Adultery Indian Wife plays with Contruction Workers (Collected)
As train started to gain speed, Purva felt she was going to paralyse as everyone stared at Purva's fat heaving boobs whilst her nipples continued to try and poke holes in the thin material of her tight pink tank top. Her tiny black frilly skirt with polka dots was not exactly a micro mini but barely covered her round bottom. Although she had had many such humiliating experiences in the past few weeks when she had to walk naked in the slum to reach Salim?s garage and to have to walk topless with Pushkar had been bad enough but she had known it would only be short lived. But to have to execute Ramu?s lustful plan of making her go out dressed like a cheap whore on a fourteen hour journey in a train?s general compartment now seemed like a marathon and was too much to bear even for Purva. She had never been so scared in her life before. She knew that these vile people would have this mental picture of her for the rest of their lives. But that was not her main concern. She knew she had willingly put herself in this danger and had given away the option to back off. She knew she was going to be gang bangd on her journey and would be lucky to get out of the train alive. She could feel her tears rising, the words sticking in her throat. The general compartment bogie was full of all sorts of people. She could see how they looked at her. She did not have a black eye or any major bruises on her face, but the smaller bruises, hickeys, bite and hand marks on her milky white body that she shamelessly displayed like a badge of honour on her body made it amply obvious that she had been slapped around. She was only too aware of the looks she was receiving.

Purva felt herself being passed on to a gleeful mob excited to see this tasty treat of delicious female meat that had appeared almost naked from out of nowhere into the midst of this cheap general compartment train. As she was passed along she could feel her semi naked body being touched at all the places. It happened so randomly that Purva didn?t have a chance to react. There were almost 500 men in that compartment & Purva knew that even if fifty of them bangd her she would be dead.

Purva knew that had she dressed properly like a respectable woman that she once was, one snooty stare could scare these dirty men away and keep their hands to themselves at least for some time. But the image she presented today was much more than what the men must be used to; gone was the self assured, confident, attractive and respectable trophy housewife of an upper middle class man; to be replaced by a cheap cock sucking, cum drinking fuck slut. Her dress, or the lack of it, seemed to have been purchased from a roadside bargain stall where dresses looked attractive only when they were new and later the stitches and fittings split up. The tacky dress was a size too small and titillated the testosterones of the entire general compartment and every man wanted to grope her. Purva knew she was a sight as everyone gave her a top to down look. Men were pushing & shoving each other to get a better view & everyone was trying to come further ahead in the crowd to enjoy the shameless display of this beautiful married woman?s ripe and luscious body.

Purva couldn?t see where she was going but was visibly scared to death & panicking as she tried to push her way through the crowd and tried her best to follow Ramu who was trying to secure a berth to sit. Ramu and Purva looked like an unlikely couple. Ramu looked like just one of the few hundred other low class passengers in that bogie. Purva on the other hand looked like a cheap tart that had been picked up for the afternoon, and instead of taking her into a room, her client had brought this whore into a passenger train for some cheap thrill and excitement.
She stared straight in front of her, but out of the corner of her eye, she could see the effect she was having on everyone. Both men and women openly stared at her. The look of anger and disgust in the eyes of women, people with families and older couples was only reflective of how Purva?s morally decadent character had bypassed all the norms of the society by exhibiting her ripe and mature body like a rack of meat in a cheap passenger train?s general compartment offering her most virtuous and private parts, which not so long ago were the exclusive gifts of her husband Tarun, were exposed for the most disgustingly voyeuristic and titillating pleasure of all and sundry. Some men had smirking looks of pity on their faces and there were others with blatant leering and whistling to show their excitement to see a half naked woman dressed like a prostitute. She was only too aware of the looks; the stares were burning into her skin as everyone hovered around her to catch a glimpse of her assets on display.

In the process, countless hands crawled over her body; groping her bum, arse, caressing her waist & flat tummy while most were crushing her breasts. The entire act seemed choreographed as if Purva was intuitively instigating the crowd to devour the fleshy charms of this class less slut of a whore.

In just a month?s time, her once virtuous cunt had become a free for all whore pussy. She knew she was uncomfortable but what freaked her out was how could she be so shamelessly horny and turned on in such a scary situation; her face flushed with shame thinking that she was in a filthy enclosed space in a semi naked state surrounded by at least five hundred men. Her luscious body was on display and she was continuously being rubbed and molested by strangers. Purva felt so horrified that she could subconsciously feel promising herself to not only give the best pleasure to Kapil and Sunil on their marriage and make them men for all that she is worth of, but she she would also dance to all the cheap Bhojpuri songs like one of those cheap item dancers and will do everything else and more, if she managed to get out of this train alive.

