Incest Stories from Baron Sade
"Eight inches," she laughed softly. "We measured it one day. Then we looked it up on the net. It's bigger than ninety-nine point two percent of all the white cocks in the United States."

"Oh..." he mumbled, looking down at his jutting prick.

He'd always been proud of his seven inches, but he felt crestfallen.

"But yours is big, too," she smiled, running her fingertips over it appreciatively, "just not quite as big."

"It's not nice to belittle a man's equipment," he grunted.

"You men..." she fussed, crawling onto her bed and rolling over onto her back. "All you care about is who has the biggest damned cock."

"We just want to make sure we make you women happy," he said, stepping out of his pants and shorts.

"I'm sure you will, so quit complaining and go to work," she laughed, slowly spreading her legs open and fingering her drooling cunt. "She wants some of your big cock."

Not even taking the time to take his shoes and socks off, he climbed onto the bed and crawled up between her widespread legs.

"God, Beth, you're so pretty..." he groaned, feasting his eyes on his beautiful daughter's lush body.

He just hoped he could hold it back for a little bit. He was so excited; he thought he could will himself to come without even touching her. He couldn't believe he was finally getting to do what he had dreamed of for so long. He was going to fuck his sweet, innocent daughter. Okay, his sweet daughter, he told himself, slowly lowering his hips and letting her guide the tapered head of his cock down in between the soft, fleshy lips of her pussy. Fighting for control, he eased forward, letting the head of his cock slide down into the tight, clutching opening of his daughter's fragile-looking pussy.

"Oh, Bethhhh," he murmured, sliding his aching hardness down into her mushy softness.

"Daddy," she gurgled, kicking her legs up into the air and resting her calves on his lower back as she nudged him on with her soft, round heels.

Slowly, like a train pulling out of the station, he began to fuck her with slow, deep thrusts. But soon he was out into the countryside, pounding her with fast, powerful strokes. The passion of the moment was quickly becoming too much and he knew he was already about to blow.

"Gonna...gonna...gonna come...sorry," he muttered out into her ear.

" yet...not yet," she panted, humping herself back up at him with wild abandon.

It was like an atomic bomb going off inside his balls. A jagged jolt of pure pleasure tore through his cock, making him wonder if his balls had been blown off. He had never felt such feelings of satisfaction. But as he groveled through his own gratification, he knew that he hadn't brought closure to his daughter as she futilely pleaded with him.

" yet...oh Daddy," she wept as his cock spewed out its vile load into the depths of her clutching heat. "Oh Daddy..."

"Sorry...sorry..." he cried out, thrusting himself deep into her, letting his dick empty its potent payload into her.
At last, his cock was finished, as it had nothing more to give her...

"I'm sorry, Baby," he wept, tears running down his cheeks and dripping down onto her quivering breasts as he began to slowly back his cock out of the cum-filled channel of her pussy.

"'s okay," she told him.

Just then, they heard a soft tap on the door.

"Beth...Beth...can I come in," they heard Scott say from the other side of the door.

"NO! NO! NO!" he urgently whispered, wildly shaking his head from side to side as he stared down into her fiery, brown eyes.

"YEAH...Yeah...come on in," she said, insolently grinning up at David.

Backing away from her, he saw the door ease open. Then Scott stepped inside...

"Jesus Christ!" Scott muttered, as he stood staring at them with flared eyes and open mouth.

"He couldn't make me come," Beth smiled, gently pushing David out from between her legs. "He couldn't do it like you can. So come, do it and make me come."

"What?" David exclaimed, looking from one to the other of the grinning twins. "Now?"

"Yes, Daddy," she said. "You got me all hot and bothered and didn't finish the job. So Scottie can finish it for you..."

Looking back over at Scott, he saw that he already his short pants down around his ankles and was in the process of pushing his shorts down his muscular legs.

"Yeah...I'll be glad to, glad to help you finish," he grinned, walking over to the bed with his big, dangling cock flopping about wildly.

David watched on jealously as Scott crawled up on the bed and worked his way up her body until his cock hung down just above Beth's soft, pink lips.

"But, you gotta help me make it hard first," he told her.

"That'll be easy," she laughed, reaching up and curling her hand around the dangling giant.

