Sydney’s Descent - Copied
My hand is getting sore so I'll be using my belt for the last ten."

Syd didn't know if that was good news or bad, but she gritted her teeth and prepared for the first swat.

*SSHHWWIIISS* *SSHHWWIISS* He swung the belt around a few times for effect, and each time Syd braced for an impact that never came. Then, after several empty swishes, *SSHHWWIISNAP* "MMMMMMPPPHHH"

It was on the inner thigh, high up where it would be the most sensitive. It felt like he had taken a large rubber band, stretched it to almost breaking, and let it snap about an inch below her pussy on the thigh. She had thought that it hurt on her bottom, but this was far worse.

"One," he said, then, "only nine more."

The next nine swats came on alternating thighs, each one bringing a fresh grunt, more tears and more pain. When finally the last blow came, she stayed on the table crying for several minutes, her hands still tied behind her back with her thong. 

After several minutes of stinging, burning pain, she jumped when she felt something cool touch her inner thighs. She turned her head and saw the man kneeling behind her holding a jar of aloe in one hand and applying it on her sore thighs and buttocks as gently as a lover would. It was such a soothing sensation that she laid her head back down and let him continue.

He covered every red splotch with a generous helping of the soothing, cool cream, and never once did his hand touch her pussy. If he had, he would have felt just how wet she was, because she was more than wet, she was drenched. He didn't have to touch her pussy though, because he could smell her desire. The scent of her sex was heavy in the room. Even though the spanking had hurt like hell, it had also made her juice like a tomato, just as he knew it would.

He untied her hands and helped her up then untied the gag. Using the dry side he wiped her tears away and walked her into another room where he allowed her to lay face down on a couch. He went back into the kitchen and returned moments later with a tall glass of ice water for her and a small box, wrapped with a ribbon.

Her bottom feeling better, she turned and gently sat so she could take a drink. "I want you to take home this jar of aloe and rub it on yourself three times a day, it will help you heal." He handed the jar to her then continued talking. "I was planning another photo shoot tonight, but we will have to reschedule it. You'll come back tomorrow, 1 in the afternoon, so we can get that done. I want you to wear what is in this box. You can open it at home. We are done for tonight, but before you go I have a gift for you."

He left the room again and returned carrying a velvet box. It looked very expensive to Sydney.

"Close your eyes and don't open them until I say."

She closed her eyes tightly, not wanting to make him angry again. She heard him open the box and then felt him fiddling with her left ear. It was earrings that he had gotten her and she wondered what they looked like. She felt him place it and then she heard a click that was rather odd but she wasn't concerned. He swapped sides and soon she heard the same click on the right side. 

She almost opened her eyes then, but then she remembered his order and kept them shut tightly. It was a good thing because he wasn't done yet. She should have known by the size of the velvet box there was more than just earrings in it. Next she felt him unhooking the collar around her neck and soon after he had wrapped a necklace on her. Once more she heard the loud click as he latched it. She couldn't wait to see what he had given her.

"Open your eyes now." he said and she did. "You will have to wait until you get home to see your gifts. Also, I will allow you to choose one file to have back on your laptop, so choose carefully."

Twenty minutes later he was driving her home. He asked her if she wanted to be dropped off at her apartment, but she was too worried about him knowing where she lived so she had him drop her at the spot he picked her up. She quickly hurried back to her place and walked in the door at one o-clock in the morning. There was a light on in her roommate's room and she quickly rushed by to her room, trying to be a quiet as possible in the heels.

She made it into her room without being spotted and quickly locked the door behind her. She could finally let out her breath that she had been holding in. She wanted out of the outfit so she stripped it off then went to the mirror. She was looking at her buttocks and thighs in the mirror and was relieved that there were no cuts, just bright red splotches all over. It wasn't nearly as bad as she thought.

That was when she remembered the jewelry and she turned to face the mirror and see. The necklace came into view first and she gasped at what she saw. It was all sparkly diamonds in the shape of one word, SLUT. 

Quickly she turned to look at the earrings and discovered that they matched the necklace. 

She shook her head thinking, 'there is no way I'm wearing these' and she tried to take the earrings off. She hadn't worn earrings long, but she had never had issues taking any off before. These, however, would not come off and when she tried the necklace she found out why. They were locked on and they needed a special key to unlock.

Chapter 04

Sydney couldn't believe what was happening to her. She had actually thought that her Master (he had never given her his name, so she decided to call him Master, in her own mind) was being nice when he gave her the gifts. How stupid she now felt for letting him put these degrading pieces of jewelry on her. Hiding them was going to be so difficult, if not impossible. Quickly she started undoing her ponytail thinking that she could cover the gaudy earrings with her long hair. The necklace would have to be covered with a turtleneck and she would beg him tomorrow to take it off.

