Fantasy Jaya - A Lonely Wife's Adventures
Stranger: Imagine, you are in a different city for a few months, eg. Some training purpose,

Jaya: OK, What next,
Stranger: What will you use for transport then? (The stranger crossed his fingers and waited for the Answer……)
Jaya: Auto or Taxi….. Why do you ask….

Stranger: OK, Now imagine, if you had to be there for over 6 months, then?

Jaya: I would take a Bus Pass…..

Stranger: So, place of your husband in the place of your training center in another city, so who is an auto or Taxi then?

(Jaya understood that she was gradually carried towards answering what the stranger wanted to hear that……)

Jaya: Well tried….. I am not answering that…… That’s impossible, I can’t imagine anyone other than my husband…..

Unfortunately the stranger did not get the answer he was expecting, she was indeed wise….. She could not get carried away so easily….. but surely he would not stop trying…..

He had a plan B in mind….. if she answered the first set of questions smartly…. He had a second set of questions….

Stranger: Can’t you imagine any of your friends to take you? Dirty mind……

Jaya: Not me, you are a dirty mind…. (Jaya felt offended…. She started to think may be he is right, I am the dirty mind….., I did not think of a friend….)

Stranger: I will leave that to you to decide who is the dirty mind here….. anyways, so do you agree, you can ask help from one of your friends?

Jaya: Yes….

Stranger: A friend means, someone who you can share your happiness, your sorrows, and vice versa…. Right?

Jaya: Definitely, that’s a friend….

Stranger: so you agree that you will be comfortable with someone if he is a friend…..

Jaya: Certainly…… No no no I did not mean like that…..

Jaya bit her lips the moment she answered that….. The stranger had successfully tricked her….

Stranger: See….. I told you, you are the dirty mind…. Stop acting…. You also know how much you need it and just avoiding it because you are scared, about who will say what….

The stranger continued….. he did not want her to think anything in between the gaps in the conversation…..

Why do you think, people have not started to think about it already…? You are alone, your husband is miles away, you are working lady, so some people are thinking about you…. May be not the way they speak to you in front of you… but behind you, they will be sure that you either may have an affair, or a boy toy at school, or even worse…. Your father-in-law could be fucking you in your mother-in-law’s absence……

Jaya could not speak anything….. she sat there on the bed dumb, not know what to say or how to react to his war of words……

Again the stranger invaded her already confused mind…..

Stranger: Why anyone else, you showed me your boobs, may be accidentally as per your version, but I still saw them, that’s the fact. ….. you fingered yourself while chatting with me, had a very good orgasm, all I am asking you to do is to continue enjoying your life…. And while someone will take care of your enjoyments, you can respond to them and be part of their enjoyment….

Finally Jaya spoke…..

Jaya: But is that's a sin, whatever you are saying….. or asking me to do.....

Stranger: You are talking to me, I have made you wet, do you even know my name? but you still enjoyed right….. its no sin to enjoy….

Jaya: I guess your right….. (Jaya eyes filled with tears… In so many years no one had spoken about her dreams, her enjoyment, all she was told that she had to fulfil her husband’s dreams, take care of her husband’s enjoyment….. )

Stranger: so are you ready to come out of your shy, scared shell and start a new life…. Just for yourself….?

Jaya: (Took a deep breath and said) yes……!

Stranger: Love you darling…. So, what time shall we go shopping tomorrow….?

Jaya: Smiled at herself, I will call you after school tomorrow…..

Stranger: OK then love, I will wait for your call……

Jaya: wait wait…. By the way what is your name?

Stranger: is it necessary, you need something else from me, you will get that tomorrow itself if you are ready….

Jaya: Shut up….. just because I agreed to meet you, does not mean I am ready to sleep with you…… so don’t get any ideas…..

Stranger: I am not the one getting ideas, its you, and when did I ask you to sleep with me, that you can do with anyone….. likewise, I can do that with anyone….. but secrecy is something you will need to take care…..

Jaya: Secrecy for what?

Stranger: What if someone saw us together?

(Shit….. How could I not think about this? How can I go along with him shopping?)

Jaya: Then, its best we don’t meet……

Stranger: Exactly my point…..

