Sydney’s Descent - Copied
The man stepped around her, closed the door, and ordered, "Take off the coat."

Sydney made no move to obey the obvious command. She was so full of emotions, fear, anger, humiliation and one that she could not deny, but hated to admit, excitement. This was wrong on so many levels, and yet she was so wet down there.

"Look, slut, we are not going to argue, debate, or discuss every order I give you. You know the alternative to disobedience, so take off the fucking coat!"

It felt like a slap in the face, but Sydney realized he held all the cards. She removed her coat, and gave it to his hand which appeared at her side. She trembled slightly, but tried to remain strong. She thought back to the only other time that she had worn this outfit, the Halloween party. She had gotten so much attention from both guys and girls that she was strutting herself around like she was queen. Now, wearing this costume made her feel so self-conscious, it was like being naked.

She decided that, at least for the time being, she would obey his commands. If she was going to find a way out of this mess, she would have to make him think that she was complying. All she would have to do is outsmart him, and Sydney was quite certain that she was up to the task.

"Lock your hands behind your neck, thrust out your chest, and spread your legs," he commanded, as he walked around to face her, standing not quite within her space, but close enough to make her tilt slightly backwards...until she realized this actually pushed her breasts out even more. Sydney stood straight and stared into the distance.

Stepping aside, he said, "Walk to the end of the hallway, turn, and come back. Keep your hands where they are."

Sounding like an innocent request, she began to walk down the hall, turned and was halfway back when he spoke.

"You walk like a duck. I said walk, not waddle! Use your obvious assets, one step nearly in front of the other. Walk like a model, not like a librarian! Sheesh, you have so much to learn."

"A librarian!" she thought. WTF! Sydney knew she was attractive and took pride in her looks and appearance. She would show this idiot. She immediately changed her strut, and when ordered to repeat the walk, she did so with her ass swaying in sync with her gait. She handled heals well, she believed, and this jerk would see her at her best.

"Acceptable," he said.

"Acceptable!" She blurted out, her anger finally getting the best of her, "Look, I don't know what kind of bullshit game this is, but I don't have time to waste walking up and down your fucking hallway. Just fix my laptop and I'll get out of here and forget about the whole thing." She surprised herself with the outburst. She very rarely swore, especially to her elders, whom she had been raised to always respect.

The man stared at her with an angry look in his eyes, then he stepped over to the door and opened it. "Get out!!" he snapped, pointing sharply with his finger. Sydney, startled by his sudden forcefulness actually stepped in that direction before stopping. She couldn't leave, not until she got all her files back on her computer.

"I...I can't" she stuttered and before she could say any more, he reached out, grabbed her arm roughly and yanked her out the door onto the stoop. He then stepped back inside, slammed the door and locked it.

Hot tears burned at the corners of her eyes and she blinked them away, turning back toward the door. Her laptop and Kira's long coat were still in his kitchen, and worse, she was standing out here in this outfit which left very little to the imagination. She knocked quickly and waited, suddenly feeling the urge to pee.

She waited ten seconds then knocked again, louder this time and with more urgency. Anyone walking down the street right now would get quite an eyeful and Sydney was well aware of that. He still wouldn't open the door and the thought of walking all the way back home in this outfit was starting to look like a real possibility.

If she had money and a cell phone she could call herself a cab. She was sure cab drivers had seen plenty of bizarre things while driving, so a young lady in a fuck-me outfit would be water-cooler talk only until the next weirdo called for a ride. Unfortunately for her though, she had neither phone nor money, being that this outfit had no place to stash it.

For a third time she knocked, very loudly this time, and called out "Please let me in...I'm sorry!" She estimated that she had been out here for at least a minute and she could hear someone talking out by the street. A car approached and she knocked again "Please, Master, let me in." It seemed like the right thing to call him and it worked, he opened the door.

Syd tried to enter the house before the car drove by but he stood blocking the entrance. Tears were now flowing down Sydney's face, she was so embarrassed and afraid he was going to lock her out again. "May I come in please?" she sniffed. He didn't move, just smirked, then started to close the door again. "WAIT!!" she shouted "Master, please may I come in?"

