Adultery Pakistani Hot Wife Impregnated
Authors Note: We used to post on the old xossip forum. Some kind person even posted one of our stores The Snaps to this forum. This is another of our original stories. Parts of this story are completely true, others are based on a fantasy that the author has had for a while now, and hopes to make come true some day.
It was pitch dark, and I lay in bed on my side, my darling husband cuddling me from behind. He had fallen asleep sometime earlier, but still had his arm around me resting on my stomach. I felt a surge of unshakable love for him and smiled at my good fortune. Truly I had been blessed with the most perfect life and husband I could have ever hoped for.
In that soft, hazy period between awake and asleep when coherent thoughts are impossible my mind drifted back and forth. A little over four years ago, I had given in and shared a bed with another man. My first man, other than my husband of course. It had been a long road getting there, but surprisingly the act itself was not difficult for me to do. Knowing that I had my husband’s full support made it all quite easy really, the only thing holding me back, my own reluctance and modesty. But perhaps most of all, my fear of what might happen if I actually enjoyed it. And enjoy it I did, in every imaginable way. Well it seemed like a lifetime ago as I lay there in bed, that night. But at other times it seemed only like yesterday. Such are the vagaries of the tricks that memories play on us.
The first night with hubby dearest after his successful cuckolding happened 4 days later, when he returned from a business trip. After a romantic supper, we lay in bed talking as I recounted my experience to him. My hand on is rock hard throbbing cock. He loved everything I told him, and I tried to oblige as much as possible by being as explicit as I possibly could.
“And boy was he big! Fully soft he was longer and thicker than you are right now sweetie.” I snickered as the delicious naughty thought occurred to me.
I felt my husband’s smallish (not tiny, but on the small side for sure) cock twitch and throb in my palm. “You get a real kick out of this sort of thing, don’t you sweetie?” I asked
“Yes,” he whispered back.
“Well now that you have me doing what you wished and wanted, I just want to be sure you understand that I have no idea where this might lead. Just remember your promise, that I will do things my way in this matter, not yours.” I said in all seriousness, meaning every word. My greatest worry being that he would try and get me to things that he wanted, not those that I did.
“Of course, darling,” he replied, “I would not have it any other way. It’s all about you!”
“Good! Tariq,” I said. “But just remember the saying, be careful what you wish for, you might get it, my darling tiny cocked husband.”
We talked a little more, made love (which strangely I found a lot more intense and satisfying that I had ever before with him), and drifted off to sleep.
My mind was brought back to the present, as my husband turned over. The movement snapped me awake for a bit, and I thought a little more about all the wonderful things that had happened to me over the past 4 years, before I finally feel into deep contended sleep.
The fact that my husband is a self-employed management consultant, who travels a lot on business (particularly internationally), gave me lots of free time to play while he was gone, and I took every advantage of my freedom.  Over the past 4 years I have gone kind of wild, sleeping with pretty much anyone who caught my eye. Well-hung, muscular, athletic guys were not too difficult to come by. Specially since I made it clear to them that I was not looking for a relationship, just pure animalistic sex, the rougher the better. And my husband loved hearing the details of my sex life, every bit as much as I enjoyed living it and sharing with him.
And then about year ago, Ben entered my life. I first spotted him at my gym. His raw good looks, dark chocolate brown skin, muscular physique caught my eye immediately. I guessed he must be 6’4”, a whole foot taller than me and outweighed me by at least 100 lbs. His physical fitness was visible to all around. But I found him irresistible, and tried everything to get close to him.
He did notice me now and then and returned my smiles, but always in a very nonchalant manner that indicated neither interest, not lack thereof. I was sure that I was giving him my most alluring, I-am-interested smile. He just did not seem interested. Never have experienced something like this before, I rationalized by thinking that maybe he was in a relationship, or perhaps my wedding band made him think I was off-limits, but that had not stopped guys hitting on me.
Finally, a few weeks later, after working out I walked over the Barnes and Noble across the street from the gym, bought a couple of books and was enjoying a cold frap when I spotted Ben looking over at me from the counter. I took a deep breath and smiled and motioned for him to join me. Picking up his coffee, he walked over in a casual, confident manner that took my breath away. Everything about Ben made me want him even more.
“Hi, there.” I said, trying to sound casual by keeping the nervousness out of my voice. Why was it, that around him I felt like I was a high-school girl, and not a sexually confident and experienced woman?
