Sydney’s Descent - Copied
Sydney managed to get a little more sleep, but was far from rested when she awoke a few hours later. When she turned slightly, the pain on her ass and thighs made her jerk and nearly cry out. She reached up to toss her hair aside, and felt the dangling earrings that marked her as a SLUT, and she reached down to tug lightly on the necklace. She had to find a way out of this trap, she thought.

She had to take another shower, not only to clean her groin area again, and to put conditioner on her hair, but to shave her triangle above her pussy. She could not risk angering Master. Using her razor, the triangle was gone in just a few strokes. She continued to shave all the stubble that had grown in the past day. She knew she was stimulating her pussy, but the shower washed away the evidence. At last it was done, and turning the water to ice cold, she managed to turn off her juicing cunt.

As she dried herself, she knew it would be nearly impossible to hide the SLUT charms indefinitely. The earrings were hidden by her hair, but she could not continue to wear high button shirts and sweaters. She experimented and by turning the necklace around, leaving only the silver chain showing, made it possible to temporarily hide the damning letters SLUT.

Kira was eating breakfast, toast, cereal and a banana, when Sydney walked into the kitchen fresh from the shower at 9 a.m. Even though nothing had happened last night, she still felt a little awkward. The dream was still fresh in her mind and she was having a hard time being in the same room. And she had to remember not to fling her hair, as she often did, for that would surely reveal the earrings.

It was Sunday morning so she was just wearing her thin robe for now. After breakfast she would get dressed. She had to walk back to her Master's place at 1:00 to do the other photo shoot and hopefully get some more files back. Last night before he brought her home, she had him put some of her homework back on. 

"Hey, girl, did you get a good night sleep?" Kira asked and bit into her toast with butter.

"Uhh, yeah, I guess," she answered. Feeling her cheeks flush, she went to the fridge to hide her face.

Kira lazily chewed and watched her roommate with knowing eyes. "Did you have any good dreams?" she asked, a grin forming on the corners of her mouth.

Sydney felt a chill go down her spine and her breath caught in her throat. Why was she asking about dreams? She had to calm her nerves before answering; it had to be a coincidence. She took a deep breath and said, "Dreams, I can never remember my dreams. Why do you ask?"

"That's too bad because by the sounds of it you were having a doozy of a dream."

Syd almost dropped the milk jug she was holding."Wwhat do you mean?" Her voice was cracking and she wanted to leave.

"Well, I heard you moan real loud and then you were talking. I could be wrong but it sounded like...well, it sounded like you were screaming my name and a few...other things. Were you dreaming about me, Syd?" She picked up her banana and bit into it.

Although Sydney was uncomfortable, she was trying to act like it was another normal day, so she brought the milk and a box of cereal to the table. Trying to act nonchalant, she shrugged. "Don't think so. Why would I dream about you?"

"Wellllll, I don't know, but you went right straight to the bathroom afterward."

Sydney busied herself with her cereal and didn't answer.

"So, how is your ahhh rash?"

She knows, Sydney thought. How could she know though? Again trying to be nonchalant she answered, "It's fine thanks."

"I'll rub some more aloe on it for you."

"Oh, ah, thanks but I'm all set."

Kira reached across the table and put her hand on Syd's arm. "Look, I don't want that rash getting infected or anything, so after we eat we are going to go put some more cream on. Okay?"

Sydney nodded, lowered her head and quickly ate her cereal. Ten minutes later the two roommates walked into Sydney's room. "Kira, this really is unnecessary, it's pretty much all healed anyway."

"You just get over there and assume the position. I'll decide whether it's healed or not." Kira ordered as she grabbed the jar of aloe and walked back to the bed. 

Sydney laid on the bed face down again and pulled up the bottom of her robe just to the bottom of her buttocks. Kira stood behind her for a few seconds then reached down, grabbed the bottom hem of the robe and yanked it half way up her back. "Let's not be modest now, I've already seen all your girlie bits."

Once again Sydney felt her cheeks flush. Kira started applying the cream again, but this time she began on her butt and used both hands. It was as if she was massaging her ass, rubbing all over and deep into the crack. She pushed her thumbs down between her roommate's legs on either side of her pussy, not touching it but so close. 

