Incest How i was introduced to world of incest (mega serial more than 3000 pages)
After the function nandini didi was brought to her cabin and she took charge her position in company. There was pride in her eyes to become M D of such a well equipped company and her position. Her prents and inlwas including her husband were so happy for getting such a position, only her mil said how will she lead such a company business, immediately her fil said she is clever girl and business graduate she will soon pick up I know her caliber and added with help of shree she will become expert . there is nothing to worry about it,I am confident about her, he thanked me giving most unexpected life to her and her family. He hugged me tight and began sobbing, at my fag end of life you did bring us so much pleasure, you should have born in my family shree, you are helping us in all ways. I am really proud of you my boy, his word made others eyes too damp.
Bhayya also hugged me and thanked me for giving such an opportunity to serve for her, you have kept up your words bro, I am really thankful to you.
Ramadevi assured didi not to worry as she will be with her and give her all the cooperation and suggestion so that she wont feel difficult to manage the unit. Rest of the crew were happy to see their M D as they are seeing her for the first time. Even I didn’t knew that what I am for this company it is because of my naughty brother who had kept me in darkness till this moment, but I wont disappoint you or him for choosing me for this post.
Then I took her family to apartment and said this is her temporary accommodation for our M D soon she will get new accommodation and all of them will have to reside here in belgaum, her hubby will be traveling frequently he will have his own car so that he can visit comfortably. Rest of her family were in hurry to leave but I made them stay for a day. Only one was disappointed at the arrangement was bhabhi, she didn’t like the accommodation for didi in flat, that had other reason. Didi raised objection how will she remain here alone till her family is shifted. Bhayya said don’t worry dear shree will be here till we all shift here, it may take a week or bit more for all of us to shift, what do you say shree he asked winking at me stealthily. If you are scared to live alone I shall be here till next arrangements are done I replied smiling at both of them. Till then I will be at aunts place.
She wanted me to stay there only but I said I need to go to aunts place and rest of the family is with you, when they leave I shall shift here I replied.
On the way back bhabhi was sitting beside me in car and others were sitting in rear seat. Bhabhi had lost complete mood she was completely quite till we reached home. I didn’t bother at her and soon I retired to room as I was tired. After some time aunt called me asking do I need any thing. I was quite as I was bit sleepy due to tiredness. Then bhabhi entered in room asking your aunt is asking that do you need any thing, she was fuming with anger. Yes I need you I replied smiling at her, she was still at door she had not come inside. She stood still looking at me in anger. I knew the reason so silently l went to her and pulled her closing door behind me, yes dear I need you , I tried to kiss her. No I wont need you, you are such a stupid I wont need you any more se retorted. Why are you so angry baby I raised her face with my finger. She tried t push me. She came blasting why the hell you accommodated her their, now I have begun to see her like my sauthan. (that is so true). When you had nominated her as M D I had not felt bad but why the hell you gave her that place. I knew what was bothering her but still what is the problem with that flat bhabhi, what is wrong there. Any way that is all the time vacant and let her remain there. It is nice place and seniors will be comfortable with lift facility and moreover it is well furnished for status of m d, is still small but she an adjust there I replied pretending like not catching her point. You stupid it is our fuck house where we be playing now onwards she replied in same anger. My god you are worried about that, I was not at all thought about it dear bhabhi. So we will have to stop our play from now I teased her. She got angry, I think now you have her and you don’t want me she got still angry and turned to leave. You have made me your slave and got me addicted to you and now you are behaving like this. You scoundrel I should not had fallen for you she began crying. I thought things are crossing the line it is better to cool her. I pulled her back to me, she is not you, I want you. We shall think for some alternate I replied kissing her. Is it you will make some alternate? I have searched a house for her and it is being furnished only till then she will stay there and later her entire family will shift there and one more thing I love her a lot and I dont like any one using bad words for her I gave a small warning and exhibited my love towards her. I am sorry if offend you, I can feel the love towards her without a rupee investment from her she has become M D then only I had guessed how much concern you have on that family and how her husband is working for your jiju that also I know. That way I am happy for giving life to their family, I am sorry with heat of pussy I uttered bad words for you and her, I am sorry again.
I thought you have forgotten me and my pussy she raised on her toes to meet my lips. We were in deep kiss till aunt shout from inside calling bhabhi to take milk and biscuits for me. No need mil I am giving her honey he wont need any other things now she whispered into my ears smiled. But I do need milk also I said pressing her boobs, wait I shall come back, your aunt is calling me, saying so she ran out.
After some time she returned with tray. She had brought biscuits and milk, I said I don’t want that milk, I want this I pressed her boobs. She asked me to close my eyes, I inquired why, she said don’t ask any questions just close your eyes like a good boy. When I closed my eyes she placed some sweet in my mouth, I asked what is so special for sweet. You were asking for this milk no? that also you will have soon, may be you will have to wait for eight more months she replied while she blushed. What do you mean bhabhi I asked in disbelief? Yes darling you are going to be father soon, you will be father of your nephew she said bowing her head down in shy. My god that is so sweet news, thanks for that great news dear. When did that happen I asked? What are you asking stupid that had happened in that flat and where else she replied smiling at me? Do you mean I am going to be father of the child? I asked. No you are real father but it will be named after your brother, he is going to be official father she replied still blushing, her eyes sparkled. We got it tested when you were at Mumbai. Then why you didn’t inform me I asked, no I wanted to say it while I am in your arms she said smiling. She hid her face on my broad chest, she was shying to show her face, that is very much natural for the first time she was going to be mother. What a sweet news baby I hugged her tight and showered kisses over her face. You must have celebrated for this news I asked. No you are the first to know, in hospital they said reason for vomiting and giddiness this could be the reason. Then I brought HCG test strip (pregnancy test kit) and got tested, it did show positive. I was so happy but at the same time I felt bad as you were far away and I didn’t want to discuss it over phone, I wanted to tell it this way. So far only we know this, and from that day I increased my sex sessions with him so that he wont suspect me. When are you going to announce it I asked? Today itself, in the morning I have pretended to be vomiting and said I am feeling giddiness aunt wanted me to visit but I told her that we shall go after the function. Will you take me to hospital now she asked.
