Adultery Internet chat leads to sharing bed with housewife by indodesiboy
Internet chat leads to sharing bed with housewife
Writer:- indodesiboy
10th April 2015

Hello All I am Vicky. I was an active story writer in xossip and just today i found this site. I believe few members here were from Xossip. I have already posted this story on that site and i wanted to post it here if any new people want to read. Its fully completed story and so i am posting it in one go. If you like the story, let me know your comments.

This is the story about how my casual web chat lead me to a long term bed sharing relationship with a housewife lots love and fun. Its my first story, i try to describe as much as i could and sorry if there is any mistakes. Your comments are welcome. As i am from Chennai most of my conversation with her was in tamil, but for the readers i post fully in English.
It all started around 2011, i was 22 and completed my engineering and searching for the job. Through one of my friend i came across a site through which we can talk to strangers without any id. So i liked that site and started using it. First few days i talked in there nothing much happened, mostly i chatted with both men and women. In few days i understood most of the peoples talk about sex in that website. I was excited and also scared. I was bored by watching tv so most of the time i spent in that site. I was really attracted to that site. One day around 11 in the morning while i was chatting I came across the stranger. I describe exactly like that chatting.
Me: hi
Stranger: hi
Me: my name is harish 22 male
Stranger: From?
Me: India
Stranger: where in india?
Me: Chennai. Wbu?
Stranger: oh really me too
(I was excited because for the first time i am talking to a stranger from same place in that   site.)
Me: you male or female?
Stranger: female
(Oh my god i hit jackpot)
Me: can i know your age please?
Stranger: 24
(I was little confused because was elder than me n don’t know wat to reply her so kept silent for some time)
Stranger: hey are you there? what happen
Me: ya ya i am here
Stranger: so what happen no reply
Me: nothing tell me
(still confused n don’t know wat to talk)
Stranger: So what are you doing?
Me: Can i know your name?
Me: finished my degree and searching for job
Stranger: oh ok
Stranger: sorry my name is shobana
(Later i came to know that her name is different. For safety reason i am using shobana itself further mentioning)
Me: nice name pa
Stranger: tnx da
 Me: what are you doing? Working?
Stranger: no no i am housewife
(i was totally dull. Found a girl to chat in that site after long time that too from my place but all waste now she is married. But i continued my chatting.)
 Me: oh married? So young? how long?
(i don’t know wat to talk so blabbering)
Stranger: its been a year now.
Me: 24 u r so young. Y so soon
Stranger: All because of my parents. Leave that topic
Stranger: Where do u live in Chennai?
Me: Adyar wat about u
Stranger: Mylapore
After that we chatted for another 15 minutes both exchanged detail about each other. In a short i tell about her. Her name is shobana living in mylapore, Chennai. She completed Msc. Her husband name is rajesh(changed) and he is in family textile business along with his father and elder brother. From her i came to know that her husband travels a lot and they were living as joint family. She don’t have child also. By the time all my confusion was gone and we both chatted like friends of same age. We both talked about favourite actor, actress, movies etc. In my mind all some confusion is going on where shall to talk about sex or not. Because she completed a ignored about her personal life and talking more socially. So i was afraid and i don’t wanna ruin good conversation between us. Sometime she replied very slowly and if ask she will tell that her internet is slow. At last i took courage and asked her
Me: I liked this chat very much, can be friends? Will to share any mail id or fb id?
I dint get any reply for long time. I thought she was angry and left. After that i continued to chat for long time but i couldn’t get her. I was telling myself that i missed her.

With some hope next day i tried in that chat room but no luck. I know that i could never meet same people again in that site, but i wanna try. Hard luck. After an hour of chatting i got bored and frustrated, so went out to meet my friends. That day past same like that. Next day with a blind hope i started to chat at the same time. Like after an hour some magic happen. Till today i couldn’t forgot that moment and how happy i was

Me: hi

Stranger: hi is this harish? From Chennai?

(i was literally jumping to sky)

Me: yes. is it shobana?

Stranger: ya ya omg....

Me: what happen that day i was worried are u angry?

Stranger: No da my net went down

Me: oh have u received my last message that day?

Stranger: yes    

Me: so r u angry?

Stranger: Y? No

Me: Just asked. I give u my gtalk id if u want?

Stranger: i don’t have gtalk id

Me: do u have gmail id rite?

