Sydney’s Descent - Copied
Monday morning came all too soon for Sydney and the dread returned as soon as she woke up and saw her computer staring at her from the desk. It wasn't all just a bad dream after all. She had an appointment that she had to keep today or else risk the wrath of her master. She dragged herself out of bed and went about her normal morning routine, trying to forget the events of the weekend.

She ran into Kira in the kitchen and immediately her face began to blush as she rewound the scene in her head from yesterday. She had decided to play it cool with her roommate and act like what had happened was perfectly normal, but upon seeing Kira's smirking face, she became very uncomfortable. 

"Good morning, did you get a good night sleep last night?" Kira asked.

"Yeah, I slept pretty good."

"You took off so quick last night, I never had a chance to tell you how good your performance was. You could be my sexy little foot slave." She walked by Sydney and reached up to tweak her right nipple.

"OUCH!!" Syd yelped as her unsuspecting roommate gently pinched her freshly pierced nipple.

"Oh shit, Syd, did you have your nipples pierced?" Kira inquired with a shocked stare.

Sydney was cradling her sore breast in her hand, her eyes tearing up with pain and humiliation. She had planned to keep it a secret but now the cat was out of the bag. She nodded and hung her head.

"When did you do that, yesterday?" she asked with a look of concern on her face. She felt bad for hurting her friend, but she never would have guessed Sydney would get pierced there.

Sydney just nodded some more. She was so ashamed she couldn't reply without bursting into tears.

"Why would you do that, Syd?"

She shrugged her shoulders, not wanting to tell her the truth, but Kira was smart. 

"Sydney, did the computer guy force you to do this?"

That did it, the floodgates opened and Sydney burst out bawling. She had been holding so much inside and now it was out there. Kira stepped forward and wrapped her arms around the sobbing girl. She was comforting her friend, but at the same time her mind was working, scheming to find a way to lay claim to her very own slave. She decided that she would have to meet this computer guy as soon as possible. 

"Honey," she started "you need to tell me who this man is so I can help you. I can't stand to see you hurting like this."

Between sniffling and hitching through her tears, Syd replied "I...I can't tell you. He will pu...punish meeee."

"Well you can't deal with this yourself. There is no telling what he will do to you next. When are you going back there?"

"Tonight at six." She was calming down somewhat now and she grabbed a Kleenex to wipe her face dry.

"Let me go with you and maybe I can talk to him. If you are worried, I'll hang back and then come in after a few minutes. I'll tell him that I followed you and you didn't know I was coming. That way he can't blame you. Come on what do you think?"

Syd thought about it for a few seconds and then she nodded her agreement. If nothing else she would have a friend there. Strength in numbers.

"Good, now you need to get going or you're going to be late for class."

Syd nodded again and then she hugged her friend once more and thanked her.

She dressed as usual, conscious of the fact that she was completely disobeying her Master. The ankle socks with the tennies covered the SLUT on the inside of her ankle, but allowed the anklet chain to show. She put her hair into a ponytail, but wore the hoops that were only a quarter the size of the hoops her Master had given her. She wore shorts and a flowered blouse. It was too warm for anything else. She had tried a bra earlier in the morning, but her nipples were too sore, so she went without one. She looked down at her ankle and thought that the silver chain did look nice. She carried the larger hoops with her, knowing she would have to put them on for her appointment.

All through her first class, Sydney was going through an internal struggle. She wanted to skip her appointment, but she was so worried that if she did, she would regret it. She was so distracted in class that she didn't hear a thing that was said. She kept looking at the clock and she changed her mind several times as to whether she was going to see Rex or not.

Eleven o'clock finally arrived and she grabbed her things and headed out. She had decided that she would at least walk to the shop before deciding once and for all what she would do. 

She walked quickly down the streets that she had memorized from the map and made it there with just minutes to spare. 

Once at the front door she paused, trying to slow her beating heart down. She had made up her mind that she would at least go in to see what was supposed to be done to her. For all she knew, he just wanted to check her nipples to see how they were doing. She walked in and looked at the clock on the wall which read 11:30 exactly.

