Fantasy A Walk Amongst Equals by TMaskedWriter
Julie Equals looked over a table of pewter and crystal figurines. Amongst them was a model of the original Starship Enterprise with sparkling yellow crystals at the fore of the warp nacelles and white ones on the aft. She thought Troy would love it and asked the vendor if he had another one for Susan.

While the vendor went to check the boxes he hadn't unloaded from his van, Julie took a look at the people around her. Her eyes lit on a girl with purple hair sitting under a tree and writing in a notebook. A backpack decorated with all manner of Sharpie-drawn symbols rested against the tree next to her. Julie recognized a few of them, as well as the look on the girl's face as she stopped to think about something, then gave a weak smile and wrote it down.

Her train of thought was interrupted by the returning vendor, who found another Enterprise in the van. Julie bought both of them, then her eyes set on another figurine on the table and she bought that one as well before strolling in the girl's direction. When she got close, she stopped and turned to her as if she'd planned to walk by, but just now noticed the girl, and came closer.

"Know what I always hated," Julie asked, seeming to fill the girl's vision. "When I'd be sitting there under a tree writing something in a notebook, not bothering anybody, and some asshole I never met and who knows nothing about me would come up and go 'What're you writing?' I'd always go 'My suicide note, fucker. So I don't have to deal with dicks like you getting in my face anymore.'"

The girl looked up with a "how did you know" look on her face before realizing Julie was making a joke and gave her a forced laugh.

"Heh, yeah," was her response. "So, that was funny, but what's your excuse?"

"I spotted another Purple Girl and had to come say hi. I'm Julie. Hi."

"Oh," the girl said, taking note of the dress Julie was wearing. "Er, hi." She bent her head down into the notebook and started writing again, hoping the strange older woman would get the hint and go away. Julie remained undaunted and sat on the grass next to her.

"Hey, we're rare as fuck. Take a look around." Julie started pointing out other girls her age walking around with someone or in groups. "Pink Girl, Pink Girl, Pink Girl, Pink Girl. Pink, pink, pink, pink, pink." She pointed to herself, then the girl under the tree. "Purple Girl, Purple Girl. And what do you think they're talking about? 'Blah blah boys, blah blah reality shows. Fitting in/being popular/prom, blah blah.'" The girl smiled and started getting into it as well.

"Yeah. 'Hey, party at Brent's house tonight. Football team's gonna be there.' 'Think they'll have enough roofies for all of us or should we bring our own?' 'Last one to get felt up by a drunk trust fund jock's Denise!'"

"You're fucking dark, lady, I love it," Julie laughed. "Or rather, Denise, I'm guessing from that last one." Denise nodded as her laugh ended. "So, what's your favorite season of Buffy?"

"Six. Evil Willow is so cool and poor Tara." Denise thought for a second. "Wait, I was like two years old when Buffy ended; how did you know I'd even have a favorite season?"

Julie's answer was to point to her own dress and Denise's hair.

"Pink Girls learn the lesson of Barbie, Purple Girls learn the lesson of Buffy. Mine's season 3. The Mayor reminds me of my best friend so much, if he's watching with me when the Mayor comes on, I'll just look over at him until he notices and tells me to stop it, cause he knows WHY I'm looking at him, too." Julie looked the girl over. "Sorry, I just love the look. I always wanted purple hair, but if you didn't notice, I've got weird hair anyway and dyes just don't take to it."

"Yeah, I was wondering about that. It looks really Eighties."

"Doesn't it? Like those 80s girls who went blonde, then when the brown grew back, they just let it go? That's not the deal, though. This isn't a dye-job thing, it's a weird medical thing. My hair's looked like this since I was a baby. I don't carry pictures, but my husband's walking around here somewhere; he's got some. It's, like, beyond rare. They don't even have a name for it, they say I might be the first ever case of it. Nothing else different, I don't have any extra toes or chromosomes or anything, just two-tone hair. School sucked. Well, that part of it. There were other reasons it didn't."
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RE: A Walk Amongst Equals by TMaskedWriter - by Ramesh_Rocky - 12-04-2019, 03:03 PM

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