Stranger: yes

Me: then download gtalk and ur gmail id is enough to login

After that she did as i as said and we both shared our gtalk id and became friends there. In my mind its say that this relationship is not going to just friendship its gonna lead more than that. Then i got a call from my girlfriend (Sorry guys i forgot to tell that i have 3 girlfriends in which 2 of them are sisters and another from my school. And i am not a virgin.) My girl friend told me that she wanna meet me now that her parent are went out. What a lucky day i thought myself

Me: i need to go

Stranger: y? Busy

Me: my girlfriend wanted to see me now some urgent i think(i lied)

Stranger: you have gf?

Me: yep

After a little pause i got reply

Stranger:  ok go when u will be again online?

Me: evening is that ok?

Stranger: no i am going out with my in-law for shopping

Stranger: what about after 9

Me: no problem for me, what about ur hubby?

Stranger: ok then 9 o clock i tell u then other thing.

Me: ok then c u at 9 bye

Stranger: bye

After that i went to see my girlfriend. After this story i tell my sex experience with my other girl friends. I came home in evening. Went straight away for little sleep due to tiredness. Waked up by 8.30 and had dinner. Sharp 9 o clock i logged in my gtalk id. She was not yet online. So i started watching some movie. After 20 mins she came online and msged me.

Shobana: hi da sorry for late

Me: no problem so had ur dinner

Shobana: S da you?

Me: done madam

Shobana: y madam?

Me: just kidding. So how was ur shopping

Shobana: as usual. So wats ur gf emergency

I was 2 minded. Whether to tell true or lie. If she dint like i may lost her. But i wanna take my chance. So i told her

Me: nothing much. My gf’s parent went out so she was alone thats y she called to her house

Shobana: oh. She scared of being alone or what?

I don’t know whether she understand me or not or just playing with me.

Me: she s not afraid. She wanted to see me that is it

Shobana: that is it?

Now i got that she is interested in fun chat. So i took some courage

Me: i went there and i talked to her and...

Shobana: And? What

Me: i think you know what i did to her

Shobana: how do i know what u did there

Me: i know u r innocent. Me and my gf had some fun. Ok?

Shobana: i thought you were good boy. But u r bad

Me: what is bad in it. You never had any bf before marriage

Shobana: no

Me: oh anyway its not bad. Now tell me where is hubby

Shobana: don’t change the topic da u bad boy

Me: if i am bad boy means y u talking to me

Shobana: i like to talk to u

Me: so u like the bad boys?

Shobana: i don’t know but i liked to talk to you

Me: tnx but don’t forgot i am a bad boy

Me: now tell me where is hubby

 Shobana: he was out of station went for business matter

Me: how long?

Shobana: its been 3 days now

Me: so u alone in the room now
Shobana: s da

After 5 min she said that current gone in her area so lets talk tomorrow. I said ok and went to sleep. Next day i were in online from the morning but she dint came. In evening while i was watching movie she texted me that today she cant speak to me that her husband is there and told me that she talk to me next day morning. I was little upset and said ok. Rest of the day went without anything interesting. Next day i were in online as she told and she also came at correct time.

Shobana: Hi da sorry about yesterday

Me: Good morning madam. No problem yaar. In fact i also busy yesterday(i lied).

Shobana: ya ya i know u were so busy thats y full day u were in online rite?

She know that i was in online full day oh my god i got my bulb

Me: so u know i was waiting for you but u dint talk to me

Shobana: Nothing like that da my husband came in early morning and was talking all day with me n others in the family. Thats y i couldn’t msg u.

Me: at least u should have told me in morning itself na one msg i waited for u full day

Shobana: i know da i want to know how long u wait for me

Me: (With angry smiley)  r u playing with me?

Shobana: sorry da don’t get angry

Me: ur husband came na then y r u talking to me go n talk to him na

Shobana: he is not in home went to shop

Me: oh thats y u r talking me otherwise today also u wont talk. Ok bye i need to go(i lied)

Shobana: nothing like that da sorry don’t get angry. U r my only friend try to understand

I dint text for sometime i know i scared her

Shobana: dai u r in online na pls reply da i am sorry

Me: hey just kidding don’t be sorry yesterday u played na thats y to take revenge i played a little

Shobana: you idiot i almost cried u know

Me: wat idiot ah?

