Adultery He Fucked My Girl by xleglover-COMPLETED
She stepped into black high heel pumps. At the same time she took off her rings and laid them on the dresser.

"You might as well take this out," I said irritably, reaching into her blouse and pulling out Ricky's ring so it hung like a necklace. I felt hurt and annoyed at how she'd dismissed me a moment ago.

She didn't notice the hurt and annoyance in my voice. Instead, she looked into the mirror and hurriedly adjusted her lipstick. "You're so bad," she said distractedly without even looking at me, an automatic statement without any feeling behind it.

Satisfied with how she looked, she turned and saw the look on my face. "Are you okay baby?" she asked seeing my hurt expression. Just then the doorbell chimed and her face lit up in anticipation. She looked at the door as if wanting to rush to greet Ricky, but as if willing herself she remained in front of me and ran her soft hand across my cheek. "Are you sure it's okay I go?"

I forced a smile. "I want you to go," I lied. "Anyway, Sam texted me and he has tickets to the Mets game." That was the truth, Sam had just texted me.

"Oh baby I'm so happy for you," she gushed rubbing my chest. It DID sound like she was happy for me, I hadn't been to a Mets game all season and this was a great chance to catch up with Sam, my best friend since grade school. But then why did it seem like she was just happy to get rid of me for a few hours so she could be with Ricky?

At CitiField I couldn't concentrate on the game. I kept thinking about Jen, making excuses for her. She'd just been excited to see Melody again, and worried about Paul's deployment to Afghanistan, and rushed to dress for the party. That's why she'd acted so uncaring of me. And I couldn't complain about her spending time with Ricky and his friends. She was in another relationship now -- I'd pushed her into it -- and relationships meant spending time with her "boyfriend" and his friends. I'd pushed her into all of this, and in fact despite my heartache I still sported an erection at that very moment. This was all part of the Game, that's all it was.

Her growing feelings for Ricky both thrilled and worried me. But there were 2 things that made me feel better. First, her infatuation with Ricky wouldn't last forever. That was just human nature, every relationship eventually cooled off. Then she'd see Ricky for what he was, an arrogant womanizer. That'd been his reputation in school, and he was still the same guy, if not even more arrogant and full of himself. I mean, he wasn't a complete asshole and sometimes he could be an okay guy, but there was a reason why Jen picked me in college and not him.

The second reason was my ace card. Soon he'd be deployed out of the NY area. Because of his convalescence he didn't have to worry about being sent to Afghanistan like Paul, or any other hot spot. But it was very likely he'd be sent to a base in California or even Europe, to train new recruits. (Ricky had told me all this.)

So Ricky's hold on her had an expiration date on it. It'd be over as soon as he got deployed. This gave me a sense of security, and it let me push farther than I might otherwise because I knew eventually he'd be out of the picture.

Sam's nudge in my side brought me out of my reverie. "Hey, earth to Mike," he said.

I gave him a sheepish grin. "Sorry about that, daydreaming I guess."

"Well, you just daydreamed through a triple. We're down 2-0."

"Oh," I said with a grimace. Sam waved at the hot dog boy. I inwardly sighed. He needed to lay off the junk food. Sam was a great guy but he was practically obese. He was a nice looking guy and had a good job, but because he was so over weight he didn't have a girlfriend, and I couldn't remember the last time he went on a date much less got laid.

But then my mind wandered to Jen again, and how she was out with Ricky again. Were they fucking at that very moment? Was she clawing at his muscular arms and saying his name over and over as his monster cock (which she called beautiful) did its magic on her clit and g-spot?

"Are you okay buddy?" Sam asked concern on his face.

I broke out of my reverie again. "Of course, why?" I responded quickly, grimacing inside at how defensive I sounded.

He shrugged. "I had lunch with Shawn the other day. He said he and Millie ran into Jen. She was with Ricky."

"Oh ... yeah," I stammered, trying to remember. "A few months ago, right? She helped him pick out a wedding gift for Jack and Jill."

He looked skeptical. He knew our history, and remembered how people suspected Jen of having an affair with Ricky back in college. I wanted him to drop it, but he wouldn't. That's how best friends are, I guess.

"Mike, back in college ... hell, Mike, I should have told you then, but you were so happy with Jen, and Ricky was moving to California. Remember the birthday party Jen threw you? Well -- I saw her fucking Ricky in the backyard. Mike, I think she's cheating on you again. She's a slut Mike, a big time slut, you need to watch out about her."

I looked at Sam with fury burning in my eyes. "Sam I love you like a brother," I growled at him. "But if you ever call her a slut again I swear to god I'll punch your lights out!"

