Adultery Innocent wife: Madhu transformed to a slut By Alvin
Ram : It must be something around 7 or 8 I guess

Madhu : It's 6:40

Ram : Is it that early. Doesn't look like it.

Madhu : It's 6:40 PM evening. You've been asleep the whole day.

Ram : What!!? Oh shit office!!

Madhu : Don't worry, I've informed your office that you are sick.

Ram let a sigh of relief.

Madhu : Don't you really remember anything?

Ram : No Madhu I don't. Last I remember was singing the documents and the I had some conversation with Ro and Manuel but I don't even remember what we were talking about.

Madhu understood that Ram was under the influence of alcohol and didn't remember anything now. She decided not to tell him anything regarding what had happened morning thinking that it'll only upset Ram. Infact she felt that those where the thoughts Ram had trapped deep inside him and it came out while he was drunk. She even felt that Ram's point were valid and didn't want to mention them again. She just felt this will be better and she'll try to be more modern and liberating as he had mentioned in his intoxicated state. She knew that Ram loved her a lot and thought to herself that it's her duty to support him understand him.
Her upbringing made her to follow patriarchy and so she did as she considered it was the right thing to do. Little did she know that these thoughts which she considered as values will be the seeds of reckoning.

Madhu : I guess so. You were drunk. Mr. D'Souza's drivers came to drop you off at 4:30 am. You were completely drunk that you don't remember anything now.

Ram : Oh my god... I'm sorry Madhu... I just thought it'll be a formality to have one or two sips as I didn't want to disrespect Manuel's offering. I didn't think it'll get this out of hand.

Madhu : It's alright Ram. I understand now. Things like this are common these days. I can understand what situation you were in. Modern High class people are like that. It's okay Ram you needn't be sorry.

Ram : Oh Madhu, I'm so lucky to have an understanding wife like you. I'm blessed to have you Madhu.

Saying this he hugged his wife out of happiness.
Madhu blushed and couple reconciled and began to discuss on what they are further going to do regarding the business. Ram decided he'll drop his paper in the company the next day and proceed to work with Manuel completely.A week had passed since Ram had left his job and he had started working with Manuel. He took over and was making plans and calculating the budget he required and having discussions regarding it with Manuel. They would usually have it in his main office at the hotel. He'll start his discussion by evening as Manuel only had time during evenings. Both would have dicussions and planning till about 1 to 3 hrs and end up having dinner and eventually end up drinking. Drinking had become a common thing now. Ram would however not remember anything which happened after their drinking session had started. All he remembered was some how Ro would be always there with them and finally he'll wake up next day at his house. Ram even tried to refuse completely once saying it's affecting his memory to which Manuel said that as Ram has started drinking newly as so his body is not used to it. Sooner or later he'll get used to it and then he'll feel completely fine.

Meanwhile Madhu too started accepting the new chages from Ram's side and tried to keep an open mind to everything, Although she found it extremely hard for to accept it. It had been a routine and Ram would come back home drunk and even try to initiate sex with Madhu, but she felt strange and just couldn't do it. Ram would talk about Manuel and Ro alot and how chill and modern and liberating they were. Madhu got used to listen to this even though she did feel uncomfortable about her husband talking praises about another woman. But she knew that he didn't say it to hurt her and this was his actual feelings coming out due to her lac of being modern and open minded. She almost took pity that Ram would end up forgetting all this in the next morning. Ram and no idea on what was going on and accepted this to be the new normal which will ultimately help him grow and reached greater heights.

Madhu was in a very vulnerable state of mind due the changes she was seeing for the past few days. Madhu as usual went to the market for shopping for the week. Ram had returned and was sleeping out cold. Madhu began shopping. Over the days everyone in the market gave a lot of respect and treated her like a superior. Naive Madhu thought that these people were being nice to her, little did she know that they afraid of Martin and she was being treated well because of Martin.