Shobana: yes u idiot, stupid, bad boy. Making girls cry

Me: don’t praise me so much shobu

Shobana: what is tat shobu?

Me: short n cute for your name. Like it?

Shobana: no i don’t like it. Its short but not cute

Me: but i like it so hereafter i gonna call u shobu only    

Shobana: Dont call me in that name i don’t like it

Me: sorry da shobu, i like the name shobu so i gonna call u shobu only ok da shobu(teasing her)

Shobana: told u na don’t call me like that. I u call like that then i call u idiot

Me: i don’t care shobu

Shobana: then ok da idiot

(later she told me that she like that name. Even her husband never used to call with cute names always use her full name only)

Me: then wat shobu?

Shobana: nothing da idiot, today ur gf dint call u ah? Talking to me so long

Me: i am talking to my girl friend only Tongue/size]

(i know that she understand what i said)

Shobana: Wat who is ur girl friend?

Me: you

Shobana: hey idiot what r u talking i am married so mind ur words

(i know that she is faking that she is angry)

Me: cool madam cool. I know u r married. U r girl rite?

Shobana: yes

Me: are you my friend or not?

Shobana: yes i am ur friend

Me: that only i said u r my girl-friend. If you were boy i would have said boy friend

Shobana: dai u r the idiot i am not i know what u meant by gf

Me: no da i promise

Shobana: don’t act too smart i know u da

( i also know her, she is enjoying my conversation just faking her angry)

Me: hehehe

Shobana: ok ok close ur waterfalls and tell me really ur gf dint call u and ask u to come to her house

Me: i talked to her in morning. Her mother will be in home so i cant go. Y r u asking it

Shobana: nothing just asked

Me: no no i can smell some stomach burning smell

(i like to tease her more and she also enjoying it i know)

Shobana: that may ur computer smell no one stomach is burning

Me: ya ya i know. Yesterday ur hubby is also in house so u must me buys all nite i never asked that rite

(i really want to know the answer and i prayed she should answer me truly)

For another 2 to 3 min i dint get any answer.

Me: hello u there? Sorry if i was mistakenly asked

Shobana: no no nothing like that da just...

Me: if you don’t want to tell me means its ok don’t tell ( but i want to know the answer)

Shobana: cha cha nothing like that. Yesterday full day he talked about his trip and in night he said that he is feeling tried and sleepy and slept. So nothing happened so i was not busy

( i know how much she hurt and on anotherside i was happy that it will lead me somewhere)

Me: sorry. But don’t worry everything will be alright ( i don’t know wat to say)

Shobana: ya i hope so

Shobana: sorry da my mother-in-law calling me i gotta go

Me: ok shobu take care

Shobana: ok da idiot bye

Me: hey one sec will u come to online tonight?

Shobana: i don’t know da if possible i msg u

Me: ok bye take care
Now only i am seeing the watch its been more than a hour i was talking to her. And i was looking back into our conversation its nothing like conversation between to friends its more like conversation between lovers. I was fully charged because of that so immediately i called my gf but she dint attend and texted me that she cant talk her mother s near to her. Then i called her sister she told that she is in college so she cant come. But i need some one so called my school mate she told me she is with her friends outside. I told her i really want to see her and she told ok will be there in my house in 30min. I was happy and i played with myself to reduce some tension. She came exactly she said and looked very beautiful that day. Once i locked the door and carried her to my room and riped her dress like animal. In mind i was fully thing of shobana and our conversation and like animal i fucked my girl. She was shouting to slow down but i am no mood to hear her. After 45min i was done and i was lying beside her. She started scolding me  for behaving like animal and ripped her dress. I know how to cool so again started her kissing and apologised to her for the act. Anyway she liked it and once again we did 2 more time that day and then she left. Still i cant stop thinking of shobana. Later once i started fucking shobana i told her the incident and she told me i am animal, bad boy etc. Who cares. Later that day my girlfriend called me for what i called i said nothing just to talk and talked to her around a hour all foreplay stuff and shagged of myself. At night i was waiting for her she msged me that we can talk tomorrow and said sorry. I was thinking the full day incident and how shobana turned me on. Atlast i played with myself and slept.  