Jaya was both happy and confused…. Happy because he agreed not to meet her, but confused that what is that he wants and what a man wants, he can’t get it without meeting……

Jaya: but how can I make you enjoy in return for my enjoyment…..

Stranger: That you leave it to me….. Just follow my instruction and I will show you heaven……

Jaya: but how? I don’t want to get into any trouble…..

Stranger: Let me be frank with you…. for a couple of days, you will feel pleasure in fingering…. A couple of days later, you will not enjoy it anymore, your body will need something else, a couple of instances later, you will again want something new…. after you have reached all peaks for ecstasy, it would be time for your husband to come back… you will yourself want to stop all these activities….. so there is no question of getting into trouble….. What’s important is you don’t waste this time, this opportunity….. you will not get this time again…..

Jaya: are you sure, I will not get into any trouble?

Stranger: I can't prove that to you but can make sure, you don’t get into any trouble, and why do you fear, I will be with you….. you just have fun….

Jaya was now fully convinced…. The stranger had managed to convince her almost to his desire….. the only thing left was to make tomorrow’s meeting in mating……

Jaya: Ok…. You keep telling me what to do, I will do accordingly, but please promise me, you will not meet or try to meet me anywhere near my house or in school….. Anywhere else is fine with me.....

Stranger: Sure, darling….. but who knows, in another few days, you may get busy with all the men in your school, you may get busy with the boys in school… or if I am in luck, you may call me home soon… who knows…..

Jaya: Enough….. don’t dream so high….

Stranger: Ha ha ha…..

Both of them laughed…. Suddenly she heard a knock on her bedroom door…., she told him someone was at the door and hung up the phone.

She opened the door, it was her FIL, he asked her if she was not well….. He touched her forehead and then her neck…. Jaya felt a shiver with her FIL’s touch, she had never felt like that before…..

Jaya said she was ok, Jaya had not realized that the time was almost 6:00 PM, Her FIL told her, time was almost 6:00 PM and since she was in the room, he wanted to inquire….. she realized it was tea time, she had not prepared tea for her FIL. She said, she will give him tea in 5 mins…..

She immediately rushed into the kitchen and started to boil water…. While the water boiled, she could not understand why she felt a shiver when her FIL touched her…. She had never felt like that before, May be the stranger is right…. I am really missing a man’s touch (She said to herself….)

Jaya prepared tea and served it to her FIL, and started sipping her tea….. She stole glances at her FIL, he was looking rather differently….

He was retired, 58 years, and was very healthy…. She felt sensations in pussy…. she liked the feeling.

Both FIL and Jaya watched TV for some time, time was around 8:00PM, Jaya started preparing dinner…..

Her MIL called, Her FIL was talking over the phone, her Jaya came out and her FIL put the phone on speaker…..

Jaya: Hello mummy, how are you? How is Seema?

MIL: Oh… I am fine dear and so is Seema…..

Jaya: So, tell me mummy, how is USA?

MIL: Oh…. USA is good dear, its lovely here…..

Here….. talk to you brother-in-law…… she handed over the phone to her daughters husband…..

BIL: Hello FIL and hello Jaya, how are you both doing?

FIL and Jaya: Both are fine…. How are you and how’s your job and all?

BIL: Oh…. Both me and my job are doing great….

Are you both on speaker phone he asked….

Jaya: Yes….. why?

BIL: Nothing, I wanted to talk to FIL, a little something important…..

Jaya turned off the speaker off and gave the phone to her FIL, she moved back into the kitchen to finish preparing dinner.

A few mins later, her FIL called Jaya, he was off the phone by then…..

FIL: Jaya I have something important to tell you……

Jaya was a bit tensed….

Jaya: what happened dad, is everything alright?

FIL: The other day, when MIL had gone out to shop some things for the house, some mugs tried to hurt your her…….

Jaya: Ohhhh gosh, hope she is fine…… why did she not tell us this…..

FIL: That’s exactly what he told me, you will panic listening to this….. and did not tell you, Dont tell this to Rakehs also, he also will panic unnecessarily.... there is nothing to panic…. She is fine, There were security officer men around the corner and you MIL safely returned home…..

Jaya: Oh…. Thank God for the same…..

FIL: Errrrr…. There is something else I need to tell you…..

Jaya: Tell me dad…. Why are you hesitating….

