Adultery Heavenly angel: deceived by trust by duckhunter
Chapter - 65

Devika was standing there topless, just wearing the white waist cloth infront of 4 boys. Rahim, vishnu and anand got up from the bed and congratulated devika for her performance

Rahim - congrats madam that was great performance

Devika smiled a little acknowledging the appreciation from everyone. As she was covering her breasts with both her hands, her deep cleavage was visible to everyone. And as everyone was standing there, she was unable to wear her dress

Rahim - ramu did you film everything
Ramu - yes i have shot everything
Rahim - show me

Rahim, anand , vishnu watched the scene ramu shot in the camera there itself standing in the tent. They called devika also to watch the scene. Devika is feeling uncomfortable as she is still there standing topless covering her boobs. She joined the group to watch the scene holding her breasts. They watched the scene, and devika made sure, the scene is not showing any exposure from her. Only her naked back and shoulder was showing in the scene.

Rahim - good ramu, you shot the scene beautifully
Ramu - thanks
Devika - Rahim , can i change now and wear the cloth now
Rahim - wait madam, we have to shoot the next scene
Devika - oh ok , what is the next scene
Rahim - madam in the next scene, you will be wearing the cloth and again we will film from the back. So you will take the the cloth and wear it on your top and will search for evidences and information in the laptop and phone
Devika - ok
Rahim - so lets start, so madam you just turn around drop your hands and grab the cloth and wear it
Devika - ok

Rahim - ok ramu get ready with camera
Ramu - ok

Devika turned around and dropped her to side. And the boys was standing in the back and watched her naked back and bulging ass in the waist cloth

Rahim - start action

Devika took few steps ahead and bend down to take the white cloth lying on the floor, when she bend down ,they were again able to see some portion of her swaying side boobs. She picked the cloth_ kept it on her breast and tied the ends on her back. And after as she was advised, she proceeded to secretly check their phones and laptops and acted noting down the details. She acted the scene beautifully. Rahim ended the scene by shouting "cut it".They all clapped appreciating devika.

Chapter - 66

It was afternoon and they were all taking some rest. Rahim and anand was talking with other crew and people, while vishnu was giving company to devika. Vishnu knew that devika has got special comsideration for vishnu and likes vishnu the most out of all the three.Vishnu sometimes takes advantage of this special friendship and do naughty things with devika. Devika also consider his pranks as innocent and just consider him as his little brother. Devika was sitting alone little away from others immersed on her own thoughts. Vishnu joined her and sat next to her

Vishnu - what happened madam, it seems your are immersed in some thoughts
Devika - hey vishnu , nothing
Vishnu - tell naa..what happenee you usually share everything with me
Devika - vishnu ../its just im worried
Vishnu - what happened
Devika - i was thinking, whether im doing a mistake by opting to act in this web series
Vishnu - why, why are you thinking like that
Devika- i feel like, im kind of exposing alot
Vishnu - madam you dont have to think like that..we are not filming anything improper. We have only shot your shoulder, and were not exposing anything
Devika - i dont know kind of scared
Vishnu - sister should not worry about anything...just cheer up. You are a big girl

Devika smiled at vishnu, hearing him calling her big girl

Devika - wow, what did you call me ..
Vishnu - i called you a big girl..what's wrong with that
Devika - im not girl mister, im your teacher and also a mother
Vishnu - might be my teacher and also a mother. But you are our beautiful heroine.
Devika - are just trying to make me happy
Vishnu - no madam.. You are actually stunning especially in this costume
Devika - hmm...dont now try to pull my leg now...i know you mischievous kids enjoying my costume
Vishnu - how do you know that..
Devika - psychology teacher, i know how you kids are thinking
Vishnu - madam seriously you look good in this costume. Actually you should wear this at school , all kids will have heart attack...hahaha
Devika - stop it. These days you are getting naughty
Vishnu - haha...madam do you remember the waterfalls at our school trip
Devika - vishnu ,you again started...
Vishnu - how would i forget that, whenevr i see you in this costume i remember the waterfalls incident
Devika - oh my god
Vishnu - would i be ever lucky to see those again
Devika - see what
Vishnu - hehe

