Incest Lockdown Christmas Miracle Ch. 05
"So you're just going to lay in the water like that for the rest of the day?" She called out, mildly irritated that he wasn't giving her any attention.

He looked back and tried not to register his disappointment that she'd put her top back on, "No, just relaxing here for a bit." He turned back.
'Well at least turn around so we can talk."
"I'm good," he called out.
A devilish grin came over her face. "Why are you laying on your stomach like that?"
"No reason," he shrugged. "Just feels comfortable."
"Sure you're not trying to hide something?" she called out in a teasing voice, remembering the feel of his stiffening cock against her body the day before.
"What would I be hiding?" Eric did his best to sound nonchalant, but his heart was racing trying to control his embarrassment. As much as he had been willing his cock to soften, having his hands all over Ellie's body had him worked up to a point where he wasn't sure his dick would go down without a chance to release the huge load of cum he felt was ready to shoot out of him with just a little encouragement,
"Mmmm...I dunno," Ellie got up to walk over to the water. "Maybe somebody got a little worked up rubbing his sister's butt?"
Eric gave her an irritated look. "Boy, you try to do some people a favor!" He rolled his eyes before looking away.
"So you don't have a big stiffie that you're trying to hide?" she prompted him sweetly. "Is there some reason you can't come up to the board and show the rest of the class how to solve the next problem?" She giggled like a sadistic school teacher, more sure by the moment that she had correctly guessed why he wouldn't turn over. If he was half as worked up as she was, he should be poking a hole through the pond liner right now.
"Would you cut it out?" He complained.
"Sure, just roll over and show me that I'm wrong, Eric."
"Oh my god. I can't believe you're even thinking about something like that." He tried to sound as disgusted as he could.
"So just roll over and I'll apologize that I accused you of getting a boner from touching me." She said agreeably.
"Just stop it," Eric sighed. "Seriously."
"Oh, I am serious," she giggled. "In fact, I'm willing to make a bet. If you can turn over in the next thirty seconds and prove you aren't hiding a massive erection, I will give you all my allowance until the end of the year."
"So what if I don't take the bet?" Eric made no sign of moving.
"Then I go tell Cassie the funniest story about how you started rubbing out my calf cramp and ended up with a boner so big you had to hide it by lying on your stomach until I left you alone." Ellie smiled triumphantly. "Maybe I should just go tell her right now!" She bounced over to her clothes and started to unfold her pants.
"No...wait!" Eric blurted out in horror. He had spun around in the water, but was still lying on his stomach. "What happens if you win the bet?" His eyes dropped as he waited for the answer.
"Then you have to stand up and come give me the rest of the massage." Ellie walked slowly back toward the pool.
"And you won't say anything about it to Cassie...or anybody else?" He looked up ruefully.
"Nope, it will just be our little secret." She smiled and crossed her arms in triumph.
Eric sighed and then pushed off against the bottom with both hands to stand up. His wet suit clung to his body and perfectly outlined the massive hard on that stuck comically up from the front of his suit. He walked out of the water slowly, not able to look Ellie in the eye even as he towered over her.
Ellie was unprepared for the way her throat tightened to see the contours of Eric's hard cock outlined so clearly when he stood up. It had started as a way to tease him and vent her frustration that he wasn't giving her the attention she wanted, but here instead was the evidence that she had his full and complete attention. There wasn't anything funny or comical about his sleek, muscular body rising up out of the water, or the hypnotic effect that rendered Ellie speechless as she stared at his massive erection while he walked over to her. Part of her was dying to undo the tie at the front of his trunks and slip the waistband over to fully expose it. If she hadn't just shamed him for being attracted to her, she might just have acted on that impulse.
"So what do you want me to do?" Eric sounded defeated.
"Um...just, you know, what you were doing earlier." Ellie stammered. "Just on my front, you know." She sat down on the ground and laid back in the sand. Suddenly she felt much more nervous than Eric seemed.
Eric knelt beside her and started working his way up the leg nearest to him. As he reached the muscles above her knees he felt her jump as he began to gently dig into the muscles at the base of her thigh.
"Did that hurt?" Eric paused.