On her way back a black colour car had stopped her. Madhu was shocked coz the SUV almost hit her. A huge figure stepped out of the SUV. It was Martin. Madhu was taken back and tried to shout but couldn't as fear took over her and there was that strange feeling that came back making her knees weak as she was barely about to stand. Martin went near hear and looked at her with a smile. His eyes scanned her body completely. It's like he could see through her clothes and look it her naked. Madhu stood there paralysed as Martin tried to grab her arm. Madhu tried to resist but Martin took her by force and dragged her into the SUV. Madhu realized her predicament and began to scream for help but no one dared. All this happened in a matter of seconds as Madhu was put in the SUV and Martin sat in with her by force and the SUV took off.Madhu was now petrified as she was alone, forcibly held Martin and a few other men in this SUV. Martin had told the driver to go and she had no idea where these monsters were taking them. Madhu tried her best not to cry or show signs of vulnerability but given the situation it was very hard. As a chance of last resort she tried to scream and push open the doors but it was vain. The doors had been lock.

Martin looked at Madhu and spoke out

Martin : It's useless screaming. These are sound proof doors and also reinforced glasses. Nobody can see or hear you from outside. Be clam and listen to me, because frankly that's the only option you have.

Madhu : Please leave me. I beg you. Please let me go. I have a baby. I have a family.

Martin : You can only go when I let you go. So just be calm and listen to me and then I'll let you go.

All Madhu heard was " I'll let you go ". She tried to regain her composure and look at Martin with her teary eyes. Kajal got smudged and she looked like she'd already been through hell.

Martin said good now and took out a handkerchief and began to wipe off Madhu's tears and her smudged kajal. He wiped everything off clean and had a good look at her.

Martin : You have big beautiful eyes. I don't like when beautiful women like you cry in futile.

Martin handed Madhu some water to pacify her. Madhu refused once but Martin asked her " Don't you wanna leave ", so Madhu took and drank the water. After drinking the water Madhu felt a bit more clam.

Martin began to speak

Martin : That's better.
Martin : Now look, I don't like beauty such as yours going to waste. You look very beautiful. Everything about is so beautiful. Your eyes, your hair, your skin, your body. Just look at look. God has made you to be a queen.

Madhu just looked at him with a blank expression. But she was listening and wanted this to end soon.

Martin : I was instantly lured by your beauty. Your womanly assest enticed me. I wanted you to become my queen. I'm the king of this area and I wanted you to be my queen. I'm sorry for being harsh and brutal the first time we met.

Madhu still kept the blank expression and for some reason her mind was calm and she began to hear and process all the information Martin was saying. She began to think within herself " Is this man apologizing ".

Martin : Look, I was a bit drunk that day. I was out of my mind and who wouldn't be out of their minds when they look at such beauty like you. I still want to make you my queen, but I now know that you are married and have a family. So I don't want to disturb your life. But incase you have a change of heart you can always come to be my queen.

Madhu blurted out

Madhu : I'm a married woman with a loving husband and a baby. I have a family. Please just let me go. I beg you.

Martin : Relax, like I said, I don't want to distrib your life. I didn't know you were married and as I already told you I was drunk and mesmerized by your beauty. I will not force you in anyway. But always remember that I'll be a longing admirer. You should be treated like a queen. I can even now forcefully make you mine but I don't want that. I want you spend the rest of your life with me as my queen. I want you to willing come to me and I hope that happens someday even though I know it's impossible.

Madhu just kept silent.

Martin : A man can only hope for a chance to have such a beauty like you. I know this all seems harsh and aggressive but this is how I know to express my feelings. Everyone thinks I'm a brute, but you're the women who stole my heart. I'm sorry to bother you and I'm sorry for whatever inconvenience I've caused.

The car stopped.

Martin : So do you accept my apology?

Madhu didn't know what to say. She the looked at Martin and pleaded to him asking " Please let me go ".

Martin : Hmm... Looks like you don't belive me. I don't blame you. You can go now. You're free to go.

Saying this Martin opened the door and let Madhu out and safely handed her bags and vegetables.
Madhu stepped out and noticed that they had brought her to the street where she lived. She stood just 4 house away from her home. As Madhu realised all this and turned away and also rushed towards home, Martin held her hand once again and stopped her. Madhu shook in fear and her knees went weak with his touch.