No it won’t be proper, as we know the result and let my brother have the privilege of hearing the news officially from doctor I replied. She made face I wanted real father to be present at the time of announcement. May be you are right but I wont agree for this, it will be too much of a drama that way. Now hurry up and proceed to hospital I hurried as you need treatment for would be mother. We were in embrace for some more time and we had long smooch, then I asked her to leave so that aunt should not think otherwise. Bhabhi said she wont think, she knows that we are in new venture and we need to discuss a lot about that garment, that I had already informed mil and hubby that we have to be close and spend lots of time as regards tot hat, and do you know the result?. I just nod in negative. Both of them are so happy that we getting good along they are happy for us forgetting misunderstanding, poor fellows they don’t know our another understanding running between us. I want to have you today, I am missing you a lot. why you should miss me as you are having overdose of it already, in fact I should miss you as I am really missing this I pinched her pussy from over clothes. She cried for pinching, you naughty we both are sailing in same boat, make some arrangements soon we both need it fast. I said yes darling I shall see some alternative, after another long smooch we parted. From there I went to garments to attend work. After some time I received call from aunt hurrying me to hospital, shree your bhabhi has fainted me and your brother are taking her to hospital please join us. Ok aunt but nothing to worry as she had overworked for this inauguration so she might have gone sick due to fatigue and nothing else, I tried to cool her. But she was tensed listen to my words don’t show your intelligence and right now come to hospital she roared at me. Ok aunt right now I am coming, what is the matter sir ankita asked both ankita and ramadevi looked concerned. Your chairman is taken to hospital aunt is asking me to come urgent, my god what happened to her she was looking so beautiful at the time of function it might be effect of evil eyes ramadevi commented.
Let me see what is the matter I pretended and hurried to the car? Before I was seated both of them were behind me, they too sat in the car I could not say no as they too were worried about their chairman health.
At hospital aunt was looking really worried when she saw me she said something is wrong shree, sneha got fainted while she was in bath room and fell down, I am really worried what happened to her, that too most important day of her life, she has entered into new venture and same day this happens. She has been taken inside for check up she continued. When did that happen and was she conscious when she was brought here I asked showing real worries on my face. no she got awaken when we carried her to car, she was speaking also but looked so low aunt replied. Then don’t bother it might be exhaustion due to heavy work or may be she is having hyper acidity, what doctors have said I asked. No they haven’t informed any thing so far she is inside I had called doctor and informed about our arrival they were readily waiting at door soon we arrived she was taken inside. Don’t worry aunt every thing will be all right I consoled her.
Then doctor came out she said there is nothing to worry, she is alright some tests are needed and we are waiting for the results. She is sitting comfortably you can speak to her, doctor went out to lab side allowing us to go inside. I preferred to stay out letting every one go inside. Aunt called me too inside. When we entered every one surrounded her asking as many questions as they can. I asked every one to keep quite how she will be able to answer so many questions at a time. Aunt you speak now I said. How are you beti how are you feeling now aunty inquired with genuine concern? I am all right now mamma there is nothing wrong except little weakness after that huge vomiting bhabhi replied. She was looking at every one, why so many people have gathered here, I am all right she said again. This seems to be some thing special ramadevi replied. She got fainted after large vomiting then it must be sweet news ramadevi commented. As she being senior lady she had seen world in wide, yes old lady you are right we heard doctor saying. She went to bhabhi, you are going to be mom soon congratulations sneha then she turned to aunt congratulations would be grandma she shook her hand with aunt and pat bhayya back. Get sweets beta she asked bro to get sweets. There was relief on every ones face bhabhi was looking stealthily at me.
Congratulations bro I pat his back then I proceed to bhabhi, I congratulated her taking her hand into mine. Thanks devarji it is all because of you, she said in loud voice. I was shocked to hear her words infront of every one she is declaring it is because of me, my god has she gone mad or what, she will kill me and herself too. My days changed by your entrance in my life devarji, I had never thought I would enter into some different world like garments and I had never thought I would step out of kitchen in my life, my days changed since you came here. I should thank you, what do you say she looked at her hubby. That is perfectly right shree her life has changed and many good things are happening to her, you brought fortune to our family, he hugged me.
What a clever lady bhabhi is she changed the atmosphere in seconds and made me responsible for all the pleasures and made it be accepted by every one. Aunt too approved it, yes my shree beta is some thing unique, it is his baby that he conceived new idea and started garments. ( before she completed my heart was at my throat when she sad he conceived and it I his baby, but relaxed when she commented about garments). I do approve this ankita said who was standing silent so far, as you said aunt he is something special and unique too, she hold my arm. For this we need a party soon from chairman madam and shree bhayya ankita continued. That you will get soon aunt said. We all returned happily after doctor gave her some direction to bhabhi and aunty. Bro gave prescription to me saying every one is saying you are responsible for this, so you bring medicine for her. All of them laughed at his words I was blushing in real I ran to pharmacy concealing embarrassment.
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