Adultery Innocent wife: Madhu transformed to a slut By Alvin
D'Souza: It's my pleasure Ram, but hold on, we still have to discuss condition number two.

Ram: Sure sir... Whatever it is I'm sure I'll do it.

D'Souza: Well then, condition number two is, as I said I like you Ram. I like your persistence and I feel that you're a very capable and dependable person. I don't trust people easily but you... There's something different about you and I just feel it. You're just the type of person I was looking for for the past one year and fate has made us meet like this. I'm about to start a new business was looking for someone who is dependable and has good technical skills. Since you're from the IT domain who better than you. I want you to work with me. I'm looking to create an online platform and a few apps for my new chain of hotels. This will expand my business, but I don't want you to do this as a favor. You can be like a sleeping partner. All the profits from the online forums will be managed by you and if you wish you can even do this without quitting your job, I'm sure you'll be able to and once you are confident about this and once when the forum picks up we can hire new staff and build up on it and you can take over the whole part completely. I see a lot of potential in you and I completely trust you. This is big opportunity and who better than someone capable to like you.

Ram was baffled. Ram thought to himself, " This man who had only known him since a few days is now offering him this huge business and an opportunity of a life time. Am I dreaming, this is too good to be true. Is this for real. This is huge. If something like this happens and I make it then out future will be great. But how, why, is he kidding. What if he's not. What if it's the real deal. Oh God what's going on."

Ram was out of words as he looked up and down

D'Souza: So what do you say Ram? What's your decision. Do you agree to condition number two?

Ram: Si...Si...Sss..Sir, I..I..I....I don't know what to say.

D'Souza: What's there that you don't know here. It's a simple yes or no. If Yes, you're in for an opportunity of a lifetime. If No, then I pity you for a making a huge mistake, opportunities don't come knocking this often but I can't force you to see the good in this now can I.... It's up to you Ram.

Ram: Si...Si...Sirrr!! I need sometime...

D'Souza glared at Ram and gave a girn and said

D'Souza: That's rubbish Ram!!, A confident and persistent man like you exactly knows what he wants. If your having second thoughts on making a decision, then maybe I chose the wrong person I suppose. But I remember the look in your eyes and I really feel your up for the task at hand and that's why I'm extending you such a huge offer. But it's finally upto you, Yes or No Ram.... YES OR NO... Simple.

Ram stood there blankly. He was nervous and had started to sweat in a fully air-conditioned room. He turned to the table to pick up the glass of water and drank the entire glass in two gulps and then took out his kerchief and wipe his mouth and his forehead, dabbing of the sweat.
Ram took a deep breath and finally blurted out

Ram: It's a yes sir.... If you can trust me so much then I should have some turst on you as well and also myself. I'm ready to do this sir. I don't want to miss such an opportunity.

D'Souza: Well done Ram. People like us are the ones who change the world and make it a better place. I'm happy, it's a pleasure.

Ram: No sir the pleasure is mine. You're doing so much for me. Not even a family member would do so much. I'm truly grateful for all this sir. You're like a god to me. I don't know how I'm gonna repay you.

D'Souza: Oh nothing like that. You're a capable man and I see potential in you. And from now on no gratitude and repaying talks. You're my business partner now.

Ram: Thank you sir
Ram was so emotional that it was all he could say.

D'Souza: Well Ram, so it's decided. I'll be off now coz I have some personal things to be done. Also the party planning crew will get in touch with you. And to add more to the celebration I'll invite a few of my business friends and our legal team to introduce them to you and we can make out partnership official and have the contract signing at the party.

Ram was just nodding and gleaming showing his teeth like a 6 year old who has just got a new cycle.

D'Souza: So okay Ram, nice meeting you partner. See you at the party.

Ram: Sure sir and once again thank you so much it's my pleasure and I still can't believe it.

D'Souza: Oh you better believe it buddy. It's real.... it's all very real. Take care now.Ram was on cloud nice and was jumping as her entered home calling out


Madhu: Offo!!! I'm cominggg....


Madhu: Huff... Huff... What's the rush about? Why are you shouting in the middle of the house like a mad man?

Ram: Oh Madhuuuuu.... My sweet sweet Madhu.... Our life is gonna change completely Madhuuu... I don't even know where to begin... God has finally heard our prayers.

Madhu on seeing Ram like this Madhu too got excited and asked him

Madhu: Oh Ram I'm already happy listening to this... Just stop the suspense and tell me what happened.

Ram began to narrate what had happened in his meeting with D'Souza and his offer. He was telling to Madhu like a child who had discovered the sweet taste of chocolate. He couldn't control himself and after saying just gave her a hug and a small peck on her lips.

