Adultery Innocent wife: Madhu transformed to a slut By Alvin
Madhu : No Ram... I tried to understand, but now that business is commenced and it's almost been one month and I don't think you have to continue you this. Sometimes saying No is a good thing. Especially to Ro and her husband.

Ram : What rubbish are you saying. Why are pulling Ro into this. Like I told you Madhu we are not in some small town. This is the city and we are now part of a high class society. We cannot behave like villagers here. We need to have liberal views. You can't be this uptight and get jealous of another woman. Infact you should try to be more liberal and fun like her. She does carry herself very well you know.

Madhu : I didn't mention it out of jealousy Ram but you seem to be more interested in Ro other than anything else. It seems like more that work you guys just seem to have fun.

Ram : So you mean to say all this I'm doing for fun. For my enjoyment. Why do you think I'm struggling day and night Madhu. I left my job to venture into the unknown. All this for whom. I can survive with a 9 to 5 job and have a happy life. I'm doing all this because of you and our child. For you and our child.

Madhu's closed up frustration got the better of her

Madhu : I don't think so Ram. We were happy the way we were. You made these changes. Changes which I didn't want. Changes which I adjusted and made sacrifices. You've become blind that you can't appreciate my sacrifices too.

Ram didn't expect Madhu to talk back like this. He got angry and threw away the coffee mug and went away.

Madhu was shocked when Ram showed such behaviour. Madhu didn't know how to react as all the turmoil in her came out and she just started crying.

Ram didn't bother and just went to take a bath and get ready. When he came back after an hour Madhu was still crying. Ram didn't even bother to console her and went to meet Manuel. Madhu felt extremely heartbroken and was in absolutely sadness. It was almost like she felt lonely with no now around to care for her. Madhu was in a sad and depressed state. She almost felt like what was she living for, just then she hear her little baby cry and then she realised it was her baby who needs her. Above all, she was a mother and so her motherly instincts kicked in and she went to pacify her baby.

Ram had his routine dicussions with Manuel and went on to have drinks with Manuel. Today Ro was missing. Ram had unknowingly started liking Ro more.

Ram : Isn't Ro joining us today

Manuel : No she's a bit occupied today. Are you not happy with my company.

Ram : Oh no no ofcourse not.

Manuel : Then I guess you won't mind another person joining us.

Ram : Oh absolutely not Manuel

After a few rounds Martin walked in.

Martin : How you doin Ram?

Ram : Oh Martin, when did you get here.

Manuel : I told you we'll be having extra company.

Martin : Why Ram should I not be here. You suprised?

Ram : No no no no no.... I'm pleasantly surprised.

The three men began to chit chat and continue with drinking.

It was late night and Ram was out of it as usual. He slurred and wobbled his way. Manuel told that the drivers weren't available today and Ram will have to travel on his own. Ram had no problem coz he hardly understood what Manuel said. Manuel and Martin walked him to his car but Ram had no clue.

Looking at Ram's condition, Martin the told Manuel, " Maybe I should drop him off today ".

Manuel looked at Martin with a unsure look and asked him " Are you sure, is it time? ".

Martin looked at Manuel with a cunning smile and told him, " Yes, it's time ".

Martin took Ram' car and call one his goons who put Ram in the back seat and then Martin instructed his goon to follow them with as they all headed to drop off Ram at Ram's house.It was late night. Madhu had slept off as usual waiting for Ram to return. It was raining heavily outside and Madhu heard her door bell ring. She got up and looked at the time it was 3:15 am. Madhu thought it was Ram and went to open the door. As she walked to the door she heard thud sounds. She thinking it's Ram spoke out " Coming ". Madhu tierd and depressed finally opened the door but she didn't see Ram. It was tall man standing in front of her, she couldn't see the face as she only saw a huge silhouette. She panicked and yelled out who is it?. The man looked drenched in the rain and asked her " What are you doing here? ". Madhu didn't understand was taken back by the stranger asking her this and she asked him back " Wh..wh...who are you ? ".

The man stepped into the light and now Madhu had a clear look at the man. As soon as Madhu saw the man she just panicked and her knees became week and she just stood there. It was Martin. Martin stepped into to door and asked her

Martin : Is this your house?

Madhu : Ye...Yes... Why have you come here... What do you want... Please leave me... I already told you everything. Now please go....

Martin : I didn't come for you today. You don't understand, I was passing through the way and I found a man who'd crashed his car into the huge tree outside your gate. He is unconscious now and not waking up. His also bleeding from his head. I need your phone to contact the ambulance, my phone has switched off. We need to save that man quick.

