Adultery Arathi- Degradation of a Homely wife- Continue with mix of story Revenge
Coincidentally, Arathi and Paru reached jail in same day and time. Ash got happy by seeing Paru after long time. He found very energetic and charming in Paru’s face, but she didn’t show any affection nor pay attention in hearing his apology. She looks stunning in her light green attire. He found the security officermen and others are staring and commenting at Arathi & Paru. More than losing Paru, he can’t accept Paru in the hands of Kunal. He took a strong decision to make Kunal pay for what he does to him. Image of Paru’s naked body under the Kunal made him more nervous. Even though Ash attempt to bring several topics, Paru sticks to her agenda of knowing the details of manipulations from his side in property dispute. Ash gave all the details known to her but didn’t believe him. Same time Ash observed the rude behavior of security officermen to Arathi. Ash found the lady requesting in front of the duty officer. He guessed the lady might be Anshu’ s wife from last couple days explanations by Anshu. Ash excused Paru and went near to the lady.
Ash: Are you Anshu’ s wife?
Arathi: Yes.
Ash: What happen? You are not meeting him?
Arathi: I got the permission for today, but they are telling to come in evening.
Ash: 1 Minute.
Ash went and spoke with the officer. After few minutes he came out and ordered the security officermen to bring Anshu.
Arathi: Thank you. What you told to the officer?
Ash: That is the secret between us. Jail is a mysterious place. Outside world won’t understand. come and meet Paru. My wife.
Paru understood that girl in front her is from high income family but she didn’t show any interest in meeting Arathi. Arathi greeted Paru and introduced her but the reply from Paru was not much welcoming.
Paru: Your husband also a cheat like my husband? (Harsh Sound)
Arathi got angry but she ignored.
Ash understand the frustration of Arathi and brings Kunal name into the topic.
Ash: Paru. Kunal has some role in their life also. Her husband is jailed, and they want his company ownership to transferred to my company means presently owned by Kunal. He is doing some back play in their life like ours.
Ash purposefully said like ours to hint Arathi about Kunal. Hearing the name of Kunal, Paru start listening to Ash. Ash got encouraged by Paru’s attention and started explaining the details from his knowledge to Paru. Once Anshu joined with them, Paru noticed the innocent and tired face of Anshu. She felt sympathy towards Anshu. There after she become soft in her language. The topic was Kunal during the entire discussion. Ash has confirmed that Kunal will be only a mediator, some big fellow is behind him. Before the Mohan name came, security officerman came and took both to jail. Before returning Arathi and Paru exchanged their number and promise to keep in touch. Arathi informed Anshu about the help from Sharmaji. Anshu guaranteed Arathi that he will not sell his company to anyone for getting out of Jail.
After meeting Anshu, Arathi called Sharmaji and thanked for his help. He informed Arathi about his final talk with a businessman in Mumbai to claim the funds. He informed her about his visit to Mumbai on Friday and will meet the person together on Saturday. Arathi wants to inform him about her difficulty in meeting him but thinking about Anshu, she promised to meet him. Back in Anshu home the situation become worst. Everyone was tensed and worried. Arathi has lest her sleep due to tensions in her mind. Every day she lives with the fear of outcome after the parents come to know about her. She even lost the attention from her daughter.
Back in Jail the pressure has mound up for Anshu. Few of the security officermen threaten him to change the case from black money to fake note. They threaten him to change the original currency to fake currency unless he signed the document. Even though Anshu was about to accept the demand, he refused due to the advice and motivation of Ash. Presence of Ash as well as due to courage emerged from facing the challenges, Anshu started becoming bold in his life. He understands that Arathi is either trapped or willfully supporting his enemies. from the present happenings, he guessed the entire drama has some connection with Arathi’s trip.
Arathi found her advocate is not capable of handling the case. He is only contacting and meeting to flirt with her. Even though Arathi finds the lust in eyes of her advocate while meeting, she remains calm while dealing with him. Arathi got the call from Sharmaji on Friday.
Sharmaji: Arathi. Congratulations. We got the right person. We will be got tomorrow morning and meet him. I cancelled all my appointments for you. Place and other details will update you. I kept my self-free from morning. Come in your formal attire. I love it. Uuuummmmaaaahhhhh (Sharmaji laughed). See you tomorrow.
He disconnected the call without giving opportunity for Arathi to explain the situation.
Arathi gave the excuse of going office to meet Deepak and left the home. She reached the location as per advised. Surprisingly, she found the Boss of goon dropped her from airport. As soon as he found her, he came near and guided her to the waiting car. Arathi refused him but he handover the phone line with Sharmaji. Sharmaji’s informed her that he has already in the place and the men near to her will bring her to the place. Arathi couldn’t understand what is happening around her. She entered the car without any choice. She found relief by seeing her alone in back seat.