Without a moment's hesitation, she opened her mouth and sucked the swollen head of his cock into her mouth as he lowered his hips.

Slurping loudly, she began to hungrily suck and pull on his cock with her lips and mouth as David gazed on enviously.

"Oh, yeah, like that," Scott grunted as David saw that his son's cock was slowly expanding and hardening. "God, Sis, you give great head..."

"Um-huh," she said, around the thick shaft of cock-meat stuck in her mouth.

David didn't know what to do. Should he try and stop them? Make them stop, so she could suck on his cock? But they were ignoring him, going on as if he weren't even in the room. Finally, he decided to wait...wait and watch. So he just stood watching his daughter hungrily sucking on her brother's peter as if it were the most normal thing in the world. As she did, it continued to swell and lengthen until it was sticking out hard and ripe. Scott's cock was bigger, David enviously thought, staring down at the jutting giant. And thicker, too. It was definitely a cock to be proud of. No wonder Beth liked it so much, but he didn't know how Beth could get anything that big inside her tight, hot, little cunt.

"Okay, Scottie. He's all ready to go," she grinned, letting his spit-covered cock slither out from between her full lips. "Put him in."

Grinning down at her, Scott crawled backward down her body until his peter was twitching up and down above her hairless pussy. Running her hand down to it, she pushed the stiff column of meat down until its plum-colored head slid down between her gorged cunt lips. Then as David watched on with covetous greed, Scott lowered his hips and forced his cock down into the tiny slit of a pussy.

"So big," Beth cooed, digging her heels down into the bed and pushing up at him as the giant slab of meat bit deeper and deeper down into her.

Scott's cock was so big, it pulled her fleshy pussy lips down inside her as it slid inside. David had never seen anything so wickedly exciting and yet so vile. Now he could imagine what his own cock must look like when it slid into her daughter's tight little slit. Finally, their bellies touched and Scott ground his groin against hers, twirling his mammoth pole around inside her hot little twat.

Slowly easing his big butt down onto the bed, David sat only a couple of feet away from where Scott began to slowly work his cock in and out of his sister's honey pot. David could see it all and hear it all. He could see Scott's wet, glistening prick slide down into Beth's ravenous cunt, going in until their juice-slathered groins slapped together, spraying out more juices everywhere. He could hear the lewd slap of their bellies and the soft, panting grunts Scott was making as he drove his cock in and out of Beth. While he did, Beth was making soft breathy grunts, pushing herself up at him every time he drove down into her. It was almost more than he could take as he felt himself being rocked in rhythm with the fucking going on beside him.

Suddenly, Beth let out a loud, groaning grunt as she dug her nails down into her brother's ass, pulling him down into her as deep as he would go. With her head thrown back, eyes clenched shut, her body stiffened and she thrust herself up against him. Scott looked down into her grimacing face, holding himself thrust down into her pussy as it convulsed and spasmed around his cock. At last, David saw her body begin to soften as the last throes of her orgasm worked through her body.

"God..." she gasped, pulling her claws out of his ass.

The moment Scott felt her relent, he renewed his attack on her pussy with a vengeance as David watched on in an envious daze. This was all so different from what he had imagined it would be, he dizzily thought. He thought the first time with his beautiful daughter would be an intimate, loving experience. Not this marathon fuckfest to see who could have the most orgasms. Beth was not the sweet innocent he had thought she was. She was a hellion, especially in bed. And both of the twins were well versed in the art of fucking...that was for sure! So how long had their little affair d'amour been going on, he wondered as he watched Beth trip off into a second, a third, and a fourth orgasm before Scott finally shot his wad...

As they lay panting, trying to catch their breath, Scott tiredly rolled off his sister onto his back beside her.

Looking over at her, David saw her lift herself up to her elbows and look over at him.

"Like that, Daddy...four times," she grinned, glancing down at his recharged peter. "Oh, look, Daddy's hard again."

"Uh...yeah," he muttered, following her eyes down to his jutting manhood.

"And he's almost as big as you are, Scottie!"

"Yeah, I can see," Scottie smirked cavalierly, looking at his father's big cock. "Almost..."

"Come on, Daddy," Beth giggled, holding her arms out to him. "Come on and let's make some a baby..."