The walls of the interior were covered with tattoo art. There was a counter and a young goth girl behind it. The goth had jet black hair, clothing, lips, and eye shadow. She had several piercings in her face. One ear was lined all the way up with rings. She had a lip ring, a nose stud, an eyebrow barbell, and when she opened her mouth, she had a barbell with a ring attached. She was also wearing a studded collar around her neck with a three inch cross hanging from it.

Sydney thought that if she took all the crap off her face and cleaned up, she would be a very pretty girl.

"Can I help you?" she said, looking about as bored as a person could.

"I'm Sydney, I'm supposed to see Rex."

The girl suddenly brightened up and actually smiled "Holy shit!" she exclaimed "I bet Rex 20 bucks that you wouldn't show." She turned and yelled "YO REXY, YOU GOT A CUSTOMER."

Then to Syd she whispered, "He hates it when I call him Rexy."

Syd saw movement to her left and turned to see the big man himself, Rex, come around the corner. "You owe me twenty bucks Tia, and I'm taking it out of your next paycheck." Rex was wearing a plain white wife beater muscle shirt which showed off his extensive tattoos. Both arms were covered all the way up past his shoulders and onto his neck.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," she snapped sarcastically, rolling her eyes and shaking her head. She had the bored look back on her face.

"Come on back with me girl," Rex said "unless you want to do this out here in front of the world."

There were two chairs out here for people who were brave enough to get work done in front of other people, but Sydney didn't want to be seen in here, so she followed Rex.

He brought her into a small room and closed the door. He then crossed his arms over his chest, looked her up and down and said, "Your Master wants me to report to him when we are done. Not good."

'Noooooooooooo,' she thought, realizing her big mistake. She was so distracted thinking of the appointment, that she totally forgot to replace the larger hoops and uncover the anklet completely. "Sir, please, this slave is so sorry..." He cut her off before she finished the sentence.

"And he was specific that he wanted you to greet me the way he taught you last night. And what do I see? You have much smaller hoops than he gave you, than you promised him to wear, and the most important part of your anklet is hidden. I should also tell him that you failed to greet me the proper way."

Sydney was gasping for breath between sobs. "Please, Sir, please, your slave forgot..."

"Hush, hush, little one. No reason we can't keep some secrets between us, and since this is my business, and I don't need for people to see you kneeling in front of me out there, I am willing to vouch for you if you rectify things NOW."

Sydney quickly dropped to her knees and bowed her head, "This slave is sorry, sir, thank you for being so forgiving," she said, her heart beating through her chest. This was so humiliating. She was quickly searching her bag for the larger hoops, and replacing them in her ears when she did. She removed the socks and rearranged the anklet so that SLUT was prominently on the outside of her foot. She resumed the correct kneeling position, waiting until he gave her permission to get up and he didn't, at least not right away. Instead, he stepped closer and caressed her face with his hand.

She could see him in her mind taking out his penis and telling her to suck it. What would she do then? She would have no choice but to do it. Instead, he just picked her face up so she was looking at him and he said "Mmm, if you weren't already owned, I'd be fucking your pretty little slut mouth right now."

For the first time since this started, she was glad that she was owned. 

"Stand up, slut." Rex ordered, and Sydney obeyed, keeping her eyes lowered. "Show me your tits, so I can see how they are doing, of course." He had a shit eating grin on his face as he said it.

Maybe this is all that I have to do, Sydney thought, and she gingerly raised her blouse over her tender breasts. He leered at her, licking his lips, and then reached up as if to grab one. 

Sydney instinctively pulled away, thinking that he was going to hurt her already tender breast. 

"Calm down, missy, I'm not going to pinch it, I just need to check the hole. You know, make sure it's clean and all." He held his hand in front of her, waiting to see what she would do. After a moment of contemplation, she leaned back until her right breast touched his thick fingers. "That's better," he said as he moved her breast to the left and the right, checking both sides of the hole. He repeated the process on the other breast, then let go. He even pulled her top back down for her, being careful to not brush the fabric over her swollen nips.

"Now that wasn't so bad was it?" he asked. 