Martin : I'll be waiting for you and remember if you have any trouble ever in life tell me. I'll fix it.

Saying this Martin gave a small peck on Madhu's hands, then quickly pulled her towards him and held her waist. He didn't miss the chance to hold her and almost hugged her sideways. He felt her soft succulent breast touch his body and then out of no where gave a peck on her cheeks like a gentleman and let her go. His dick was semi hard but he had it under control.

Madhu rushed back home. Within mere minutes she reached home and shut the door and locked it. She didn't even look back to see if Martin was gone. Immediately after she shut the door she sat down on the floor with a thud and started crying.

Martin stood there looking till Madhu shut her door. Martin the began to get in the SUV. As the SUV took off, one of the goons asked Martin.

Goon : I've never seen you be so polite to anyone boss. What happened?

Martin : Was it polite? Was I convincing?

Goon : Yes boss. But why all this?

Martin : It's a small game I'm playing. Just look at her. She's worth all this.

Goon : Yes boss she's gorgeous.

Martin gave a menacing look at the goon and he just kept quiet.

Martin : You better not see her. She's mine only mine. Maybe once I get tired of her, then you can have her.

The goon just nodded.
The driver who over heard all this asked Martin.

Driver: Boss, I have one doubt

Martin : What is it?

Driver : How did you manage to calm her down. It was like suddenly from being petrified and agitated she turned to a clam kitten who was listening to you speak.

Martin : Oh that. Simple. I just mixed a very small concoction in the water. That's why I insisted to make her drink the water. It calmed her nevers and made her listen to me.

Driver : But boss why didn't you give her a higher dose of that along with esctacy or sniff. She would've been open to anything and by now would've be aching to get fucked by you.

Martin : Hahaha... True, but what's the fun in that. I'm gonna take my time and then devour her slowly till she completely becomes my slut.

Madhu cried for hours. She thought why has her life changed so drastically. How can a man treat her this way. She didn't feel protected anymore. She was afraid and just wanted to leave. Suddenly she heard the baby cry and got up to go attend the baby. Madhu took the baby, while she noticed Ram sleeping unaware of all this. Madhu felt pity on Ram. She thought how hard Ram was working for the betterment of their lives and cried to herself. She also remember how Ram had told her to be more liberated. She thought to herself that a modern and liberated woman would be brave and handle such situations on her own. She didn't want to trouble Ram or scare him. Infact Ram had told her to try this place out for an year and if then she was still uncomfortable the could leave this place. Given the circumstances of Ram's new opportunity with Mr. D'Souza, Madhu felt it's her duty to handle all this and be supportive of Ram's efforts. As his wife it was her duty. Also the thug did apologize to her and told her that he won't bother her again, so maybe as will be fine soon. She hurried her suffering in her heart and hoped that things will turn out to be better soon.

Little did poor Madhu know that her life was gonna change completely soon enough.Ram has woken up from sleep. Like every other day since the past fews he hardly remembered anything. It had become a routine that Ram would drink at the end of the day. It seemed like he was heading to a bar rather than a business discussion. He was now even eager and began enjoying the drinks. The only drawbacks he had with this arrangement was he hardly remember anything when he woke up and his arms and legs would feel numb as if they didn't have any feeling in them. But after a while of waking up it would return to normal.

Madhu try to forget everything for Ram sake and made coffee for Ram since she knew that he'll be waking up by this time. But on seeing him Madhu was getting a bit worried about Ram's new habit. Even though she tried to ignore it she couldn't control herself and as any responsible wife she ended up asking Ram that -

Madhu : Ram.. I think maybe you should stop drinking atleast for a while... I feel it's a lot and your focus and health is getting spoilt.

Ram : No no Madhu I'm fine. It's not much. I can't refuse Manuel and Ro.
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RE: Innocent wife: Madhu transformed to a slut By Alvin - by Raj1100 - 23-07-2021, 11:49 PM

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