Before going into the story little brief about me. My parent are living in southern part of tamil nadu and i am only son. Father is running a super market, so no trouble for money. I was staying in Chennai in my father friend house who is staying in aboard with their family. It is an individual house with double bedroom so no disturbance for me so any time i can take my girl friends to my house and have fun. Apart from girls i don’t have any other bad habit and i am good at studies also. So in my home town i am very good boy to all. Due to own business my parent don’t visit me whenever i get holiday i go and visit them. So no problem or disturbance for me in Chennai. I am not fair and handsome guy but i know girls mind very well. So its been easy for me to make girl friends.

Now story continue.

Next day morning, when i was logged in i had 2 msges already. Its from shobana. In those msges she asked me whether i am angry and sorry for last night. She was in online only. So i replied immediately.

Me: hi

I dint get any reply for 5min. I thought she gone. After 5 min i got reply

Shobana: Hi da idiot y late

Me: nothing shobu i slept little late yesterday night thats y waked up lately

Me: i thought u also will be late today

Shobana: y?

Me: your hubby was in house yesterday and u also said u r busy couldn’t talk so?

Shobana: Nothing like that he was in house yesterday thats all. He don’t like to use computer much so when he was around i don’t use online

Me: which husband like to use computer when his wife like you around. How can he handle mouse and keyboard while handling you

I thought she may get angry for text but surprisingly

Shobana: Don’t talk too much nothing happened like. Yesterday also he was tired so after talking little time he slept.

Me: what are u telling, mostly he will be on tour, when he is in town he is tired

Shobana: yes more or less like u said only

Me: oh sorry i don’t know what to say

Shobana: don’t be sorry i am used to it so no problem

Shobana: leave that matter, so yesterday u met ur girlfriend

In my mind i was thinking that more than meeting i did more. But i lied her

Me: yes. She wanted to go to temple so i took her

Shobana: lucky girl.

Me: whats lucky in that she is gf if she want something i will do like if you want something your hubby will do right

Shobana: thats y said ur girl friend is lucky. Most of the time my hubby wont be around if he is also there he will be busy in business. Even if i want to go to temple i have to tell him a week before and make a reservation

Me: what? Its look like taking appointment from higher official not like hubby

Shobana: ya i know

Me: you never asked him y he is doing like this?

Shobana: whenever i ask he tell that he is earning for future of me and our children.

(in my mind i was thinking if he is doing like this he wont have any children at all)

Me: thats crap i don’t agree with him
While our talking was going like that, I got a call from unknown number. I attended it, its an interview call which i applied last week. They wanted me to come to an face to face interview tomorrow. Its a final round if i clear it i get job with good salary. I told this to shobana she was happy for me. At the same time i texted this to my girl friend also. After that me and shobana where talking for 30min. I asked her for her picture she said no not now. I was little disappointed but i know she will give her pic and contact number soon. She said she need to go that her mother-in-law was calling her and said me to come to online in the evening.

I said ok and called my girl friend and talked to her about my interview call. Then i started preparing for my interview. In the evening i was waiting for her to come online. We talked like 30 mins with little teasing. Again asked for her photo or contact no she said no again. Nothing much happened that day. Next day before going for interview i logged in my computer i had an message from shobana saying all the best but she is not in online. I left for interview and i got the job. They wanted me to join next month. My job place is nearby to my house and i don’t need to go for training anywhere. But pay is little less from other places but its comfortable for me and will have lot of time to spend for myself. I told my parents and my girl friend. In evening i went out with my girl friend since she asked for treat. By 9 o clock when i logged in i already had 2 msges from shobana. She asked about my interview. She is in online also.

Me: hi shobu

Shobana: you idiot what happen to ur interview i was waiting from evening

I dint answer her straightly because i need to tease her

Me: hey u in online at this time what happen to ur hubby not in house?

 Shobana: hoi idiot what i am asking what to telling what happen to interview

Me: so ur hubby is not in house where he gone again business tour?

Shobana: no no he is in work some load is coming, so he is there to watch he come only late night

Me: Hey u r telling me idiot but real idiot is ur hubby leaving you in house to chat with stranger and he is working

I dint get reply from her for sometime i thought she was angry and i crossed some line

Me: hello, u there? I am sorry just kidding

Still no reply

Me: please i never talk like that reply pls

Shobana: leave that tell me what happen to ur interview

Me: ya got the job next month gonna join

Shobana: congrates. Y dint u inform it early?

