Sydney’s Descent - Copied
As Nicole walked to Sydney's house, she wondered if she was doing the right thing. She had almost given up on the pretty Asian girl in her business class, even though she had been watching her for months. 

From the first time she saw her, Nicole had been entranced with Sydney. She was beautiful and always seemed so happy and carefree. She wanted so bad to approach her and strike up a conversation, but she was afraid of what might happen. There was a time, long ago, when Nicole was happy and carefree, also. Then something had happened that turned things upside down, and forever changed her outlook on life.

She had been in ninth grade and her very best friend in the world was a blond girl named Beth. They had been best friends since elementary school, and basically inseparable. As Nicole grew, she became aware of her sexuality, and it was her best friend whom she developed a crush on. 

Beth was filling out in all the right places and Nicole started to realize that the boys were taking notice. It made her jealous when her friend started to acknowledge the attention she was getting from the boys. 

One day, the two girls were alone in Beth's bedroom. They were laughing about some kid at school who had made a complete fool of himself, and Nicole found herself staring deeply into her friend's eyes. Then, without even thinking about the consequences, she leaned forward and they kissed each other, full on the lips. 

It was not Nicole's imagination; Beth had kissed her back, and seemed to really enjoy it, too. As they slowly pulled away and looked into each other's eyes, they both realized that they wanted more, so once again, they kissed, but this time it was much more passionate, and tongues became tangled. It was such an exciting kiss, that both girls wound up laying back on the bed and their hands went to work, sliding under clothes, caressing and feeling and stroking each other.

Nicole couldn't believe her luck. She had wanted to talk with her friend for months about her feelings, but never had the courage. She was so happy that Beth felt the same. Having heard all the talk of sex things on the bus and in gym class, she was aware of oral sex, and she thought that the best way to show her best friend how she felt was to go down on her. 

Beth was wearing a pair of white shorts, and when Nicole moved down and unbuttoned them, she seemed more than happy to help pull them down, along with her underwear. Once she was naked from the waist down, Nicole moved in and smelled her best friend's moist pussy. Then, she stuck out her tongue and licked her way from the bottom of her slit to the top. She was rewarded with a moan and that just urged her on. She really didn't know what she was doing, but she was obviously doing something right, because Beth was getting into it.

Beth's pussy had opened up like the petals of a flower, and she had pulled her legs up to give her friend better access. Even though this was her first time, Nicole could tell that her friend was getting close to her orgasm, and that was when the shit hit the fan.

They had been so into each other that they didn't hear the footsteps coming up the stairs and down the hallway, but when the door to Beth's room swung open, and her mother shrieked, "What the hell is going on here?!!?" they both heard that loud and clear. 

It was the most embarrassing moment in Beth's young life as she spun around and looked into the eyes of her friend's mother, who looked like she was going to have a heart attack. Then the fun began.

"GET OUT OF MY HOUSE, YOU HARLOT!!" she screamed at Nicole, the venom in her eyes looked like she was ready to kill someone. Beth rolled off the side of the bed and dressed as quickly as possible, crying and apologizing profusely. 

Nicole, who was still dressed, quickly made her way past the irate woman and down the stairs. As she ran down the street toward her house, she licked her lips and could still taste her friend on her lips.

The next day at school, she went to Beth's locker and was shocked to see that she had a bruise on her face. She tried to talk to her friend, but Beth told her that she couldn't be her friend anymore. 

"Beth, she had no right to hit you, and she can't keep us apart," Nicole said.

"She didn't hit me!" Beth snapped angrily. "And I don't want to be your friend anymore!! Stay out of my life, and don't try to talk to me ever again!!" She slammed her locker shut and stormed off.

For the rest of the day, Nicole watched her friend from afar. At first, she thought that she saw a hint of sadness in her face when their eyes met across the room, but when she smiled at her, the look on Beth's face suddenly turned to one of animosity. 

She watched as her former best friend went to a group of girls and started talking to them, clearly motioning to Nicole and telling them some sort of wicked tale. The group of three girls, whom Nicole knew of as big time gossips, all looked aghast at her story, then they all looked over and giggled and pointed. 

