From Rich girl to prostitute series
Divya -heroine
Ramu – father old servant
Priya -his daughter same age as Divya
Roshan – ramu son at village
Padma -Ramu kaka ugly sister

Chapter 1(Divya humiliation during childhood)
Hi, I am Divya, I am a very beautiful girl, I am 18 years old, I am a reporter and my father is a very rich man. Let me define stats I am 32,28,36. My friends say to me that I kind of look like South Indian actress shriya.

Divya (during childhood no sex scenes, only humiliation/head shave)
I am 18 years old From childhood I am an arrogant person, even though I am a bitchy girl, I would dress conservatively, I don’t show much of my skin.I would talk down to elders and all the boys of my age. My dad was a very good person, my dad was very sad that I would turn out to be a bad girl. I have beautiful hair during those days, it is up to my waist, I am very happy and arrogant about my looks.From childhood, all the boys want to be with me.We have a lot of servants and one of them is Ramu.He is 57 years old ugly guy who always watches me in a creepy way.But I have a girl friend who is the daughter of one of my servants Ramu (our dhobi/Barber).Her name is Priya.She and I used to play a lot all the time. My mother died at an early age.So my father was afraid what will happen to me if I was raised without a mother.
One day Ramu Kaka entered my room looking for something, I scolded him saying that people like him should not enter the room of princess like me and I hit him with my leg.My father saw this and got very angry and said that I should apologize to him, I said I would never apologize to a guy like him.

One day I heard a conversation that my father and Ramu were talking. It was during my summer vacation.

Father:Ramu I am afraid that my daughter will be raised without principles and she doesn’t care our elders she is very arrogant, I don’t know what to do

Ramu: Sir, as you are her father u, are giving her too much lenience so that’s why she was like this, I had a sister in the village and there every year they do one ritual for the whole village for the village betterment.Its very sacred and very hard. The girls who through that ritual should be very arrogant and beautiful, and once the girl completes the ritual she will obey everyone like a dog.
When I heard this I got very angry and thought my father would slap him for talking very badly about his beautiful daughter like a village girl.

Father: no I can’t do that to her, ur saying it’s painful
Ramu :Sir, it gives woman pleasure that u will never imagine, u know lot of people bring their beautiful daughters from their city to make them join the ritual but only one gets selected in a lottery which my sister draws every year , my daughter also participating in the ritual, all the participants were given special accommodations and training to be good obedient girls , why don’t you send Divya and we will are her completely transformed to a nice girl.

Father: Tell me about this whole ritual then only I will send her
I can’t believe that my father is agreeing to this proposal but I am slightly aroused because Ramu Kaka said it will give immense pleasure to the woman.

Ramu: nothing will happen to her but if she gets selected in the lottery they will shave her head for the sacrifice to God
Father: that I cannot agree

Ramu: don’t worry sir that will only happen if she is selected from hundreds of applicants and even if she got selected I will talk to my sister that they won’t shave her head

I was very afraid when I heard this a beautiful girl like me without hair, I am freaked out, during this whole time Priya was beside me.After my father agreed to Ramu, he called me and told me that I should go to the village for a couple of days for the ritual, I acted as if I don’t hear anything. I said ok only because I am really excited about that pleasure part.

I talked a lot to Priya about that ritual she said that the woman participants were so happy during the ritual that she was looking forward to winning this year, I don’t know but somehow that excited me. She also told me that if u got selected with your beauty u will be treated like a real princess there, of course, a beauty without hair and she laughed and I blushed.

My father called me later and told me that I should go to the village to attend the festival there I was tensed that if I get selected I will lose my hair.But I was aroused because Priya said that it will give immense pleasure to a woman. So the day came for my travel to the village, my father said he will join me later in the village.Until then he said u could join Priya and stay at the village accommodation, I said ok.

My father said that I should only take traditional clothes and should behave in a traditional way there as the village is very strict. I said ok. I the rebel rich should stay like some village girl in a remote village, I don’t know why I am doing this, but somehow somewhere behind my subconscious that I like to be tamed. May be because of that I want to do this.From childhood I had the habit of taking photos so I went to the village I thought may be I shouldn’t participate in the ritual I should simply take photos of the ritual and display it in our college for the competition. My teacher was counting on me for those photos, I was very arrogant before all my friends and classmates as I am very rich and beautiful. So I reached the village, my Ramu Kaka went few days before us, I reached the village and all eyes were on me as I look hot in jeans and t-shirt, and my hair was brown as I dye it. So Priya and I reached the Ramu kakas sister house , her name was Padma , she was very ugly woman , she was very black , she saw me and looked at Kaka and told him “So she is the little spoiled girl u were talking about , don’t worry from today on she will be completely transformed ”
I gave her an arrogant look. She took me to the room and told me that I will be sharing the room with other four girls. I said no I can’t share the room with girls like I am a normal girl, I said I am a rich girl and I need a separate room. She said no u should stay with them for the rest of the ritual. I reluctantly agreed.I was asked to wear half saree like the rest of the girls and Padma combed my hair with two piggy tails style like the village girls, and while doing it she asked Ramu kaka that something is wrong with my hair and Ramu kaka said that I need a haircut, I said no way my hair is fine , Padma madam forced me to sit in a chair and asked the other girls in the room to hold me ,and Ramu kaka took my front hair and gave me small bangs , they also dyed my hair to black and tied ribbons and I look nothing like a rebel girl now , I look I like a village girl .My front hair has been replaced by small bangs and they also reduced the thickness of my hair so my hair looks very light, I look like a school girl with that hairstyle, Padma madam, yeah that’s what she wanted me to call her from now.Asked me that I should go out to the village heads and say to them that I want to participate in the ritual.As I went outside all the boys in the village teased me for the appearance and the aunties in the road stopped me and they also teased me by the way I have been transformed. I went to the village heads and told them that I want to participate in the ritual and they said, ok u can and from that day my life has been changed.
So I used to do all the stuff like the remaining village girls I should wake up early in the morning and I has to do the house cleaning, cleaning utensils, I should do head bath and comb my hair and I should apply oil to Ramu Kaka and Padma madam.

