Fantasy Great Day for It by TMaskedWriter
"Yeah. Hey... when you said 'get back to nature,' you didn't mean... "

"What? Oh, no! Not now, not like that. Totally could, though, in this nice peaceful place so far off the trail. Why, Claire? Were you hoping or something? Are you into girls?"

"Huh? No... no. Sorry, that sort of question usually bothers me, but you've been so nice... I'm kind of between guys at the moment but not THAT between. What about your boyfriend?"

"Oh, it's ok. Turns out he likes girls too."

"Hee hee hee hee... I don't know why I'm laughing so hard at that."

"It's ok, we're out here in nature. We SHOULD relax! Oh hey, dropped your pepper spray. You should probably put that back in your nice bag. You don't want to lose it."

"Oh, thank you. Hmm... good idea... I don't want to lose it."

"Yeah. It's easy to lose things out here in the woods, but it's worth it. It's like, all that stuff you've been worrying about, all those things weighing you down, they're way the fuck back there in that OTHER world. Right here, with just you and me, here alone in nature, none of that stuff matters. It's all so relaxing. It's all so nice, isn't it?"

"Mmm... yeah... really nice... "

"Maybe you should turn off YOUR phone and pack it away too. Like I did with mine. Then none of that Other World stuff can bother us here where everything's peaceful and natural."

"But... I don't... "

"You probably won't get a signal out here anyway. And if anything happens, we've got my phone and we know it works, so there's nothing to worry about. Phones are a thing of that Other World that doesn't matter right now anyway. Turn it off and put it away and I'll tell you about my hair like you asked earlier. I'll satisfy your curiosity. You've been looking at it, so you must be curious."

"Huh... I didn't... hmm... ok... your hair... curious... "

"Good girl. Put it away and finish your water. I've got another for you later."

"Thank you... sorry... name... Julie. You're... so nice... "

"Oh, you're welcome, Claire! So, about my hair... You might not believe this, but it's my natural color. Well, colors. I know it looks like I dyed myself blonde for an 80s night a month ago and my brown roots are showing, but that's how it's looked since I was a baby. They say it never happens. Troy, my boyfriend, he likes it, says it's proof that I'm someone special. That's made me ok with it. I like it too. You can stare at it, Claire. I don't mind. People find it relaxing to stare at my hair. Troy says I must've gotten it in the same genetic lottery that gave me great boobs. You can stare at those too, Claire. I don't mind."

"Troy... boyfriend... ok with it... I can stare... relaxing... great boobs... you don't mind... "

"When we were little and Troy was being sweet on me, he'd call me Sunflower. He still does it sometimes too. That's what I was Aww-ing on the phone before, Claire."

"Oh... Troy sounds so nice... Julie. Nice... like you... "

"Yes, Troy's very nice, Claire. Maybe soon you'll get to meet Troy and find out how nice Troy is, Claire."

"Troy... nice... keep saying... my name... meet Troy... nice... "

"Well, that's something to think about later. Right now, Claire, you can relax because it's just you and me, away from that other world, here in our own. Just Claire and Julie, alone in nature."

"Relax... just you and me... away from... other world... Claire and Julie... alone in nature... "

"Maybe you shouldn't sit up on that rock, Claire. Here, I've set my blanket down, let me help you down to it. Mmm... that's nice. You can keep staring at my hair. Or my boobs if you want. It's natural to be curious. It's all just a part of nature."

"Natural... curious... stare... nature... "

"There, good girl, Claire. Just rest and relax. It's been so hot out. And now that you're laying down, you're feeling nice and deeper relaxed, but you're still so hot. Feeling hot... and feeling deeply relaxed... All so natural here in nature."

"Natural... hot... relax... deeper... natural... nature... "

"Nature is meant to be explored, Claire. Aren't you curious to explore nature? Relax deeply and explore nature with Julie? We need to be free of all the things of that other world that doesn't matter before we can explore nature, Claire. Before Claire and Julie can naturally explore. Just relax and shed the things that don't matter in nature. Julie will naturally do the same. Relax with Julie while Claire and Julie shed what doesn't matter."
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RE: Great Day for It by TMaskedWriter - by Ramesh_Rocky - 12-04-2019, 03:11 PM

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