"No, sir, it was fine. Thank you for your concern," Sydney answered.

"Okay, now we can get to the real reason why you are here. Your Master has given you a decision to make. He wants you to receive another piercing, but he is allowing you to choose where that piercing will be."

Sydney had an answer for him before he finished speaking. She would take another in her earlobe. She actually opened her mouth to tell him, but stopped herself when he continued.

"You have three choices as to where it will go. First, you can get your nose pierced. A diamond stud on the side of the nose is sexy as hell, but your Master has given me instructions to give you a ring in the center, through your septum, if you choose that. It will not be a large ring, basically it will be flush against your center cartilage, so if you keep your head tilted down, it could be missed.

"Second, you can get your tongue pierced. He chose a barbell with a slave ring. That allows him to clip a chain onto the ring and lead you around. 

"Third is my favorite, a genital piercing. Of course, I'll have to get a good look down there to see what kind of piercing your pussy can accommodate. Now you can choose whichever one you want, but remember, there is only one that is not visible to everyone you meet."

Sydney, all of a sudden, felt like she was going to faint. He couldn't be serious. How could she choose from those choices, when they were all bad? She couldn't ever get her nose nor her tongue pierced, hell she got into enough trouble with her family by just getting her ears and belly button pierced. Even if she thought those choices were fashionably hot, she just couldn't!

The third choice made more sense, in that it would be private, but the thought of getting her genitals pierced scared the hell out of her. Plus, the thought of showing her vagina to this man made her queasy. She was even uncomfortable showing her gynecologist, but this man was just guy. And what did he mean, genitals? There were a lot of things he could pierce down there!

"You need to choose, because he told me to tell you that if you refuse to get any today, either he will reveal your secrets to the world, or he will force you to get all the piercings at once. And, you only have twenty minutes left. I'm doing a bicep tat for a biker, some black panther thing I think."

Sydney sucked in a deep breath, she felt oxygen deprived for some reason, and said, "I can't get anything on my face."

"So you're going with the pus?" He sneered.

"I...I don't know." She wanted to tell him no to everything, and take her chances that Kira would be able to help her, but that could backfire, too. He would be angry that she refused her piercing and even angrier when Kira shows up unexpectedly. It could make things much worse. So it made sense to get the piercing. Besides, she reasoned, women get it done every day, so it couldn't be that bad.

"Look, I can't force you to do anything. If you want to leave, you can walk out any time, I won't stop you. But you do you need to remember that there are only two ways ways that this will turn out if you do. You will either choose to get all the piercings together, or your Master will make public whatever it is that he is holding over your head. Trust me when I say that he cannot be bargained with, when he makes his mind up, he won't change it. Time's running short. What's your answer?"

"I'll do it, down there," she pointed at her crotch. "But, please, what exactly are you going to pierce?" she whined.

"I'm not sure until I get a good look at what you can accommodate. Here, you'll need to sign a release form saying that you are requesting to have your genitals pierced before I can touch you with any needle. Then we can get the party started."

She nodded her head, shivering with trepidation, but determined to get this over with. When the paperwork was out of the way, he told her to drop her shorts and sit in the chair. Having no choice, she started to undress. She had hoped that Rex would give her a towel or something to cover up with and leave the room until she was ready, but he just made himself busy and wasn't paying any attention to her. She stripped quickly, constantly peering up at him to see if he was leering at her again, but he had his back to her. She climbed onto the chair which was the same type of chair you would sit in while getting your teeth cleaned at the dental hygienist. She sat down and covered her private area with her shorts. She sat there, naked from the waist down, her pussy shaved, her anklet marking her as a slut.

When Rex turned back around, he had latex gloves on his hands and was pushing a metal tray that was on a high stand on wheels. On the tray were all the things he could possibly need for whichever piercing he decided she would accommodate. He was also wearing one of those headband flashlights. "Okay, you need to spread your legs wide, so just hang them over the side of the chair. And you need to uncover yourself."

Sydney swallowed loudly before slowly sliding her legs off the side of the chair. This was going to be so humiliating, but she had no choice. With her legs dangling over both sides of the chair, her next indignity was to remove her covering. With shaking hands, she slid her shorts to the side. 