Then I should help in the kitchen, Padma madam said that I should never raise my head while speaking to men, so I should stare at my feet while I talk to Ramu Kaka ,and I used to call him Ramu and now I am calling him kaka jr, Ramu Kaka will simple laugh at my transformation and he and Padma would laugh in a mischievous manner looking at me while I am working , the Padma and I would do all these things every day, as Padma was side to me I don’t feel that I am being humiliated and all, the day of the ritual came they say there are two types of rituals one is for the child-woman and the another. Is for adult woman, as I am a child,

I participated in the child ritual of course , the adult ritual will come later, so the lottery was taken on the day of the ritual and we all like 100 contestants were waiting for the name to come and guess what who’s name it is , the village head called the name Divya ,I was shocked to hear my name and I never thought that I would be the girl who has to shave her head. And during this ritual, I told my teacher that I would take pictures and who would take pictures now all these thoughts were rushing through my mind.I went to the dias and village priest came to me and cut my pony tail on my left completely and I was shocked by what he did and he collected the front portion of my hair and asked Ramu Kaka to cut it , Ramu Kaka came running and told me see now you will do whatever I tell you to do and cut my front hair completely,I was feeling humiliated and in the mean time my friend Priya was taking pictures of me, as I bought the camera so I can take pictures but I never that I would be the ritual girl .So they make me walk in the whole village and every small temple some one would cut little bit of my hair, like that, they cut all my hair after the walk in the village then we all reach the lottery spot , I was literally crying for what was happening to me , Priya was taking my pics and the village priest asked Ramu Kaka to shave my hair and that’s it’s he did he started shaving my head , and while doing it he said that he was responsible for the name Divya to come up.I was crying, I felt that I was cheated and punished for my arrogance.When I look up all the people were laughing at me.I passed out crying, later they said that they put multhana matti on my head and did pooja to me and later I was taken to the aunts place.

Chapter 2

When ever I had long hair and I feel like I am hot again Ramu Kaka would cut my hair, my dad died in the mean time and I was left under the supervision of my Ramu Kaka as I have no other family left.Ramu kaka stops sending me to college and I the talented and rich girl in our school would sit at home doing nothing but doing things Priya would be doing like cleaning and all. I accepted my fate.

On my 18 th birthday, Ramu kaka took me to the village for my celebration, I felt happy that Ramu Kaka liked me finally, he took me to the village and told Padma that I should be ready for my night party , I don’t know what that party would be , and he sat in a chair near by , Padma Aunty looked at me with lust and said wow u look lovely with your hair and said that u need a little hairstyle and asked one of the girls for a scissors there , the room which I was standing is a big room and had lot of girls in it ,they all look like prostitutes and one of the girls gave aunty a scissor, with that scissor she cut me bangs , I was shocked but as I can’t do anything I simply kept quiet, I was changed after my dad died, I completely became a good girl, I always listen to Ramu Kaka, do household work, u never imagine how I became what I used to be .

So coming back to the story after cutting my hair she said that she wants me to give a shower and asked one of the girls to prepare for the shower. The girls came near me and took my clothes one by one right there in the middle of the hall, there were servant there and my Ramu Kaka was watching with a grin on his face but when I resisted to the aunty that I should be changed in another room, my aunt got angry and took me scissors in her hand and cut all my clothes including bra and panty with it , I was there standing nude and all are watching me and I am ashamed of my state and I was covering my private parts with my hand , the aunty came near and took the hands apart when I am resisting my aunt asked one of the girls come near me and hold my hands so that I won’t resist anymore , she kneeled down my aunt and looking closely at my vagina and said to my Ramu kaka who is watching all the things that were going on with pleasure.My aunt called my kaka and said that I need a little trim near my private area so that I will be ready for the show in the night.

