Incest Stories from Baron Sade
2. Story 2


by BarondeSade©

Many thanks to Tom (trciii) for editing this work of fantasy...

An erotic fantasy from the pen of BarondeSade...



Twenty-two years... Twenty-two years since his mother, Christine had given him up for adoption. But now, in a matter a few minutes, he would see her...

She had put him up for adoption just after his birth and he had lived with his adoptive parents until he was eighteen. He hadn't even known that he was adopted, until his parents told him just before he left for college. He didn't know what prompted them to tell him and it had come as a stunning shock to realize the two people he loved most in the world weren't his biological parents.

He had been in a confused state of mind for most of his freshman year in college, thinking over what they had told him. But he had finally gotten over it and moved on. Moved on and met his friend, Carl. He and Carl, both computer geeks, had combined forces and started a software business. And in their junior year, the software they produced took off in sales; by their senior year, they were both independently wealthy.

Since she had given him up for adoption right after birth, he had never really seen her. What would she look like, he wondered? Would she be pretty? Ugly? Tall? Short? Skinny? Fat? He had a picture of what he thought she might look like in his mind, but he was about to find out. It had taken him three years to find her and he didn't know what to expect. She would have to be around forty or so. She had him when she was fourteen his parents had said. He could see why she had to give him up for adoption. Having a child at age fourteen must have been a traumatic experience. Why she was only a child herself. David couldn't really bring himself to blame her, and besides, he'd had a good life with his other parents, so this meeting was mostly to satisfy his curiosity. They hadn't had a life together before, and he didn't know if they would start one up when they got back together. She didn't even know that he'd found her...

He'd learned that she was working as a realtor. So, wanting to see what she was really like without the pressure of knowing that he was her son, he called her up and set up an appointment to view some houses. It had felt really strange talking to her. Talking to the woman who was his mother and didn't even know him. She had sounded nice on the phone, though. And to his surprise, she sounded sexy, which was a bit of a shock to him.

Finally, he drove up in front of the little real estate office and stopped. Looking at the sign in the yard, he saw a picture of her. She was pretty. Not ravishing, but pretty, he thought as the picture stared back at him. She had short, blond hair that was cut in an abbreviated pageboy style and a graceful neck. An attractive face, with her nose maybe a little too pronounced, but not so to take away from her attractiveness. He saw no wrinkles, but the picture had probably been airbrushed, so he would have to wait until he saw her in person. But one, actually two, he sickly thought, other things stuck out...she had quite large breasts...

Well, let's go and get this over with, David told himself, pushing the door open and stepping out of the car. Striding up the sidewalk, he stopped by the sign and studied the picture again. Even up close, he came to the same conclusion as before. She was an attractive woman...

Stepping on, he climbed the steps leading up to the porch. Then, nervously stopping in front of the door, he took a deep breath and pushed the door bell...

A couple of moments later, the door slowly opened and there she stood!

"Oh, you must be David," she smiled at him as he stood awkwardly staring at her. "Do come in."

"Uh...yes, I'm, uh, I'm David," he stuttered, blushing and stepping into the office.

"I'm Christine Dumas," she smiled, taking his hand in her soft, dainty hand and shaking it. "Welcome to Dumas Realty."

"Uh...thanks...thanks," he mumbled, letting go of her hand.

"Why don't you have a seat," she smiled, motioning to the chair sitting by her desk.

Looking around the room, he slowly sank down in the chair. The office was small, neat, and there were no other desks, so he assumed she must the only realtor working out of her office.

"You seem surprised," she laughed softly, stepping around her desk to her chair, as David dropped his eyes down to her pretty butt jutting out against her tight skirt. "I'm not what you were expecting?"

Did she know? How could she know? He was stunned. She must have somehow found out that he was her son. But how?

"Did I sound so different on the phone?" she smiled, sitting down and looking across the desk at him.

" just wasn't expecting pretty," he smiled, finally regaining some of his composure.

"Why, thank you," she said. "That's such a nice compliment. Especially coming from a handsome young man like you."

"More truth, than compliment," he laughed, watching her warm, blue eyes sparkle in the afternoon sunlight.

"You're quite the silver-tongued young man," she said, fluttering her eyes.

"Well," he said, glancing down at the pile of manila folders in front of her, then looking back up at her face, "what do you have to offer me?"

So this was his mother, he thought to himself, studying her face as she began showing him the folders that held the information on different houses...

He didn't hear a word she was saying as he pondered the question. Should he tell her...or not? He had a strange feeling toward her. She was his mother, but he found himself thinking of her as just an attractive older woman. An attractive older woman who he would...would like to make love to!

As sick as the idea was, he found it perversely exciting. A part of him wanted to tell her that he was her son and see how she would react to that. But the other thought was so intriguing. The thought of making love to his mother had never crossed his mind...until now. Could he? Could he seduce her?

After all, she didn't know his secret. He could make love to her and then decide to tell her...or not. She would never be the wiser, unless he told her. But could he really bring himself to do such a sick, twisted thing? He didn't know if he could bring himself to do it, but found himself wanting to give it a try!

"...and so, which ones would you like to see?" he heard her ask.

"Uh...let's see...what about these two?" he said, picking out two random files and handing them to her, wishing she were referring to the two treasures that were nested down inside her overstuffed blouse.

"Okay...okay, but these two are the most expensive of the lot," she smiled, almost as if she was slipping into a maternal role and trying to protect him from his own folly. "By the way you didn't say...are you married?"

"," he smiled, looking down at her ringless ring finger. "Are you?"

A puzzled look flitted across her face, then she looked him straight in the eye.

"No, I'm not..."

"Good," he said. "Then it wouldn't be inappropriate for me to ask you out to dinner after we've looked at the homes."

The look of puzzlement on her face grew as she looked across the desk at him...

"I...uh...I suppose it wouldn't be inappropriate...but..." she said, pausing and reaching down to the folders, "but..."

"But what?" he asked, smiling at her and gently placing his hand on hers. "I'm new in town and don't know where to find a decent meal. Besides I would love to share dinner with the prettiest woman in town."

She paused, looking at him, and then slowly smiled.
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Stories from Baron Sade - by nilr1 - 16-09-2020, 04:13 PM
RE: Stories from Baron Sade Story 1 - by nilr1 - 16-09-2020, 04:17 PM
RE: Stories from Baron Sade - by nilr1 - 16-09-2020, 04:18 PM
RE: Stories from Baron Sade - by nilr1 - 16-09-2020, 04:19 PM
RE: Stories from Baron Sade - Story 2 - by nilr1 - 16-09-2020, 04:24 PM
RE: Stories from Baron Sade - by nilr1 - 16-09-2020, 04:25 PM
RE: Stories from Baron Sade - by nilr1 - 16-09-2020, 04:26 PM
RE: Stories from Baron Sade - by nilr1 - 16-09-2020, 04:28 PM
RE: Stories from Baron Sade - by nilr1 - 16-09-2020, 04:29 PM
RE: Stories from Baron Sade - by nilr1 - 16-09-2020, 04:31 PM
RE: Stories from Baron Sade - by nilr1 - 16-09-2020, 04:40 PM
RE: Stories from Baron Sade - by nilr1 - 16-09-2020, 04:42 PM
RE: Stories from Baron Sade - by nilr1 - 16-09-2020, 04:51 PM
RE: Stories from Baron Sade - by nilr1 - 16-09-2020, 04:51 PM
RE: Stories from Baron Sade - by nilr1 - 16-09-2020, 04:53 PM
RE: Stories from Baron Sade - by smohan1990 - 16-09-2020, 05:14 PM

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