Sydney was holding her breath the entire time, wanting so bad for her friend to touch her there, but also terrified that she would. Kira lingered a little too long on her friend's ass, before moving down the thighs, rubbing in the ointment along the way. The welts seemed to be going down quite nicely.

Finally, after several minutes of sensuous rubbing, she declared that she was done and left the room. Sydney was so turned on and when she sat up she realized that the air was thick with her smell. Kira must have been able to smell it, but there was nothing she could do about it now.

She walked to the chair next to her desk and picked up the box, wondering what she would have to wear to the photo shoot. Opening the box and setting aside the tissue paper, her heart skipped a beat. Clearly, it was a bikini, but not one she would ever wear. She had toyed with getting a microkini, but this was only a few red strings. She lifted them from the box, and for a moment had no idea which was the top, and which was the bottom. She turned and twisted the strings, trying to figure it out. Had there been a triangle or two, to cover her breasts and crotch, she would have known, but these were just strings. Eventually she managed to connect and tie the strings and guessed this had to be right.

But how could she ever appear before Master dressed like this! She thought this was worse than being naked, because wearing these strings clearly drew the focus towards her most intimate parts. She checked herself in the mirror and gasped. 

She put on some jeans and a blouse, dark enough to cover the red strings that made the top of the bikini. With the necklace turned around and her hair covering her earrings, this was the best she could do under the circumstances. He had not mentioned heels, so she put on her flowery tennies that made her happy.

She kept herself busy for the rest of the morning, trying to keep her mind off what was coming up, but she kept glancing at the time. Before long it was time to leave the house. She left at 12:30, giving herself a half hour to make it to his house. By the time she arrived at his place she was sweating, both from nerves and the exercise. She knocked loudly and waited until he opened the door.

"Hello, slave," he greeted her and gestured for her to come in. 

She stood on the stoop for a few seconds thinking about the nerve of this man to call her slave. "Master, your slave is trying to be polite and respectful to you, and thanks you for the lovely jewelry you gave her last night, but will you please remove them?"

"I can't even see them, slave. Why should I remove something I can't even see. It would seem you do not really appreciate my gift to you."

"But your slave does appreciate your gifts, Master," she lied, "but surely Master realizes she cannot wear them 24/7."

"Yes, you have a point, slave, and your Master is not unreasonable. The earrings you brought on yourself, however, by not wearing hoops when I told you to, agreed?"

"Yes, Master, your slave agrees," thinking it best to continue to pacify him. Things seemed to be going in the right direction.

"If you agree to wear nothing but hoops for earrings, with a diameter of no less than 2 inches, then your understanding Master will remove these earrings. If I ever hear of you being out in public, in school or elsewhere, without your fuck-me hoops, I will weld these lovely SLUT hoops onto your ears and you will never get them off. Fortunately, I have some replacement 2-inch hoops here, so I will remove these," and with a click of a small key he removed the SLUT hoops.

"Now, as for the necklace, which I see you have hidden by turning it around..." Damn, she thought, I forgot to face it forwards when I arrived. Nooooooooooooo! " is my problem. I own you, slave. How will anyone know you belong to me? Tell you what, I'll give you a choice. You will wear something on your body that signifies what you are, a slut and a slave. I have a tighter fitting collar, a belly chain, and an anklet with the words SLUT or SLAVE dangling from them. Your choice."

"But Master..." she was about to plead.

"Slave! I said your choice. It will be one of these, so decide now!"

Sydney quickly pondered her options. None of them were any good. The tight collar would be impossible to hide. The belly chain was possible, but then she could not wear her many tops that showed skin between breast and waist, and the warmer days of late spring and early summer were near. The anklet, well, that meant no shorts with flip flops, but she could always wear tennies and socks. "The anklet, please, Master and the word SLUT," she decided, horrified by her choices.

"Good enough," and with that removed her necklace, and after leaving her standing in the entrance way for a few moments, returned, ordered her to put her left foot on the step, and locked the anklet on with that dreadful 'click'.

