Fantasy Samverse: Samantha & Chai Novel - Ayurvedic Treatment For My Wife
Chapter 92 - Disciple & Deference {Season 10, episode 7, time: present}

Chai could barely do any work in office. From the start of the day, he was waiting for it to be over. 
The was desperately hoping Bhikari Baba would give a permanent remedy that would cure Samantha’s behavior.
He thought of what happened in his earlier visit to BB’s hermit hut. The saree, the ritual, the falling on the feet of BB,
the drinking of the strange liquid that tasted like piss. Then, BB narrating the previous births of himself and Samantha.

Today, I will agree to whatever Swamy says. I will even offer him money if needed.
He was even inclined to drink that strange liquid if offered again.
All this, because he had seen how miraculously Ayurvedic Potion worked on Samantha and made her an “Obedient wife”.

Day at office was uneventful. 

Although BB had asked him to come around 5 in the evening, Chai left office early at 3:30 wishing to be there sooner.
Like the previous visit, Chai parked his car on the main road and walked in the narrow-crooked lanes of the settlement area.
As he walked, he is thinking about Bhikari Baba. If he is indeed so powerful, why is he living in such a desolate area
and begging for existence? Can’t he make lot of stuff happen for himself?

He reached BB’s Hermit Hut and the place was empty unlike last time when lot of people were there
for BB’s ayurvedic remedies. He peeped inside the Hut and still no sight of anybody. As he wondered
if he should go away and come back, he heard noises behind the Hut. He walked around and got to
behind the hut where he saw Sangi Mangi sitting on a raised platform. They were grinding some
leaves into a paste in a mortar using a pestle. On of them, Sangi, noticed Chai’s presence and gestured
to Mangi that someone is there. They continued to grind the leaves.

Sangi Mangi - BB's disciples
[Image: sangimangi.jpg]

Chai approached them and after looking for a minute or so, says “Where is Bhikari Baba?”
The way Sangi looked at him, Chai remembered the last time’s events and corrected himself, “I mean where is Swamy?”

Sangi looked at him for a moment and pointed to the Lake saying “taking bath”.
Then Sangi asks Chai “Are you here for your wife’s cure?”

Chai did not immediately answer but since Sangi Mangi were anyway part of the whole meeting with Bhikari Baba,
what is the point of hiding it.

Yes, Chai nodded.

Sangi: Swamy is gathering the ingredients to make the ‘Kaama Sankalpa Aushadham”.
There are lot of ingredients needed. In fact, 2 days back Swamy went to a far-off place to get Neem leaves.
Chai is piqued by this. Is this Ayurvedic remedy so tough to make?
He is s also excited to think that Bhikari Baba is readying the medicine for him.
His hopes rise and so does his excitement.

Chai: But why so far? There are lot of Neem trees everywhere.

Sangi: (with a serious face): No, Sir. Just any Neem leaf wont work.
The Neem leaves have to be plucked from a home with a chaste & pativrata wife.
Only then the Aushadham (remedy/potion) will work.
That too it has to be plucked directly by Swami himself on a Thrayodashi (13th quarter of moon).

[Image: neem-in-night.jpg]
[Image: 13th-moon.jpg]
Chai is even more curious now.
Sangi: It is the most difficult potion to make, Sir.
Only Swami can make it in the entire world. In fact, even you have to …
At the precise moment, Bhikari Baba was walking towards the Hut and Sangi stopped his conversation.
Chai took a good look at BB.

Without his attire, vermillion and all the different sacred threads and talismans he tied all over his body,
BB looked like a well-built man in his lare-30’s. Chai is impressed with BB’s physique.

[Image: BB.gif]

As BB come near, Chai folds his hands and says, “Namaste Swamy”
BB took a look at Chai, but did not even say a word and walked inside.
Sangi: Sir, Swamy will not utter a word until he finishes his Puja.
As Chai sat down, he is thinking about what Sangi said about the Ayurvedic Potion
and how difficult it is to make it and how difficult it is to get the ingredients for it.
Chai is restless to talk to BB.
Meanwhile, Sangi comes near Chai and tells him,
“Sir get ready. Go take the ritual bath in the Lake and wear this medicated cloth. It is the same white silk saree as last time.
Chai hesitates a bit but today his aim for to get the permanent cure for Sam’s behavior
and so decides to follow through every ritual and every order diligently.

Chai gives his switched-off phone, purse & car keys to Sangi and proceeds to the Lover’s Lake to take a bath.

He strips nude and gets into the water.
Away from office and home, and away from human interference, this felt like a different universe.
A peaceful, green paradise.
As he dips into the Lake the moderately, cold water tingled his legs, then thighs and his cock/crotch area finally.
It was a feel-good sensation and a soothing one too.

If life is this peaceful, it makes sense Bhikari Baba chose this kind of lifestyle in spite of being powerful, Chai is thinking.

Like an analgesic removing pain, the experience of bathing nude in the peaceful waters
of this Lake removed Chai’s frustrations and emotional pain, at least for a little bit.

