Adultery He Fucked My Girl by xleglover-COMPLETED
She spent extra time on her hair and makeup, and she bought the outfit (including the lingerie and high heels) special for the wedding. She was like a nervous school girl, meeting Ricky's friends for the first time. The way she acted both thrilled me and made me anxious. Of course, the combination made me dizzy with excitement.

Ricky's eyes bugged out when he saw her. "Damn! You're gonna be the prettiest girl there!" he gushed. Her face lit up at the compliment, and she melted into his arms when he hugged and kissed her.

Normally when they went on dates Jen gave me a big hug and kiss before leaving. But she didn't this time, just a quick peck on the cheek, and then they were off. I think it was because she was so excited and nervous at the same time at meeting Ricky's friends. Her break in our routine bothered me, but I knew the omission was completely understandable.

Normally on their dates I allowed myself to masturbate only once, twice at the most. I didn't want any problems with getting hard when she got home. But this time -- for the first time -- Jen was sleeping over at Ricky's. The wedding was close to where he lived (near the Marine facility), and it was going to be a late evening, so it didn't make sense for them to go all the way through the city back to our loft. Ricky had suggested this arrangement, and I thought it made sense. Of course, the idea of Jen spending the night with him, sleeping in his arms after spending a full day together, got me terribly excited.

The upshot of this was, I could jack off as much as I wanted because Jen wouldn't be home until the next morning. Almost as soon as they left I was in bed jacking off. At times like this, when I'm so excited, I use my left hand to masturbate, so I'll last longer. I closed my eyes and remembered snippets of that morning. Jen's excitement and nervousness as she got ready. How I'd washed her hair and massaged her neck and shoulders while she soaked in the bath to help her calm down. Her frustration at a run in her stocking as she hooked it to her garter belt, and having to take off the laddered stocking and put another one on. The way Ricky's ring, which she wore around her neck, was outlined in her dress. The way she'd practically ignored me from the moment Ricky arrived to pick her up.

Then I looked at the top of her dresser, where her wedding and engagement rings lay. Of course she couldn't have worn them, as she didn't want Ricky's friends to know she was married.

Seeing her rings on the dresser suddenly made all of this real to me. This had gone beyond just being a game. My wife WAS dating another man. She WAS his girlfriend.

Looking at the rings as I stroked myself, I lurched and came hard. But as I panted to catch my breath, remorse came over me, harsher than any time in the past. My god, what the fuck was I doing?!

I calmed down as the day progressed, mostly because I got horny again thinking about Jen and Ricky together, sitting together at the wedding and reception, holding hands, talking and laughing with their heads close together, kissing like lovers. I jacked off again and the cycle started over -- remorse, then horniness, then masturbation.

As it got later my depression grew. Normally after their dates I'd snuggle with Jen, make love to her, renewing our love and making her mine again. That ritual renewed me, eased my anxieties and insecurities. But this time, the prospect of not seeing her for hours yet, not until the next morning, left me feeling panicked, like I was tail spinning into an abyss.

Despite all that I got aroused again and masturbated. As soon as I came the depression set in again, but by then I was so physically and emotionally spent that I thankfully fell asleep.

I woke up and immediately looked at the clock. It was 7am, and my heart leaped with the anticipation that Jen would be home soon (we'd agreed Ricky would drive her back by 9). I was a mess so I shaved and took a shower, and put on new sheets. I made breakfast and put our plates in the oven so we could eat together when she got home. I was aroused again but I didn't touch myself. I planned to take her to bed as soon as she got home (maybe I'd let her eat first if she was hungry), and I didn't want any problems with getting hard. After breakfast was cooked and warming in the over, I sat at the table and waited for her to get home. And waited. And waited.

At 9 I called her cell, but she didn't answer. At 915 I called again. Still no answer. I called every five minutes, but no answer. Worry crept in. Had they gotten into an accident? I was about to call the security officer when my phone rang. I snatched it up seeing it was her, and practically screamed, "Where are you! Are you okay?!"

"Oh honey, I'm sorry, we lost track of time," she said. She seemed to be out of breath. Had they just been fucking, is that why she didn't answer my calls? Jen giggled, and I heard her chastise playfully "Will you stop!"

"Is that Ricky?" I ask. It was a dumb question, of course it was Ricky.

"Yes," she said, and then another giggle. "He's being bad." Another giggle, and then her muffled voice as she said something to him with her hand over the phone. Finally she returned to me, saying "Baby is it okay if I come home a little later? Melody's so nice and we talked a lot last night. She's from Minnesota and hardly any of her friends came, so she invited us to brunch before they fly off on their honeymoon. Do you mind if I go? I don't want her to be with just Ricky's Marine friends at brunch." Then more giggling, I assumed Ricky getting her back for that comment, and I heard her say to Ricky with a laugh, "Your friends are nice, but Melody probably wants someone she knows there too."

More giggling, and then a playful "stop," and then what sounded like kissing, and then a slight moan. "Baby, I'll be home right after brunch, I love you, bye," she said hurriedly, then another moan and a passionate "oh god" before the phone clicked off.