I don’t understand why I have to trim my public hair for the night party and Ramu kaka took scissors and they drag me to a table near by and spread my legs apart and this was the first time someone saw my pussy and all the girls were laughing and teasing me and saying that from now on you rich bitch will be like one of us like a cheap whore , and Ramu Kaka before trimming kissed my lips down there and one of the prostitutes said that he should take my virginity right there, right there in that cheap house and all the servants and prostitutes watching , I begged them not to take my hymen , not Ramu Kaka , he said he won’t but I have to suck his dick .
My first time sucking the dick of my gardener and all the prostitutes were teasing with my naked body, they were sucking my boobs and at that time my aunty called for the photographer in that village. He came with his assistant and they entered the room and they were taking pictures of me in that state and that’s the time I had a wonderful orgasm.While I was exhausted all started clapping and laughing.I slept all I could hear was the sound of the camera clicking.

Chapter 3

After few hours Priya wake me up ,when I woke up I found nothing on my body , all the people in the hall were simply doing their duties , servants were cleaning the house, and at that moment chaiw,.' came and was giving chai to everyone and seeing him I tried to cover myself with Priya dupatta who is sitting next to my bedside.Padma aunty was sitting in the chair talking to one of the girls looking at me sometimes.Ramu kaka was drinking his tea and when he noticed I was covering myself when the chaiw,.' came near me, he came near me and scolded me that I should not take Priya dupatta without asking her and I should say sorry and I should give it back to him and my face turned red , the chaiw,.' was lusting my body through his eyes as the dupatta barely covered me .
And Priya was laughing at me and even she demanded that I should say sorry and give back her dupatta.Nothing to do I gave the dupatta to Priya and all people looked at me once I removed the dupatta and chaiw,.' were laughing, I feel very humiliated and then he handed me the chai. I sipped the chai and told him what is this, this is very cold and thrown it on his face, and all were stunned to see my action. Padma aunty came near me and took my hair by her hand and said “Randi you were still behaving like a rich bitch we need to treat you a lesson again, the chaiw,.' face turned red with anger looking at me. Then Padma madam asked chaiw,.' to give me chai again ,he gave that cold chai again and I said I don’t want that cold chai.She said you were going to drink it from the chaiw,.' cock.I said”What”

She asked chaiw,.' to take his lungi and take the dick out and he did it without any hesitation,padma madam took the glass from me and took the chaiw,.' dick and dipped it in the chai

And she made me bend on my knees and order me to lick the chai from his dick, he is laughing looking at me and he told the Padma madam that he didn’t bath at all since last week, I can smell the bad smell coming from him
And he looked at me and said now Randi lick my dick, it’s a very small dick and he has lot of pubic hair and as he didn’t bath for a long time, the moment I took his dick inside I felt like vomiting but after some time I got used to it and kind of liked that ugly guys dick and I started licking his dick calmly and happily like a little girl eating a bar of ice cream .Padma madam will put his dick back in the chai glass again and put that dick in my mouth and few drops spilled on the ground and Ramu kaka came near me and said that I should be careful and not to waste any milk and after you become pregnant you will understand the importance of milk.As some of the chai drops fell on his feet and Ramu Kaka asked me to lick them too, I bent down and licked the chai drops on his feet.Chaiwala looking at me and said when will this gorgeous beauty will become pregnant with big boobs and a fat belly
Ramu kaka said very soon.

Chaiwala said “can I fuck her after she became pregnant ”
I tried to say something to Ramu kaka about me an 18-year girl getting pregnant very soon, I assumed he was joking or teasing me
As I opened my mouth to object but at that moment chaiw,.' reached the orgasm and released his sperm into my mouth, I moved away from his cock and let me tell you it’s a lot of sperm and Padma madam who is near by put his dick in the glass and the sperm reached almost half the glass and she dipped the dick in his own sperm and made me lick it . Now there are only a few drops of chai left in that glass all that I was licking was nothing but his smelly sperm.I don’t know I kind of realized I want to be humiliated and that humiliation is very painful and very arousing thing for me.I licked the total chai and total sperm from his dick and
I finished my chai.

Truth be told that’s the best chai of my life ,I burped after all that licking and chai and Padma Madam laughed and Priya and girls near by came and pinched my nipples saying I am very cute. I not know but I kind of felt that I did something good and I blushed and chaiw,.' made me stand up generally someone will make a woman stand up by holding her shoulders and raising her up but this guy made me stand up touching my boobs firmly and raised me and he kissed passionately on my mouth and put his finger inside my pussy and was finger fucking me , I was moaning and all the people in the hall were looking me with lust and the chaiw,.' asked me to lick the sweat from his forehead which I did .Now Padma madam told me that I should thank chaiw,.' for his chai and sperm and I said thank you chaiw,.'. He laughed at me looking at Ramu kaka and said its good what you were doing to this Randi keep doing that and suddenly he pinched my nipple so hard I screamed and it became red and it’s bleeding a bit as his fingernails were long my left breast received a small cut,he holds my hair and said “this is for throwing chai on my face Randi”And he left .
And until that moment I thought I was enjoying but after he pinched me that hard ,I started crying so hard even Padma madam felt pity for me and looked at my nipple and cupping it she said it’s ok it’s ok she asked Priya to bring the ointment.Priya went inside and said there is no ointment.Then Padma madam called Roshan ( let’s change him to the son of Padma madam) go with Priya to the medical store and purchase the ointment.
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