[Image: D1061-208-328-1200.jpg]
[Image: nc.jpg]

Chai comes out dbangs the white Saree as a dhoti and comes to the Hermit Hut where Sangi is waiting for him.

Like last time, Sangi made Chai pray to the Dig-palakas (direction-Gods):

To the East-God,
then 180 degrees, the West-God,
then 90 degrees, the North-God, and finally,
turning 180 degrees again to the South-God.

Chai enters the Hermit Hut of Bhikari Baba. BB was sitting on the raised diwan like platform.
Mangi was standing behind him. Mangi prompted him to do his prayer to BB.
This time Chai was both aware of the ritual and willing to undergo it.

Chai kneeled down and did a salutation to BB. "Swamy, I pray to you"
He touched his feet and took his hands to his forehead.

Next, he laid down fully in front of BB and kissed his feet,
and after hesitating just for a second, licked his feet a bit.
Thankfully, the just bathed BB’s feet taste was not too repelling.

And then he got up kissed BB’s hands.

Mangi gestured him to sit near BB’s feet which Chai did.

Sangi gives him the prasad, ‘holy water’ in a bronze vessel.
Without much resistance, Chai let Sangi pour the liquid into his right hand
and drank that piss-tasting liquid in a single gulp. It is not that bad, he told himself.

Then Chai speaks…

Swamy! You are miraculous! The Ayurvedic Potion you gave did wonders.
My wife became a fully obedient woman after I gave it to her without her knowledge.
Now, I beg you to give me the permanent Ayurvedic to permanently change my wife.
I beg you, Swamy! I will do anything

Bhikari Baba gives a wide smile.
BB looks at Chai for a couple of minutes, in full silence.
Chai feels the intensity of the gaze.

Then BB speaks...

BB: That is the power of Ayurveda, my Shishya (disciple)
This is the first time BB is referring to Chai as his disciple.

BB: (continues) 

And that is the power of your Swamy. I can do wonders in Ayurveda.
I learnt from one of the most powerful Gurus who taught me the rarest of rare cures.

I can concoct herbal remedy for broken bones > Sandhana Karani
I can concoct remedies for healing deep wounds > Saavarna Karani
I can concoct ayurvedic cure for removing poison and pain > Vishlya Karani
Alas, my Guru did not teach me, the herbal medicine to bring the dead back alive > Mruta Sanjeevani
His also taught me the art and ritual of giving the blessing of strong children > Bahubalya Garbha Dharani

But my Guru gave me direction to not use these powers
and Ayurvedic cures widely and not to advertise about these powers.
So, I give them only to select people who deserve it and have earned my goodwill and grace.

Chai is hearing everything BB says like a person in trance
When a person gets so desperate about anything, his logical thinking goes down the drain.
Today, Chai was in such a state.

Today, a woman from one of the most powerful families of this city will come to me.
I give you permission to secretly hear our conversation.
You will further know the power of your Swamy.

As if on cue, a super expensive imported Porsche stops at the front side of BB’s Hermit Hut.

[Image: Porche.jpg]

And out steps, a woman of such angelic beauty, who appeared to be in her 40s, Maitreyi.

[Image: MD.jpg]

My Shishya, Go… hide yourself and see what happens…
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RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 16-01-2021, 10:50 AM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 16-01-2021, 10:50 AM
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RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 16-01-2021, 11:43 AM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 16-01-2021, 07:47 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Ranjith27 - 16-01-2021, 08:55 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 16-01-2021, 11:33 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 16-01-2021, 11:47 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 17-01-2021, 12:02 AM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 17-01-2021, 12:15 AM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Kalyan143 - 17-01-2021, 01:36 AM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 17-01-2021, 01:48 AM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Kalyan143 - 17-01-2021, 01:36 AM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 17-01-2021, 01:49 AM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Mr Strange - 17-01-2021, 06:44 AM
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RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Babyma - 17-01-2021, 11:14 AM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 17-01-2021, 12:40 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 17-01-2021, 12:44 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 17-01-2021, 12:46 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 17-01-2021, 04:11 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Ranjith27 - 17-01-2021, 04:32 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 17-01-2021, 09:08 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Raviraj45 - 17-01-2021, 05:14 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 17-01-2021, 09:09 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 17-01-2021, 09:28 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 17-01-2021, 09:45 PM
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RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 20-04-2021, 06:33 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 17-01-2021, 09:49 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Raviraj45 - 17-01-2021, 09:59 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 17-01-2021, 10:07 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 17-01-2021, 10:17 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Mr Strange - 17-01-2021, 11:38 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Babyma - 17-01-2021, 11:52 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Kalyan143 - 18-01-2021, 01:18 AM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Ranjith27 - 18-01-2021, 06:59 AM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 18-01-2021, 03:23 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 18-01-2021, 03:25 PM
RE: Samantha & Chai - (ATFM) Wife - by Saravroman - 18-01-2021, 03:37 PM
RE: Novel: Samantha & Chai - Ayurvedic Treatment For My Wife - by Saravroman - 30-05-2021, 02:51 PM

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