“Hey, mind if I join you?” He asked, and I a nodded back at him.
Ben took the chair across from me, and we talked. Actually we had a good time just talking. I learnt a lot about him. Apparently he played linebacker for Rice University in Houston, and after getting his bachelor’s degree, had attended UT-Austin for a Master’s degree that he had recently completed. He was on his way to join a prestigious national research laboratory in Chicago in a few months on a fellowship; had moved to Dallas to be near his mom, and while waiting to move onto Chicago had decided to take a job as a personal trainer, to earn some “spending money” as he called it.
What amazed me most about him, was not his amazing good looks, or that he had a brain  (he could easily hold his own in any mental competition with my husband, who had 3 degrees from MIT!), that matched his looks (you would think a guy who graduated from Rice summa cum laude in engineering, and later in the top 2% of his masters – also in engineering -- class at UT, would be a geek!), rather it was his way of projecting his personal power. Like a guy who knew he was superior in every way, yet did not need to flaunt it. It just came to him easily and without effort; a natural leader, born to have people attracted to him, who would want to be with him. Even sitting there just chatting and drinking coffee, I could sense his confidence and power overcome me. I found myself deferring to him, and letting him lead the conversation, something I think again came to him naturally.
The hour of so we spent together was hardly sexual in any sense of the word. It was just two acquaintances becoming friends. And soon he rose to head back to the gym as his next client was due soon.
“It’s been real pleasure meeting you Aisha.” Ben said standing.
“Same here Ben.” I replied, meaning it.
“Maybe we’ll have coffee together again soon.” Ben laughed.
“I certainly hope so,” said I, with just a little more enthusiasm than I would have liked, which made Ben laugh even more.
I looked at him as he walked away. Suddenly he turned around and walked back. “Hey Aisha, I am having a little get together at my place Friday night, would you like to come?”
“Sure Ben, I’d love to.” I replied in a controlled manner, thrilled to be invited.
“Great I’ll see you there, say around 9 pm.” Ben said giving me his address.
Friday was 2 days away and it could not get to me fast enough.  On Friday evening, I must have selected and tried a dozen different clothing combinations before finally settling on a fitted, mid-thigh length, black silk tube dress, with a pair of matching pumps. I felt that while it was no doubt a sexy dress, it was not too revealing.
Ever since I had first laid eyes on Ben, I had not been with any other men, not even hubby, who had been in Europe for 2 weeks, and would not be returning for anther 3 weeks. Funnily enough I felt like “saving” myself for Ben.
That evening at Ben’s was a pleasant affair. He had some of his friends over, mostly his ex-football buddies, and their girlfriends/partners. I had a great time, particularly since one of the guests mixed the best martinis I ever had, and I love martinis. While there were a few whites at the party, mostly the crowd was black, and although I had been with black men before, it was usually for sex, this was my first time mixing socially and casually with such a large crowd. I mingled, danced and generally had a good time. Alas, Ben being the perfect host, spent time with all his guests, much to my disappointment, as I had really hoped he would pay some extra attention to me. Not that it was all a total loss, as a few of his single friends did pay me the extra attention and I got more than a few requests for “lets meet again”.
A few hours later when the guests started to depart, I offered to hang back and help Ben clean up, but he would have none of that. He walked me over to my car, holding my hand along the way, and kissed me softly on the lips as he held the door open for me to get in. At that moment I had a strong desire to throw my arms around his neck and kiss him hard, but did not. I just looked in his eyes, kissed him back before climbing in the car and driving home.
The drive home was one of conflicting emotions. I could not decide if Ben was into me or not. Certainly, he seemed to enjoy my company and we had a good time together, yet at the same time he had made no moves to indicate that he wanted to go to bed with me. But more than anything I wanted to sleep with him as much as possible before he moved to Chicago. The lust I felt for him was indescribable. I wanted him so badly.
I did not see Ben for a few days after that. Which was probably just as well, I was busy at work and only had time to go to the gym around 9 pm or so on my way home from work.       
The following week I Ben again at the gym, and this time he walked over to me. Again I felt that strange thrill whenever I felt him pay attention to me.
“Hi, Aisha, been a while.” He said.
“Hi Ben,” I smiled at him, “yeah been a few days.”
“You are looking very good today.” Ben said pointing at me.