Vishnu noticed a drop of sweat moving from her neck downwards towards her cleavage. He suddenly took out his index finger and wiped the sweat from her cleavage and said

Vishnu - this
Devika - oh my god what are you doing
Vishnu - i just wiped of your sweat

Devika pinched Vishnu's ear

Devika - what did you do?
Vishnu - madam its paining..leave me
Devika - will you do it again?
Vishnu - no madam i will not...leave me please

Devika left his ear , but she did not take it seriously, just treated lightly as she knows Vishnu's playfull nature

By that time anand came there and told rahim is calling everyone

Chapter - 67

Rahim - Alright we have finished the filming for the day we are going to pack up. Thanks everyone for your cooperation

Everyone was disappointed and sad that shooting is over and they wont get to spend time with beautiful devika.
Rahim - but before we go today, we will have a little celebration. Does anyone know what day is today?

No one was actually able to guess and think what rahim had in his mind

Rahim - guys...its holi today..heey

Hearing that everyone's face started lighten up

Rahim - so we will celebrate little and play holi for 30 minutes and leave

Everyone cheered and started whistling. But devika was worried and she had never played holi before

Devika - you guys carry on and celeberate and mean time i will change and get ready

Anand - oh no madam..dont play spoil sport. We are just celebrating a successful day. Madam its going to be fun.
Rahim - yes madam..holinis fun you will enjoy it
Devika - no not sure..i dont want to..i have never played holi
Rahim - madam please....i beg you
Devika - no can i play in this costume

She did not finish saying that sentence, vishnu came jfrom the back with handful of red colour and threw at devika's face. Devika was shocked and did not expect this. Devika turned back to see who it was

Devika - oh my god....vishnuuuu

When she turned back to see vishnu, Rahim and Anand from the other side threw the colours in their hand at her back Everyone started cheeeing and shouted "holi holiii". Someone started playing music in the speaker

Devika - guys stop not there...

To save herself, she ran towards the tent. And rahim, vishnu and Anand ran behind her chasing devika

Rahim - madam stop...

Devika ran straight towards the tent, and before she could lock the tent, Anand entered inside and vishnu , rahim waited at the entrance of the tent

Anand - madam...dont be scared come outside
Devika - no anand , i dont want to play..u guys go ahead and continue
Anand - no madam..u have no other choice
Rahim - madam...come on..we will only play for the 30 mimutes and after that we will leave
Devika - no guys...please

Anand went and caught her hand and started pulling her outside. Devika was still resisting and trying to push him outside

Anand - we wont go have to come outside

Now rahim also came inside and started pulling devika's hand, forcing her to come outside.

Devika - guys..stop stop...ok ok i will come wait

Anand and rahim released her

Devika - but how can i play in this dress, i would have to change into something else
Rahim - but we dont have any other costume for you, and im sure that you dont want to spoil your only sari you brought

Devika - but how can i play in this dress, you guys should understand
Rahim - its just for some time we are playing, after the celebration you can throw away the dress and change to sari. Otherwise you will be spoiling the sari madam
Devika - no..i cannot come like...atleast let me wear something inside

Rahim laughed and said

Rahim - madam, if you wear anything inside, that also will get spoiled right
Devika - thats fine...i cannot play without wearing anything
Anand - ok fine, we want you to be comfortable but please come for the celebration
Devika - you guys...ok..i dont want to be spoilsport. Can someone give your shirt or tshirt.
Rahim - no madam we dont want to make our dress dirty
Devika - then i will not be able to come

Vishnu found the opportunity to become good boy and he also entered inside the tent

Vishnu - ok can take my tshirt. We dont want to put in uncomfortable position

Devika again got impressed with Vishnu's care and felt more love for him as her own little brother. Vishnu took out his black tshirt and gave it to devika

Devika - ok thanks vishnu and now all the guys go outside , let me change

They all came outside , and outside music was full on and everyone has started playing holi and waiting for devika to come

When they came outside, rahim was little angry at vishnu

Rahim - why did u give her a tshirt
Anand - otherwise she wont come bro

Rahim - now she will be fully covered and we will miss a good opportunity to touch her in that costume
Anand - its ok bro, we didnt even expect that she will be doing all these things for us. It was just because she trust us. So we have to be careful , if she loses the trust on us then all our plan will be gone and we wont get any chance with her
Vishnu - thats right./
Rahim - hmm ok...