Rex reached up and turned his headlamp on. Adjusting the angle until it was pointing the right way, he leaned in to look at what he had to work with. After studying her most private area for several seconds, he raised his head and announced that she would be getting a horizontal clitoral hood piercing. He explained to her that it was the most popular genital piercing for women and if done correctly, the ball on the ring would lay on top of the clitoris.

He explained everything to her, but her mind was so freaked out by everything that she really didn't pick up much of what he said. While he was talking, he was getting the needle ready and just then, Tia, the goth chick walked in. 

"Hey, Rex, your 12 o'clock is here." she said, while looking right between Sydney's spread legs.

"He's early, tell him I'll be out in ten minutes."

She stood there staring at Syd, with a grin on her face, and before turning around and leaving, she spread her first and second fingers of her right hand on either side of her mouth and waggled her tongue between them. The universal sign for eating pussy. Then, she pulled her hand away and blew a kiss toward Syd.

Rex, who hadn't even looked at her since she came in, yelled "Tia, so help me if I have to get up you will regret it!!"

She stuck her tongue out at his back then turned and rushed out. "Stupid goth bitch," he grumbled under his breath. Just at that moment, Sydney felt the sting of the needle and she yelped in surprised pain. She gripped the arm of the chair so tightly that her fingernails turned white. A single tear rolled down her face as Rex worked and in seconds he declared that he was done.

"You need to keep it clean, wash your hands with soap before you touch it. I don't recommend touching it at all for twenty four hours. Here," he handed her a small pressurized can of saline solution, "this will help to keep it clean. There are instructions on this paper for keeping it clean, read it and follow the instructions and you should have no problem." 

As he talked, Sydney dressed and as she started pulling up her shorts he said, "You may want to go straight home and put on something a little bit looser, like gym shorts or something. Otherwise you are going to be sore as hell with those tight shorts."

If she had known when she left the house this morning that she was going to be getting a piercing down there, she would have worn something else, something not so damn tight. As she pulled her shorts up, she thought it wasn't too bad. She could handle the uncomfortable feeling for the rest of the day, and besides, she had another class to get to, so going home was not an option. She gathered her stuff together and started to head for the door when she was stopped in her tracks by Rex.

"Oh, missy, your Master is going to be very disappointed in you, missy. Remember how you failed in so many ways upon first seeing me?"

Sydney turned back to Rex and said "Please sir, show some pity! This slave has classes all day today, and the thought of a friend seeing her with the anklet is unbearable! This slave begs you sir, tell him that slave was showing it...please. And this slave promises to keep in the larger hoops at all times and she will always remember to greet you correctly! She spoke so fast that she was out of breath, and trembling in fear when she finished.

Rex sighed then replied, "You want me to lie for you?" He seemed to contemplate it for a few seconds then said "What am I going to get out of it?"

Sydney's mind was a blur. He was willing to lie for her, but he needed something in return. She needed to think of something fast.

"I...ahh I don't know...this slave doesn't have much money, just ten bucks on me, but she can get more."

"What makes you think I want money?"

Sydney didn't know how to reply to him. She was starting to realize that this could quickly turn bad, and she felt herself starting to perspire.

"What if I want you to suck a load out of my cock? You gonna do that for me?"

There it was, just what she had been worried about, he wanted sexual favors from her. This couldn't be her first time, in a filthy tattoo shop with a beefy, ink covered man named Rex whom she had just met yesterday. How would she ever be able to look at herself in the mirror again after something like that? But what were her options.

Rex answered that for her. "Look sweety, I've got a business to run here and a customer is waiting for me, so you need to go. But you need to remember that from now on, your life belongs to your Master. You can get out anytime you choose if you can handle the consequences, but don't ever ask someone like me to lie for you to him unless you've got something to give in return. You will pay dearly for your insolence." 
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Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:46 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:47 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:48 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:49 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:50 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:51 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:52 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:53 PM
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RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:55 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:56 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:57 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:58 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:59 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:59 PM
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RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 03:02 PM

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