I just smiled back. I had made it a point to wear my tightest training bra, and shortest shorts. I noticed that my nipples were poking through the bra. Working up a sweat on the treadmill a few minutes ago and then stopping suddenly in the air-conditioned chill apparently had that effect on them.
“Hey, the gym is going a blood drive tomorrow, and I am coordinating it, would you be interested in donating?” He asked.
“Of course Ben, I would love to.” I said happily.
“Tomorrow after your work out, we can both give blood together as I don’t have any clients after that time.” He said, turning around and walking back to his client. I felt like he was playing a game with me, almost like he wanted me to beg him to sleep with me. In a way I felt frustrated, at the same time almost like a virgin bride waiting for her wedding night.
The next day we gave blood together after which Ben asked me to join him for a power smoothie at the gym’s juice bar. It was only there that Ben finally asked, “Aisha, you got any plans Friday night?” Ben sipped his smoothie.
“Not really Ben, I plan to come the gym around 6.” I replied.
“Great, so after your work out, would you be interested in joining me at a friends place? He is getting married in a few weeks, and he and his fiancee’ are some friends over for an informal pre-wedding get together.” Ben explained.
“Sure thing Ben, I’d love to.” I smiled happy.
The next day after working out I skipped my usual Friday massage, quickly showered and slipped into a comfortable blue denim mini-skirt with a light pink spaghetti strap top and a pair of white keds.  As I came out of the locker room, Ben was waiting for me and whistled as he saw me.  “Aisha, you are looking stunning.” He smiled at me, looking me over a couple of times.
“Thanks Ben, you aren’t so bad yourself.” I smiled back, looking him over too, dressed in a pair of jeans and a Polo shirt.
He took my hand and we walked outside together, stopping at my car so we could pick up the flowers and wine I had bought as presents for the couple we were going to see. Ben assuring me that it was perfectly safe to leave the car at the gym as it was open 24 hours and that the neighbourhood was safe anyway. Not that I cared much at that time. Besides his own apartment was only a 5 minute walk from the gym.
We drove over to Ben’s friend’s place, arriving there a about 20 minutes later. Introductions were carried out, and profuse thanks offered when I gave our hosts the flowers and wine. Although, Rosie, the hostess was a bit taken aback when she saw my wedding band, giving both Ben and me quite a harsh look. Her fiancé Tom did not seem to care or notice, he and Ben were too busy cracking jokes and opening beer.
This was the first time I spent an entire evening with Ben and again I naturally found myself being deferential to him. It’s not that he was domineering or rude, on the contrary he was the perfect companion, yet when he wanted me to do something I did it without thinking. And I discovered that I started to anticipate his needs, like when he was running low on beer, I would get him a new bottle without his need to ask for it. I don’t know if anyone else noticed this behaviour, but I am sure Ben did, and as the evening wore on, he stopped saying the “thank you babe” that he would say earlier, like he now expected me to cater to him. Also he got more physical with me, occasionally caressing my inner thighs as I sat next to him, giving me goose bumps and a tingly feeling all over, or keeping his hand on my butt or around my waist, as we walked together somewhere.
Finally, very late into the night Ben and I left. He drove straight to his apartment complex. It was clear that he intended for me to spend the night with him, and I was not going to stop him for sure.  We got out of the car, Ben took the back of my head in his hands, and kissed he hard for the first time and I of course kissed right back putting my arms around his muscular neck.
I don’t know how we made it to his apartment on the 3rd floor, kissing and caressing as we were all the way up the stairs. But by the time we reached the door we were both aroused. I could feel my body on fire at Ben’s touch.
As soon as he opened the door, he carried me into the bedroom, slamming the main door shut with his leg, all the while kissing me, as I kicked off my keds, he dropped me on his bed, ripping of my skirt and panties. He then sat on the bed, too me in his lap and started kissing my face, and neck all over, while caressing my inner thighs and between my legs randomly. Sometimes I would squeeze my thighs together, when his hand as playing between my legs, and he would dig his fingers deep, making me moan in pleasure.
Then before I knew it he had my top and bra off, and started to play with my breasts and nipples while he kissed me as I caressed his lovely face while he caressed my chest, breasts and nipples, sometimes tweaking them. Other times squeezing them or sucking and biting them. I was in heaven, as through his jeans, I felt his manhood harden and twitch under me.
