Teacher Sex Toy - by TheRealFlash
After quickly throwing the duffel bag into the backseat of her car, Debra Berzin quickly drove away following the ordeal at Michael Taylor's house. Despite her emotions, she tried to pull herself together for the drive home. But, the calmness and care in which she drove belied the turmoil and sense of humiliation that was going through her head.

In irritation, she shut off the radio... It was the same radio station she had turned on on her way there, to distract her from what she was doing. Of course, she had no idea at the time that a short swim in her mermaid costume would lead to such degradation.

She replayed just about every part of the evening in her head... And everything that led up to it during the short five mile drive home.

When she arrived back at her apartment, she locked the door behind her, went straight to the bathroom and stripped off her cover-up and bathing suit. Without even waiting for the water to warm up, she stepped into the shower and let the water run over her head... First almost ice cold, eventually steaming up the bathroom with water as hot as she could stand.

Shutting off the water, and without drying off, Debbie stepped from the shower and looked into the mirror. She stared at herself naked, as the beads of water dripped down her body. Thinking about the four students seeing her exactly the same way, she quickly stepped away, dried off, and put on a robe.

She sunk into her mattress just a few minutes later and her mind began to race. As she laid in bed, her thoughts first went to the day at the hotel several months earlier... Her bare ass and naked pussy being secretly recorded by her student. But, almost immediately, she began to play out in her mind what had happened just a couple of hours earlier... 

She began to get aroused thinking about standing in the house in a bikini as her pupil ogled her. Then, she summoned up thoughts of the backyard and pool... Her completely naked body on display... She thought about the humiliation... The harassment... The taunting by Katie and her friend Nina...

But, Debbie couldn't grasp how she could possibly be getting turned on by being humiliated. She just couldn't accept that the disgrace she suffered could in any way trigger sexual excitement. She quickly pushed the thoughts away with shame.

The thoughts, however, wouldn't go away... They shifted to something for which she was even more ashamed... She pictured the two boys' rigid penises... Touching them... Wrapping her fingers around them... Masturbating them...

She closed her eyes and pushed the covers down. Then she pulled open her robe and dropped her hand down between her legs. She began to softly stroke her slit. As she ran her two middle fingers along her labia, she allowed her forefinger and pinky to softly drag along the sensitive skin between her vagina and her legs. She continued sliding her fingers... Up and down. After caressing herself for several minutes, she began to squirm in pleasure... She needed more.

Debbie's pussy lips began to swell in excitement as she thought about Mikey Taylor's hard cock... Herer hand sliding up and down the shaft... And then her lips wrapped around his thick penis. Though hoping to prolong her self-pleasure session, she quickly abandoned the plan as she got more aroused.

She immediately moved her middle finger to her clitoris...Lightly and gently rubbing it at first, before moving her finger in a more frantic, circular motion... Each time her fingers brushed across her clit, she pushed her hips upwards... She could feel moisture on her fingertips.

She spread her legs further apart, lifting up her knees up until her feet were flat on the bed. She was spread wide open as she furiously moved her finger to find the perfect spot. As she felt an orgasm approaching. She dropped her hand lower and pushed her middle finger into her open pussy... 

... She pushed her middle finger in and out to her first knuckle. Then she pushed deeper... Until her second knuckle disappeared inside of her. As she pushed her deeper, she allowed her forefinger to drag across her anus, which she had learned in her many previous masturbation sessions, turned her on even further. She lightly brushed her finger along the edge of her anus as she moved her free hand down to her clit.

In synchronization, she pushed her finger just slightly into her asshole, as she rapidly flicked her clitoris with her other hand... And, after just a few minutes, she climaxed... She bucked her hips upwards and let out a suppressed scream of pleasure. As she pulled her fingers away, she could feel her own juices running down her leg. It was, undoubtedly, the most intense orgasm she had ever experienced.

Debbie's body was sweaty, and sticky with her own fluids, and she considered getting up and showering again. But within just a few minutes, she was asleep... A deep, sound sleep like she hadn't had in a long time.


While drinking beer and eating the pizza they had ordered, Mikey played his hotel video on the large TV in the family room to show his friends how how everything that had happened tonight actually got started several months earlier.