This realization immediately brought her attention to the fact that women, children and people with families started to leave the train compartment in disgust and sensing trouble. Disapproval from these poorest of low class women was evident in the way these women grimaced, flinched and snivelled to themselves whilst looking at her with contempt. Soon enough, she could not see any other woman in the entire bogie. Purva was really stuck now, she could see Ramu had climbed on to the top berth like a monkey. He opened his bag and took out a digital camera, aimed it at her, and was now taking in her discomfort, smiling to himself as unseen hands of a jostling crowd pushed, prodded and brushed against Purva?s slutty body. Purva couldn?t help but notice that Ramu?s camera looked pretty similar to the one that was used to record her gangbang by Pushkar and his gang in their hut the other night. She was running out of options, she had to think fast. Purva?s train of nervous thoughts reminded her of Ramu?s advice in the auto when he had told her to go with the flow, learn from the general compartment experience as well as enjoy all of it.

Purva was not too sure of how she was going to enjoy this experience but she knew that the consequences of not following Ramu?s advice could be fatal if the crowd got violent. So, she had no other option but to be comfortable, friendly and socialize with all the cheap men, be one among them, completely belong to them and talk to them in a way that will make them more lustful for her and then they will reveal their true colors. As it is, she didn?t have anything with her. The little cash she had carried was in Ramu?s bag and as she had been explained by Ramu in the auto, she was dependant on these people inside the general compartment for all types of things, so had to make sure to excite all the cheap hungry men and let them enjoy her. She knew that she was still feeling ashamed of her situation but the incidents with Sajid and his gang, her experiences with Ramu, Pushkar and his gang had made her so sexually alive, that her body was continuously buzzing with the thrill of it all, irrespective of the shame that accompanied her feelings of excitement. She had begun to understand that shame played a principal part of her excitement, the two opposing feelings going hand in hand. Each of the humiliating experiences she had been subjected to by these low class men was leading to a diminishing shame quotient in her personality. Purva realized the full extent of her submission and the humiliation at being displayed only caused her pussy to continue to moisten.

Ramu had made it amply clear to Purva that they were not related throughout the journey and he will have nothing to do with her. As the train compartment got crowded, Purva was getting sandwiched from all sides. The faceless crowd was molesting her from all sides and she could not do anything. She had already realized that Ramu had deceived her into thinking that she didn?t need to worry about consequences. But given the situation she was now in, she had no option but to give him a benefit of doubt and make sure that she obeyed Ramu?s instructions like a dutiful housewife as she struggled through the crowd to make sure that she was as close to Ramu as possible. She was scared like never before...She was in a truly dangerous situation and was hoping against hope for some hint or signal from Ramu about her next move that would at least make her experience less punishing if not less shameful. However, Ramu had now become pretty confident of his authority over Purva. He and his friend Pushkar had already poisoned this once virtuous maiden with their sexual prowess and had recorded the pleasures of her destruction for their perverted pleasures and were least bothered about who they shared the captured moments of her promiscuity with. Ramu had made Purva shed her inhibitions this far and was determined to further push her down towards her descent from a rich upper middleclass trophy housewife to a cheap full fledged prostitute by making her dance to his tunes on his beck and call.
Purva was dressed to bring any man?s lust into a state of rage and Ramu was certainly boiling with lust as he waited to see how Purva was going to react and handle the situation for the next 12-13 hours to save herself from so many low class men from banging her. He himself had assumed the role of a seasoned cameraman as she captured her discomforting predicament from the top berth. Purva had succeeded in following his leads by letting him record her helplessness from the top berth?s vantage point as she excited all the cheap hungry men by exposing her milky white body and letting them rub their bodies with hers in the crowded train. Stuck in this crowded train and surrounded by a mad crowd, she could rationalize that the only way for her to save herself from any physical contact was to enjoy the moment, not resist the gropes and make herself as easily available to anyone and everyone as possible. She knew that resistance was only going to make the experience mor harrowing; might as well enjoy the situation. Purva didn?t have money or anything else so was now dependant on the people inside the general compartment. She couldn't deny she didn't need the attention. Her slit was running with her juice, she was wiggling around in between the faceless crowd, quietly grimacing and snivelling to herself. Her clit was screaming; desperate for attention, her body twanging with pent up desire. Electricity coursed through her, connecting sexual organs, continually making her all too aware of what was required, sex sex and more sex please, thanks for asking.