I don’t know long we made out like that before Ben laid me down on the bed and started exploring my entire body with his hands, kissing me all over my face, mouth, breasts, chest, and stomach. Then he stood up and took off his shirt, revealing that perfectly chiselled torso, and then his pants and underwear, as his hard cock sprung up in all its glory. I was very gratified to see how wonderfully large and thick it was (never measured it, but guess it must have been 8.5 inches long and at least 5.5 - 6 inches around). 
Ben set on the bed and spread his legs, as I got off the bed and kneeled between them kissing his magnificent manhood all over. He groaned a little in pleasure. Then I went to work on it, licking it all over, gently biting the hear, while I licked the hold. Finally I took it my mouth as far as I could. It was too large to be successfully deep-throated, but Ben seemed content to see me fuck my face with it.  Eventually he took hold of my head and himself started to move his cock in and out of my mouth, driving it as far in as it would go before pulling out and doing it again.
I sucked his cock for all it was worth for several minutes, before Ben pulled it all out with a slurping, audible plop from my mouth. I climbed up on the bed and before I knew it, Ben was upon me kissing my neck and shoulders, and teasing my vagina with the tip of his moist cock.
I was moaning in pleasure and almost whimpering, begging him to fuck me there and then. But he had other immediate plans. He continued teasing me for a few moments before asking me to get on my hands and knees. And finally he took me doggie style, pulling my hair and slapping my ass hard as he pounded me from behind. I felt wave after wave of pleasure sweep over me as I moaned and groaned louder and louder, Ben’s panting thrusts, name calling, ass slapping and hair pulling driving me crazy.
“Oh yeah, that’s a good little slut,” As I moved to meet his thrusts and my moans became high pitched screams that kept time with his thrusts.  “Oh yea you fucking slut, bitch, tell me you are my whore!” Ben demanded.
“I ...i....iii.. ammmm yourrrrr whoreeeee!!!” I screamed out.
Then just as I was orgasming, he yanked my hair real hard and let I out a squeal as he thrust his cock deep into me and I felt it twitch, realizing that he was shooting in me. At that moment I wished I was not on the pill, just something about this man made me so crazy. Both of us collapsed on to the bed and I felt Ben’s warm sperm leak out of me.
We lay there in each other arms for a while, just enjoying each other’s closeness and I felt so wonderful. We had sex 3 more times that night, once with my legs on Ben’s shoulders, another time with me riding him, and the third time in the simple missionary position, and I had the most intense orgasm each time. Finally, thoroughly exhausted, we fell asleep just as dawn was breaking. It had been an amazingly enjoyable night.
The next morning, I woke up slight before Ben did. It had been a warm night and Ben was sleeping uncovered on his back, one leg stretched straight, with the foot of the other leg resting against its knee. His beautiful massive cock falling onto the bed, I smiled as I saw it, feeling an inner glow of happiness and joy at having been royally fucked by it the night before.
I reached out and took Ben’s cock in my hand, softly massaging it. Ben slowly opened his eyes and closed them again, smiling and moaning softly.
“What a perfect way to wake up.” He said groggily, his eyes still closed. I felt his cock starting to harden in my hand and it felt great to feel it grow. “Whatcha waiting for bitch,” Ben said suddenly, “worship it!”
I laughed and closed my mouth around the head. It was not easy sucking the massive thing with a dry morning mouth, but I tried and after a few minutes it got easier. No licking or kissing this time around, just sucking and biting around the head, when suddenly Ben grabbed hold of my hair and thrust his hips up as his cock erupted. I swallowed as much as could, but some leaked out and I licked it off the cock and my lips. That seemed to make Ben very happy.
Then, as I finished lapping his sperm up, he sat up and got out of the bed and walked into the bathroom. Soon I heard the showed running. Shortly after that I saw him come out of the bathroom with a towel on his shoulder and start to get dressed in fresh clothes.  I too walked to the bathroom, with the intention of getting cleaned up.  “Don’t you dare bathe or brush your teeth bitch! I want you to taste me and feel my one you as long as possible, besides I already cleaned your mouth this morning.” Ben said. And as had now become my nature, I obeyed without question, and simply used the toilet and slipped into one of Ben’s t-shirts, which looked massive on me.