The four teens sat in Mikey's family room re-watching the video and reveling as they recounted the details of their night with Ms. Berzin. 

Nina, as always, had been the wild card. She had taken great joy, and had really been the driving force in seeing Ms. Berzin stripped, toyed with, and sexually used.

Even Katie, who was much more reserved, seemed to be turned on by all that had happened, even gaining confidence as the night went on. She had a significant part in dictating how the night progressed.

Mikey was surprised by how much the girls got into the sexual stuff... Not outwardly participating, but they both seemed turned on as they forced Ms. Berzin into more and more humiliating situations as the night progressed.

Joe, however, seemed to grow more quiet as the night progressed. And was not that active in the conversation they were having. Though none of his friends mentioned it, he was feeling pretty embarrassed about his premature ejaculation after just a few tugs of his cock.

As it got later, Nina and Katie decided they needed to get home, mentioning that Nina was staying at Katie's house, and her Mom expected them back by midnight. Mikey was disappointed, thinking that the girls would stay the night. Especially Katie... He had hoped that after all that had happened, he might finally get his chance with her... Or at least maybe make-out.

Then, even Joe, who Mikey was sure would stay over, rose and said, "I should get home too."

After making a solemn 4-way promise not to ever tell anyone what had happened, Mikey's three friends left him alone for the night, promising to return the following afternoon.

Mikey quickly got over his disappointment at being alone. He sat on the couch and recollected the events of the night. Turning the video back one more time, he dropped his trunks down to his ankles and began to masturbate, jerking himself to an orgasm before falling asleep on the couch.


Debbie woke the next morning feeling groggy and a little bit dazed. Looking at the clock, she realized that it was 10 am, almost four hours past the time she typically got out of bed. She re-closed her eyes and laid in bed listlessly for several more minutes. 

As her head cleared, details of yesterday's events returned to the forefront of her mind. She thought about the four teens, and what they had forced her to do. Then, she felt shame, recalling that she had later pleasured herself to the thoughts.

Debbie quickly pulled the covers from her naked body and fled to the bathroom, trying to get the thoughts out of her mind. After a long, hot shower, she stood in front of the mirror and studied her reflection.

She had never thought of herself as being outwardly beautiful. But, she had stayed in shape, stayed fit, and her clothing was only a size larger than she wore in college. The looks she got from her male students, and even some male coworkers should have confirmed to her that she was attractive.

But, she had issues with confidence... In her reflection, she focused on what she thought were her "flaws"... Breasts that she wished were bigger, thighs that she wished were more proportional to her body, a birthmark on the right side of her hip. 

The image in the mirror, however, would have shown something completely different to anyone else... A naturally beautiful face, entrancing blue eyes, perfectly proportioned 32B breasts, a flat, fit stomach, and well toned legs. Her curves, while not supermodel-like, were entirely feminine and shapely.

As Debbie sat at her kitchen table sipping coffee later that morning, her mind continued to race... She was almost as mad at herself as she was with Michael Taylor. She knew she should have put a stop to this whole thing at the very beginning.

But now, in her mind, it was too late. Despite the fact that she had been blackmailed, she had gone to Michael's house of her own free will, then participated in sexual activity with students... And, they had the pictures to prove it. 

As more visions worked their way through her head, she imagined her television set turned to the local news... The news anchor speaking in a serious, disgusted tone talking about the local teacher who participated in sex acts with her students... She closed her eyes in shame.

Even if she tried to put it all to a stop, the humiliation would be unbearable.


Mikey slept in until after noon. He was sitting on the couch eating leftover pizza and watching TV when the door swung open, startling him half to death. The paper plate he was holding slipped from his hands, and the half eaten piece of pizza tumbled down onto the couch as Katie & Nina walked in. The girls immediately began laughing as Mikey tried to recollect himself.

Mikey was slightly agitated by the girls unannounced entry, or really the fact that they had scared him. But he quickly forgot about it when he saw that they were both carrying small overnight bags. He was excited to see that they were planning on staying.

Nina was also carrying a brown paper bag, which she dropped on the table in front of Mikey.

