe me?" Jen asked.

"Yeah," he said, squeezing Jen's hand. Later that night they made love. Mike made sure she came with his tongue, and then they fucked as they kissed and held each other.

That Saturday Jen had to go to Sophie's baby shower. She got up early and packed. "I'll be home tomorrow night," she said kissing Mike goodbye.

In their apartment, Mike watched the video again, stroking himself. He paused a moment looking at the naked Allie. She was really hot, her big natural tits so different from Jen's tiny ones, and her legs were almost as shapely as Jen's. But he skipped to where Scott fucked Jen bareback. He came as Scott shot his cum inside her.

As he recovered, he felt so pathetic and conflicted. He couldn't stand to see Jen talking to Scott, yet he beat off to him fucking his wife bareback. "I'm so fucked up," he thought to himself.

Jen took the Acela train north to a small town outside Boston, where she grew up. She arrived a little after lunch and her mom picked her up. The dreaded interrogation began immediately.

Mom: I thought Mike was coming.

Jen: It's a baby shower, he'd hate it.

Mom: He could've stayed with me and your father while you went to the shower.

Jen: Mom, really?

Mom: You look like you've lost weight. Are you eating?

Jen: I'm fine mom.

Mom: You need to take care of yourself to have a healthy baby.

Jen: I know mom.

Mom: Are you and Mike trying?

Jen: I'm only 26 and he's 29. We have a lot of time.

Mom: There's nothing better than a baby to make sure a man stays with you.

Jen: I don't need a baby for that mom!

Mom: Mike's a really sweet boy, he takes good care of you. You better be good to him.

Jen: I am Mom!

Sophie picked Jen up on her way to the shower.

"God I need a drink!" Jen said after spending the last 3 hours with her parents.

"Wish I could have one," the very pregnant Sophie said.

"Don't worry I'll drink yours," Jen said.

The shower passed slowly. Jen looked at her old high school friends (8 years after graduation). Almost everyone was married, many were pregnant or already had children. Everyone looked happy. She wondered if any were fucking other men with her husband's permission (and encouragement), as she was doing. She strongly doubted it. Once again she felt like a slut and wondered what was wrong with her.

More than a few complimented her on her looks. "God Jen you haven't aged a day," Cathy said.

"You look younger now than when we graduated," gushed Mary.

"How do you stay so thin?" Kylie said with more than a little envy.

After the shower ended Jen helped Sophie pack the presents into the car. "How's Mike?" Sophie asked. "I heard about his Sapphire thing."

"Really?" Jen said surprised.

"My dad heard about it," Sophie explained. "You know how he's into investing. He wanted me to ask if he could invest."

"I'll ask Mike," Jen said flattered. She knew Sophie's dad was stinking rich. In fact, Sophie had always been the richest kid in school, by far.

"Um ... Colin asked about you," Sophie said hesitantly. "He said he might stop by."

"Oh Sophie ..." Jen sighed.

Jen had dated Colin in high school, in fact he'd been her first love. He'd been the star quarterback and she'd been a cheerleader and the homecoming queen. He took her virginity, and with him she discovered how much she loved sex. They both went to Penn State. Everyone assumed they'd marry (except Jen's mom, who didn't like Colin). He got a football scholarship and even got drafted into the NFL (he only lasted a couple of years, but still). But he cheated on her their freshman year at Penn State, and then she found out he'd cheated on her in high school. She broke up with him with a broken heart. Then she met Allie and went kinda boy crazy.

"I know Jen," Sophie said feeling really bad. "I'm sorry, he sorta tricked me into telling him about the shower and you coming."

Just then Colin walked him. "Hey Jenny," he said kissing her on the cheek. "How about a drink to catch up?"

"I really can't Colin," Jen said.

"Come on, we haven't seen each other in years," Colin insisted. That was true. She hadn't seen Colin since college, although that last meeting had been unpleasant. Still, she reluctantly agreed to have a drink with him.

"You look amazing!" he gushed.

"Thanks," she said. He did too, although she didn't say that. He was older but still gorgeous, and the years only enhanced his charm. From the way his clothes fit, he still had his lean muscular football body. Also, she was well aware of the impressive package he had in his pants. He wasn't huge like Darren, Scott or Ricky, but he'd never failed to make her cum (even the first time when he took her virginity).

They talked and laughed, gossiping about common friends and reliving shared memories. She found herself having a good time and one drink lead to another. Pretty soon she was buzzed.

"Are you married?" she asked.

"Divorced twice," he said. He shrugged. "I guess I'm comparing everyone else to you."

"I'm sorry to hear about your divorces, but I'm sure that's not true," Jen said. "I think the last time I saw you I'd just found out about – what was her name? Mandy?"

"Mindy," he said. Jen had gotten back together with Colin more than once, and each time he cheated on her again.

"I'm sorry about those girls Jen," he said. "What can I say? I was the starting Penn State quarterback, girls were always hitting on me. You know what I'm talking about. I'm sure guys hit on you all the time, you're so beautiful."

"Yeah, well, I'm happily married now," she said, holding up her left hand.

"Really?" he said looking skeptical. "I've heard you're not happy with Mike."

"Who told you that?" Jen snapped.

"Just rumors," he said. "You know this is a small town, people hear things. Something like you left Mike and moved in with a guy. Ricky I think?"

Jen frowned. "Well it's not true," she said. It bothered her rumors had made it all the way here, and how close the rumors touched on the truth. No wonder her mother had been giving her a hard time earlier.

Colin drove Jen home. "Wanna come to my place for a night cap?" he asked.
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RE: Making It Work by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 11:45 AM
RE: Making It Work by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 11:46 AM
RE: Making It Work by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 11:47 AM
RE: Making It Work by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 11:47 AM
RE: Making It Work by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 11:48 AM
RE: Making It Work by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 11:48 AM
RE: Making It Work by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 11:49 AM
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RE: Making It Work by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 24-12-2018, 11:51 AM
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