"No, no, it just kind of tickled. Caught me by surprise." She assured him. "It feels good. Really good."
Eric nodded and kept working his way up through the large muscles of her thigh, reaching around to the sides of her leg and moving up toward her hip and the mound of her pussy just inches from where his strong fingers were working their way through her tired muscles. Just as he could go no further without brushing up against her pussy, he dropped back down and started working his way up her other leg, taking his time to isolate, work and relax each muscle as he went.
As embarrassed as he was to have revealed his erection to Ellie, he couldn't complain about his penalty for losing the bet. He hated that she had won, and had manipulated him yet again, but the only reason he hadn't asked her to roll over earlier was that he didn't want her to know how much touching her was turning him on. As he worked his way up the smooth skin of her thigh, he was still wrestling with what it meant that she now knew that her body excited him like that.
If it repulsed or offended her she didn't seem to show it and obviously had no problem letting him touch her again. As he worked his way up toward her pussy, outlined as a perfect little mound under the bright red fabric of her swimsuit, he wondered if she was actually enjoying the fact that she had turned him on, other than the fact that if gave her a chance to embarrass him the way she used to.
As Eric reached the top of her thigh he shifted his knees around to her side and he allowed the edge of his forefinger to graze ever so lightly over the fabric covering her pussy lips, as if any contact was just incidental. He pretended not to notice her stomach hitch slightly as he reached over her torso and began running his hands along her lateral muscles and coming down to probe the tendons around her hip joints where he knew she would be feeling sore from the stress of shifting weight through the turns on her skis that morning. With his hands wrapped around the sides of her hips he used his thumbs to work through the lower abdominal muscles to along the top of her bikini bottoms, lifting her hips slightly as he also worked the muscles above her hips in the back with his fingers. She looked so small and pliant in his hands and it made him feel large and powerful seeing her pale skin and curvy body move around so easily under his control. Working his thumbs down along the seams between her thighs and her bikini bottoms, he cloud feel the soft pad of flesh of her pussy mound being pressed together as he worked inward from both sides as he felt Ellie's back arch up, and then her hips lift slightly, as her body strained up toward his hands. He didn't think she was turned off by it at all as he felt her move beneath his hands.
None of which was helping his erection to diminish. Eric shifted his knees over toward Ellie's shoulder and started to run his hand behind her neck, lifting her head and gently massaging each of the small vertebrae between her shoulders and the base of her skull. He looked down at her face, eyes closed and her lips parted slightly. Her eyes squinted shut in and her chin thrust slightly forward as Eric worked through each knot in her neck before lowering his hands to her shoulders. He couldn't help stare down at her tits, rising, falling and occasionally hitching with her breath as he found a small knot or tight muscle.
Eric worked his way around the shoulder joints in the front and rubbed his thumbs down into the upper chest muscles where he knew she would be feeling the strain from holding and shifting her poles down the slopes. His fingers slid down her sides to work through the tissues along her rib cage, the pads of his hands under his thumbs now framing her tits as they were pushed together slightly by the pressure of his hands.
Eric was staring down at the beautiful sight that his sisters full rounded tits made as the pressure of his hands pushed them together and the pronounced bumps where her nipples were poking against the fabric of her bikini top.
"You don't have to be embarrassed," Ellie said softly. Eric looked down to see her eyes were open and looking up into his. "I didn't mean to...I mean, I'm sorry if I embarrassed you..." Her eyes darted over toward his hard cock still sticking up in his damp trunks. "About that..." Eric could tell from her eyes that she wasn't taunting him. "I shouldn't have teased you about it. You don't have to be embarrassed...or try to hide it like that. I know it just happens."
Eric sat back on his heels and put his hands on his hips. "It doesn't like, creep you out, or...anything?" he looked back into her eyes defensively.
Ellie reached over and put her hand on Eric's knee reassuringly. "No, it's fine. You're just a normal healthy guy and I shouldn't be teasing you about something that I know you can't control."
"Really?" he looked for a punch line that he expected to come out at any moment. "Because it's just been so weird these last few months. I mean, I went from being around no girls, to spending every day with you's just been so..."
"I know." Ellie smiled up at him. "I'm sorry I made it even more weird. I've really enjoyed doing all this with you and I don't want to ruin it." Her fingers dug into his thigh slightly. "Will you forgive me?"