"We picked up a few things on the way here," Nina stated, smiling, "Thought we might be able to use these tonight."

Mikey quickly picked up the bag, having no idea what was inside. He reached in and pulled out a thick roll of black duct tape. Then, without looking up, he pulled out a small bundle of cotton rope. Finally, reaching down into the bottom of the bag, he felt a crinkly plastic bag.

As he pulled out the clear plastic package, he could see that, inside, was a black costume eye mask... The type that covers your forehead down to the bridge of your nose, with two openings for your eyes, and an elastic band that wraps around your head to keep it on.

Mikey was pretty sure he knew what the plan was for the duct tape and rope... But he looked at the mask with some confusion... "It's a little late to disguise ourselves," he said sarcastically to the girls.

Nina rolled her eyes and approached Mikey, "You know... for someone so smart, you're pretty stupid," she said, shooting the sarcasm right back.

She pulled the plastic package from his hands and ripped it open. Then, she picked up the duct tape from the table and tore two small squares from the roll. As she pushed the square pieces of tape over the mask's eye holes, she said, "It's not for us, it's for Ms. Berzin."

Mikey grinned at the thought of tying up and blindfolding his history teacher.

Noticing Mikey's smile, Nina said, "Let's just say we got some ideas from a movie we watched last night when we got back to Katie's house."

"That '50 Shades' movie," Katie said, "It was pretty lame, but all the stuff with ropes and straps was pretty kinky... We would have brought a riding crop too, but we didn't know where to get one."

Mikey's mind immediately shifted to thoughts of spanking Ms. Berzin's bare ass. He hadn't considered physically hurting her... But, he had to admit that the thought of disciplining his teacher was kind of arousing.

A bit later that afternoon, after Joe had finally arrived, the four friends hung out and talked about their plans for the night. And, they got an early start drinking since it was their first full day of spring break... Mikey was making vodka cocktails blended with fruit juice and ice, then serving them in red plastic cups. Joe, Nina and Katie had already consumed a couple of drinks each. 

But Mikey was pacing himself, still sipping on his first. He didn't want to take the chance he would get too drunk before Ms. Berzin arrived.


Debbie Berzin spent her day trying to stay busy... She went to the small gym in her apartment building and worked out. Then, she spent most of the rest of the afternoon cleaning her apartment.

The plan was supposed to have been to stay so busy she wouldn't think about what happened last night, and what might happen tonight. But, it was of no use. She had constantly shifting emotions of hate, anger, fear, embarrassment, and even arousal, running through her body.

Right up to the moment she stepped into the shower, she was mulling over the idea of driving straight to the security officer department instead of Michael Taylor's house. But, in her heart, she knew she wouldn't... Or, really, couldn't... She just couldn't bear the thought of the humiliation if any of this became public.


Mikey, Joe, Nina and Katie were still drinking their vodka cocktails in the family room. All but Mikey were becoming a bit buzzed, though no one was flat out drunk. The girls began to get more giggly and Joe began to get louder, and less inhibited. These were signs for Mikey to slow down serving the drinks... He wanted the girls tipsy, but didn't want them so drunk that they passed out before the night got started.

In final preparation, the four friends laid out the accessories the girls had brought on the glass top coffee table they had pushed against a wall. Then, they dragged the large plush 2-person loveseat into the middle of the room, facing directly towards the couch.


Debbie had just exited the shower and was drying her naked body with a large towel as she entered her bedroom. She dug around in her dresser and pulled out several assorted undergarments and laid them out on her bed.

Michael Taylor had ordered her to wear the skirt and sweater combo that she had worn at school a few days earlier. But, there had been no mention of anything else. Debbie carefully studied the different intimates, trying to decide which ones to wear.

Debbie got briefly aroused as she stared down at her favorite bra and panties set... The one she liked to wear when she wanted to feel extra sexy. The panties were french-cut, white lace, and virtually see-through. The bra was white lace with floral accents. It was also almost transparent... When she wore it, her nipples were clearly visible through the thin material.

Thinking about what she was doing, she quickly scooped them up and shoved the set back in the drawer, not bothering to fold them.

She turned back to the bed and picked up a more generic pair of panties and pulled them on. They were black and made of silk... Nowhere near as sexy as the panties she had just put away, but still very form fitting with a modest bikini cut.