With a pained expression, Nicole looked at Beth, and saw a flash of something, maybe regret, maybe sadness, but the damage was done and there was no way to stop the flow of information. By the end of the day, word had gotten around school that she was a lesbian. Nobody looked at her the same. People would go silent as she approached, only to start whispering and giggling when she walked past. Someone stuffed a piece of paper into her locker that said 'LESBIAN SLUT'. 

She tried so hard to not let it bother her, but all of her former friends stopped talking to her. She became an outcast in her school where at one time she was a member of the popular crowd. Before long, she was a shell of her former self. She dressed down now, trying to just blend in instead of stand out. She found that the less attention she received the better, so she stopped trying to look nice, and just survive.

For the rest of her time in high school, she continued to be the invisible girl, always looking forward to the time when she would graduate and could leave town for college and begin again. However, after more than three years of hiding in the shadows and eating lunch with the geeks, who became her new friends, it was too hard to go back to her old ways. 

Now, she walked around campus as the quiet, studious girl who never went to parties or went out on the town. Even three thousand miles away from the small town in Maine where she called home, she couldn't bring herself to open up and make friends.

Then, she was sitting in class minding her business as always, and she heard strange noises coming from her left and slightly behind her. When she turned to see what the noise was, she saw the girl she had admired for so long, the beautiful Asian girl Sydney, the one whose personality reminded her of herself years ago. But this time, there was something different about the girl. This time she seemed to be uncomfortable, and was touching her breasts, and adjusting her shorts, and then Nicole noticed that she was wearing an anklet that very prominently proclaimed the wearer to be a slut.

For some reason, she felt a kinship with this girl she had never met before and she was compelled to approach her after class. Now, she was headed over to her house with trepidation. 


For the next hour or so, Sydney practiced on the dildos. She started with the one she swallowed yesterday and again managed to get it all the way down after about ten minutes. Then, she started working on the next one. It was infinitely more difficult than the other. She was so into practicing that she didn't realize what time it was until there was a knock on the front door.

Kira walked out from another room and said, "Keep sucking dear, I'll get it." 

Sydney felt her cheeks burn red with shame and picked her head up off the cock. "Please, Mistress, let me, let slave get a robe on or at least a towel on."

"You can just hide behind the island for now slave. I'll chat with our guest. Oh, and don't forget, when you speak to her, you will address her as Mistress, also." Sydney was sick to her stomach.

Kira went to the door and waited while Sydney pulled the stool behind the island and ducked out of sight, then she opened the door. "Hi, you must be Nicole. I'm Sl..Sydney's roommate, Kira. Please come in."

Nicole stepped in saying, "Thank you, it's nice to meet you Kira. That's such a pretty name."

"Oh, thank you, aren't you sweet." She shut the door behind the girl. 

"So, where is Sydney?" Nicole asked.

"She'll be out in just a few minutes, why don't you have a seat on the stool, and I'll get you a cold drink. Water or lemonade?" She walked around the island where Sydney was still hiding and opened the cupboard where the glasses were. 

"Lemonade, please," she answered as she sat on the stool. 

Kira made her way to the refrigerator where she filled two glasses with ice cold lemonade. Then, she slid one glass across the counter to Nicole.

"So, tell me Nicole," Kira began, "exactly why are you here today?"

Looking up from her glass, Nicole half smiled and said, "I was invited, by Sydney."

"Oh I know that she invited you. You see, I ordered her to invite you over. But I want to know the real reason that you came here today. Sydney said that you asked her out on a date."

"Ahhh well," Nicole was feeling uncomfortable with this line of questioning. "I really just want to hang out with her. I don't know many people here you know, so I'm always looking for a friendly face."

"Mmm, is that the only reason Nicky? You don't mind if I call you Nicky do you?" She didn't wait for an answer, "because I think that there is more to it than that. I think that you wanted something else from her."

Nicole put her glass on the counter and stood up. "Look, I don't know what this is all about, but I'm gonna take off now and if you can tell Sydney that I was here at six, I would appreciate it." She started to head for the door.

"Oh, but Sydney is right here." Reaching down with right hand, she grabbed Sydney by her pony tail and pulled up.

"Ooowww!!" Sydney yelped in pain and surprise and came up quickly to relieve the pressure on her scalp. 