Dispiritedly, he slowly crawled up between her legs and let her guide his cock down to the cum-oozing hole between her legs.

Within moments, the thought of his son's bigger cock had been fucked out of his head by his hellion of a daughter as she urged him on and on. He fucked her until sweat was pouring off them, making even more wet, lewd sounds emanate from their copulating bodies. He couldn't believe little Beth; she had already had five orgasms, but she quickly rocketed off into four more before he could finally shoot his wad.

"Wow, Daddy!" she exclaimed, lying under him panting. "You did made me come four times, too. Wow!"

Just then, they heard a soft rap on the door.

All of them froze...waiting...listening...

"Beth...Beth...are you in there?" they all heard Christine ask through the door.

None of them could breathe as they breathlessly waited to see what Christine would do.

Then, with his heart threatening to explode with each beat, David saw the door knob slowly turn...

Jerking back, David pulled his cum-slathered cock out of Beth's pussy just as the door slowly opened.

Christine stood in the doorway looking at them with a stunned look on her face. The three stared back at her in panic etching their faces, waiting to see what she would do.

"Finally," she muttered, looking at David. "I wondered how long you could last."

"What? What do you mean?" he asked, wishing that the ground would open up and swallow him.

"I know," she said. "I know about you and me. And I guess that it's about time the children knew too, because it appears that incest runs in the family."

" did you find out?" he asked her, easing down onto the bed, his legs threatening to buckle at any moment.

"I found your adoption papers," she said. "When the children were two years old."

"Sixteen years ago?" he said, his mouth dropping open. "Why didn't you say something?"

His mind was reeling under the impact of what his mother had just told him.

"Why? What good would it have done? What was done was done. There was nothing to be done that could change it. So, I just lived with it."

The silence in the room was deafening as everyone stared at Christine, waiting for her to continue.

"How could I say anything? I couldn't watch you go to jail. I couldn't let the children grow up without a father!"

Then she turned to look at the two naked teenagers.

"So now you know. David is not only your father, but he's your brother, too!"

"Brother!" Beth sputtered, turning to gawk at David. "You're my brother?"

"Damn!" Scott cursed, jerking his head around to look at his father. "Is this crazy or what?"

"So...what now?" David muttered, looking over at Christine.

"I've had sixteen long years to think about that," she said. "I've known that Beth and Scott have...have been intimate for some time now. I didn't say anything. How could I when I was guilty of the same thing? At first, when I found out, I was mortified, but I did nothing about it. And knowing that I was letting my own son have me in a aberrant way. But over time, I began to embrace it myself, came to welcome his love for me and taste the sweetness of our incestuous love. To love another person is a dear and sweet thing. But to love the one person that you care for more than any other, makes it so much sweeter. Like in the Bible, the fruit from the forbidden tree was the sweetest in the garden. And so it is with incest..."

"And I want to share that sweetness with my other son. Share it with Scott and make the circle complete..."

"What?" David sputtered, glancing over at Scott who was eyeing his mother with open-mouthed amazement.

"Me?" Scott muttered, running his eyes up and down her body as if seeing her as a woman for the very first time.

"Unless, you find me unattractive..." she murmured.

"No! No! I...I think you're beautiful, Mother!" he exclaimed. "Beautiful...I just never, never in a million years..."

"Then come...come with me, my love," Christine cooed, reaching out and taking hold of his hand.

"What? Now?" David whined.

"Yes, David...Now!" she told him, helping Scott up to his feet.

Leading Scott through the door, she slowly walked down the hallway with him, hand in hand, toward the bedroom that she and David shared.

Stepping over to the door, David watched them as they made their way down the hallway. Watching his son's tight, muscled ass quiver tautly with each step, knowing that it would soon be bounding up and down driving his penis down into their mother. Jealousy filled his heart as they disappeared into their bedroom.

"Daddy, don't be sad," Beth murmured from the bed. "You've got me..."

"I know...I know, Honey," he told her, turning and walking back over to the bed where she lay. "And you'll never know how thankful I am for that..."

~ ~ ~ ~

Stepping across the room, Christine stopped, bent down and slipped off her heels. Letting them drop to the floor, she turned to face Scott who was looking on all googly-eyed. Smiling, she slowly started unbuttoning her blouse. She saw Scott's eyes were on the opening of her blouse which was growing wider by the moment.

