Incest How i was introduced to world of incest (mega serial more than 3000 pages)
Soon I entered house I saw aunt waiting for me, as soon as I entered she asked me to get ready for the function. I said which function; it is wedding of your babhi’s cousin. I said I won’t come but aunt persuade me as they are her relatives too and once I go there I will find them to be known family and the girl is from your place and they are related to your family. Though I was not interested to go I was forced to go on persistent asking by aunt. Bhabhi and bhayya were nowhere to see. on searching for them aunt said both have already gone and it is getting late so dress in best of your dresses and be ready in few minutes she ordered. I had no other choice so I went into washroom and got ready in hurry. Luckily I had brought one silk kurta which would suit for the function. When I came out, after dressing and applying good perfume for double benefit of avoiding the alcohol smell. When I came out aunt whistled wow looking dashing young man she complimented my look in that dress. I think some girl will fall for my young son today. I don’t want someone take away my son, she came and hugged me and gave a peck on cheek and soon we were sitting in my car which brother had left for us.
I was bit relieved after seeing aunt cool, probably bhabhi has not told that incidence to aunt I thought. On the way aunt asked why you didn’t drop your bhabhi back to house was that work so important she asked casually, I replied by simple nod I had no clue what bhabhi had told about I not coming with her. The matter ended there itself as I switched the topic to something else.
On reaching marriage hall we were welcome by our relatives as well aunt’s relatives. I didn’t feel outsider as I knew many people there. Aunt introduced me to many of her relatives. While we were speaking to some guests, two girls were passing near us. Aunt called those girls and introduced me them. one of the girl was sheetal younger sis of sneha bhabhi and other sushmitha was her paternal cousin. sushmitha said hi while bhabhi’s sis sheetal didn’t not even reciprocate. this girl sheetal is also like her elder sis so adamant and ill mannered I thought . I too didn’t bother to look at her, I hated bhabhi for her attitude and added this sheetal in that list to ignore her forever. after some time we were called for snacks, at snacks counter there was rush, I didn’t not want to go in such rush for snacks but aunt asked me to get for her as well me. Now it was not fare to say that I don’t want to go for snacks. Somehow I went there and stood in queue. My mind was somewhere else so I was not bothered to see who was in my front or back though it was common queue for ladies and gents. I took two plates one for me and other for aunt and proceed, before my turn came those sweet dishes were exhausted and we all were made to halt till those things arrived. See my fate here also I got fucked up, today is my worst day I thought. I was not in mood I was all the time thinking about morning incident and was attention was nowhere but was on zero ( shoonya).
When there was sudden pushes from my back I was brought back to earth, I don’t know how long we were made to stand till the dishes arrived. rush was due to dishes had arrived and people were making hulla gulla for those dishes, everyone thought that they would be emptied before their turn came and so everyone were stretching their arms to grab those dishes. In such condition I was pushed forward I lost the balance as my arms also were stretched forward towards the girls serving. In the process I had jerked on the person who was standing in my front. I had literally been falling on them.
You fool cant you stand properly, see how you are taking disadvantage of the situation, a girl screamed loudly. Then only my attention went to the person standing in my front. It was none other than sheetal bhabhi’s younger sis. I said sorry I it was not my mistake fellows from my back pushed me so I went off balance I am extremely sorry. But that adamant girl showed her attitude, I know you boys you will behave like this when you find a beautiful girl near you and you people try to grab them or even grope them if possible, she accused me with bad words. I got furious for none of mistake I was being abused and insulted in public for the second time is single day. what a fucking day it is but instantaneously I said what these girls think of themselves , when they get lemons on their chest they think that they are miss universe. My words were loud enough to be heard by both girls standing infront of me and one person standing backside. When both the girls heard my words they were literally shocked and before sheetal opened her mouth to retort other girl sushmitha pulled sheetal by hand dragged her along with and both fled from there. The person standing behind me patted my back, you said right thing child your statement was absolutely right. They should understand the situation before opening their mouth.
those stupid girl unnecessarily abused you, I am sorry it was my mistake he said. I had lost mood for those bloody snacks which made me insulted in public. I too wanted to move out but that elderly person pulled me back, don’t go take those snacks, you might have come for some elderly person who are waiting for you. He tried to console me; he held me tight and made me collect whatever was being served. I was burning with anger and shame I wanted to throw those plates on floor and go back to apartment and begin drinking again. What a lousy talk she had commented on me. She is perfect sis of her elder sis; those both have some genetic problem. Those should never be left without being tamed. I felt like snatching that girl and slap in presence of public. I was trying my best to control my emotions, hold my tears coming out my eyes. This is the day I am insulted to the core in my life. I was completely frustrated I wanted to leave the hall without informing any one. I didn’t have guts to look at the person who was consoling me. I don’t remember whether I said thanks to him or not even nod to his advises.
soon I moved to where aunt was sitting chitchatting with another lady of her age. any way I had no mind to eat anything after eating that insult. I gave both plates to each aunt said you take one plate beta someone has gone to fetch for this aunt too. don’t worry aunt I will collect from counter, after wishing them I was above to leave, what I had planned was to move away from the marriage hall and go back to apartment, if aunt calls me over cell I could give some lame excuse for going out. but unluckily she asked me wait for some time and we have to go out after some fifteen minutes or so. I cursed my luck for being trapped in the jungle of inhuman gathering. for the first time I was angry on aunt and later myself for taking her shelter to live for such a long period. if I had taken room without informing them I could stay there till I finish my work, did I know the future or about bhabhi’s nature. if I knew I would stay away from them and I would not even inform them that I was in their city.
but the damage is done cant go back from present, I cursed myself for coming to function at least I could avoid on one or other pretext. I had decided to keep distance between bhabhi but I didn’t know despite of keeping distance from bhabhi her sis could make my stay miserable. I felt urge to smoke; I went to parking lot where I could smoke stealthily without being noticed by any one. I lit a cig began smoking after couple of puffs I felt little better, still I was completely drown into the thoughts though I was avoiding thinking about days happenings still mind travelled to those all the incidents. even after smoking one cig I was not satisfied I lit another, then I heard some one looking at my side and that fellow moved back , later I felt like someone watching me, I looked at all the angles found none and I continued smoking. after second cig I wanted to move from there, looked at watch and cell phone so far I had not received call from aunt, I felt it is better to spend some more time away from the crowd especially from those sisters. then I took another cig, I was above to light it, then I heard footsteps of some one , I looked at that side, one middle aged person was coming in my direction. I thought he has come to take his car but instead he moved towards me. looking at his age I thought of hiding cigarette from approaching person, though I don’t know who he is but for the purpose of respecting older ones I tried to hide it.
[Image: xossip-signatore.png]

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