She had to take a shower. The sweat and crustiness around her pussy demanded this. She luxuriated in the warm cascade, imagining all her worries washing down the drain, but one look at the red stripes on the part of her thighs that she could see reminded her of the ordeal. Every toss of her head brought the SLUT earrings in contact with her neck. 

She walked barefoot back to her room, and as she shook out her hair, she was startled by a knock on the door, and her roommate Kira calling, "Hey, Syd, can I come in?"

"Just a sec," she called out. She quickly grabbed the outfit off the bed and threw it into the closet. She grabbed an extra large button down shirt, one that she used to bum around the house on weekends, and slipped it on, quickly buttoning the top several buttons, then checked herself in the mirror. She had to pull her hair forward to cover the earrings and was still worried that they could be seen, but it would have to do for now. 

Finally, as happy with her appearance as she was going to be, she opened the door. Kira stepped in to the room and gave Syd a funny look. "Are you cold?" she asked, wondering why Sydney was holding the shirt up close to her neck.

Thinking quickly Syd answered "Haha ,no, I just had a chill, that's all. So, did you have fun tonight with Sam?

"Yeah, it was great, you should have come with us."

"I know but, you know I, ahh, I had so much shit to do."

"What exactly did you do tonight, Syd? Because I came in at midnight and..." she glanced around at the clock on the nightstand before finishing, "you just strolled in at like one a.m., girl. So the way I see it, you got some explaining to do." She grinned as if she was about to be let in on some secret. 

"Oh, well, um, I studied so hard that I got a headache and uhh, I guess I thought that if I took a walk, you know, it might help clear my mind and wake me up so I just took a walk is all." She hated lying to Kira, who was not just her roommate but one of her best friends.

"A walk? You went for a walk at this hour on these streets by yourself? Are you friggin out of your mind? Syd, you never go out by yourself at night around here, you know that. What were you thinking?"

Sydney nodded and turned away from her friend, worried that she might see the lie written all over her face. For now she seemed to believe it so she would go with it. "Yeah, I know, I guess I wasn't really think..." She was going to say 'thinking too clearly' but she was cut off by Kira's cry.

"Oh God, Syd, what the hell happened to your legs!?!"

Syd froze and closed her eyes tightly. She had forgotten about the welts on her legs. "It's just a rash," she lied. "I got some cream to put on it, it's nothing really." She sat down on the end of her bed, forcing herself to not wince at the pain.

"A rash, Sydney, that does not look like a rash. Holy shit that looks painful. Have you been to a doctor?"

"It's fine really," she grabbed the jar of aloe on her nightstand. "I have this aloe to put on it. I'll rub some on before I go to bed."

Kira stood there with a concerned look on her face, then said "Come on, I'll help you put it on. Roll over and lay back."

"Oh no, you don't need to do that, I'm fine really, but thanks anyway." It suddenly felt very warm in here to Sydney, and her pussy started to leak.

"Oh stop it girl, you know I don't mind. Now I won't take no for an answer so you might as well just roll over and deal with it."

Sydney was shaking her head no, but was slowly turning around and moving up on the bed. Kira and she had always been close and they took care of each other, so this wasn't a totally unusual thing to do.

Kira moved around to her side, as Sydney reclined on the bed, and opened the jar of aloe. She scooped out a generous dollop and, starting down by the backs of her knees, rubbed the cream in. 

Syd gasped at the coolness on her warm skin and was soon well aware of how different her roommate's soft hands felt on her skin versus the hands of her... Master. 

The hands sliding softly up her inner thighs was doing something to Sydney that she really never expected. It was making her horny. She wondered how far up her legs her roommate would travel, and the closer she came to her pussy, the more Sydney became wet. She knew that she should stop her, but she really didn't want to.

The question of how far up she would travel was about to be answered as her hands slid up to the bottom of her butt cheeks, and she lifted the bottom of the long shirt to see how far the 'rash' had traveled.

"Oh, poor girl, it's on your butt, too," she said, moving the tail of the shirt up higher.

Now this should really stop and Sydney was ready to get up and end it, but then she felt the gentle hands start to caress her sore butt cheeks and she couldn't move. It was so soothing and nice and she just melted into the bed. Kira was thorough to and didn't hesitate to slide her hand down between her friend's legs and rub the cooling liquid all over.

By this time, Sydney was hoping that Kira would rub some into her pussy. She knew it wouldn't take much to set her off, but Kira only brushed lightly against her outer lips once and it seemed to be an accident.

"There, how's that?" she said climbing off the bed and closing the jar of aloe. "It is the strangest rash I have ever seen, I'll tell you that. If it is not better by morning, I am taking you to the campus health center."

