Adultery REPOST: Blackmail and Public Humiliation of Riya

A guy got out from the other car, whom Riya had noticed a couple times at the college. Rakesh was often seen around the college supplying computers and other stuff to students. Riya didn't really know him. He was older, in late twenties. She's heard that he supplies all kinds of computer stuff, games, software, videos etc. at throwaway prices , and so a lot of guys and girls were friendly with him. There were others in his car as well, but Riya couldn't see who they were.

He walked up to the Kiran’s car and said hello to everyone. All of the girls seemed to know him well. He looked at Riya and smiled. He introduced himself and extended his hand towards her saying “ke-mon aachen?” (‘how are you’ in Bengali). Riya smiled back saying “Bhalo” (‘fine’) and shook his hand. They made small talk for a minute, and then he went back to his car and they all started off.

They drove slowly enjoying the early winter weather. The traffic was slow and dense, but the time passed well with the girls talking about the swimming pool at Shimla and the food and beer Rakesh was going to get. They explained to her that this weekend she was a guest, but if she passed the test and became part of the group she would have to chip in with food and other expenses like the others.

Though she didn’t approve of the idea of girls drinking beer, Riya told them that only seemed fair and she would never complain about chipping in, hoping that they would tell her more about the test....but nobody mentioned it again. They continued to drive on the highway. About an hour later Rakesh stopped at a roadside restaurant. Rakesh & Kiran went in to fetch some samosas & tea in flasks while others stayed back in their respective cars. The only delay was when Kiran ran up to Rakesh's window again, checking directions, Riya thought.

Shortly after they left the restaurant dusk started to settle in, Riya watched the sun drop in the West and began to notice how much more isolated it was up here. The villages grew further and further apart and the traffic on the road became lighter. As they passed a one small town, Rakesh pulled into the parking lot of a motel, and they decided to stop there for the night.

As the guys got out of the car, Riya realized that she really knew only one of them, and he gave her the creeps. His name was Jeet, and she was in her English class. He was overweight and pimply, and was one of those guys who always stared at her.

Rakesh and Kiran each got a room, and the girls and guys all piled in accordingly laying blankets on the floor. Riya tried to find out more about the test, but none of the girls would say much.

The next morning they set off again, but after about fifty minutes Riya noticed that Rakesh's right hand blinker was on. She hoped nothing was wrong with his car, as they were over halfway there according to Kiran. She sat up and peered ahead trying to determine why he was pulling over near another hotel. Kiran pulled in behind Rakesh as he jumped from his car. The boys all trotted to the men's room.

The five girls climbed out of the car to stretch their legs. None of them had to go, and soon the guys were back out.

"Okay, let's load up." Kiran nodded and started back to the driver’s door. She turned to Riya and casually said, "Riya, you ride with the boys for the rest of the way."

Surprised, Riya stopped in her tracks, and looked about nervously. She was about to ask why, when Kiran came around and pulled her to one side.

"Its time for you to begin the test now Riya," Kiran said suddenly serious. "From here on out, your success in the test depends on doing exactly as you're told."

Riya looked into the older girl's eyes for a sign of what this might mean, what she might have to do, but didn't find one.

"What will I have to do?" Riya asked, feeling a rush of adrenaline in her stomach.

"Nothing that we ALL haven't had to do." Kiran replied. "It's not so bad. You might even find it enjoyable and funny." She looked Riya in the eye with a glint of mischief.

Riya looked over to the car where the guys were standing waiting, and started to feel a little scared. How bad could it be? Kiran noticed her apprehension.

"If you don't want to go," Kiran told her curtly, "let us know now and we'll drop you in the next town and put you on a bus to Delhi."

Still scared, Riya thought for a second and realized that if she went back there would be all kinds of questions from her parents for which she didn't have answers. Plus she knew that going home now, would be end of her hanging around with these girls, and besides they had all passed the test, they were just trying to scare her.

She turned to Kiran and said "What would make you think that I would even consider going back."

"Good girl. We'll see you at the Bungalow."

Kiran opened the trunk and pulled out Riya's bag and walked it over to Rakesh, who took it and put it in the trunk of his car. Kiran winked at him as she walked back to the other girls.

Riya walked around the passenger side and climbed in the door that one of the guys was holding open for her. As if she wasn't nervous enough, the smile on his face made her feel even worse. Sliding to wards the middle, she saw the creepy Jeet. She also noticed another guy from college whose name she didn't know in the front seat. She avoided any contact with Jeet who was sitting directly behind the driver’s seat and she made her body even smaller when the other guy, Tarun climbed in next to her.

"OK everybody we're ready to go" said Rakesh as he closed the door. He turned the key and started the car and kept the engine idling.

Rakesh turned to the back seat.

"Riya before we go....please take off your shoes."

"What?" she asked, not sure she'd heard right.

"Riya, until you pass the test, you don't get to ask questions. Your shoes or the bus!"

Riya felt her face flush with embarrassment, and started to look around at the other guys before realizing that that only made it worse. She slowly leaned forward and began to remove her left shoe.

"No," Rakesh stopped her. "Put your foot up on the edge of the seat."

Riya pulled her foot up on the edge of the seat. She looked up and noticed that she had the rapt attention of all four guys. It really gave her the creeps.

"Gently remove the shoe."

Slowly, she undid her shoe and then eased it off of her foot. Rakesh held out his hand for it. She started to feel a bit dizzy as she undid the other shoe.

"Socks too, Riya"

Riya hesitated and then stripped off her right sock, then her left, and passed them to Rakesh. She instinctively stuck her feet under the seat in front of her. Four sets of eyes stared at her, and then broke into nervous smiles.

"OK. Everyone. We're off."

Embarrassed at this strange request, but relieved, Riya leaned forward in the seat. Not wanting to have even the most incidental contact with the boys sitting on either side of her, she did everything she could to make herself smaller. As Rakesh pulled back on the highway and headed north, she hunched her shoulders forward to make her breasts look as small as possible.

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REPOST: Blackmail and Public Humiliation of Riya - by namitha69simi - 30-03-2019, 02:20 PM

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