FIL: You see this event has tensed, both Seema and my Son-In-Law, so he asked if I also could come to the US to stay with your MIL so as to avoid such things…..

Jaya: Oh…. Why are you so tensed then….? you must go, I will do all the packing,

FIL: But how can you stay alone?

Jaya: Don’t worry about me, dad, I will manage.

FIL: I am sorry, all of us are leaving you alone one by one, first my son due to his job, then my wife due to my daughter's pregnancy and now me….

Jaya: Oh…. Common dad, don’t think all that…. I will be absolutely fine... You go take care of MIL. When would your trip be scheduled?

FIL: He said, 3 days……

Jaya: That’s great….. I will make all the packing.

FIL: OK, tomorrow I will go to the internet center download the Visa application form, and submit to the visa office. I need to send him the confirmation so that he can book tickets for me. But promise me, you will take care of yourself. I will talk to Shekar uncle, in case you need anything, he will help you out…. And if you need anything, our apartment watchman is nice boy, he will help you also.

Jaya: Thank you dad, but don’t worry about me, I will be fine.

FIL: By the way, did Shekar uncle return the house key?

Jaya had a puzzled look on her face….. Which house key Jaya asked,

FIL: I had given him our house keys when he met at my friends place in the morning today, I told him give it you…..

Jaya started to shiver…. She started sweating…… she was shocked…. She could not speak….

All she could say was no… she immediately rushed to the kitchen, tears started to flow down her cheeks….. she cursed her self for not locking the door….. she could not understand what to do now? May be Shekar uncle had seen her dirty act.... may be he had unlocked the door and come inside and seen her naked..... oh shit....oh shit.....

Her FIL shouted from the hall, I will go to Shekar uncle’s house and get the keys back…. You keep the dishes on the dining table, we’ll have dinner after I return…..

Jaya was still sobbing, but had to hide her tears so from the kitchen she said OK, and asked him to come soon as the food would get cold.

He moved out and closed the door behind him, Jaya again burst into tears….. hundreds of questions started to raise in her mind…

Had Shekar uncle come in? did he hear my sounds, had he seen me fingering….. will he tell that to my FIL, will he tell the others in the apartment….. How will I face Shekar uncle from here on? How will I face the other people in the apartment?

With slow steps still sobbing, she brought the dishes outside to the dining table and started placing them…..

FIL opened the door and walked inside; Jaya was eager to know if Shekar uncle had told him anything……

He coolly walked in as if nothing had happened…. He turned back and called the watchman inside…..

He told the watchman to take care of Jaya when he would be out of town for a few days…. The watchman happily accepted. He looked at Jaya and smiled. Jaya also unwillingly smiled back; he left the place….

FIL closed the door….. Jaya waited for the next words from her FIL….

FIL: Shekar uncle did not have the keys, he had handed over the keys to the watchman and gone out….. so he did not give you the keys.

Jaya: But why did the watchman not give me the keys?

FIL: He said he forgot……

Jaya: she tried to calm herself down, immediately it struck her, what if the watchman had come, seen me and gone back without giving the keys?

Jaya was now even more worried…… but she was not sure, if he had really come or had he really forgotten…..

Jaya was worried to the limit, but had to show herself that she is calm…. She served dinner for both of them, cleaned the dishes and went to her bedroom…. Her FIL went to his bedroom and closed the door. Jaya closed her bedroom door….. and lied on the bed.

She was lost in thoughts, what will happen if the watchman had seen me? What he will do with me? She thought of telling this to the stranger……

Just then her phone beeped…. It was the stranger…..

Jaya; Hello…..

Stranger: Hello darling…… Ready to sleep…..

Jaya: Stop your double meaning talks, looks like I am in trouble….

Stranger: So soon….. with whom?

Jaya: Our apartment watchman……

Stranger: Wow…… you are faster than I thought….. so fucked you in your house or in his house….

Jaya: Shut up…… it’s not that…. I think he has seen me when I was talking to you and doing that……

(He was not at all shocked…. In fact, he was happy, his work would get a little easier and faster, he thought if the watchman had seen her, surely, he will want to taste her, just like me….)

Stranger: Doing what? (He wanted to tease her a bit more….. He knew she would be tensed and had to immediately cool her down so that she does not change her mind and not meet him tomorrow….)