Nicole looked back with wide eyes. "Sydney! What is going on?"

"Go ahead, slave, answer the girl," Kira said while grinning, then she hooked the leash to the collar on Sydney's neck.

Her face burning in shame, Sydney lowered her eyes to the counter, and said, "G...Good evening, Mm...Mistress." She stuttered. Feeling the tug of the leash, she followed her roommate out around the side of the island and into the middle of the floor, where her whole naked body could be seen by Nicole. She held her hands over her pubic area.

"Sydney! Why are you doing this?" Nicole seemed very upset by this whole scene.

"Let's go slave, present yourself to your guest. Don't make me get the whip out," Kira barked and yanked back on the leash to get her attention.

Shivering in disgrace and humiliation, Sydney moved her hands behind her head and thrust out her chest, while getting down on her knees in front of the astonished newcomer. Tears flowed freely down her cheeks.

"So what do you think of her now? Not what you expected I bet," Kira said with a degree of smugness.

"I...I..." She was speechless, but she was also turned on. "I didn't know that she...that you two that."

"You mean lesbians?" Kira asked. "She may be a pussy eating dyke, but I like guys only. She's just a useless slave girl. She'll do whatever I tell her to do. Won't you slut?" She directed this last question at Sydney while pulling her head back by her hair and leaning down close to her. Then, to prove herself she said, "Open your mouth, slave."

Sydney was terrified by her roommate, having never thought that she would go so far. Instead of opening her mouth, she clamped it shut, her eyes wide with fear, and shook her head slightly.

Kira practically growled at the trembling girl, then slapped her face with her free hand. "Open your fucking mouth," she shouted, and when that still didn't work, she grabbed her cheeks with the same hand and squeezed, causing Sydney's lips to pop out like a fish. 

"OPEN!!" she demanded again, and this time Sydney relented and opened her mouth. Kira sneered down and, leaning slightly forward, she spit right into Sydney's open mouth. A long strand of saliva hung down from her lips for several seconds before breaking off. She loosened up on her pinching grip and pushed Sydney's chin up, closing her mouth. "Now swallow, slave," she said in a much quieter but still menacing voice.

Closing her mouth, Sydney could taste the spit from her roommate, thick in her mouth. With a wince, she swallowed the mess. She felt about as low as a person could feel at this moment.

"There slave, now you've tasted my juices from both ends. You are such a lucky slave. You should thank me," she waited a few seconds, until it became clear that Sydney wasn't going to thank her, then she reached down and pinched her nipple and said, "I don't hear you slave!!"

"THANK YOU, MISTRESS!!" Sydney shouted in pain. "Thank you so much for your gift to this humble slave." She was having a very hard time remaining in position on her knees.

Kira glanced up at Nicole and smiled when she saw her mouth agape in wonder. "It's all quite a shock to you I bet. This is her reality now, and don't let her tears throw you, she loves all this. Do you like what you have seen? Because I could use some help from a woman like you to train her."

"A...a woman like me. What do you mean by that?"

"You are a lesbian, aren't you? If not then you might as well leave, but if you are, and you want to have a little fun with my slave here, then you should stay."

"But...I don't think I should...I mean I just don't know her well enough to... I," she was so flustered that she couldn't speak clearly.

"Look, it's real simple, you like her right?" Nicole nodded. "You are a lesbian right?" again a nod, this time almost imperceptible, but still noticeable. "And you want to fuck her right?" She waited for a nod, but none came. Instead, she lowered her eyes and furrowed her brow.

"Maybe it's hard for you to admit with her right here in front of you, but I assure you, she's perfectly harmless. You can be as frank or as explicit as you wish to be. Tell me what you want to do with her."

This was all so bizarre and so totally unbelievable that Nicole couldn't think straight. But one thing that she knew for sure, it sure was hot. At first, she had felt bad for Sydney, and she wanted to do something so Kira would stop. Then she wondered why Sydney would subject herself to all this if she didn't like it. Maybe, she reasoned, just maybe she was one of those people who got off on this sort of thing. Some people enjoyed it after all.

"Can I speak to Sydney alone?" she asked, wanting to get a straight answer from her.