"And in case you get any ideas, slut, you will not wear any sox to hide the anklet. That would disappoint me greatly, as you can imagine." Her look must have been one of shock and dismay, because it brought a sadistic smile to her Master's face. 'How,' she wondered, 'could she possibly allow anyone to see it!'

"May your slave speak, Master?" she timidly asked.

"Go ahead, slave."

"Slave is sorry Master, but slave has a reputation around campus, and I...slave is worried that if she is seen wearing this, um, lovely anklet, it will have unhappy consequences. Slave is after all, still a student, and a daughter and..."

He interrupted with a laugh. "You have a reputation huh? So no one knows that you are a horny little slut but me?"

He was pissing her off, but she bit her tongue and said "Master, how can slave be a slut if she is still a...a virgin?"

She saw his eyebrows rise at these words and she was worried that she had given up too much information. "You're a virgin?" he said, as if he didn't believe her. 

She nodded "Yes, Master, I...your slave has not had sex yet, slave has fantasies that she never expected to act on."

He seemed to contemplate what she had told him, then he said "Come in, slave." Once she was in he said, "Take your clothes off."

At first she thought he meant for her to get naked, but she remembered the microkini was under her clothes, so she undressed down to her strings. Once again, she thought that she might as well be naked, so little was hidden by the red strips of cloth. She stood barefooted with her best posture. While she undressed, he went to get two silver hoops.

The man walked around her, inspecting her body as if she was a horse he was interested in buying. He went behind her and hunched down to look at the bruises on her legs. He ran his hand up her leg feeling for any welts. "Have you been using the aloe?" he asked, causing her to blush as she remembered Kira rubbing the cooling liquid into her tender skin.


"Good. Here, put on these earrings and then let's go." Handing her hoops with a greater diameter than she would ever normally wear, he walked down the hall toward the studio. She put them on, feeling the hoops dangle against her neck. 

It was difficult for Sydney to loosen up during the photo shoot, since she was nearly naked and getting her picture taken in all sorts of lewd and lascivious poses. He seemed to know just how to pose her so her most intimate regions were showing. She wondered what was going to happen to the pictures that he was taking.

What was worse was that her nipples were being lightly pinched between the strings at the top and there was a thin strap between her legs that was rubbing her pussy. The longer the shoot went on, the more turned on she was becoming. She didn't want this reaction from her body, but she couldn't help it either. As she became excited, two things happened. First, her pussy started to juice, wetting the string that was causing the friction, and second, she loosened up and started to get into sexier poses.

By the time they were finished, she could smell her arousal and wondered if her Master could also. She was ready to go home and masturbate, but she wanted to make sure that she would get more of her files back. Unfortunately for her, he was not ready to let her go home.

He led her to the bathroom again and said. "You have ten minutes to shower, then put on that robe and come find me." He then walked out and shut the door. Sydney needed a shower after the shoot under the hot lights, but she really didn't want to take one here. She decided that she would take one anyway, rather than risk getting another spanking.

Ten minutes wasn't very long, but she hurried and made it work. She quickly dried off, threw on the robe and headed out to find the man. She wasn't expecting to find him in the kitchen with a heavily tattooed man.

He looked up when she walked in and said "Slave, come say hello to Rex."

Sydney looked at the imposing man and said "Hello Rex, it's nice to meet you."

"Excuse me, Rex" her master said, getting up and walking toward Sydney. He didn't look angry until he grabbed her arm above the elbow and yanked her roughly across the room until she was in front of Rex. "You greet all of my guests on your knees, and you call the man 'Sir.'" He was speaking in a low voice, but Sydney was well aware of the menace he was projecting. 

He let her arm go and she dropped to her knees and said "Forgive slave, Sir. It is nice to meet you, Sir." Rex smiled and laughed.

"That's better, slave. Next time you forget there will be punishment to follow." He walked back to his chair and sat down. "So, slave," he began "you should thank me for bringing Rex here today. Originally I was planning on setting up an appointment for you to go see him in his shop, but then I thought you would feel more comfortable getting the procedure done here, and that way I could watch it happen."