Jaya: You know what….. doing that in the afternoon when I was talking to you……

Stranger: Oh…. That’s bad…. But are you sure? how did you know he has seen you…..

Jaya told him the whole story and also told him, that her FIL would be leaving to the US in a couple of days…..

The stranger’s joy increased exponentially……. He could not control his joy….

Stranger: Oh…. So the last man of the house is also going…. No problem, you are all alone now..... you can now enjoy even more freely….

Jaya: Chi…. What kind of a person you are, here I am telling you I am in trouble and you are enjoying….?

Stranger: What is troubling you darling…. You are not sure right, he said he had forgotten, even then why is this thought troubling you….

Jaya: Maybe you are right…. But assume if he had seen me then?

Stranger: I will answer your question but you will not shout at me or get angry with me…..

Jaya: No no, I will not, please tell me, what do I do now?

Stranger: Look darling, if your doubt is true…… the only way to keep his mouth shut would be use the only weapon you have…..

Jaya: What is that? You want me to murder him…. Are you mad…?

Stranger: Yes darling, you have to murder him, but with your beauty and not really murder him…..

Jaya: Never…. How can I, you are crazy…..

Stranger: See you broke your promise,

Jaya: sorry, sorry….. I did not mean to…. Carry on

Stranger: First you need to make sure, if he has seen you…

Jaya: How?

Stranger: You don’t need to do anything, he will make the first move….. if what you are guessing is true, then there is no other option other than what I said above…..

Jaya was thinking, how can she…..? how will she…..? That was something next to impossible……

Jaya: OK, assume its true, then what do I do?

Stranger: As I told you, he will make the first move and its obvious he will want to sleep with you…. Enjoy you….. He already knows that you are lonely, your husband is working somewhere else…. And as I said earlier… it going to be simple give and take…. Arrangement….. You give him what he wants and you get what you want….. i.e happiness, enjoyment……

And what’s more, he is security guard…. He will protect you more going forward…. And most important your secrets….. so I think it’s a win win situation for both…..

Jaya: You are mad, really mad….. I can never do such a thing…..

Stranger: (He made his pitch higher…..) Not me, you are mad, if he already knows about you, there is nothing you can do, he will do everything, you don’t understand mad women…. You cant say no and escape from this…..

Jaya burst into tears once again….. she did not what to do…. How to protect herself if her thoughts about the watchman were true…..

Stranger: Darling, don’t cry….. I think you are thinking too much, my suggestion is you go to sleep, I am sure you are in no mood to even talk…. So, stop thinking, and go to sleep. You will understand everything in the morning….

Jaya disconnected the phone, she cried for a few more mins and sleep took over….. Jaya got up at her usual time, her eyes were swollen due to crying last night..... prepared tea for herself and FIL, woke him up….

All of last nights thoughts had come back to haunt her….. She finished her tea and went in the bathroom, finished her bath, got dressed, bid goodbye to her FIL and walked out her house…..

Her heart beating was at its peaks….. in a few mins her doubts about the watchman would be cleared…..

She came out the lift and looked to see the watchman was there…. He was there wearing his regular security guard outfit….. He was around 25 years of age and slightly tall and had a good body… his body showed from the Half-sleeved shirt he was wearing….

She slowly kept walking….. the watchman walked out of his cabin….

Watchman: Good Morning Madam….

Jaya: Good Morning…. She was trying hard to understand from his expression if he had seen her……

Watchman: You are early this morning…..

Jaya: Yes, a little work is pending from yesterday, I had come back early yesterday as I was not well…..

Watchman: Oh…. Hope you have taken enough rest…. Let me know if you need anything……

Jaya was almost sure, his words, his expression, all felt like he had seen her yesterday…. But how could she ask him directly….

Jaya said bye to the watchman and started walking towards the main gate….. a few steps towards the gate, she turned back. The Watchman had walked back inside his cabin….

Jaya felt relieved, he did not say or make any absurd move or comments… She felt happy….. she wanted to call the stranger and tell him everything….. but then she discarded the idea as she had planed to meet him after school today…..

She had no reservations now… her mind was free…., she did not think of anything else, she boarded the school bus and reached school.

Today in school, she was normal, she finished her usual class and was siting in the staff room. Her husband called….