Arathi found the boss of goon behaved politely during the trip. Arathi has called Sharmaji multiple time during the journey due to the car passed city limits. Car took a long drive and reached the guest house of Mohan. Arathi got worried while the car entered the home but seeing Sharmaji at the veranda she got relief. He welcomed Arathi and take her inside the house. She found a person sitting in the sofa.
Sharmaji: Arathi. This is my friend Mohan. He can help you in getting Anshu out of jail. He is the political king maker of this city. Even though we are in different political party, we have good understanding. The cash delivered to your home is done by his man.
Mohan got up from his seat and came near to Arathi and gave a handshake.
Mohan: Arathi welcome. Sharmaji told about you but didn’t expect such a figure.
After the dialogue, he brings his hands to her face and patted the cheeks. Arathi pulls her face back. Arathi was already stunned by hearing the name Mohan. She knows about him as politician as well as from the discussion with Anshu in jail. Arathi’s body started shivering due to fear. She searches for the way to run away from the home.
Mohan: Why are you standing. Come and sit.
Mohan holds her hand and pull her to sofa. When she shows the resistance, she feels the power of his pulling increases. Arathi came and sat in the sofa as per he guided.
He ordered his servant to bring juice for Arathi.
Sharmaji: Mohan ji as we discussed, she needs a help. You must help her to bring her husband out of jail. She is special for me.
Mohan: Sharmaji. You discussed everything except the fellow has a beautiful wife like her. OH!! Who can say no to her?
Arathi felt insulted in her mind.
Mohan: Sharmaji. My person has given an exceptionally good offer to him, but he refused. Now also it is not late. Please make her understand.
Sharmaji: Arathi. Mohan has told me everything. I feel the offer is particularly good. Why can’t Anshu accept the offer? He is greedy. Now you can see the outcome. He is in jail and will face big trouble. Once he came out of the jail, his company will no more functional. You didn’t tell me the truth behind this. I was blankly believed you.
Arathi: Sharmaji. The matter is not as per your understanding.
Sharmaji: You shut up your mouth (He screamed). Don’t try to tell lie. I consider you as trustworthy, but you are worst than other bitches. Now I am out of this deal. You are good for sleeping under man only. You talk to Mohanji directly.
Arathi went to shocking stage for few seconds. She regains her control.
Arathi: Sharmaji. You didn’t hear from me.
Sharmaji: You shut up whore. Talk to Mohan and finalize the deal.
Mohan: My person has given you the solution. Ask your husband to sell his company to my man and take the 2 Cr. He will get his salary apart from 2 Cr. Tell him to agree it before changing my mind. He will not have any liabilities afterwards. That is my guarantee.
Arathi search for words. She felt like going to fainted. With great difficulty she asked.
Arathi: What harm we did to you? Why you are doing this to me? Please don’t spoil our life.
Arathi started crying.
Mohan: Anshu should think before he reacts to my person met him his office with offer.
Sharmaji: Arathi. That company is not worth above the offer. This is a good deal. Convince Anshu to agree. You are good in convincing people. (Naughty smile)
Arathi felt angry on Sharmaji for dumping her. Arathi felt a despair in his sound. Sharmaji continue to convince her.
Arathi listen patiently for few minutes but hearing Sharmaji advise and supporting Mohan increases her blood pressure and she blasted on Sharmaji.
Arathi: We will not sell our business to anyone. It is his dream and hard earn. I don’t want your help. I am going. Bye. (Sound was extremely high)
Sharmaji: Sit there you bitch. (Shouted). I am telling you very politely and still you can’t understand. Don’t dare to raise your voice.
Suddenly Sharmaji got up from the seat and hold her neck.
Sharmaji: You bitch. What you think? Your public pussy is worth for 2 Cr. If you want to make 2 Cr by spreading your legs, you must sleep with minimum 10000 people.
Arathi felt pain in her neck. She didn’t use her force on him due to shock stage. Arathi coughed couple of time after he released his hands from her neck.
What happen Sharmaji? Arathi heard a man coming from inside room. She saw him closed the door after coming out of room.
Sharmaji: Hey Kunal. Finished.
Kunal: Oh!! I have already done with her. My thrill gone after her husband went to jail but sometimes, these bitches needs our Lund to enter their pussy to keep remembering us. I wish her sister also to be here but don’t know Mohanji stops me. Any way we got someone better than her. Now I felt happy. When he saw Arathi.
OH!!! Fu** Is this Anshu’ s wife? What a girl Sharmaji. My dick raised by seeing her.
Arathi kept her eyes down to avoid facing him.
Kunal came near to Arathi and hold her chin then forced to lift.
Kunal: Hey girl. Look at me.
Arathi pushed his hand and walked towards door. Kunal held her hands.
Kunal: Where are you going?
Arathi: Leave my hands.
She took her hands and slap Kunal. Before hitting his body, Kunal held her hands. Mohan was sitting in sofa and watching everything. He didn’t move or speak any words until she raise her hands. As soon as Kunal caught her hands, Mohan got up and came near to her.