Me: how i can inform you i don’t have any contact no to inform you

Shobana: i am in online from afternoon waiting for you

Me: after interview i went out with my gf, she asked for treat so just now came home

I dint get reply for sometime. Later only i came to know whenever i talk about my gf to her she gets jealous.

Me: hello madam u there? What happen

Shobana: nothing when is my treat?

Me: tomorrow itself i am ready to give the treat but without knowing you how can i give treat

Shobana: just kidding leave it

Me: but i am not kidding atleast share your photo na?

Anyhow i need to see her thats my only intension

Shobana: always asking my photo give me yours first i send mine

Me: thats fair deal wait a min i send my pic

After that i sent 3 pic of mine which i took recent college tour. She replied that pic are nice and i am looking good. I asked her to send her pic, but she told she need to go that her hubby came and disconnected. I don’t know what to do. I was thinking that she dint like me or not, she will talk to me or not. Nothing happened after i waited for some time for her but she dint turn up. Next day in the morning i was waiting for her to come she msged me. I dint reply pretending to be angry. I got 4 msg from her and last one was “i know u r online reply me you idiot”. I replied her that i am busy i cant talk to you rite now.

Shobana: i think u r angry

Me: no no i am not angry at all i am busy bye

Shobana: ok be busy but i am gonna send my picture no through ur mail. Whenever u are free look and reply me

O my god i succeed finally.

Me: ok when i free i look it( still maintaining my fake anger)

Shobana: ok busy man

I dint reply for her and after 5 min i got a mail in my inbox and i was little nervous. I was praying god that she should be atleast good looking. My mind is playing with me that she will be ugly, thats y she replied me after looking my photo. What should i do if she not good looking. How to avoid her. All this thought is going around in my mind. Making me more nervous. Finally i opened the mail and her picture is opening slowly due to internet low speed. Its like heroin introduction in movies. Slowly from her head, hair, eyes, nose, lips to the toe. Oh my god she is stunning. She is not so fair, but hot and homely. She looks like actress in that picture in saree with sleeveless blouse. I cant believe my eyes. Immediately i replied her

Me: is that really you.

Shobana: oh i thought you r busy( she is teasing me)

In my mind i was thinking that she is playing with me surely she is not her. Like her name she gave someone else photo.

Me: i am not busy at all tell me is that really you

Shobana: ya thats me.

Me: don’t play is that really your photo

Shobana: yes da idiot y u don’t like it

Me: don’t like ah oh my god u look stunning, beautiful, and h........

Shobana: what and?

Me: don’t mistake me u look hot in that saree

Shobana: oye mind ur words u r  talking to a married girl mind that

Me: sorry but its true is that really you i cant believe it

Shobana: yes da its really me.

Me: can you send some other pics pls

Shobana: ok wait
I got another mail with 2 of her pictures. One with t shirt and jeans and another in sudithar with 2 more her friends. Oh my god its really her. I was getting nervous and my heart beats getting increased. Even my girl friend is fair then her( she is girl), i never got this much tension or nervous even our first fucking, but shobana is something else. She is tall, stunning and more probably she is married. I know that the different she is married, she is another once wife but flirting with me that the special. After that i was talking to her differently i said sorry to call her hot. She said ok she was just kidding about angry words. She liked me to call her like this. In my mind i was thinking what a stupid husband she had, keeping a wife like this in house he is going for work. If  I was her hubby i don’t even go for work. A small incident, once we started fucking each other, i took her to out to mahabaliburam, for 2 days, i never left single min alone of her and i dint allow her to wear any dress for those 2 days. Best days in my life with her and till now its my best sex ever. I tell those story later.

After that our conversation continued normally with small teasing. I ask for her number but she dint give initially but after 2 days we exchanged our numbers. Next day i called her around 11 o clock in the morning. After the long ring she picked the phone. We both kept quite for sometime because don’t know how to start. Then i said hello, she replied and we started talking casually and ended the call in 5 min by saying that we talking in chatting in evening. I was too nervous throughout the calling time and i also sensed the same from her. Her voice was very sweet and talked like innocent child. For whole day i couldn’t forgot her voice its keep on repeating in my mind. I was waiting online in evening and was expecting her to come. She dint turn up. I thought of calling her but i was afraid. So i texted her by saying her to come online. After sometime she came online. She said sorry for the delay and we both chatted normally and both of us dint mention about our phone talk initially. After 20 min of chatting i told her that

Me: your voice is so sweet

Shobana: really? Thanks

Me: yes its so sweet and cute

 Shobana: you are lying

Me: no no its true

Shobana: then why you ending the call so soon and dint call again

Me: sorry i was little confused what to talk and nervous

Shobana: why confuse and nervous while chatting you are talking well na

Me: but in phone its like different

Shobana: don’t tell lie da u dint like my voice thats y u dint wanna talk to me correct ah?