Husband: Hello sweetheart….. How are you this morning….

Jaya: I am good sweetheart…. How about you? How is work?

Husband: I am good too, and work is also going great. Today I will be getting my first pay…..

Jaya: so soon…. It’s not even been a month….

Husband: Darling, here everyone gets paid weekly….. and some temporary staff get their pay every day, hourly basis….

Jaya: That’s so nice….

Husband: So tell me darling, what shall I send you from here…..

Jaya: Nothing, I don’t want anything…. I want you,

Husband: I too want you darling…. I am bored, am sad, specially at night…. I can understand how you must be feeling…..

Jaya: Same here darling….. come soon, I can’t wait….

Husband: Am also trying darling….. will come as soon as possible…..

Jaya: Waiting for you darling…. Bye

Husband: Bye… Love you.

Jaya: Love you too…..

Saying this Jaya disconnected the phone….. she felt a hand on her shoulder…. She turned back,

It was her colleague, another teacher Geeta Madam, who taught mathematics to the same classes as Jaya taught English.

Geeta Madam aged about 30 years, but looked like an aunty, so everyone called her madam, thinking her age was much higher.

Geeta Madam: What darling, talking to your husband?

Jaya: Yes…..! she was blushing…..

Geeta Madam: Phone sex?

Jaya had a question mark face…. She had heard this phrase for the first time…..

Jaya: What is that…?

Geeta Madam: Stop it naughty, as you don’t know what phone sex is…..

Jaya: Really madam, I have never heard this term….

Geeta Madam: Awwwww. So cute…. Nothing dear, men and women, or boys and girls have sexy erotic conversation over the phone and satisfy their lust if they can’t meet physically…..

Ohh…. Jaya just realised, what she did over the phone with a stranger yesterday is called phone sex……

Jaya: Oh… I see, what happens after that…..

Geeta Madam: what happens…. after a while they get bored and start to meet in different places, have sex and satisfy themselves……

Jaya: ohh…. Everyone does this?

Geeta Madam: Yes…. You know something….. I once heard, our principle and Vaishali teacher used to meet in his office and stay there for some time….

Jaya: Vaishali teacher, are you sure?

Geeta Madam: It’s a rumour, after her husband’s accident a few months back, the doctors had told that he won’t be able to have sex with his wife…. So, maybe she wanted a man’s touch, after all how long can she wait…...?

Jaya: But is that not a sin….?

Geeta Madam: Sin, no doubt it is, but she is a human being after all….. all women need a man’s touch, so it’s a sin worth committing….  See now, everyone in school has accepted that, even if she is seeing him or sleeping with him, there is no harm…. She also has every right to enjoy, and don’t get me wrong…. I think even you should try…. See, your husband is also away from you…..

Jaya: Chi, I am never going to do such a thing…. (Though she had already begun her path towards entering into another world…. But she could not have immediately agreed…..)

Geeta Madam: I just gave you an example….. it your choice,

Saying that, she said, let go, it about time, school bell will ring anytime….

Both got up, took their bags and books and started walking down the stairs….. Jaya just remembered, she had to call the stranger, she was to meet him after school.

She called him… he did not pick the call…. Instead sent her a message,

Stranger: Meet at ABC mall, Connaught place….. and wait at the clothes shop in the 1st floor, he will her there….

Jaya was slightly surprised, but then she ignored that thought and hired an auto to reach the mall.

Jaya laughed at herself when she sat in the auto, and remembered the strangers words, about hiring the auto… she told the auto guy the location, and the driver started driving……

Who was that stranger.....
Who is the mystry man who peeped on Jaya while she fingered herself?
Does she know the stranger?
What's next in store for Jaya......
All and more In the Next Part.
I will post the next update soon.....Till then Enjoy this update,
I personally feel the story is going too slow......I won’t change the story much, but Jaya’s adventures will start soon. Maybe from the next update. Please send me in the comments section.....
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RE: Jaya - A Lonely Wife's Adventures - by iqube - 08-07-2021, 07:06 PM
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RE: Jaya - A Lonely Wife's Adventures - by Timady - 09-07-2021, 07:29 AM
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RE: Jaya - A Lonely Wife's Adventures - by badri.rao2006 - 11-07-2021, 06:39 PM
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