Adultery THE UNFORGETTABLE AFFAIR by venkygeethu
after some time Akila and that young girl came out now she was dressed properly she was wearing Akila's dress and still she was sobbing and her face was having the markings of those two men nails she came and was shivering looking at me

Akila told her not to be scared and we are there to help her

by the time Buvi too came there and all sat Akila sat near me in the sofa while Buvi and the girl sat in the chair which was in front

Buvi : see sowmya everything had happened now we have to go to the Doctor '''

Me : Doctor? What for ?

on hearing this Buvi looked at me like firing so I stopped asking questions

Akila: But What to say to the Doctor

Buvi: mm but we have to see the Doctor who is well known and should not create any problem

Akila : mm Who is there like that

Buvi: mmm that is what I am thinking about

Buvi: Arun do you know any one like that

I : mm ya but he is a male doctor

Buvi : mm what shall we do

I : wait but his wife is also a doctor I think we can go there

Akila : will she help

I : let us give a try

Buvi : Ya that is good ''' Do you have his number and can you ask him ?


saying this I took my mobile and searched the Doctor whom I knew very well and had a small talk and discused about the matter and I was truthful to him saying everything hearing this he was dumpstuck and he told me that he will help me but he told that he cant ask his wife since she will never accept this and he himself will do

hearing this I was a bit confused and told everything to them

Hearing this they were little upset

Buvi: mm what to do but any how we have no other go he is the only option

Sowmya: No sister not to the male doctor please

Akila: But we cant find any lady doctor more over it is dangerous to be like this without going for any treatment come on Sowmya we are there and more over doctors are professionals and dont see in any other way
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RE: THE UNFORGETTABLE AFFAIR by venkygeethu - by Ramesh_Rocky - 04-05-2019, 11:58 AM
RE: The unforgettable affair - by AJJAY - 15-03-2020, 04:13 PM

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