Mohan: Kunal leave her. Arathi. You too don’t move from here. I don’t like anyone insulting my guest. He held her hands and pulled her.
Mohan: Come with me.
Arathi got lost due to fear on Mohan. She walked couple of steps with Mohan without any resistance, but she stopped after few steps. Only one staring looking of Mohan stops her from resisting him on next attempt to pull. Arathi’s voice changed to pleading sound immediately. He took her to bedroom.
Mohan: Arathi. My deal is the best for you both. I will keep separate account for you. You will also paid well.
Arathi: Leave me. Don’t touch me.
Mohan: What is this? You are at bedroom and ordering me. Get angry more. Your cheeks have become red due to anger. Red colour is giving added beauty to your face. I like it. Arathi, Sharmaji has already made feelings inside me by explaining about your beauty. I called you to experience it. One fact you make clear in your mind. Anshu will not come out of jail unless he signed the documents. security officer will submit the charge sheet as counterfeit currency. The matter will hand over to NIA and will investigate under national security. Anshu will not see the world outside jail afterwards. My Offer is very genuine. Both will get permanent job also.
He pulls her to his body.
Mohan: Anshu will be in office and your job will be in my guesthouse.
Arathi tried to come out of his grip but failed in front of his power. He hugs Arathi and keep her close to his body.
Mohan: Arathi. Don’t waste your energy by putting force. I will also put my force. we both will get tired. After that I will take more time. Outcome. You can’t get back to home today. Now you decide. Make us happy as well as got back then convince Anshu. I will arrange to meet him in jail today. We will sign the agreement on Monday, and he will come out by evening.
Arathi: Leave me.
She tried to push him. Mohan increased his grip on her body while she uses the force. Arathi got tried after several attempt.
Mohan: A girl like you was same yesterday. Now see her condition now. She can’t even get up from bed. You also want to be like her. I have enough time. Sharmaji has told about your skill in bed. Let us also get the experience. I don’t want any drama from you.
Mohan kissed her. Arathi stood idle.
Mohan: I don’t want to put force on you. You better surrender yourself and cooperate with me. If you are not willing. I know the ways to make you do it.
He releases Arathi from his hold. He took his mobile from his pocket and called someone.
Arathi understand from his conversation that the person on other side is a security officerman.
Mohan: Bring him to the room and make video call from your mobile.
Mohan got the call from the security officermen. When Mohan shows the screen to Arathi, she got shocked. Anshu was in another end. Mohan muted the phone and asked Arathi.
Mohan: Do you want your husband to see with me in my bedroom? I will fuck you in front of him. I know he will agree by seeing that. Do you want me to do that?
Arathi: Please Mohan. Don’t do it.
Mohan: Ok. 1 Minute.
Mohan started talking to the security officerman.
security officerman: We advised him but not willing to accept. Shall we start our third degree. we didn’t hurt him due to your instruction.
Mohan: Wait. Let’s see whether he agrees without that. He is a genius. I need his service. Can you keep the phone and stay out of the room for some time? I would like to speak to him privately.
security officerman: Ok sir. I will keep the mobile with him and stay outside.
Anshu: Mohan. I don’t want to speak with you. I am going.
Suddenly Arathi heard the slap sound and screaming from the security officermen.
security officermen: You rascal. Speak to him. This is not your house to do as per your wish.
Mohan showed the screen to Arathi. Arathi saw Anshu in the floor.
Mohan: Hey. Don’t beat him. He will speak with me.
Mohan: Anshu. Take the phone from him and talk to me.
Arathi: Please tell them to not harm him.
Mohan went and sat on the bed. Mohan muted the phone and instructed Arathi to come near to him. Arathi reached to him. Mohan instructed her to sit. When she was about to sit next to him, he signaled her to be in knees in between his legs. She shows the resistance but when he started turning the camera towards her, she immediately went on her knees in between his legs. Mohan started talking to Anshu. Arathi was him unzipping his pants and pulls his Lund out of it. Mohan’s hands went to back of her head and push her face towards his dick. Arathi was shivering in fear. She never imagined such situations in her life.
Mohan: Baby. Give me a nice blow.
Arathi looked stunned at Mohan.
Mohan: Do you want your husband to see your blowjob? He might be missing it in jail. We can show him that his wife will be taken care by his well-wishers during his absence. He can peacefully spend his tenure in jail. What do you think Arathi?
Arathi got feared whether the phone is muted or not.
When she heard Anshu calling Mohan name repeatedly. She got relief.
Mohan: Sorry Anshu. What you are telling? I got busy with some thing here.
This time when Mohan pull her face, she follows his instruction. when her his Lund touches her lips, he took his hands from back of her head. Arathi close her eyes and took his dick inside her mouth. She started blowing his Lund.
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RE: Arathi- Degradation of a Homely wife- Continue with mix of story Revenge - by mindset00007 - 07-06-2020, 05:46 AM

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