What would he think of them, she sickly wondered?

But of more importance, why was she doing this? Why was she seducing him? Seducing her other son? Was it payback to David?

Whatever the reason, it was deplorable. What mother could ever even consider letting her son have her like this...have her in this most sick, despicable way? While she had done the same thing with David, she hadn't known it in the beginning. But was blatantly wrong. Terrible! But she had known it would happen from the moment she had found David's adoption papers. She had known that she would give herself to her other son someday. The only thing she hadn't known was when. But now she knew the when...and the when was now! Today! Right here and now!

Slipping the last button through its buttonhole, she slowly peeled her blouse back over her shoulders to reveal the pretty, lace brassiere underneath. Letting go of the blouse, she felt it whisper down her back, brushing down over her calves as it fell to the floor. She could see the adoration in her son's teary eyes as he stared down at her big, jiggling breasts resting in their lacy, red cups.

Teasingly, she bent her arms and reached up behind her back to the clasp on her brassiere. Holding the two straps between her fingers, she unfastened the clasp. With a tantalizing smile playing over her lips, she ever so slowly eased the straps apart, releasing the tension on the bra. Keeping her eyes locked on his face, she leaned forward the tiniest bit and let go of the bra straps. The red bra slipped down over the curve of her shoulders and went racing down her arms. As it did, her big, saggy tits sprang forth, jiggling a couple of heavy jiggles before they settled down onto her chest.

Scott stood ogling her bounteous treasures as the lacy, red bra floated to the floor. The whole thing had the hint of a burlesque show, she thought as she thrust her tits out at her son. How many other mothers had done a strip show for their sons, she dizzily wondered? Not many. Not many were sick enough to do anything like that!

Cupping her breasts, she gently tweaked the two swollen nipples jutting out from them. She could see that Scott was almost drooling to get at them as she slowly eased them back down to their resting-place.

Curling her hands around the curve of her body, she slowly ran them down over her waist to the waistband of her short, black skirt. Scott's eyes were glued on her fingers as she leisurely toyed with the button on the side of her skirt.

"Mother, you're going to make me have a heart attack," he groaned, watching her fingers finally pluck the button open.

Holding the zipper tab between her fingertips, she lazily pulled it down the curve of her hip. Teasingly, she held it a few seconds before she let it slip out from between her fingers. As she did, the skirt went rustling down her long, lovely legs to reveal a pair of sheer red panties encircling her hips. The panties were stretched over the eight garters that ran down from a lacy, red garter belt to the tops of her sheer, skin-colored nylons. A coy smile flirted with her lips while she slowly bent forward and eased her thumbs under the tight waistband of her panties. Her big tits dangled down heavily, jiggling and quivering enticingly as she eased her panties down her long legs.

As the wispy, red fluff was pulled down her legs, her fur-covered pussy hoved into view and Scott's eyes immediately locked down on it. As the red panties went over her knees, she let go of them and they went whispering to the floor. Stepping out of the puddled panties, she turned and stepped back into her high-heeled shoes while Scott watched on in feverish anticipation.

Extending her arms, she held out her hands, palm up and slowly turned around in a circle.

"Well?" she asked, the little smile still playing at the corner of her lips.

"Awesome, Mother," he finally choked out, his eyes centered on her big, quivering breasts. "Beautiful..."

"And so are you," she murmured, dropping her eyes down to the beast jutting up out of his groin. "And he is an especially beautiful creature. But I'll be back in a moment..."

Blowing a kiss in his direction, she turned and hurried into the bathroom.

Jerking open the medicine cabinet, she looked over the various bottles and jars. Finding the one she wanted, she picked it up. He doesn't need to know that I need this, yet, she told herself running the tapered tip of the bottle up inside her vagina. But oddly, the tip slid inside with amazing ease. Wow, she thought. I'm wet down there. I'm making juice by myself. I haven't been this hot in a long time. But, better safe than sorry, she laughed to herself, squeezing the bottle.

As she did, she felt the cool juice squirt out onto the lining of her pussy, adding to the already abundant goo coating it. Replacing the bottle, she closed the cabinet. Taking a deep breath, she turned toward the door. This is it, she told herself. This is the day I've been waiting on for the past sixteen years.