We went to the kitchen, where I made Ben coffee and asked him how he wanted his eggs cooked. He selected 3 scrambled. I had coffee and 1 scrambled.  We breakfasted in silence, ravenous from our activities the night before. Eventually Ben left for the gym as he 3 clients were coming that day for their training sessions, while I cleaned up the place, locked it, and went home to a wonderful warm bath and then to the mall for some shopping. My husband not due back from Europe for several more days.
That evening when I was headed home from the mall, Ben called again. “Aisha, you want to spend the night with me again?” He began.
“Sure Ben, I’d love to.” I said.
“Great, I’ll be home around 8 pm. So be there anytime you like, and if you can cook some dinner, that would be great.” Ben closed.
“Sure, I’ll get something prepared, Ben.” I said just as I pulled into a grocery store parking lot.
Dinner at Ben’s was another quiet affair, followed by a not so quiet night, as the insatiable Ben proceeded to fuck me (or as he called it “use me”) several times again. Leaving me sore and happy all over, feeling wonderful at being used the way Ben was using me.
Sunday, we spent indoors, Ben watching football, and me taking care of his many domestic chores, like laundry, and then making him a gourmet dinner, which he enjoyed and praised immensely.  I spent the rest of the week with him, returning home the following Sunday afternoon, just an hour or so before Tariq’s flight landed and I had to head to the airport to pick him up.
That night after we had made love, I recounted my time with Ben to Tariq, who loved hearing every little detail. And we made love again, Tariq incredibly aroused by the time I had spent with Ben, and of course the fact that went into minute details of how much better endowed Ben was when compared to his own.
Later that night as we cuddled, after careful thought I spoke up. “Tariq, I need to talk to you about something.” I said softly
“What is it Aisha, my darling?” He asked.
“I really want a baby.” I said.
“Of course darling, I understand.” Tariq said in his soft, understanding tone.  “I know there has tremendous pressure from our respective parents for us to have kids, so maybe its not such a bad idea. Besides you and I are ready to be parents, I think.” Tariq added.
“I know darling, but its...not that.” I said softly, very nervous.
“Then?” He asked.
“I want to have a baby with Ben.” I said in a sudden rush.
“What?!” Tariq sat up looking at me.
“Darling, remember how you said that this was all about me, and that it would always be about what I wanted, well this what I really want.” I said gaining a little confidence.
“But darling....” Tariq let his words trail.
“No buts darling. I had warned you I had no idea where this might lead to, and that you should be prepared for anything. Well, here is where it has led too. I really want our first child to be given to us by Ben.” I said very sure of myself now, taking his semi-hard cock and caressing it, feeling it harden.
“I dunno sweetie, it feels dangerous and risky. What will be tell our families about the baby? And wont Ben want to be part of the baby’s life, that will complicate matters too significantly, don’t you think?” Tariq raised some important points in his usual pragmatic manner.
I was happy to see that he did not add any personal reservations to his arguments about why it might be a good idea for me to have Ben’s baby.  “Well darling, we can just tell our families that we were having difficulty conceiving naturally, so we went to a fertility clinic were a mistake was made and that is why our baby looks the way he does. I don’t think it will matter to me, as I will love the child with all my heart no matter what.  And I am sure as will you, it’ll be our baby.” I said.  “And as far as Ben concerned, I can talk and explain the situation to him, and if he has any problem it, we can drop the idea completely, but I don’t think he will.” I said after thinking a little.
“But Aisha, I hate to think that we are bringing a baby into this world simply to fulfill a fantasy of yours. That would be a terrible reason to have a baby.” Tariq implored.
Hearing those words I just lost it.  “Just what kind of monster do you think I am that I would bring a child into this world simply to fulfill a fantasy. This is no fantasy, it did not even occur to me till slept with Ben. I want his baby because he is a sexually superior male, and I want to be bred by him. I want our first child to be given to us as a gift from Ben. The child will be loved and cared for me as perfectly as I would love and care for any child you and I might have.”
“I am sorry Aisha, I didn’t mean it that way. It’s just as its a bit of shock that’s all. ” Tariq said defensively.
“Don’t worry darling, I promise one day I will have your child too, and the one I have with Ben will be every bit ours as the one I have with you.” I said soothingly, trying to convince him completely, knowing that he was nearly there.
Tariq thought about it a little, and then nodded his agreement. “OK darling, if that is what you really want.” He said quietly.
“Darling that is exactly what I want. I want Ben’s powerful manhood to impregnate me and give us our first child.” I said as a matter of fact, realizing that that I would have to keep reinforcing the message for it to really sink in.