Not wanting to think about it anymore, Debbie chose a matching, unassuming black bra that was lightly padded. She pulled it around her body and clasped it before pulling the straps up and over her shoulders.

She went to her closet and pulled on her black skirt. It dropped down to just above her knees. Then she pulled the off-white, sleeveless sweater on before returning to the bathroom to do her hair. She purposely went light on make-up... But, almost subconsciously, she put on a touch of concealer to hide her self-imagined flaws.

As Debbie looked at herself in the mirror, she wished she had never changed her wardrobe... Or at least, she thought, she wished she had never worn her new clothes to school. She decided at that moment she would switch back to her previous wardrobe for work from now on.

Debbie left the bathroom, picked up her keys from the kitchen counter and nervously walked out of her apartment.


The four teens were sitting in the family room when they heard the car pull up. Peeking out the window, Mikey said, "She's here."

They all stood up and peeked through the sheer blinds covering the front window as Ms. Berzin exited her car. They watched as she looked around nervously before turning toward the walkway.

As Ms. Berzin neared the house, Mikey briefly turned his attention away from the window, and said, "Everyone sit down... Let me take the lead."

He quickly turned back to the window and watched as Ms. Berzin approached the front door. She was clearly scared... Mikey immediately picked up the noticeable apprehension in her body language. He also noticed that she had on exactly what he told her to wear... The tight black skirt and the white sweater. On top of that, she had on the same heels she wore when she last wore the outfit at school. Mikey could feel the bulge in his shorts grow realizing she had followed his directions to a tee.

Just as Ms. Berzin reached the door, and before she even had a chance to knock, Mikey swung the door open. Without saying a word, he stood aside, signaling her to come in.

Ms. Berzin entered the house and immediately saw the three other students sitting in the family room watching her. They were all on the large couch against the wall. The room had been rearranged since the night before and the loveseat was now right in the center of the room, just three or four feet away from the couch, and directly facing it.

"Go stand in the middle of the room," Mikey said, with confidence, "In front of the loveseat."

Ms. Berzin put her head down, not wanting to look at any of the students in the eyes. Then, she slowly entered the family room and stood exactly where Mikey had told her, head still down towards the floor.

Katie let out a giggle as she watched her history teacher obediently do what she was told.

Mikey entered the room and dropped down on the center cushion of the couch in between the girls, with Joe on the far right, on the other side of Nina.

"Let's see how well you follow directions, Ms. Berzin," Mike said, grinning devilishly.

"I see you're wearing what I asked you to," he went on, "Skirt, sweater, even heels..."

Ms. Berzin continued to look down at her feet. She was beginning to get the same overwhelming feeling of humiliation that she had the night before.

Mikey asked, "How about the underwear? Same as at school?"

Ms. Berzin flinched a bit at the question, but her eyes stayed down... Staring at her feet.

"I asked you a question," Mikey said, a bit more forcefully, "Now, answer it."

Again, Katie let out a muffled giggle, followed by a snort from Nina... Joe sat silently, his mouth half open in disbelief.

"Yes," Ms. Berzin finally replied in a nervous squeak.

Mike asked, "Yes, what?

After another pause, and in a meek, weak-kneed reply, Ms Berzin said, "... Yes... I'm... I'm wearing the same... underwear."

"Well," Mikey said, "Since none of us knows exactly what underwear that was, I think we should get a look. Take off your bra and panties."

Ms. Berzin never took her eyes off of the floor... She could feel her face begin to flush red hot in embarrassment. But after a short pause, she followed Mikey's directions.

Over her sweater, she pushed the straps of her bra off her shoulders. Then, reaching up under her sweater, she spun the bra around and unhooked it in the front... A brief glimpse of her belly button came into view as she pulled the straps down her arms, and the black bra out from under the sweater. She quickly pulled the sweater back down to re-cover her bare midsection.
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Teacher Sex Toy - by TheRealFlash - by hirarandi - 20-05-2020, 10:34 PM
RE: Teacher Sex Toy - by TheRealFlash - by hirarandi - 20-05-2020, 10:41 PM

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