"Only if you promise not to tell anyone about this and not get weird about it if it happens again," Eric asked.
"I promise," Ellie looked up at him sweetly. "You don't ever have to hide it or be embarrassed around me. It's our secret, okay?"
"Deal!" Eric smiled back down at her. "I think we should probably get going though. It's getting late." He looked at the light coming through the film.
"Do you want me to wait outside while you get changed?" Ellie offered as she stood up and walked to their clothes. She hadn't been in the water so she just started putting on her pants over her dry bikini.
"It's okay," Eric assured her. "Just look the other way while you're getting dressed."
He waited while she flashed him a devious smile and finally turned away as she started pulling her shirt over her head. Eric untied his trunks and let them fall as he stepped out of them, his cock still erect, made more so by the fact that his sister was just a few feet away and he was completely naked. He pulled on his jeans and let Ellie know it was okay to look again while he pulled on his shirt and then the rest of his clothes.
Walking back up between the sheds, Ellie looked over and smiled.
"What's so funny," Eric scowled.
"You totally forgot that I owed you one from yesterday," she chuckled. "You could have gotten out of it if you had been thinking clearly and made me stop."
Eric rolled his eyes and let out a frustrated howl. "I can't believe I forgot that!"
"Well, you were pretty distracted," Ellie beamed.
"So how did you figure it out?" Eric looked over at her. "Like, how did you know?"
"That you had a boner?" Her eyes danced with mischievous glee. "That was easy!"
"But how?" He was getting frustrated.
"Because if I had a dick instead of a pussy, mine would have probably been even harder than yours," She laughed and blushed. Looking down at the bulge in his pants she reached over quickly and playfully tapped her finger where she could see the tip of his still hard dick was poking up at an angle in his jeans and said "Boop!" at the moment of contact, before running away laughing around the corner of the last shed. By the time Eric had made it to the corner of the shed, Ellie was already halfway to the house, looking back occasionally to laugh at Eric running to catch up.
Cassie seemed to be in a very good mood when they got back to the house and Ellie plopped down in one of the kitchen chairs to watch her cook dinner, while Eric excused himself to go upstairs and shower before they ate. As soon as Ellie heard Eric's footsteps reach the top of the stairs she looked at Cassie with a suspicious look.
"Why are you so chipper?" She watched Cassie humming as she put a casserole dish into the oven.
Cassie turned around smiling. "Promise you won't tell?" She whispered a little too loud.
Ellie made an exaggerated motion of drawing an 'X' over her left breast while smiling deviously.
"Okay, I think I've perfected my punch recipe." Cassie giggled. "Took a few tries, but I think it turned out pretty good. Sure does the trick on muscle aches, I can tell you that!"
"Yay!" Ellie clapped quietly. "Lemme try some!"
"Okay...but just a little...and you can't say anything to Eric!" Cassie raised a finger to her lips and raised her eyebrows dramatically, like some crazed librarian.
Ellie giggled and nodded vigorously. Cassie made a hand motion for Ellie to follow her to the garage as she peeked up at the stairs to make sure Eric wasn't coming back down. Once in the garage, Cassie opened the garage refrigerator and pulled out a plastic pitcher that they used to make kool-aid with growing up. She pulled off the lid and handed Ellie the pitcher.
Ellie could smell the alcohol as she tilted the half full pitcher up to her lips, but it wasn't that noticeable when she drank the fruity, sweet blend of juices that were mixed in. She looked up after the first drink and gave a wide smile to Cassie who was looking on with anticipation. "That's awesome, Cass!" She quickly lifted the pitcher and took another couple of swallows.
"Easy there!" Cassie reached for the pitcher. "That stuff is a lot stronger than it tastes." She replaced the lid and slid the pitcher back into the refrigerator. "I was only taking small sips as I mixed it and I'm feeling really good right now. You probably drank more than I did."
"It came out really yummy, Cassie. It's just a shame we have to wait until Eric's party to have more!"
"I know!" Cassie looked dejected as they walked back into the kitchen. "But I might need some help tomorrow mixing some other flavors if you really wanna help?" She lifted her eyebrows and smiled.