I sat at the kitchen table staring dumbly at the phone. My heart ached, but I had an erection too. I looked at the clock. It was already 10, she'd be home by 1, so it was only 3 hours. I resisted jacking off, but my excitement continued to grow. Finally I allowed myself to masturbate. I figured if I came I'd be able to last longer with Jen.

As I beat off I fantasized about Ricky and Jen of course. Had they fucked all night long? Had they woken up and fucked again, was that why she hadn't answered my calls? Had they fucked again before brunch? Maybe they showered together. I knew they probably had, Jen liked that, we often showered together. Jen liked to soap me everywhere and then get on her knees and go down on me. Had she given him that pleasure this morning? Maybe he'd washed her hair, the way I always did. She loved that, she was putty in my hands whenever I did that. Had Ricky learned that secret about her too? If he had, was he washing her hair better than me, just like he fucked her better than me?

I beat off thinking these thoughts, thinking of Ricky stealing my girl away from me, and I came harder than I ever had before. Then remorse and depression kicked in, and with self-loathing I thought again, what the fuck am I doing?

Around 2 Jen called and asked if she could come home a little later. The bride and groom were off on their honeymoon, but they needed help moving all the gifts from the hotel to their apartment. What could I do? I mean I'd encouraged her to go as Ricky's date. So I told her yes, and she promised to be home before dinner.

At 6 she didn't even bother to call. Instead she sent me a quick text saying the wedding party was going out for dinner before everyone split up and went home.

At 10 I called her. At least she answered this time. She was panting and out of breath as we spoke. "Yeah honey I'll be home soon," she said between pants. "I love you," she said and then abruptly hung up. One more fuck before coming home?

She finally got home at 1130. The first thing I noticed was Ricky's ring. She wore it outside her dress.

Her hair was messed up and her dress wrinkled. She looked freshly fucked. She gave me a quick kiss and then said "wait here just a minute." Then she went back to the door and shared some last whispered moments with Ricky. They kissed goodbye for a long time.

Finally she came back to me. She looked tired but achingly beautiful. Her soft blonde hair fell sexily over her face, her wrinkled dress hugged her curves and clearly outlined her hard nipples, and her stockings were laddered on her right leg from her knee to slim ankle. She still wore her heels, but she kicked them off, going from almost as tall as me to a few inches shorter.

She melted into my arms. "I had such a good time baby, but I'm so tired," she said tiredly. God it felt so good holding her again! We went into our bedroom. I helped her undress (she'd definitely fucked Ricky again, her inner thighs were moist), and then I spooned her, softly running my fingers through her hair. "That feels so good baby, don't stop," she sighed sleepily. She fell asleep in my arms, and soon after I fell asleep with my head nuzzled in her soft blonde hair.

The next morning (Monday) was a workday, so we didn't get a chance to talk about the wedding until that evening. That night after getting home from work we had a quick dinner and then got into bed for a long night of love making. She was too sore for intercourse, but we did everything else. It was everything I'd imagined, everything I'd hoped and dreaded. A lot of hand holding and whispering sweet nothings, a lot of smiles and talking and laughing, a lot of hugs and slow dancing, a lot of her holding his arm and smiling and looking into his eyes as he talked to her. They had sex of course, a lot of it, but the sex was almost secondary to everything else.

Ricky's friends took to her immediately. That didn't surprise me, everyone loved Jen, and I'm sure Ricky's male friends were envious of him having such a pretty girl on his arm. Jen and the bride Melody bonded almost immediately and were already texting each other like BFF.

Many of Ricky's friends openly speculated when Ricky would pop the question. The groom, Ricky's sergeant, said in front of everyone "Ricky you're never going to find another one as good as Jen." Looking into her eyes, Ricky smiled and said "I know." Jen blushed and looked down breaking eye contact, but she squeezed his hand under the table.

Everyone was delighted when they found out Jen wore Ricky's high school ring around her neck, thinking it adorably cute, and they insisted she wear it outside her dress the rest of the reception. This continued all day Sunday.

Jen told me all of this gleefully. She knew my fantasies, and knew all of this would drive me wild. It did too, and I came many times in her mouth and hand (she was too sore for intercourse). But all of this bothered me too. I felt better that night as we snuggled together and she drifted off to sleep in my arms.

I should have stopped the Game right then, but I didn't. I felt reassured with Jen all to myself again. That reassurance eased my anxiety and insecurities, so the scale in my head fell again in favor of my desires and fantasies. So much in fact that when Ricky called and asked her out the next weekend, I encouraged her to go (although she didn't need much encouragement).

What I didn't count on was Ricky took her out to a party with his Marine friends. Looking back though I should have expected it. I mean, now Ricky and Jen were a couple among his friends, so of course he'd want the two of them to hang out with the rest of his gang. Jen liked his friends (and they liked her), so she looked forward to the party.
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RE: He Fucked My Girl by xleglover - by Ramesh_Rocky - 23-12-2018, 11:30 PM

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