Kira laughed at the pony tailed girl with glasses. She thought that if she let down her hair and took off her glasses, she would be quite pretty. The skin on her face was flawless, and she had high cheekbones, but Sydney was right, her hair was a mess of pigtails, and it was not flattering.

"You want to talk to her in private, huh? That's a great idea, why don't the two of you go out into the bedroom and close the door. I'll stay out here until you are done talking." She handed the leash to Nicole and said, "Just give it a tug and she will follow you on her hands and knees."

Taking the end of the leash, Nicole looked down at Sydney and hesitantly tugged on it. She gasped when the girl dropped to all fours and crawled behind her. Kira led the pair down the hallway to the bedroom, and once they were inside, she closed the door behind them. 

Not wanting to be disturbed while she talked, Nicole locked the door behind her, then dropped the leash. "Sydney, you can get up now, she's gone."

Sydney wanted to get up. She wanted to tell this girl everything, in fact, she had been dying to tell someone else after the whole mess with Kira, but she was all too aware of the cameras filming her every move. Instead, she stayed on all fours at the feet of this girl whom she didn't even know. "Mistress, slave must remain down, until she is ordered to get up."

Her answer took Nicole by surprise, and for several seconds, she just stared at her naked classmate. She noted the collar and the rings that hung from her pierced nipples and near her clit. Finally she said, "You may rise, slave."

Sydney got up into her kneeling position with her hands locked behind her head and her chest thrust out. She was certain that Master would be watching her every move. 

"Sydney, you can stand up. Please stand up, I want to talk to you eye to eye."

She felt safe standing up now, she had been told to. "Thank you, mistress." 

Nicole opened her mouth to tell her to call her by her name, instead of mistress, but something made her stop. She thought carefully about what she said next. "Sydney, are you doing this because you want to do it, or are you being forced to do it? Tell me the truth."

This was her chance, she could tell her the whole thing right now, beg her to protect her and be done with this mess. Of course, it wasn't that easy though. She still had so much to lose, and her parents would find out about what she had done. It took all of her strength to look Nicole straight in the eyes and say, "This is exactly what I want. I love being a slave to my Master and Mistress." She lowered eyes, afraid that her face would give away her deception.

"Master? Who is your master?"

"Slave only knows the man as Master. He has asked Mistress Kira to train slave while he is not around."

"So you like this, being a slave?"

Sydney had dreamed about being a slave for years, but the reality of being a slave while trying to maintain her normal life was very difficult. A part of her wished she could just let it all go and become a mindless slave to her master. To be able to lose all her inhibitions and let herself blindly follow all orders that she was given. But that was her pussy talking. There was too much still at stake for her to do that. Still, she had to answer the question, and she had to assume she was being watched.

"Slave can think of nothing better than pleasing her master and mistress."

Nicole didn't know if she should leave the house and never look back, or if she should take advantage of the situation. She had been frustrated for so long, never daring to let anyone know her true feelings because of fear that the ostracizing would begin anew. Now, she had a chance to explore feelings that she had been suppressing for so long. 

There was a tapping at the door and Kira's voice calling, "Are you two all done in there? Let's go, daylight is burning."

Nicole reached back to unlock and open the door. Once open, Kira looked at Sydney and snapped, "Get back on your knees slave!!" Then, while her roommate obeyed her command, she said to Nicole, " got to talk to her in private, do you feel better now?"

Nodding her head Nicole said, "I never would have guessed she was like this in a million years, but she insists that she loves this. She said she only wants to please her master and mistress."

"Yes, she is quite the slut isn't she? So you see, I am good at dishing out her punishment and all, but I'm not a lesbian, so I thought you could come over to show her how to please a lady. Would you do that for me?"

"Well, I guess I could try." 

"Good, but before you do that, how about you let me help you fix your hair and makeup so you don't look so...plain."

Nicole raised her eyebrow in the direction of Kira and said "Plain? You think I look plain?"

"Honestly, I think you have a very pretty face, and if we let down your hair and put some makeup on your face, you can be stunning. But you have to trust me."
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Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:46 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:47 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:48 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:49 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:50 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:51 PM
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RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:59 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:59 PM
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