Madhu : No please go... I don't want any trouble with you just leave please.

Martin : Why don't you understand woman. I'm not here for you come have a look.

Saying this he pulled Madhu by the arm and dragged her outside the gate. There was indeed a man in a car who had an crashed and all the windows were closed. But something was off. As Madhu realised that she went a bit closer as it was dark because the street lights were out and Madhu couldn't clearly see the car or the man. Madhu suddenly shrieked " Raaaaaaam ". The man was Ram. Drunk Ram had crashed into the tree and was knocked out unconscious. His head was bleeding and his face was a bloody mess. Madhu just screamed and cried and started banging on the door.

Martin pulled her back and asked her

Martin : Do you know this man.


Martin : Quick get me phone. There's no time we need to call an ambulance quick.

Madhu quickly ran back into the house and called up the ambulance but due to the rain there was no availability and the emergency room infored her that the ambulance will be delayed. Madhu broke down and went out and told this to Martin. Martin broke the car window with a rod he had in the back of his car. He called out his driver from his car and both took out Ram. As Martin pulled Ram out he mentioned " He's complete drunk " sensing from the smell. And put him at the back of his SUV. He quickly told Madhu to get in the car. Madhu went in a carried the sleeping baby and went into his SUV as they drove to the hospital. Madhu was relentlessly weeping all the way. Martin was trying to console her and ordering his driver to move fast.

They had reached the hospital and Ram was immediately taken to emergency room. Madhu who didn't know what to do was still crying. Martin walked up to Madhu and spoke to her.

Martin : Don't cry, everything is going to be alright. I'm sure your husband will be fine. Stay strong. You're not alone, I'm here for you, I'll take care of everything, your tears are precious don't cry please.

Madhu stood there hearing him but didn't respond. But she did feel better having someone for support rather than handling everything alone. She just looked at him and wiped her tears off. She was still huffing coz of constantly crying. She gave one final look at Martin and turned towards the emergency room's waiting area and sat in a chair with the child.

Hours had passed and Madhu had unknowingly fallen asleep as her life had become sleepless and sobbing for the past few days. Maybe she felt someone is there to help her which unconsciously made her sleep a little. She woke up and came back to reality, the child was not in her hand. She panicked and looked around. As she moved out side the waiting room she saw Martin talking with the doctor, having her child who was sleeping on his shoulder. Madhu was a bit relived see her child safe. Martin and the doctor were smiling and talking with each other.

Martin : Is he alive? Is everything set as per plan?

Doctor : Oh yes, you'd given him the correct dosage regularly and also brought him here right on time. He will live. Infact he's actually healthy in other aspects.

Martin : I don't care about that. Is my plan working that's all I want to know.

Doctor : Yes sir, it is working well.

Martin : How long will he be like this.

Doctor : He's almost gone to the point beyond repair. If we continue you the dosage it'll be permanent.

Martin : The make sure it's permanent. I need this to happen at any cost.

As he said this Madhu reached near them and heard Martin saying " I need this to happen at any cost ". Martin realised she's heard it and change the conversation with him and spoke out louder,

Martin : Do you understand doctor, I don't care about money, I just need you to fix up that man (Ram) at any cost. His wife and child depend on it.

Madhu broke them off

Madhu : Doctor!! What's wrong? What happened to my husband. Tell me!!!

Doctor looked sadly and spoke

Doctor : I need to listen to me. Be strong. Your husband's life is out of danger but....

Madhu : But what doctor?

Doctor : Does he have a drinking problem, I mean drinks a lot of alcohol and takes drugs?

Madhu : Only since the past month and a half or so. Before that Ram didn't have them, and only alcohol not drugs doctor.

Doctor : Listen Mrs. Ram, We found that drugs in his system. He had a lots of alcohol combined with drugs, he's had a cocktail of drugs that we aren't even able to pin point it. But the worst part is that all this alcohol and drug abuse has damages his neurons. The accident acted as a catalyst and has now created something very bad. Your husband is now paralysed. His neurons have become dull and his brain signals don't reach his organs. He's lost his motor sense. He can't even talk properly now. All he can do is mumble but that hard to understand. I'm afraid we can't do anything and since it's a accident due to drug abuse case we'd need to inform the security officer.

Madhu : Nooo what are you saying. Ram doesn't do drugs, this can't be, you are wrong, you are completely wrong!!!