She pondered on Ramu?s advice to just let things happen and to freely do and say whatever makes her horny.
As Purva rested her hip on a seat handle to her right, she accidentally touched a hand. So she stood upright again and looked down to apologize to the person. But the person looked at Purva in the eye and grinned widely. It was clear that he enjoyed the feel of her ass. Even as she was looking at him, he nudged his partner and whispered something in his ears. The other person too looked at her and then both seemed to look at her rock hard nipples tearing through her tank top. She looked towards Ramu imploringly for some cue but Ramu was intermittently looking at her and had a satisfied smirk on his face as he captured Purva?s battered expressions awaiting her body?s destruction by all these cheap men in the train.

Purva knew she was trapped. She knew most men in the compartment would be the same as the ones sitting to her right. She looked around with the hope for some help. The only other lady she could see in the compartment was standing a couple of meters ahead of her amongst a crowd full of men. The dress she wore indicated that she was from a lower middle class background. She was at least 3-4 inches shorter than Purva and very skinny. She slowly made an eye contact with the woman. She looked around with some difficulty. Purva looked at her with moist eyes and pointing towards the man behind her. She got the message Purva wanted her to know. But to her shock, the woman turned around and even moved forward slightly, distancing herself further away and making her way out of the compartment. She did not want to get involved in this.

"God help me!" Purva screamed in her head. She was now the only woman in a train compartment; dressed to be fucked, surrounded by about 200-300 men of all ages, shoulder to shoulder, back to front, hand over hands. She tried to turn away slightly, but could not do so as she felt a pair of hands on her waist preventing her movement. His hand came back up to the seat rod but instead of holding it, it cupped her breast. The other hand strayed around her ass and slowly moved to her hip. Purva stood still as the man?s hand turned around from her boobs and rested both his palms on her ass. Staying that way for some time, the hand started moving slowly all over her ass-cheeks. Purva gripped the vertical bar firmly. Soon the person had both his hands squeezing and massaging her rear. As she turned her head to the left, the two men were still staring intently at her exposed navel and boobs covered in thin top. The little hope she had disappeared when the two men looked at the hands running along her rear and started giggling. As the man groped her from behind, they both knew she would not be able to resist for long.

Suddenly the train jerked hard and everyone lurched forward. That was when she felt something on her ass and a loud gasp escaped her mouth. Purva was careful not to raise any alarm. She knew it was not a hand. The man behind her was leaning over her and had put his entire weight on her. Purva tried to glance at the guy but realised she could not without turning her whole body towards him. Almost against her better judgement, she turned a little to her right. Purva looked back with some difficulty at the person. He looked back at her plainly as if nothing was going on. She felt the man?s hand reach for his cock and flattening it against his stomach so that he could rub his entire length against her ass crack. The man moved his pelvis to the right along with Purva and his cock had found the slot into her ass crack over her skirt.

The man was pushing Purva from behind and she could feel his long hard dick in her butt crack. Within no time, he was pushing his entire body?s weight on to Purva, and she had to lean forward pressing her boobs to the back of the man before her. Purva tried to balance herself but suddenly felt the hard rod giving another jerk from behind as she fell on the guy standing in front of her and her boobs got crushed on his back. Purva was so blank that she didn?t know if she was pretending or she actually was helpless. She knew that she didn?t have a choice and couldn?t do anything; not wanting to know what she would have done had she had the choice to get out of this situation. She had been in such situations in the past as well. Her mind was racing fast and she couldn?t help bemusing herself that she had reached the crescendo by travelling in a general compartment like a sleazy fifty rupee whore following her past experiences starting with Sajid and Rasul and then Ramu and his cousins and Pushkar and his gang of friends.

Not wanting to waste the opportunity the guy in front turned around facing Purva and started palming her boobs and having fun. Soon enough both the men gained confidence that she was helpless and was not going to raise alarm. Purva was holding onto the vertical handle bar and her grip on the handle tightened as the man behind her started running his hands over her flat belly. Very soon he was circling her belly button. She craned her neck towards Ramu and could see his excitement through the camera as he recorded Purva giving unimaginable pleasure to the unknown strangers.

Purva kept as much a straight face as possible but her heart skipped a beat when the man in front ran his fingers into her tight skirt. Purva bent further down in an effort to prevent him find his way into her panty-less love canal. She struggled to muffle her moans as she saw the wicked smile on the ugly man?s face and she pleaded him silently "Please don't do that?.