(i know she is tempting me)

Me: hey no no really not like that

Shobana: then call me now to prove me wrong

Me: ok wait i call you now no problem na are you in room rite?

Shobana: dai call me da idiot
Immediately i called her with little courage and started talking to her. My nervousness is started calming down little by little and conversation went on for 20 min as we talked normally like childhood days, friend and favourites etc., Then i asked her where is her hubby she told that he is in work and i started asking about her hubby family and we continued to talk for another 15 min and said good bye to each other. After that conversation we both got closed to each other. I started to send text to her like forward msges and we talked during day times like hours in next couple of days. Initially it was all normal friendly talkings only but after some point we both shared our personal stuff. How and who started it i don’t know but she used to ask about my gf more and i asked her that what she did with her hubby last night etc.. all these stuffs. In our text messages we started using the words dear, honey, kisses. Sometime i used to send some love messages and romantic quotes to her. While talking in the phone she always say that my messages were good she liked it. We both started enjoying each other company. Both know that some sexual tension is going on between us but neither of us not talking about meeting each other in person. Sometime i liked to ask her to meet in person but i was afraid.

[size=medium]One night while i was texting to her i sent her “A” joke message. She replied

Shobana: Chee u dirty fellow

Me: whats dirty in it. Its just a joke

Shobana: dai i am not the child i know what that jokes means

Me: really its just a joke my friend sent me i thought it was funny so i sent you

(i was acting like innocent)

Shobana: don’t act so innocent i know you da dirty fellow

Me: no shobu, its really joke shall i call you know and i explain the joke

Shobana: don’t call me now, my hubby is sleeping near by me

Me: then u texting me he wont suspect u

Shobana: he was sleeping well and i am texting you silently

i was thinking in my mind what an idiot he was keeping a wife like her near by and he is simply sleeping. I really want to tempt her.

Me: oh sorry he is sleep next to u means then you will be tired

Shobana: are you mad. If he is sleeping next to me, how i will become tired?

(i thought to myself. Is she really innocent or acting like one)

Me: Before sleeping he should have done something with you na

Shobana: ya he did

(i was curious to see that text)

Me: that wat i said u also will be tired.

Shobana: hmmm... ask me what he did?  u idiot

Me: are you mad how to ask those things to you

Shobana: ask da looseu

( i was confused)

Me: ok tell me what he did

Shobana: he did talking to me for 30 min in bed before sleeping

( i really dint understand what she meant)

Me: what? He talked for 30 min what u mean

Shobana: talk means talk da like we talked through phone this morning.

Me: what he talked

Shobana: he told about his business meeting and work today and atleast he said he was tired and need to go to shop early morning so going to sleep

( i almost laughed by seeing the msg. What an idiot having a angel like wife by side talking about business and slept without doing anything.)

Me: thats it? he dint do anything at all?

Shobana: don’t make me angry da i was already in kolaveri

Me: sorry di but one more question

(after sent only i seen the msg that i used the word “di” for the first time. I thought our relationship is growing to next stage.)

Shobana: what?

Me: he really dint do anything not even a kiss

Shobana: dai don’t make me to kill you.

Me: sorry.

Shobana: ok no problem i am going to sleep now so bye

Me: ok ok bye take care ummmaaaa(kisses)

Shobana: u too ummaaaa...

After that i sent her a good night forward msg and i dint get any reply for that. So i thought she slept and went to bed. I was thinking of her and her poor situation.
From that day i started to talk to her more caring and lovely and while talking in phone i brought up the sex talks. I used to share about me and my girl friends story and how we ended up together in bed. All time during the sex talks with her i can realise how much she is missing all the sex with her husband and i can sense her breath getting higher. While one of our talking i told her sex videos and stories sites including exbii. 

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Internet chat leads to sharing bed with housewife by indodesiboy - by chennaiboyvicky - 23-12-2018, 08:35 PM

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