Before I could respond Sheetal had jumped into the conversation, "What this about? It sounds juicy." I said, "Nothing happened." Sheetal looked disappointed and asked, "What kind of dream?"

I was going to say it was nothing and leave it at that but Ritesh quickly told Sheetal the whole story. Sheetal seemed to really enjoy listening to the story and when Ritesh was done Sheetal turned to me an asked, "And you don't think there is a problem with this man?" I knew that Sheetal didn't mean any disrespect for me or Manisha, she just saw this as an interesting story and she wanted to know more. So thinking that none of this was important I told them about how Manisha had described Sinha as a short chubby bald man and that I had seen him and he turned out to be a tall handsome man with a full head of hair and an athletic body. Then I told them that Manisha told me why she lied about him. When I was done Ritesh smiled and said, "You can't be that foolish. Your wife lies about what this guy looks like and that doesn't bother you? You need to find out what is really going on here?" I said, "There's nothing going on. Manisha doesn't know this guy and I am sure if she ever met him she wouldn't like him." Ritesh asked, "How can you know that?" I was getting annoyed with Ritesh again, "I know because I know Manisha." As I was staring at Ritesh I heard Sheetal say something but wasn't sure what. I turned and asked him what he said. Sheetal said, "I said that you should get your wife and this guy together and watch how the act around each other." I said, "There would be nothing to watch because there is nothing to see and even if my wife was interested in this guy, she sure as hell wouldn't do anything with me around." "Well, then you shouldn't be around." Ritesh responded.
Then Sheetal said, "Right. You need to get then together somewhere that you can watch them without them knowing." I was getting pissed now. "I don't need to spy on my wife because there is nothing to spy on."

Sheetal and Ritesh backed off after that, Ritesh said, "You know best, it's your marriage." That was the end of the conversation. As I drove back to my office I thought about what Ritesh and Sheetal had said to me and although I didn't agree with their assessment of the situation I was curious about how Manisha would act if she was in a social situation with Sinha and I wasn't there. I didn't know how I could make that happen so I put it out of my mind. Actually the opportunity happened without any help from me. About a week after my meeting with Ritesh and Sheetal, Manisha told me that her company was having a dinner party at a hotel. The dinner was for employees and spouses or significant others. The dinner was the following Wednesday evening. I realized that this party gave me an opportunity to observe Manisha and Sinha in a social situation without either of them knowing I was watching. So at five o'clock I called Manisha and told her that I had some people coming late to pick up orders and I wouldn't get to the dinner party until eight o'clock. Manisha said, "That's okay. We are supposed to go in for dinner at eight. We'll be socializing and having drinks from 6:30 until eight. I got to the hotel around 6:45 and found that the reception before dinner was in one of the hotel meeting rooms so I headed back to the room. I found a place where I peek in a side door to the meeting room and see in without being seen by anyone in the room. It took a few minutes to spot Manisha. She was standing with some of her friends from work. Manisha had a drink in her hand and she was talking and laughing. As I watched her it struck me how beautiful she was and how much I loved her. I continued staring at her for a while then turned my attention to finding Rohit Sinha. I spotted him on the other side of the room talking to a couple of attractive women. In spite of the fact that I was sure that Manisha wasn't interested in Sinha I was relieved to see that they were not talking. As I continued watching him, Rohit Sinha turned away from the women he was talking to and headed across the room toward Manisha. I felt a sudden knot in my stomach as I followed his progress across the room. He passed no closer than ten feet from Manisha and never looked in her direction and Manisha never stopped the conversation she was having. Rohit continued on to the bar, took three drinks and walked back to join the women he had been talking. I felt very foolish, especially when there was obviously nothing to see. I gave up my post and walked back around to the main door to the reception and went in and joined Manisha. A few nights later I stopped after work to have a beer with Ritesh and as we were talking Sheetal came in and sat with us. We were on our third beer when Ritesh teased me saying, "So I guess everything is good on the home front?" I said, "Things are great." Then like an idiot I told them about spying on Manisha at the party. I somehow thought that when I told them how Manisha never even looked at Sinha and it was quite obvious that she had no interest in him that Ritesh and Sheetal would realize that Manisha was never going to have anything to do with Sinha. I was wrong. Ritesh said, "That doesn't prove anything. It was a company party right? And you wife was with her friends. She couldn't very well flirt with Rohit Sinha in front of her peers and then innocently sit down to dinner with you. That would cause all kinds of problems for her at work." Sheetal added, "Just think of the gossip that would generate." That thought appealed to Sheetal. Ritesh said, "The fact that your wife dreamed about this guy doesn't mean that there is anything going between them." That was the first positive thing Ritesh had said and I told him I agreed with him. But them he continued, "The dream just means that she is sexually attracted to him. Because she loves you she would never approach Rohit Sinha but watch out if he ever starts coming on to her." I said, "God dam it! Manisha is not attracted to that asshole and it doesn't matter if he comes on to her or not, she would never have anything to do with him.
Ritesh said, "Take it easy, we’re just teasing you. You're probably right. But then again how will you ever know for sure?" Sheetal cleared his throat and said, "Well you know, there is a way he could find out what would happen. I mean find out what would happen if Rohit Sinha did hit on Manisha." By this time we were on our fifth round of drinks and I was just drunk enough to seriously listen to Sheetal's idea when I should have just gone home. "How would I do that?"
Sheetal looked at Ritesh then back at me as though we were about to get involved in a conspiracy and spoke softly so no one else could hear. "All you have to do is make Rohit Sinha think that Manisha has the hots for him. Unless he is gay, he will go after your sexy wife." "What am I supposed to do, walk up to him and say 'My wife has the hots for you.'?" I responded sarcastically.

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