Finally, he stepped back and held the door open for her. Quickly she rushed in. She was crying fully now, feeling pretty low. After closing the door and locking it, the man handed Syd a paper towel to clean herself up. He waited patiently while she mopped up her face, then took the towel from her and deposited it in the trash.

"Let me make myself perfectly clear," he began. "I am not interested in your problems. I don't care what you want. I don't give a shit about your feelings. It makes no difference to me whether or not you become the next internet sensation, or whether or not your video goes viral."

He paused, letting his words sink in, then continued, "You need to remember that you need me, not the other way around."

This was all so much for Sydney, she was still calming her heavily beating heart from being locked out and this was definitely not going the way she wanted it to go.

"So," he started again after a pause, "you can either leave now, find your own way home, or you can follow me to my studio for some pictures."

"Pictures?" That wasn't what she expected to hear, but she figured this would be where he would want to fuck her.

He sighed loudly, as if he was frustrated with her ignorance. "Let me guess, you were expecting to get fucked right? I mean why else would I bring you here tonight in that outfit, right? Listen bitch, I can get all the high quality cunt that I want whenever I want. Real women who know all about what it takes to please a man. I'm not interested in fucking your pathetic little no-talent pussy. I'd have better sex with my hand. You give yourself way too much credit.

"You are here tonight to model. I bet that you even suck at that, but I'm going to try to get something decent out of it. I figure you have to be good at something, I just have to figure out what that something is."

No one had ever talked to Sydney like this man was. She was used to guys going out of their way to be nice to her. She knew she was pretty, hell she knew she was gorgeous, probably even professional model material if she ever chose that field. This guy though, he seemed like he was disgusted with her. She assumed that he would be all over her the moment they walked in the house, but he didn't want her. Maybe he was gay.

The way he had talked to her just made her want to prove to him that he was wrong. Besides, she had always wondered what it would be like to be a model. She even thought she would be good at it. So she decided that she was going to show him that she was capable of doing it and doing it well.

"I haven't got all night, you need to decide now what you are doing."

"I'll do it but I need..." she stopped herself from saying what she wanted to say which was 'I need my files back' and instead thought she better not so instead she finished with, "I need to pee first."

The man stared at her for several second before stepping forward to stand about a foot in front of her. He reached up with his right hand and gently caressed her arm, sliding his hand slowly and softly up to her shoulder, as if he was her lover. She closed her eyes and shivered as his fingers tickled her softly. Once his hand was on her shoulder, he slid his fingers behind the curve of her neck as if he was going to pull her face toward his to kiss her, but instead, he grabbed the top of her ponytail roughly and yanked her head back while grabbing her throat with his left hand.

Syd let out a yelp as he put his lips up close to her ear and whispered, "Listen to me, you stupid whore, when you are in my presence, you will address me as Master. I don't want to hear about what you need, you are slave, and you will call yourself slave at all times. You need to say 'Master, slave needs to go pee.' Got it?"

"Yes" she answered.

"WHAT!!" this time he yelled.

"YES, yes sir I...mean yes Master." She was so flustered she couldn't think straight.

"So say it right."

"Master, may slave please go to the bathroom?"

"You need to learn your lesson slave so you will hold it until I give you permission to go. You can go after the first set of pictures. I suggest that you get your scrawny ass moving."

He turned and led her down the hallway to a door on the left and Syd was surprised by how large the room was. There were all sorts of professional photographer equipment in here. Tripods, cameras, professional lighting and reflecting screens. There was also a bed with restraints, a large sand box filled with beach sand and assorted beach toys, several pieces of bondage equipment in one corner and an ominous looking reclining chair that resembled a dental chair.

Sydney shivered in anticipation of what he was going to require of her. She had been told by friends of hers that she should go into modeling, but she never expected something like this.

"Let's see what you've got. Get your ass up on the bed and put on a show while I get the lighting just right and my cameras ready."

Without comment, she obeyed, climbing onto the bed and kneeling, her ass resting on her boots. She watched him while he moved a tripod around, along with a screen. Then he grabbed his digital camera and said "Alright, show me what you got."