"Thank you, it feels better now," Syd answered and then, "Listen I'm real tired so we'll talk more in the morning okay. I'm sure it will be better." She wanted some time alone to take care of some unfinished business.

"Yeah, I've got to wash my hands, too," Kira replied as she headed toward the door. She stopped before going out and said "Listen, hun, you know I'm here if you need to talk about anything right?"

Sydney felt a rush of tears getting ready to come bursting out, but she held them back and smiled a pained smile, "Of course, I know that. I'm fine though, really, just really tired."

"Okay, good night." She closed the door leaving Sydney alone.

Sighing loudly, as if she had been holding her breath, Sydney quickly stripped the long shirt off and sat in her favorite masturbation position, on her leather computer chair, her legs spread wide over the arms of the chair. She wasted no time at all, spreading her thick labia with two fingers and, using the other hand, she dipped her index finger into the heated wetness and started rubbing up and down. Tonight she didn't need to have her computer powerpoints of girls in bondage to help; she was already so close.

Her mind was a blur of the evening's events, culminating in Kira rubbing her inner thighs and buttocks with aloe. The feelings that she experienced were confusing to her, but that didn't matter in the moment. The only thing that mattered right now was cumming and her hand was a blur as she rubbed up and down and her mind pictured lewd images of bondage and Master and Kira and she was so close and only a little bit more and right there, right there, don't stop, oohhhhsssshhhhhiiiiiittttttt yyyessssss. The spasms began and the pleasure was so intense that she had to clamp her mouth shut to keep from moaning out loud.

She sat for many minutes afterward catching her breath and slowing her heart rate, then went straight to bed. Normally she would wash up after masturbating, but tonight she was just too tired. Besides, she loved the smell of herself just afterward. It didn't take long at all to fall into a deep sleep.

The bright sunlight shining in through the window woke Sydney up and she wondered why she hadn't closed it before going to bed. She tried to turn over but for some reason she couldn't. That was when she realized that she was tied spread eagle to the bed and was totally naked.

Just then Kira walked in wearing the long shirt Sydney had worn the night before. The shirt wasn't buttoned though and her breasts and pubic area were clearly visible. 

"Kira, why am I tied up?" Sydney asked.

"Master wanted you this way," she replied. "We must follow Master's instructions always."

Syd couldn't believe what she was hearing. Kira and Master? It didn't seem possible. "Kira, please untie me!"

"Oh, I can't do that, slave, not until Master gives his approval. He wants another photo shoot of you with that 'rash', as you called it."

Photo shoot, what was she talking about? Syd turned her head and realized that what she had thought was sunlight through the window, was in fact the lighting that had been in the photo studio. He had all his equipment set up in her room, ready to shoot.

"Wha's going on?" Syd turned back to Kira just in time to see her slip the shirt off her shoulders and drop it onto the floor. She was naked except for the collar she wore around her neck.

Syd watched with wide unbelieving eyes as her roommate, her best friend, climbed onto the end of the bed between her spread legs and crawled up so her face was inches away from her pussy.

"Kira, what are you doing?" she whined.

"Master wants us to put on a show hun, just lay back and enjoy it." Then, smiling widely, she lowered her face and sniffed deeply the scent of Syd's pussy. "MMMM, smells delicious." Then she stuck out her tongue which was impossibly long and licked from asshole to clit. She looked up again, smiling and said, "Oh, you are delicious, I'm just gonna eat you right up." Then she dove in, driving her long tongue deep into her pussy and slurping lewdly.

Flashes going off to her right reminded Sydney that the man, their Master, was here and he was snapping pictures. This was so crazy, but it felt so good. Kira was licking and sucking and slurping and Sydney was going to cum if she kept going. She didn't want this, it was wrong, but she didn't want it to stop, either. She was going to cum and she was moaning loudly and said "Oh Kira, don't stop, don't stop I'm cuuuuuuummmmiiinnnngggg!!" and she was cumming again and it felt so good and she didn't want it to stop, not ever and suddenly...

She was alone in her bed and it was still dark. Her hand was in her pussy which was soaking wet. Her heart was racing and the feeling in her pussy told her that she had just finished masturbating. It had all been a dream, a very vivid dream. She shivered in the cool night air, her blankets were on the floor, and there was a rather large wet spot on the sheet under her butt.

She got up on trembling legs and made her way to the bathroom to get a towel, walking past Kira's open bedroom door naked. It was still dark in there so she figured she was asleep anyway. Back in her room, she placed the towel on the wet spot, pulled the blankets back up on the bed and crawled under the covers. There was forty five minutes left before the sun even came up, so she tried to fall back asleep, but she had too much on her mind to sleep. She reached under the covers to stroke her pussy.
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Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:46 PM
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