Procedure? Sydney thought, what procedure was he talking about? She didn't like the sound of that.

"She needs to be laying down for this," Rex said, "in case she passes out."

Passes out!! What the fuck are they planning? Syd's stomach was doing flips now, her mind was a jumble of horrible thoughts. 

"Stand up, slave," her master ordered and he led her to the couch.

Sydney was worried about the punishment, but she had to know what was happening. "Master, may slave ask a question?"

"Yes, you may, slave."

"What procedure is being done to your slave, Master?" she whimpered.

Rex opened a leather bag that resembled an old time doctor's bag and started taking out some things.

"You are getting your nipples pierced, slave." He answered nonchalantly, as if it was the most natural thing.

Sydney was shaking as his words sank in. She had struggled enough with getting her belly and ears pierced. It wasn't that it frightened her, it was what it would mean. It went against what she had been taught, to not alter her body. She had already done that herself, but she also thought that her ears and belly were minor, and fashionable. It took weeks for her parents to accept those piercings, but this was another matter. This was degrading, this was an assault on her body without her consent!

Rex came over with forceps and said, "You need to open the robe, babe." 

Sydney felt herself hyperventilating and shook her head. She couldn't go through with this, it was way too much. "No...I can't. Please just let me go home now." 

Rex sat beside her with the forceps in one hand and a needle in the other and Sydney struggled to get up and attempt to get away. An arm wrapped around her from behind and yanked her back. The man she knew as Master whispered in her ear "Don't fight it, slave, this is going to happen. If you struggle you could get hurt."

Sydney didn't care, she couldn't just sit here and let them do this, so she opened her mouth to scream. She didn't get much out because a large hand clamped over her mouth. She watched Rex move in front of her with wild eyes, like a trapped animal. Her upper arms were being held but her lower arms were swinging.

Rex noticed that she was still going to be able to fight so he straddled her lap and used his knees to pin her lower arms against her side. Then, grinning like a madman, he yanked her robe open.

"Nice rack, lady," he said and then he proceeded to wipe her nipples with antiseptic, clamp the left nipple with the forceps, and punched the needle through.

Syd screamed into the hand over her mouth and tears spilled from her eyes as Rex set the ring into the newly created hole. Then he switched to the right nipple and completed his task. Once he was done, and the rings were locked into place, she was released, and she curled into a ball and sobbed.

Rex put his tools away and left. Sydney calmed down after several minutes and was allowed to dress in the clothes she wore over the string bikini. Her nipples were tender and stung slightly as she buttoned her blouse. She slipped the jeans over her slender hips, and slid into her tennies. 

While she was dressing, her master put another file back on her computer. He then gave her an envelope and gave her orders to not open it until the morning. It would have instructions for her to follow if she wanted another file back. 

"Your anklet is hidden, slut," he noticed, when he looked her over as she prepared to leave. She looked back at him, not sure what to say. "Maybe you should just wear the bikini bottom home, not the jeans." His comment got the desired result, and she stared open-mouthed at him.

"Don't worry, slave, your Master is not unreasonable. Wear these jeans home, but once you get there, take them off, and remember my orders. You will wear nothing to cover the anklet at any time. The anklet will just confirm what all your friends surely already know. I expect this order to be obeyed, do you understand?"

"Yes, Master, your slave understands." Already she was thinking how to hide the anklet without him knowing.

He stared into her eyes, knowing she would not obey. "And your hair hides the hoops, slave. What are we going to do about that?"

Not sure if his question was rhetorical or not, she said nothing.

"We could cut off some of that nice, long hair, slave, unless you have a better idea."

Horrified at the thought of losing her beautiful mane, she quickly responded, "Please, no Master, your slave will wear her hair in a ponytail to display the beautiful hoops you gave her!" Her eyes revealed the fear of having her treasure, her hair, cut against her will. For a moment, he actually believed her, that she would obey.

"Very well, from the moment you get home, and at all times, slave."

"Yes, Master, thank you, Master," relieved that she had talked her way out of another situation.

She left the house at 3:30 PM, and headed home, thoroughly defeated, her world spiraling downward.
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Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:46 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:47 PM
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