With no experience, but a desire to impress, Sydney did her best to give him a variety of poses, legs tucked, on her stomach, head propped on her hands, reclining with her head on one bent elbow, smiles, licking lips, head cocked, frowns and just about anything that she could think of. He encouraged her by using the word 'good' several times, but he also shook his head a few times and grumbled, as if he wasn't too happy.

"I see you shave your pussy, slut."

Sydney was mortified by that comment, so intimate, yet spoken so matter-of-factly. She didn't respond.

"Is that correct, slut?"

"Yes, Master."

"Answer in complete sentences, you dumb cunt!" he scolded.

"Yes, Master, your slave shaves, except for a small triangle above her pussy."

"Show me, slave." She hesitated. "Now, slave!" he demanded.

Sydney lifted her skirt slightly, and tugging her black thong to the side, revealed a neatly trimmed triangle pointing downward towards her very wet pussy. She looked up, her eyes moist with tears, and noticed the bulge in his pants.

"Very nice, but it has to go for our next photo shoot. Shave it all clean as a baby when you get home tonight." Seeing the rather dull look in her eyes, he continued, "Do you understand, slave?"

"Yes, Master," she responded in a monotone, "your slave will shave it all tonight."

"Okay, I want to see your sexiest kajira look."

Sydney hesitated at his reference to the slave girls of the fiction stories that she liked so much. She had read all the books in the series and the covers of each paperback showed a slave, dressed in very little, kneeling, knees split widely, back straight and hands in various positions.

She knelt and spread her knees, her bladder about to burst, but she was determined to get through this. She was well aware that this was the kajira's way of offering herself to her Master. The only difference was that she was wearing the black thong, while the kajira would never be allowed to wear underwear.

"Good, that looks great, now pout, show me your sexiest look. Let me see the slave that we know is within you."

She was starting to sweat under the hot lights and the fact that she had to pee so badly. It was very uncomfortable and she was worried that she wouldn't be able to hold out. She had to do something.

"Excuse me..." she started to move out of her pose, holding it was not an option anymore in her state. "Sir, I really need to..."

"Fuck, what the hell is your problem now?" he yelled.

Sydney was holding her belly and squeezing her legs tightly. She felt a drop of sweat dripping down her forehead, the urge to pee now the only thing she could think of. "I have to pee real bad, Sir, I'm sorry, but I can't wait anymore."

He took a deep breath as if he was calming his sudden anger and said, "Follow me," and turned to walk out the door. As he was walking down the hall toward the bathroom, she was hurrying as quickly as she could. 

The man swung the door to the bathroom open and flipped on the light. Syd quickly rushed by him mumbling, "Thank you," and reached back to close the door.

"NO," he said, putting his arm up in front of the door, "it stays open."

Syd looked at him with wide unbelieving eyes. He wasn't moving away, just standing there waiting. He was going to watch her go pee!!

"But, can I have some privacy please?" Her urgency made her forget how she was supposed to speak to him.

He just stood there with his arms crossed, waiting and staring at her, until she couldn't wait any more and she pulled her thong down, moved her skirt and sat to pee. It was so humiliating peeing in front of this man while he leered at her that she lowered her face in embarrassment.

Being that she had waited so long to go, she was really full and it seemed to take forever before her flow slowed and finally stopped. She quickly grabbed some toilet paper and wiped, then half stood to pull her thong up.

"Stop," the man commanded. "Take it off and hand it to me."

Sydney's blood went cold and she froze with her thong at her thighs. Was this when he would force her to have sex with him? He said he wouldn't, but now she wasn't so sure. Taking a deep breath, she slowly lowered the garment off her feet and handed it to him. She was well aware that they were quite damp and hoped that he wouldn't notice.

As he took the thong from her he raised it up close to his face and smelled deeply. Sydney, disgusted by his wanton display, crinkled her nose up and and shook her head slightly. It was almost imperceptible but he noticed just the same.

"Turn around," he said, and Syd was aware that this was probably the time she would lose her virginity. What a way to become a woman, in a bathroom with a virtual stranger who was blackmailing her. Not exactly the way she had envisioned her first time.