Sam backed down. He shook his head like I was crazy, but he didn't say anything more, and we finished watching the game in silence.

I got home around 11. I hoped but didn't expect Jen to be home yet. She wasn't. I sat on the sofa and put my head in my hands, wondering what the hell I was doing.

To my surprise, a few minutes later the door opened. "Hi baby," Jen said snuggling into my arms and kissing me. "I missed you," she said as she hugged me. God it felt so good!

Then I saw Ricky standing in the hall. Sensing me draw back, she looked back at Ricky, and then rubbed my chest. "I thought you might like us all together, like we used to."

"Here you go buddy," Ricky said handling me a beer. He handed Jen a glass a wine, and she smiled up at him.

There was an awkward silence. "How are Paul and Melody?" I asked.

A worried frown passed over Ricky face. "He'll be okay," Jen said, leaning back into him consolingly. He smiled, and squeezed her thigh. She squeezed his hand back. They held each other's gaze for a moment, and even when they looked back at me they kept their hands just like that, her hand on his, his hand on her thigh.

God, THEY seemed like the married couple. I felt like a third wheel, an interloper interrupting their date.

I guess trying to keep me involved, Jen smiled at me and lifted her feet into my lap. "Rub my feet baby," she said with a twinkle in her eye. I adore my girl's legs and feet. I softly traced my fingertips over the top of her foot around her high heel. It excited me feeling the nylon and knowing she wore pantyhose. I took off her shoe and smelled the musky smell of her foot that resulted after being in her heels all day. The musky smell was intoxicating! I rubbed her foot, along her elegant arch and cute toes. Unable to resist, I brought the sole of her foot to my face, inhaling the musky scent, and then sucked her toes.

I was so caught up in my foot fetish that I lost track of what they were doing. I looked over, expecting Ricky to be looking cross-eyed at my kinkiness, and my Jen to have an indulgent smile on her pretty face. But when I looked over I saw they were kissing, their arms around each other. They weren't paying any attention to me.

Still kissing my wife, Ricky unbuttoned her blouse. His ring on the gold chain came into view. I stopped rubbing her foot and I guess she noticed. She broke away from Ricky's lips, gasping. She undid the rest of the buttons and took off the blouse. "Help me Ricky," she asked and he helped her take it off her arms and tossed the blouse on the floor.

She reached behind her but Ricky playfully swatted her hands away, then he unsnapped her bra. "You'll never need to take off your bra yourself when I'm around," he joked, tossing her bra onto the floor next to her blouse.

"Oh is that right?" Jen teased back giving him a dazzling smile, and then they were kissing again. She broke the kiss long enough to reach out to me and say "come here baby."

I moved to her and put one of her nipples into my mouth. I loved her tiny tits. I'd never admitted this to her, but a major reason I adored her almost flat chest is that, combined with her slim body and youthful innocent face it gave her the look of a young school girl, and that barely legal look turned me on. As she got older and matured, her flat school girl chest just made her more sexy in my eyes, like Lolita growing up.

But while I loved sucking on her small hard nipples, I couldn't shake the feeling that they were the couple, that she was HIS girl and I the invited guest, the extra guy who made it a threesome. Her attentions were clearly focused on Ricky, and he was calling the shots.

This became even more clear when he pushed me down off her tits. His hands replaced me, cupping her breasts and rubbing her nipples. He covered this asshole move by saying "pull off her pants buddy."

I didn't like him ordering me around, especially with my girl, but I wanted to see her with her jeans off. I loved seeing her in pantyhose, just as much I loved seeing her in stockings. I undid the button and then the zipper, and then I pulled the skinny jeans off her long legs. Honesty it wasn't easy, that's how tight the pants were. Jen lifted her butt to help me, but otherwise her attention was solely on Ricky and his hands and lips.

My eyes feasted on her long legs, clad in the black opaque pantyhose. I ran my palms up and down her legs, from her slim ankles to her knees, from her knees up her firm thighs. I wanted to eat and fuck her while she wore the pantyhose. I eased her legs apart, and with my index finger I tore a hole in the crotch of her pantyhose.

Jen sensed what I was doing and she looked at me, an amused twinkle in her eyes. "Mike, that's what Ricky said he was going to do to me," she said giggling.

"Great minds think alike," Ricky said, and then he snaked his hand down her body to the hole I'd made. With a finger he easily pushed her thong to the side and he rubbed her aroused clit. She moaned and arched her back at his touch. "Thanks for the easier access bud," he said giving me a smug wink. She giggled at his joke.
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RE: He Fucked My Girl by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 23-12-2018, 11:31 PM

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