I reached over to Tariq and started to kiss him and caress his cock. It started to get hard and we made out for a little bit, before Tariq tried to mount me.
“I’ll go off the pill in 4 or 5 days.” I said as he kissed me
“We should buy some condoms you can put on while we have sex, we don’t want any accidents now do we?” I asked as he entered me and we made love.
Four days later I ran into Ben. But this time I faced a different problem, how to convince man to give me a baby and also agree to give up all claims to the child as well as not play a role in the child’s life. As it happened it turned out to be a lot easier than I thought it would be.
That evening, when I was in bed with Ben after sex, I gingerly approached the subject. “Ben, I need to talk to you about something.” I began.
“What about?” He asked.
“It’s a very serious matter, and I hope you will be able to give me what I want.” I said.
Ben laughed out loud. “Sure Aisha, you sound like you want my baby.” He laughed again.
“Exactly!” I said.
Ben became quiet an serious. “You fucking serious?” He asked.
“Deadly serious.” I said in my most serious voice.
Ben looked at me for a moment or two. “Hey I don’t know what you have in mind, but I ain’t ready to be a dad yet. I am not sure I will ever ready to be a dad. I don’t think I ever want kids. So sorry babe, its great fucking you and making you scream, but I can’t give you a baby. Besides what will your husband say?” Ben said.
“He agrees that you should be the guy who gives us our first baby.” I saw said as Ben’s jaw dropped open.
“What? No way! You guys are fucking crazy.” Ben said shocked.
“And Ben we just want you to give us the baby, not be its dad, Tariq will be the dad.” I looked at Ben imploringly.
“What do you mean?” He asked roughly.
“I mean, you won’t have anything to do with the baby, Tariq and I will be its parents. It will have Tariq listed as dad on the birth certificate, and once you move to Chicago you need have nothing to do with me and certainly not the child once it’s born.”
Ben seemed lost for words.  “Baby, you are fucking perfect,” Ben laughed. “I get to plant my seed in you and don’t have to worry about the consequences. That’s what you are saying right?”
“That’s exactly what I am saying Ben. Both Tariq and I have great jobs, were we make lots of money so you needn’t worry about us ever hitting you up for child support, besides once Tariq claims legal responsibility for the child it’s no longer yours anyway. “Please Ben, I really want your seed in me. Please say you’ll breed me.” I said imploringly.
The thought of breeding me seemed to push Ben over and he agreed. “Fine I’ll do it, but babes don’t expect anything from me afterwards.” He said forcefully.
“Perfect Ben, that’s exactly how we want it!” I assured him.
Ben and I had sex 2 more times that evening, he was like a man possessed, even though I had told him I could not get pregnant just yet as I had not gone off the pill.
After I had been off the pill for two weeks, Ben and I had sex every day for almost two months, until it was nearly time for him to leave for Chicago. Careful at the same time to make sure that Tariq and I always used condoms when making love. Finally two weeks before Ben was supposed to leave for Chicago, my home pregnancy test came back positive. I decided not to tell Ben, and let him leave with the impression that our efforts to get me pregnant had failed. He did not seem too disappointed by that fact.
So nearly nine months later I lay in bed, being cuddled by my husband, who had been caressing my swollen belly as he fell asleep. Any concerns or doubts that I had about his acceptance of the situation had been dispelled as he was the perfect pregnancy partner, taking full part in all activities and really excited that he would be a daddy soon.
A few weeks after that, I gave birth to a lovely baby whose skin was the perfect blend of  mine light natural tan, and Ben’s dark chocolate skin. The baby had my eyes, nose and lips, but Ben’s forehead, chin, perfectly symmetrical face, and curls. And Tariq turned out to be the perfect doting father. To me the child was a reminder two things, one just how lucky I was to have a husband like Tariq, and second, how thankful I was that Ben was able to impregnate me. Having my first child from this sexually superior male made perfect biological sense to me.
I was so proud of what I had done, that I wanted to scream it out to the world, alas that was not possible. To keep our friends and family satisfied we told them that we had threatened to take the fertility clinic to court and had received an out of court settlement that required confidentiality. The only person who knew something about our secret was my gynaecologist, and she while a bit surprised at first, kept herself very professional about the whole thing.
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Pakistani Hot Wife Impregnated - by pakcouple - 30-06-2021, 07:16 PM

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