Slowly she turned her back on him and awaited her fate. He grabbed her arms and pulled them behind her back. Then she felt him tie her wrists together using the moist thong. It was frightening to her but it was also somewhat exciting for some reason. 

When he had finished securing her hands he took her arm and led her back out toward the kitchen/dining area. He marched her over to the table and sat himself in a chair. Then he spun Syd around and pulled her so she was lying face down across his lap. 

Realization struck her that he was about to spank her and she whimpered as her head sank down close to the floor and her bottom was propped up in his lap. She felt him pull her skirt out of the way and was well aware that she was totally exposed to him. 

"Slaves who disobey their Master need to be punished. You have spoken to me disrespectfully and you have forgotten to call me Master on several occasions. You have used the word "I" when referring to yourself, disobeying my command that you are no longer an "I", but a slave. Therefore, it is my duty to give you a reminder of who is in charge here. You will receive thirty swats and I expect you to keep count."

Syd felt his hand resting on her bare bottom and she shivered. She waited for what seemed like a long time, wondering what he was doing, then, without any warning, *SLAP* she felt the sting and let out a howl. It hurt more than she was expecting and she squirmed around, forgetting what she had been ordered to do.

He held off on the next swat a good ten seconds before *SLAP*SLAP*SLAP*SLAP*SLAP* five quick hard slaps on alternating cheeks. 

"AAAAHHHHH!!" Sydney screeched wildly and bucked around, trying to get up.

He held her fast and said in a calm voice "Apparently I didn't make myself clear enough to you slave. You are responsible for counting every spank, out loud."

Sydney was crying again, but this time it was from the pain in her backside. She hadn't been spanked since she was a little girl and she couldn't remember it hurting this much. She quickly made a count of the slaps she had already received and said "Six, six spanks Master."

"Oh, no, that's not going to work," he began "we start over right now." *SLAP*


She was bawling now, her bottom was stinging hot and she still had twenty five more to go. He pulled her back so she was kneeling on the side of him and looked into her face. "Look at you. Fucking pitiful. I can't keep up your punishment with you screaming like that." 

He stood up and walked to the counter where he opened a drawer and pulled out a dish rag. Then he went back to the chair, sat down, and proceeded to use the dish rag to cleanup Syd's face. He was very gentle and his gentleness calmed her. 

The calming was short lived however, because after he finished wiping her tears away, he began twisting the cloth tightly and said, "Open wide." 

Sydney felt the hot rush of tears once more as she realized what he meant to do. He was going to gag her. "No, please Master, your slave will be good, she swears. Please give her one more chance."

He shushed her by placing a finger on her lips and said "You will receive the rest of your spanks and if you don't follow directions, I will add twenty more. Now open."

Whining and blubbering, Sydney opened her mouth and let him gag her with the rag. Once more she was placed back over his lap and she tensed up as she waited for the blows to start.


On and on it went, each slap brought another grunt from Sydney. She was keeping count in her head and after the tenth slap, which was actually fifteen when added to the five that she had counted, he paused.

"Your poor little bottom is so red, it must be very sore. I'll give you a choice for the last ten spanks. You can get them on your bottom if you'd like. Or, if you want to give your cheeks a break, I can give them on your thighs. It's your choice. Let's say if you want it on your bottom, give me one grunt, if you want it on your thighs, give me two grunts."

Sydney couldn't stand any more on her butt, it was just too sore, so without hesitating, she grunted twice. She didn't like the idea of her thighs being next, but she needed to give her bottom a rest.

"So you want it on your thighs, huh? You may regret that, slave." He was rubbing her sore ass cheeks with the same hand that he had just spanked her with. "You're going to have to stand up and lean over the table." 

He pulled her up and she stood on quaking legs, her ass feeling like it was on fire, and he folded her over the table so her top half was lying across the table top. He then slid her legs apart so she was spread out in front of him. It was a very exposed position to be in and Sydney cringed in embarrassment.
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Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:46 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:47 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:48 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:49 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:50 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:51 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:52 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:53 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:54 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:55 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:56 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:57 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:58 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:59 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 02:59 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 03:00 PM
RE: Sydney’s Descent - Copied - by hirarandi - 21-02-2021, 03:02 PM

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