The man smirked wickedly in surprise as he touched her soft pubic hair and now knew she was not wearing panties. Purva?s wet pussy was already begging for more and with the man?s rock hard cock pointing right at the crack of her ass, she almost involuntarily gasped for breath and pushed her ass hard against his groin and that feeling drew her nuts. Whatever little resistance she could show had slowly turned into cooperation. By this time, he was humping her pretty hard but slow. Purva had always been a very sexed up woman and she knew that it was only a matter of time when the slut out of her will blow the last shreds of her modesty into smithereens.

Thankfully for Purva the man in front changed his mind and moved his hands away from her love mound. But soon he palmed her breasts and started to squeeze and maul her boobs. The men who till now had been pretending that things were happening because of no space, had now started doing it deliberately. After having played with her boobs for some time, he moved his hands away from Purva?s breasts slightly. But they came back again searching for her nipples over the top. His thumb and first two fingers started pinching her nipples, making them hard and taut. He pinched Purva?s nipples so hard that she had to bite her lips to stop from screaming.

Soon enough, she felt a third hand on her right thigh and looked down. To her shock, it was the man sitting on her right. He had his hand running up and down her thigh and the other hand seemed to be moving rhythmically. As she adjusted her vision out of the dull light in the train, she realized it was his erect dick in his hand. He was masturbating looking at her.

By now the sitting person had his hand under her skirt on her bare inner thigh. His hand moved upwards, reaching centimeters from her crotch. He stuck up his middle finger and brushed her panty-less slit under her skirt. This made Purva weak on her knees and she was about to fall on the floor like a lifeless doll, but the man in front caught her entire body weight from her armpits and picked her up; in the process massaging and squeezing her boobs like he had done never before. Purva too was really horny from all the action. She hid her face into the man?s hairy chest as her body started to respond to his touch and her cunt started to get wetter.

Purva was holding on to the vertical and she could feel someone?s breath on her clean armpits. The man behind her grabbed her by her waist and pulled her back further towards him. This made her lose her balance and she lost the grip of the handle she was holding and her entire weight fell on him. She felt his erection tighten on her ass. He seemed really hard. This man was about the same height as Purva. He now smelt her hair with deep breaths. He caught her long hair and swung it forward lightly and she fell on the guy at the front. It was almost as if both the men were playing badminton and she was the shuttle of their cocks. Both men were now openly giving Purva dry fucks.

Purva could not hold it anymore. She stole a quick glance and made eye contact with both the men at her front and the back. They looked right into one another?s eyes, mouths serious and a silent agreement was made ?let?s be grownups and just have some harmless fun!? As soon as Purva was back in position, the man sitting on her left brought ran his fingers into her skirt again and grabbed her dripping cunt under her tight skirt.

Here she was in a crowded general compartment of a passenger train with one man fondling her breasts hard and a rock hard cock rubbing against her ass and a hand finger fucking Purva. She lowered her raised left arm, moved a few inches away from the man in front and found the bulge of his cock.

The man behind started hump into her tight ass crack even harder and she pumped the man in front with her hand. His fingers were tweaking Purva?s nipples and as the guy sitting on her left fingered her clit, her pussy juices had begun to leak. At this moment she really did not care who was watching and who was not! Purva squirmed, gave out an audible moan and shuddered, cumming like no tomorrow. Seconds later, the man behind gave five to six hard pushes and came right in his pants.

But it was not long before her face ran ice cold as the bastard in front tried to outrage her further by trying to remove the straps of her top off her shoulders. Purva resisted a bit and silently thanked the man for understanding as he withdrew his hand.

But to her surprise the hand then caught hold of Purva's hand. So she looked to find what he wanted from her hand. Soon she found her fingers now touching his swollen cock head under his track pants, as his other hand frantically shagged it. Before she could realize what was happening, he released his load on Purva?s fingers. He then guided her hand to her face. The man wanted Purva to lick it. But she turned away, making him wipe his sticky semen on her cheeks. Purva tried to wipe it off with her shoulders turning it into a thin coat from her shoulder on to her tank top. Humiliated beyond belief, she saw a large rope of cum on her thighs and skirt from the man who was sitting on her left and finger fucking her. Ramu?s camera recorded the content look on the man?s face sitting quietly with his eyes closed with traces of cum outlining his greasy track pants as Purva wiped the gooey cum on her hand and thighs with her skirt trying to avoid eye contact with anyone.
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RE: Indian Wife plays with Contruction Workers (Collected) - by creepyfoofaji - 06-11-2020, 04:41 PM

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