Incest How i was introduced to world of incest (mega serial more than 3000 pages)
she woke me early in the morning for another round .
we had another fuck session and slept back .
thus my routine was established and slowly all the girls joined me , except sandhya and
swetha as they had enough joy at marriage and they were concentrating more in studies .
one fine morning I received invitation from rohit to visit his place and insisted me . I took
permission from aunt and jiju to visit rohit’s place as he was asking my help on some
issues . both agreed and I went to their place .
an warm welcome was waiting for me . I had reached early , before radha and rohit still
in house . radha too welcomed with wide smile , there was unmistakable shine in her
eyes . I didn’t respond much to her except simple hello . shyamala and rohit did hug me .
none spoke about inviting me there . first to go was radha , she bid bye aunt and waved
at me before she left home . next was rohit , I thought he will say something but for my
utter disappointment he too left without telling anything . this was irritating she called
me for break fast , but as I had enough milk so I denied for break fast . then she asked
me to take rest till she finished her work . without expressing my anger I switched on t v
, and lost in it . aunt came and sat beside me .
She – we need to go again temple at the same place .
Me – you should have gone with rohit . you need not wait for me , as you know I am
busy . just now I have cleared all my pending works .
She – that I can understand , but we need to go .
Me – I cant spare much time dear . I had to work overtime to cover up .
She – I know everything , malathi didi has told me .
Me – then why did you call me despite of knowing .
She – don’t get annoyed but we have to visit that place .
Me – when ?
She – any time you say .
Me – how about now itself . so that we will be back by evening and I can proceed back
tonight .
She was getting irritated for my behavior . but tried to ignore .
She – we should ask them before we go there .
Me – why don’t you ask them right now .
She was surprised by my hurry at last she accepted to talk . she called priest and was
asking their permission to visit temple . then I snatched phone and said uncle we are on
the way and may reach within few hours . he was put in thought and at last said ok ,
today is good day and you can come but make it bit fast . so that you can reach by pooja
time .
I relayed same to aunt and hurried her to get ready . I joked her to keep some extra
clothes if you are going to stay back . she laughed but didn’t reply . she informed her
hubby about our tour , though he was surprised but consented us to proceed . I need not
have to wait for his vehicle as I had brought jiju’s Honda .
Aunt changed dress and we left early . I felt she was nervous , and I too was not
comfortable , for she calling me for petty thing . she was using me as driver , she had
called me all the way to drive her to the place . though it irritated me but as I had come
all the way I kept quite and wanted to complete the task and get rid from there . I drove
in silence and she too talked very less . I don’t know what was in her mind may be
repenting to call me for a drive .
We reached our destination uneventfully .
I called priest again when we were near to the
place . he advised us to come temple as time is running out . as soon as we reached they
welcomed us and asked us to wash our feet and hands at pushkarani . we got ready
within no time . we were asked to enter garbha mandir , luckily there was no much rush .
we were seated in front of devi maa . priest started pooja and in between he spoke to aunt
. as there was lot of noise due to bell and he could not hear what aunt was saying , they
went out and returned within a minute . he looked at me and smiled , I too smiled at me
but I could not understand why he smiled . some how pooja was finished and we were
blessed treating as couple , it was same dheerg sumangali bhava and ashta putra
soubhagyavathi bhav etc . after we took theerth and Prasad , we were taken to priest’s
house . priest wife too welcomed with warm smile . we were asked to get freshened and
later meals was served . we had not expected that as we had come almost without
informing well in advance . priest asked his wife to serve sweets , she did serve and bit
heavy then she looked at her husband questioning . he said he will tell later , we had
sumptuous food as her hands are big in serving food .
After food I urged aunt to take leave otherwise we should not be struck there itself like
last time . she too agreed for my suggestion . I called priest and informed our willingness
to leave as early as possible . he called his wife , informed her . she asked us to wait for
some time , she came with blouse piece m rice etc . aunt was denying it , she said lat
time also you gave me and this time I am not going to accept . she said last time was
different and this time situation is different . this time you are not in a position to deny .
keep your mouth shut and accept . aunty was forced to take whatever she was offered , I
could sense some meaning in priest wife’s eyes . we both touched couple’s feet . they
blessed and while I got up priests wife brushed my hairs and said ,
devi maa will bless
you child . they escorted us up to car . when we were above to leave she told aunt to go
straight to hospital before going home , everything will be all right . I was worried what
might have happened to aunt and why she is being advised to go hospital and she spoke
few words of caution . I didn’t understand a bit what and why she is telling all these
words . I pulled away and we both were silent for several minutes . I could not keep
without asking what the matter is , she didn’t answer for that . when we were near to the
place where we had sex in open in jungle , I smiled at her she too must have observed it
and smiled back at me . I stopped car at the same place came out of car , she too
descended but stood away . I had still fresh memory of what had happened there and
how I saw her full nude in day light her jiggling boobs when she walked nude in jungle
and the way she fled juice on fingering .