"I'm so helping!" Ellie chimed in.
The water in the shower had barely begun to steam before Eric was cumming for the first time. The touch of Ellie's fingertip to his cock had felt like an electric jolt going off through his body. The idea that she had knowingly touched his hard dick, even through his jeans, was an incredible turn on, as was her admission that she was just as turned on by the massage as he was. Even as he stepped under the hot shower and rinsed the puddle of cum from his hand, his cock was already twitching as he thought through what this would mean going forward.
He quickly washed his hair and soaped his body, still jittery with excitement. Soaping up his still hard dick quickly reverted into jacking off again as he remembered his hand brushing against Ellie's pussy through her suit, the way her back had arched and her hips lifted as he even came near her pussy. He relived in his mind the visceral pleasure of squeezing her big swollen boobs together with the sides of his hands.
Knowing what he did now, he regretted not letting his hands run where they wanted over her luscious body, fully squeezing her rounded ass and plump tits in his big hands and running his fingers through the narrow cleft where her pussy hid between her thighs. He wondered if she would have even bothered to hold her undone top against her body if he had asked her to roll over when he went into the water instead. He had been satisfied with a glimpse of her underboob and he might have missed the chance to see her completely topless. As he imagined her rolling onto her back topless, he shot load after load of cum jetting up to land freely on the shower floor as his cock pulsed again and again, thinking about his hands kneading her bare white boobs and his fingers lightly pinching her hard nipples.
Eric stood for a long moment, his hand steadying himself against the shower wall as his heart rate slowed and he got his breathing under control. The warm shower water slowly cooled as it ran down over his hanging head and followed ever rippling curve of his long body before it ran to the drain, picking up the thicker deposits of his cum before sliding into darkness in the drain below.
When the water became too cool to feel comfortable any longer, Eric turned off the spray and stepped gingerly out onto the bathroom rug, his legs still weak and every muscle in his body still tingling from the intensity of the successive orgasms. When he finally walked down to dinner, he felt wrung out and satisfied for the first time in hours. The casserole Cassie had made was delicious and the girls seemed chatty and happy all through dinner. Eric began to think that they all might end up getting along after all.
He watched a little TV after dinner, but said goodnight pretty early and nearly crawled into bed he was so tired and drained from the events of the day. When Ellie came upstairs herself an hour later, he never woke up as she cracked the door from their shared bathroom and stared at him sleeping soundly across the room. Ellie stayed there for a long minute, her finger and thumb nervously pinching the full pink flesh of her lower lip as she struggled to decide what she should do, before she softly closed the door and retreated to her own bed.
Ellie ducked her head under the covers, waiting for her breathing to warm up the small space under the sheets. Her small hand snaked down into her flannel pajama bottoms and she let out a small gasp as her cold fingers met the hot slippery skin of her swollen pussy. Her hand quickly warmed up as she gently and then more vigorously rubbed her hardened clit and slid her finger into the soft folds of her pussy. As she reached her first orgasm just a few minutes later, the small space under the blankets had already become uncomfortably hot from her rapid breathing, and filled with the scent of her throbbing pussy.
Ellie threw back the covers from her face as the cool air of her bedroom accepted the hot breath still escaping from her parted lips. Taking a moment to comb back the tousled hair that covered her face with her fingers, she thought again of Eric's strong hands lifting her waist and her hips so easily, the lightest grazing touch of his finger across her pussy, the thrill of seeing that he was so fully erect as he stepped out of the water and the crazy urge that she'd surrendered to as she crossed the line and actually touched his hard dick.
Her hips were already arching upward against her hand and her back sinuously reciprocated, trying desperately to increase the amount of contact that her small fingers were able to impart to her pussy. But while she was able to bring herself to another orgasm just minutes after the first, she felt empty and unsatisfied, knowing that nothing would ever be quite as satisfying as what Eric had been so desperate to hide from her that afternoon in the water.

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Lockdown Christmas Miracle Ch. 05 - by odinchacha - 21-12-2020, 10:38 AM
RE: Lockdown Christmas Miracle Ch. 05 - by odinchacha - 21-12-2020, 10:39 AM

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