Rolling her hips seductively, she sauntered across the room, over to where Scott stood gaping at her, his eyes fastened on her frolicking breasts. Reaching out, she delicately ran her fingertips down over the twitching length of his rock hard prick. Then she knelt down in front of him and gently took his cock between her hands. Cradling it lovingly, she leaned down. Slipping out her tongue, she slowly licked it up the whole length of the underside of his cock, from his dangling balls all the way up to the huge, swollen mushroom of a head.

"Moootthheerrr..." Scott groaned out, thrusting his hips forward.

Still looking into his face, she could feel the hot juices flowing out of her pussy, coating her inner thighs with its sticky warmth as she slowly bent his cock down until it was jutting out directly pointing at her face. Leaning forward, she eased her lips down over the swollen hardness of his cock-head. As she did, she felt his hips jerk forward instinctively, thrusting almost half of his giant organ into her mouth.

Choking back a gag, she eased her mouth back until only the giant's bloated head remained in her mouth. She felt her cheeks hollow as she began to suck and flick her tongue back and forth across the tautly stretched skin of his cock-head. Then the tip of her tongue found the little notch where the shaft met the head of his cock. She felt his hands wrap around her head, holding it imprisoned between them as he tried to force his cock deeper into the hot, sucking depths of her mouth.

"Moophhh," she muffed out, dragging her mouth and lips back off his cock. "Inside me...inside my pussy...come in me this time...not my mouth!" she whined, staggering to her feet and shoving him back onto the bed.

Hurriedly crawling up onto the bed beside him, she quickly rolled over onto her back and threw her long legs apart. Scott was on his hands and knees and up between her legs before she knew it. Watching his impatience bobbing up and down below him, she reached to it and forced it down to the juice-slickened hole that wetly gaped open down between her widespread legs. Then it was in her, spreading the mush of her pussy as it forced its way inside the clutching channel. She could feel the great head of his cock opening her wider and wider as it slid in deeper and deeper.

"So big..." she murmured softly, squeezing herself down around the invading colossus.

She had never been so overstuffed with cock meat in her whole life. But was it too big, she frantically wondered? So big that it would go crashing into her cervix on every evil thrust? But as aroused as she was, she knew that probably wasn't going to be a problem. Just then, she felt his hairy belly scbang up against hers at the same instant his cock-head brushed up against her cervix. A perfect fit, she told herself as he slowly backed his cock down the juice-filled sheath of her vagina.

"God,'re so hot...and wet," he moaned out softly, easing his cock back down into the clutching tightness of her pussy.

"Just for you...just for you, my Dear," she whispered, squeezing her cunt down around his cock as he slowly pistoned it in and out of her ravenous cunt.

Love and adoration poured down from his eyes as he leisurely worked his hips back and forth. She knew that look. She had seen in David's eyes so many times, she joyfully thought, as she drank in the emotions and passion flowing between them.

Her juice-slathered inner thighs painted his rocking hips with her warm, slippery juices as they rubbed back and forth against him. Digging her high heels down into the bed, she thrust herself up against him as he intimately stroked his cock in and out of her. Reaching up, she lovingly ran her long fingers through his soft, blond tresses while his hips tirelessly worked up and down.

She was so lucky, she giddily thought. Two she had two sons to bring her joy and happiness. Maybe this was her repayment for having to give David away and live those twenty years without him. But then to have him return to her and give her another perfect son, it was all just so unbelievable. She could feel the tears slowly escaping from her eyes as she looked up at him. Maternal love and pride swelled up into her heart, filling her with joy and peace, while down below, there was a growing need for fulfillment growing inside her womanhood.

Watching his face, she saw a small grimacing frown crease his forehead as he concentrated on driving every stroke in as deep as he could. Driving it in forcefully on every down stroke, he was still able to do it without hurting her, she thankfully thought. But then again, maybe it wasn't him. Maybe it was her. Maybe she was just so hot for him, everything down there had melted to accommodate his giant prod. Whatever, she told herself, it was all good.

"Am I hurting you, Mother?" he asked, tears beginning to stream down his cheeks and drip down onto her face as his hips jerked to a stop.