I kept looking at her , something strike my head . oh what a fool I am , why for we are
here . I am such a geek I could not understand why I was here and why I was called . she
was staring me with hurt expression . without fully expressing I lead inside forest and lit
a cig . she followed me but kept distance . I could not smoke complete , I threw butt on
ground and stamped it . I gestured her to come near , she came I pulled her and hugged ,
said congratulations would be mother . she too congratulated me as would be father . she
said , I was under impression that you didn’t understand . when did you came to know .
To be honest dear just now I realized , I was thinking since long time and I was assuming
it but at the same time if it was case you would have informed the moment you saw me .
but when you said that you need to visit temple again , I was fearing the mission failed . I
lift her in air and rotated , I am so happy aunt you did it . she cautioned me to be careful
I am not like previous .
when I placed her back on ground she said I missed period but
was not sure and didn’t dare to go hospital . that was the reason to call you . I could not
go there with any others as they had told us to come together . I was really happy to hear
this news , all my anger were gone and I was repenting to be angry . I hugged her again
we remained in the same position for long time .
her boobs were crushed between us , her body heat was being transferred into me . I
lowered my head to meet her lips to mine . she was waiting for it since long our lips
were locked into a long smooch . my hands could not refrain from touching her boob .
one hand caressed her back and other was pressing her boob . when we broke kiss I lead
her to the same place and embraced her again , this time she was happy for the outcome
and our bodies were used to mating . plus there was no inhibition for safety of the place .
dear we are going to make love once again here . our real love making started from here
and I want to do it here again in the fond memory of our real encounter . she said shree ,
I don’t object for that but we need to visit hospital . I asked her to contact hospital for
appointment . she called and took appointment luckily girl at reception asked us to come
after almost three hours . we had enough time to fuck . we fucked like horny couple in
wildness . roamed nude in jungle fucking here and there , once she hold tree and I fucked
in doggy style after she reached her climax , then we shifted location to rock there I
fucked her in missionary and at last we ended in water .
we had wonderful time again under sun . it was my second encounter in jungle , both
times with her only . I felt like going for it again but looking at time I had to refrain . we
had small swim and got dried and dressed up , ready to leave . before we headed for car
she hugged me again and said thanks . I asked for what ?
for everything darling , I had never experienced so much of love and affection in my life .
though ours is love marriage but always under tension of getting approval from both
parents , later also I was always in fear of being blamed by my mil for no good reasons .
later came issue of pregnancy we failed miserably , with your help I think I am
conceived , only authentication by doctor is waited . even as regards to sex also , I am
satisfied in every encounter . you are an superman , you have solution for everything . he
was never this spicy , but you did satiate me with every kind of sex I knew or didn’t
heard of it . she was really happy .
we left from there , straight to hospital . we were on time and there we had not to wait as
our appointment was fixed . doctor was known to her , she was happy to see aunt . aunt
took me inside and when aunt told that she has missed her cycle , doctor was happy to
hear this news , but she was not sure that it was pregnancy . she gave list of test and they were performed .
we received urine test , doctor called inside . there was sort of puzzle in her eyes . at the same time she was happy to say that it is positive and she is carrying . so we need to go for further tests . get ready I will perform ultra sonographi . aunt agreed I was sent out , I
waited in hall watching t v , may be after half an hour I was called in . there was smile on doctors face , she detailed about size of the fetus and other technicalities which I hardly could understand except that pregnancy is confirmed and development is also good .after detailing everything she turned to aunt and said . congrats shyamala you are very lucky to conceive . I had never hoped it except test tube . any way it is miracle and I am
really happy . she patted aunt back , can you tell me how you could do it . aunt blushed for this and looked at me , and said because of him . even I too was happy as mission
impossible had become possible and I was going to be father [ may be second time , [ may be second time , as I
am not very sure about sis’s ] . doctor was puzzled by aunt looking at me and asked what is matter . by then aunt recovered and corrected , he is the person who took me to some temple and we were asked to do some difficult vritha . doctor presumed that aunt and rohit did vritha but only we knew who all did it .aunt informed rohit to come home soon as we are reaching house .
by the time we reached house rohit too appeared . aunt conveyed good news to him , he shout happily and hugged aunt . by his shout radha came out of room . she saw Rohit hugging his wife that too in hall and was touching her after long gap . she too came and
joined us . she was surprised to see both husband and wife laughing happily . Rohit conveyed that her bhabhi is going to be mother . she could not express her feelings but
managed to smile . congratulated her and hugged her . radha volunteered to prepare some sweets , went kitchen . she stopped at kitchen door looked back , coincidentally I
was looking at her butt swaying . even today I felt them attracted me as always . there she paused and smiled , I felt it was mischievous .we had food all together , we all were happy at the same time my mind was working in
opposite direction . I had lost this beautiful aunt forever , she was handed over to me for specific purpose and that is met with . so I didn’t have right over her and it was sort of
closed story . some how I managed to laugh and share joy with all of them . after dinner I wanted to leave but as it was already late . I decided against it . me and rohit watched t v for some time and both females were still in kitchen . later they too joined us at hall .we were chit chatting for some time . I yawned , I was feeling sleepy as I had raised quite early to day .
[Image: xossip-signatore.png]

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