Doctor : Ma'am, this is a hospital and I'm doing my job. I understand your situation but that's the truth.

Martin stepped in.
He held Madhu on his right. Madhu didn't realise it and just side hugged Martin and began to cry.

Martin : Listen doctor, I understand. But fix him up, I'll do whatever I can and you know me, I don't want this to go to the cops. This stays between us.

Martin kind off threated the doctor and the doctor just went off silently.

Madhu was just crying. Martin held her and made her sit and consoled her and gave her the child and told her that he has to got settle the bills and he'll be back.

Madhu sat there like an almost mad woman with her red eyes. She'd cried so much that her tears were empty. The nurse came you and told her " You can see the patient now ".

She went in and saw Ram's head heavily bandaged and Ram was just lying there unconscious. She didn't know how to react. It was like as if her life began to fall and she had nothing left. She just looked at Ram with a blank look and disbelief and hoped that this was all a dream but it wasn't anything like a dream. All this was very real. She asked to herself, " What wrong did I ever do to deserve all this misfortune. I've always been good. Why is my life turning like this ". She just couldn't take it and leaned on Ram who was lying on the bed and began to cry again.

Days had passed. Madhu had still not recovered for the sadness but learn't to live with it. Ram had woken up but there was pretty much nothing he can do. What ever he tried to speak out no one understood. His right side was completely paralysed and his left side had very little function. Martin had taken care of everything from hospital bills and everything. Martin was smart and didn't come infront of Ram. Ram didn't know that Martin was helping them. Madhu on the other hand now had gratitude for Martin and didn't see him like a vile and vicious animal. Madhu had even thanked Martin for all his help. Martin took advantage of any situation that allowed him to touch Madhu. He always felt that jolt of electricity whenever he touched Madhu and wanted to rip her dress off and just fuck her, but he stayed patient and behaved as a kind gentleman.

On the day of the discharge Martin didn't come. The hospital staff helped Madhu and soon the were home. Ram was on a wheel chair and was mostly bed ridden. Madhu didn't know how she'll handle all this. For now she had their bank savings which will vanish in a matter of months. Madhu tried to be sane but the situation didn't allow her.

The next day, the door bell rang. Madhu went to open the door. It was Manuel D'Souza. Madhu was in a feat of rage as she saw him. She believed that D'Souza was the cause of all her problems and shouted at him

Madhu : Why are you here?!! Get lost!!

Manuel : Madhu listen to me, I didn't know all this had happened. This is really unfortunate, but you have to listen to me and let me explain.

Madhu : No I don't want to hear anything from you, you've ruined my life.

Manuel : No Madhu it wasn't me, give me a moment to explain.

As Manuel told this, another man came behind him. It was Martin. Martin moved forward and spoke to Madhu.

Martin : He's right Madhu. It wasn't his fault. You need to listen.Madhu : You!

Madhu : Why are your here? Are you behind all this?

Madhu looked at Martin and questioned him

Madhu : I trusted you, but you were behind all this and acting like helping us.

Martin : Foolish woman. Look at you, such beauty and yet so naive. Listen if I wanted to make you mine I can do it anytime. How will it take for me to drag you and make you my whore, but I wish not to do that. Calm down and listen.

Madhu : Nooo you're lying!!

Martin had enough and took Madhu by her hand and dragged her inside the house and let her off towards the sofa. Manuel came in as well. Martin yelled at Manuel " Lock the door ". All this happened within seconds and Madhu didn't know how to react. She was scared and became quite.

Martin went near hear and spoke to her in calm tone.

Martin : Listen to me.... I would love to have you as my queen, you need only say yes, as far as what Manuel is saying, it is true neither me nor Manuel had anything to do with what happened to your husband.

Madhu : You're lying, you're all lying!!! You three are responsible for this.

Manuel : Three?? Who else are you talking about?

Madhu : You, him and you're wife.

Manuel : What?!! What nonsense are talking??!

Manuel : My wife!! What wife??!!

Madhu : Your wife Ro.

Manuel : My wife Ro?? What are you blabbering? Are you try to extort money from me by cooking up fake stories?

Madhu : No... It's you who are lying.

Manuel : Let me be clear Mrs. Ram, all the family is have is my brother and my mother. I don't have a wife.

Madhu : Wwhaa...what? But that day we were waiting for your family.
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RE: Innocent wife: Madhu transformed to a slut By Alvin - by Raj1100 - 23-07-2021, 11:49 PM

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