Madhu to rejoiced and reciprocated and kissed him.
They broke out the kiss and then Madhu began to shed tears of joy

Madhu: Finally Ram, I knew all your hard work will be noticed somewhere. I'm so happy right now that I don't know what to do.

Ram: Me to Madhu. I still feel like I'm in some dream from which I never want to wake up.

Madhu: Oh no Ram this is real. Thanks to God and all the effort we put, it's all real.

It was probably one of the most happiest moments of their life. They kept on talking for a while till late night and also ended up discuss whom to invite and what to do for the party and it was already late so the couple had a make out session at bed and went to sleep.

It was the day of the party and Madhu was getting herself and the baby ready. The baby looked absolutely cute like a little fluffy ball of cuteness. Madhu herself looking very traditional and beautiful, but there was a ravishing appeal to her to. She looked respectful but also unaware about how sensual she looked. She was in a red saree. with a short blouse. When even she lifted the baby her clean fair underarms were visible which any virile man will love to taste and lick continuously.. Madhu generally had a very feminine and hairless body with only little hair which was also looked like almost completely hairless due to her regular use of turmeric. The back of the blouse was also a bit bare back as her creamy looking back was see. To anyone who took a glimpse, Madhu looked straight forward and very conservative; but if to anyone who noticed her closely from the sides, they could clearly see how all her curves stood out perfectly under the red blouse and saree. Her waist was milkly white in between the red blouse and saree. Here figure was designed to be the perfect fuck sult. Her long hair was also free flowing since she had taken a shower. The couple had dressed up and also were almost ready to the party. Since there were a lot of guests and the who party hall was complementary, Ram had booked rooms for his parents and in laws so that the house wasn't filled.

As everything was set. The couple went to the party hall.

They reached the party hall and it was extravagant. It looked like a royal celebration. All the guest's kinda envied the couple and the baby. Everyone seemed happy. Both were busy attending the guest and looking after the baby. More guest were arriving one after one. A handful of unknown people were also arriving. Ram thought they must be guest's of Mr. D'Souza. All these guests were coming but there was no sign of Mr. D'Souza. It was almost time for the naming ceremony to begin followed by the cake cutting. Ram was waiting, but since the auspicious time was gonna start, The went ahead and started the ceremony.

Just then after a few mins D'Souza entered the hall wearing a black tuxedo and since the ceremony was going on silently went and stood by Ram. Everyone noticed D'Souza entered and people who didn't know him were curious to know he was and why Ram gave him space to stand near him. Madhu to just like the others was a bit curious and also felt that she had already seen this man somewhere but couldn't recollect it. She gave it a thought for about a few seconds and got involved in the ceremony. As the ceremony progressed the child was named Riddhi. One by one family members went near the child's ear and whispered her name in her ear. Ram also called D'Souza to join which Madhu didn't like. Madhu felt something off about D'Souza but couldn't pin point it. D'Souza being a gentleman resufed to do as this was a family engagement and he was just a guest. Ram on the other hand had insisted saying

Ram: Sir you've done so much for me in so little time. This whole party is happening because of you. You're like family sir. Please do join us.

On hearing this Madhu realized that this man must be D'Souza and felt a little better about him but still wasn't sure where he had seen him coz he had a very familiar face

D'Souza: Oh it's nothing Ram. It's just a small gift for a dedicated father like you.

D'Souza went near the child and whispered her name three times and the ceremony got over and people proceeded to cut the cake for the birthday. All were happy and after the cake cutting Ram had properly introduced D'Souza to everyone including Madhu.

D'Souza: I didn't know you have such a beautiful wife Ram. You're such a lovely woman Mrs. Ram. Your eyes show how kind you are and now I know the reason behind Ram's success. Glad to meet you Mrs. Ram.

Madhu smiled and blushed a lil but tried not to show off and said

Madhu: I've heard a lot about you sir. Thank you sir but you are the big person here and we owe it to you. Thank you so much sir.

D'Souza: I just look for potential Mrs. Ram and your husband has a lot of potential and now that I've seen you I think even you have a lot of potential. With you by his side Ram is bound to be successful.

Madhu: Oh sir you're too kind.

Ram: Yes Madhu. Sir is such a down to earth person.

Right after this D'Souza's phone began to ring as he excused himself away from the couple to pick the call.

On the call -

D'Souza : Yes tell me

Other person: ...............

D'Souza : So everything is ready?

Other person: ...............................
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RE: Innocent wife: Madhu transformed to a slut By Alvin - by Raj1100 - 23-07-2021, 11:47 PM

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