Inside, devika removed the cloth she was wearing on her breast and freed her breasts. She looked and touched her her breasts , she found her breast is engorged, firm and heavy. She has not breastfed her child till now because of the shooting and now her breast is filled with milk and looks firm. Her nipples are sticking out because of that. She didnt want to waste in time, so she took the tshirt vishnu gave and she chose not to wear bra, since she is feeling little uneasiness on her breast. She wore tshirt and it was really tight for her , but she still managed to wear it. Some portion of her stomach was visible as it was little short. But still she was able to cover her navel. Then she picked her black panty from where she had kept all her clothes. She wore the panty underneath the white waist cloth she was wearing. She then pulled the T-shirt down at the bottom to make sure she is looking decent before going outside

Devika half heartedly went outside the tent and everyone welcomed with cheer. Devika smiled at everyone and everyone was waiting with colours in their hand. Rahim came and again threw colour at devika, it was unexpected for devika. She then saw anand coming at her, with colour on both his hands. Devika got scared, she turned back at started running trying to escape from Anand. Anand was laughing and ran after her. Vishnu and rahim tried trap her coming from the other side. And everyone was cheering them to catch devika.

Devika saw anand coming from back and rahim, vishnu coming from the other side. Devika was laughing and looking where she can run and hide. Devika noticed a tree house opposite to her. There is a ladder hanging down to reach at the top towards the tree house. She thought if she can climb up to the top, she would be safe. So devika laughed at told

Devika - you cannot catch me guys

Saying that she ran towards the tree house. And anand went after her behind devika. Devika quickly reached the bottom of the tree house and starts climbing up the ladder. She reached the 5th step, when anand reached at the bottom and he also started climbing up the ladder He was really quick and was able to swiftly climb the steps and he reached out and caught hold devika's foot. He gripped her foot tightly and stopped devika from climbing up. Devika tried to apply force and climb up escaping from Anand. Anand looked up while tightly holding her leg tightly. The moment he looked up , his eyes widened seeing the sight.

He was having a direct view of up her skirt. He was able to clearly see her thick thighs and all the way up. Devika did not realise the show she was putting as she was trying hard to escape from anand. Anand clearly was watching her sexy round curvy ass in black panties. He just stood there holding her leg not allowing devika to climb up while enjoying the view of her hot ass. Devika was laughing and asking anand to release her

Devika - leave me anand, you dont have enougj strength to stop me

Devika was unaware the anand is having the view of his life time. Anand enjoyed the shape of her ass, he watched her ass crack in black panties and also when devika tried to move, he was blessed to see in between her legs only covered in panties. He got a insant hard on seeing her pussy area covered in just panties through her meaty thighs.

Vishnu and rahim unaware of the situation asked anand to bring her down

Rahim - bro dont let her escape, bring her down

Anand came to reality, he can stay there like that for ever enjoying the beautiful view of her round gaand. But he has to bring her down

Anand - madam you cannot escape from me, im going to pull you down

Anand started pulling her leg, and at the same time enjoyed the movements of her ass as she wiggled her her ass and to escape from anand. Anand started climbing while holding her leg and now gripped her thighs and pulling down. Anand felt her thighs and it was so smooth and soft. He tightened the grip again and raised his hand again and this time his hand was placed underneath her white cloth at alarming heights. Anand gripped and tighltly held thighs underneath her skirt , just 1 inch below were her panty is ending. If he raises his hand little more, his fingers would be touching her pussy