"No-no-no," she cried, "it's just wonderful...keep on...Please, keep on!"

His hips began to slowly rock back and forth again.

"I really can't believe this is happening," he panted, picking up the pace a notch.

"I'm loving it..." she murmured, tears streaming down her cheeks. His and hers.

How could anything so possibly destructive make her feel fulfilled, she asked herself, thrusting herself up against her son? Now it was all out in the open between them. There were no secrets.

Unaware of Scott's previous two eruptions, she thought the passion and fire of their incestuous rutting would bring a quick conclusion to their lovemaking...

She had never been farther from the truth.

But her own passion quickly overflowed and she found herself falling down into the endless pit of satisfaction. Her mind and body split in two as he continued to tirelessly pump his giant cock into her imploding pussy.

Her mind was awash with pleasure and joy, completely oblivious to the pounding attack. Her feelings were reminiscent of those she felt the first time with David, she rabidly thought. She must be the luckiest, or unluckiest, depending on your frame of mind, woman in the world. Having two sons and being able to share her love between them in such a loving and intimate way! Such a sick and twisted way! It was all beyond belief. What more could she ask for?

Suddenly, as the last throes of her orgasm tickled through her pussy, she had a sick, twisted thought. Another son? Could she let Scott impregnate her? Impregnate her and bring forth another son into the world? NO! NO! Not at her age. She couldn't! She would love another child. But wait! Scott and Beth! Could they give her another child? It was all too much as she felt herself trip off into another mind-boggling orgasm.

"Mother...Mother...another one?" Scott grunted out, humping her harder and harder.

"Yes...yes...nother one," she groaned, as waves of pleasure washed over her body, making it twitch and stiffen, lurching itself up against his pounding attack.

At last it was over for her a second time as Scott continued to fuck her with deep, penetrating strokes, giving of himself totally on every one. As they fucked, he rained down soft, loving kisses on her face, kissing away their salty tears. Then he maneuvered around until he could get his hands on her quivering breasts. She could feel him clutching at them, squeezing them and fondling their soft pliancy. As he did, his fingers found the big, puffy knobs of her nipples with his fingers.

Another fifteen minutes passed while she fought her way through more orgasms, but Scott worked on tirelessly. They were both drenched in sweat as their slippery bodies ground together, back and forth, back and forth.

At last, just as she was recovering from her last orgasm, she felt Scott begin to fuck her harder and faster.

"" he blathered out, raising himself up on his hands and working his hips back and forth in a blur.

" it in my pussy," she quavered out, goading him on with her hands as she kicked her feet up into the air and drove the sharp points of her high heels down into his bounding ass.

Then she felt his cock balloon up inside her as she furiously clutched her pussy down around it.

"Yessssssss," she hissed as she felt the first hot splash of his creamy cum fill her pussy. "More...more...more..."

Scott's spewing penis quickly complied, spurting out gob after gob of fiery cum into her, quickly filling her cunt to the point of overflowing.

"God, Mother!" she heard him groan, his face twisted into an agonized grimace as he emptied himself down into her gluttonous cunt.

She took all of him she could, feeling the gooey warmth oozing out of her, coating her pussy lips and running down into the crack of her ass. Then, as the warm gunk ran over the puckered prune of her asshole, she found herself sickly wondering when she would give that to him, too.

But for now it was over. The circle was complete...whatever that meant, she sickly thought. The family was one. One and the same. Mother and father...Mother and children...Mother, brothers and sisters...One and all, they would live their lives together, from now on...

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RE: Stories from Baron Sade - by nilr1 - 16-09-2020, 04:18 PM
RE: Stories from Baron Sade - by nilr1 - 16-09-2020, 04:19 PM
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RE: Stories from Baron Sade - by nilr1 - 16-09-2020, 04:42 PM
RE: Stories from Baron Sade - by nilr1 - 16-09-2020, 04:51 PM
RE: Stories from Baron Sade - by nilr1 - 16-09-2020, 04:51 PM
RE: Stories from Baron Sade - by nilr1 - 16-09-2020, 04:53 PM
RE: Stories from Baron Sade - by smohan1990 - 16-09-2020, 05:14 PM

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