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Not Touching Yourself ~ 7-Day Lockdown Challenge for Better Fapping Pleasure
Fapping is Fun. banana People who say otherwise must be either lying or has no idea how relaxing it can be. Sure its a stress-busting activity you can do without keeping any count. But, what if you get stressful because of too much fapping? What if you feel like you badly want to fap again but when your load jerks off you find yourself only even more depressed than before? Well, I've been there too.

I guess we've all been there. Getting addicted to fapping; cant stop having horny thoughts; jerking off but regretting later. banghead Sounds familiar, huh?

Well, if you want to know tips that work to stop fapping, PM me. But this thread is not about that. This thread is not at all about stopping your fapping. Its about making it feel better.

I know controlling the habit in this lockdown is super-hard. When all you have for entertainment is Netflix & Instagram, not to mention all the porn in the internet, there is no wonder we cant stop wanking. But I believe we can succeed if we do it together

This thread is about undertaking the challenge of not touching yourselves for a period of 7 days. We comment in this thread how we got through the day without letting our hands slide down there. We talk about what tried to distract us and how we got over it. 

Then, what happens on the 8th day ? ....All Hell Breaks Loose my friend.  happy On the 8th day, we jerk off howsoever we wish. The 8th day is the divine reward for our week of abstinence. 

Members who are interested can join me on this journey. What's guaranteed is more pleasure during masturbation, tips and techniques to divert your mind, better health and productivity plus a satisfied life without any addiction
The only requirement is; you have to report daily in this thread. You have to talk about your day and how you went through it without masturbating. And also, most importantly, you talk about what turned you on during that particular day. Thats the very interesting part. As days passes by without masturbating, we can see that silly things begin to turn us on. You have to be absolutely honest about it. Also, be honest if you fail in your challenge. Thats totally alright, you can always begin again. Its not like your life depends on it. Its just we are trying to do something fun in here and failure is nothing more than a learning step. Be sportive about it.

If you feel like you are up for the challenge, comment below and let me know. Soon, I will be updating the starting date for the challenge.

All The Best My Dear Friends !  yourock
~Know clearly the Difference between Fantasy and Reality. Mistaking one for the other is Harmful.~

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Not Touching Yourself ~ 7-Day Lockdown Challenge for Better Fapping Pleasure - by ks6996 - 12-05-2020, 02:03 AM

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