Devika understood she wont be able to escape from anand , so she acceptes defeat

Devika - ok ok anand, leave me i will come down..leave me now
Anand - did u accept defeat
Devika - yes leave me

Now only devika realised anand hand is a rearing underneath her skirt holding her thighs right below her pussy. Devika raised her voice little

Devika - leave me anand , i will come down

Anand left her leg and took a last peek at her panty covered ass globe and climbed down the steps. Her leg has anand's hand prints all the way up till her thighs. Devika slowly came down and stood at the ground. The moment she came down, anand held both her hands tightly

Now Vishnu and Rahim came near her with handfull of colours

Devika - vishnu, rahim dont do it, are you doing this to your sister

Rahim - haha we are just playing with the sister, dont worry madam

Rahim and vishnu put all the colors on her face and spreaded it on her face. Then they brushed colours on exposed portion of hand. Devika somehow managed to get free from the hold of anand and she started running again.

This time out of nowhere ramu came and stopped her. He held her from behind and using is left hand held her waist from behind and gripped her tightly on her stomach. He pushed her behind and held her tightly towards him. Her back is pressed tightly on his chest. And the moment he pushed her towards him, her protruding round ass got pressed against his crotch. His lund got the soft feeling of her ass. And as devika was moving and trying to escape from his clutches, her ass was moving brushing on ramu's lund. He started getting hard on and he pressed his lund further into her ass. Devika failed to notice this as she was trying to escape. Everyone there came infront of devika with colours and startes putting colours on her body. Rahim put colour on her face and neck. He also put colour on the exposed portion of her stomach and made sure one of his finger went inside her navel.

Next anand and vishnu came with colours and they bend down caught her legs and started spreading colouring on her legs all the way upto her thighs, they stopped right below where skirt was ending. Because they dont want devika to lose trust on them and feel bad about them. So they made sure they are not crossing the limit.

Rahim , vishnu and anand stepped aside, giving others a chance to enjoy her and they already warned them not cross the limits and make uncomfortable.

There were like 15 of the waiting for their turn, they all came one by one and started putting colour on her body. They all got a chance to touch her face, hands, neck, lips, stomach, legs and thighs. Some didnt miss the opportunity to enjoy her navel by inserting the finger there in the pretext of putting colour on her stomach. All this while ramu was tightly holding her and feeling up her ass on his lund

When almost everyone was finished putting colour on her, ramu signaled his friend santhosh with his eye. Santhosh with another friend came forward towards devika with two full bucket of coloured water. Ramu was still holding devika from behind, santhosh and other friend came infront of devika

Devika - guys no...its enough..she started calling Vishnu for help.
Devika - vishnu vishnu...

Rahim , vishnu and anand now only noticed what they are going to do. Vishnu came running towards devika shouting

Vishnu - guys noo./dont do that thats enough

But before vishnu could reach, both of them poured the entire 2 buckets of coloured water over her head. Devika closed her eyes and mouth. And ramu took that opportunity while devika was trying to resist from the water going to her eyes and mouth, he used his right hand took it under and inserted his hand inside her skirt and in one quick motion , stretched all his fingers to the fullest and grabbed the right ass cheak of devika over the panty. He used his whole hand and held the whole right ass globe of devika, his big hand was able hold the full ass cheak and he have hard , tight rough squeese and released her.

Devika couldn't understand what had happend as she was recovering from the water that was poured over head. Because of the water was thrown at her in such a force, she did not realize what ramu did under her skirt

By the time vishnu reached there and announced

Vishnu - guys stop, thats enough celebration is over
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RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust by duckhunter - by Bookkeeper - 06-05-2021, 03:10 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:21 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:21 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:22 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:23 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:23 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:23 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:24 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:24 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:25 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:25 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:26 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:26 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:26 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:27 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:28 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:28 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:29 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:29 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:30 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:30 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:31 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:31 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:31 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:32 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:32 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:33 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:33 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:33 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:34 AM
RE: Heavenly angel: deceived by trust - by bigman - 06-12-2018, 12:34 AM

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