Adultery Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - Part II by Krish_999 ( Completed )
Chapter 54.1

I had to make a decision instantly.

I had two choices.
One, I could cover it up and act like I and Nikita were discussing everything but sex; two, I could accept openly that we were discussing nothing but sex. By default I wanted to do the latter. But while grabbing my clothes and putting them back on I spent a moment to think; even if I tried to hide it, Meera wouldn't be ready to believe it. Then I thought: why should I hide it anymore? Isn’t it time for a payback?

Nikita too had grabbed her clothes and hurriedly worn it. When I looked at her, I feared if Meera would hurt her like she had done to Ananya. I feared if I was facing another inevitable emotional blow in my life, and my anxiety grew far above than what Meera would feel herself when seeing me with yet another woman.
I smiled at Nikita to ease her nervousness and I asked her to be seated on the couch before I opened the door.

There stood Mr Das.
It was Das. I was surprised like hell and I failed to put up a response.
“Hello Krish, can I talk to you for a minute. Please.”

He spoke gently and walked in without waiting for my response. He wasn't there for Nikita. But the moment he was in, he saw her. And the next moment his facial expression changed. He was stunned and stared at the both of us.
“What the hell is she doing here?”

His voice was high and stern.
I quickly realised it was going to be no more about me and Meera. It was going to be about Nikita. I certainly didn't want to ruin her image in front of him.
“We are just...uh... Come, sit down Mr Das.”
I closed the door and walked him to the hall. Das stopped right in front of Meera. He stood very close, and I felt he meant to intimidate her.
My assumptions of Das having had sex with her on the party night began to flash in my mind. Like I had found myself torn between Meera and Ananya a week ago, I found her torn between me and Das. I assumed it to be exactly.
The script was the same, I thought, except for the characters.
They were going to have a conversation.

Do I have a voice here? I wondered. I had no clue about his plans this time either.
“What are you doing here?”

Das asked Nikita.
“What are we doing here? Nothing. When did you come back? Didi told me you... you were to land tomorrow, weren’t you?”
“Yeah, I reached a bit earlier and see what we have here? You and Krish? Really?”

“Das... There's nothing like you think...”
I tried to defend her.
“You whore!”
Suddenly Das' face hardened and he closed in on her even more.
“This is it! This is you, huh? I knew you, bitch. I knew what you are. But you wanted to play bloody Savitri to me. You can't sleep with me but him, huh?”
I couldn't really grasp where this was going.
He turned to me.
“Krish, didn't I tell you about the pathetic fuck I had after my house party? She was her. She was like, 'no, no, don't do this, because I can't hurt my family...’ My family, my bullshit! And when it was done, she wanted to wreck the hell because she wanted a pill right away. Where is it all gone now, you drama queen?”
I didn't know how to react for a moment. Things were out of my reach.
“If I didn't want sleep with you, what's wrong with that? I just didn't...”

Nikita started.
“Shut up you bitch. Now, where is your bullshit about family and all gone? I know you want young men only, isn’t it that?”
“Please mind your words, Jija Ji please...”
“I know how you like a good cock, you bitch. No matter what you had put up on your face, but you had enjoyed it, you had enjoyed it with me and you thought you'd get better with him, didn't you?”
Das pushed her angrily and she fell on the couch, though she stood up almost like a reflex.
“Stop! What are you doing?”
She looked at him, startled.
“Come on Das, control yourself.”
I stepped in.
“Krish, you stay out of this. It's my family matter; I know how to handle this.”
“Calm down Jija Ji. I don't want to talk to you know. You should leave.”
Nikita moved away from him but he grabbed her hand. He smirked at her.
“Oh, you think you can still dictate what you want, don't you?”
He pulled her to him and then pushed her on the couch.
“What is wrong with you Das? ”
I yelled.
He gave me a stern look again.
“Krish, I told you to stay out of this. I just want to claim what I truly deserve. I want this bitch, right now.”
He grabbed her hand and dragged her with him.
“What! No!”
Nikita hollered.
“You don't have a choice, Nikita. I know your secrets. You love your family right? I just need a phone call to make it a long gone memory. Even your didi won't support you. Does she even know you're with him?”
Das let out his plans. I was astounded. The man was evil. Nikita looked at him in disgust.
“Jija Ji, please.... Don't do this...”
She tried her best to get rid of his clasp. He was stronger.
“Don't you love your family?”
“Jija Ji...”
“Say yes or no.”
“Yes...Jija Ji...”
I saw a wry smile on his face.
“Then you'll have to do what I say. I had never thought of this. I would have left with a huge regret that I didn't get to know well about you. Today I find the luck is with me, you see? Today I'll know everything about you. One last time.”
I heard his words precisely.

One last time.
This was my night with a woman who loved to be with me one last time. What is it turning out to be? Who has the power to call the shot at the moment?

He was blackmailing his sister-in-law because he had found out her affaire. And also he thought he could.
She had done a mistake. She was caught. And she was being punished. She didn't really have a choice.
And me?
What do I have with me? I had nothing to lose. But I was being ruled by a fear of having Nikita's life wrecked because of me. Whatever fear Nikita had in her mind, it was unconsciously borne by me as well.
Nikita's fears seemed to have forced her to surrender. When he pushed her again she didn't try to get up off the couch. Her face painted a picture of helplessness. Her cheeks were red.

“Krish, bring me a condom. She loves her husband too much. She won't enjoy my sperm.”
Das had started to unbutton his shirt.
“Das please don't do this. Leave her.”
I blurted out.
“Shut up Krish. You can't really stop me.”
He took off his shirt and threw it in my face.
“I don't know what you guys are thinking. You both don't have a choice. It's my time.”
Das laughed and turned to her. She was miserable. She didn't push away his hand caressing her face. He reached down and pulled up her top, and she still didn't protest. She seemed to have made up her mind.
“Das, take me to a bedroom. Do whatever you want in there. Don't do it here.”
That was her only demand.
He ignored her and took her top off her head.
She wasn't wearing her bra. I closed my eyes. Yet another woman was losing her clothes right in front of my eyes.
“No, he would love to watch. Let him too have some fun.”
I heard him say.
“And how is that you're not wearing a bra? I think I was too perfect in time. Well, you have beautiful boobs. Last time I couldn't enjoy them really, come...”
When I opened my eyes, his face was between her breasts. He looked at me.
“Why don't you sit down Krish? It's time for my redemption. You can watch. It's a gift for you my friend.”

It took just a moment to verbalise what I have been put up with. Yet another word that entered my brain helped me find a loose end of my past.
Last time when somebody had tried to redeem themselves at the cost of my life, I had lost it all.

I had lost my life.
‘I want to have my redemption.’
Sheelu had told me. She had made me believe she deserved it.
And here Das was claiming he too deserved it. He wanted it, and at what cost?
This time I would lose myself.

Did I ever mention I had nothing to lose?
I was wrong. I still had a lot to lose.

When the rage strikes you at the right moment, you find wisdom. I felt my blood celebrating. I walked with my feet firm on the ground and my fist hot like fire and pulled him up by his waistline.
“Das. You are wrong. Redemption is mine.”
I said and next thing he felt was a blow from my right fist across his face. He felled over Nikita and I pulled him up again.

Whack. Whack. Whack.
He was shirtless and I knew where to hit. Before he knew what was happening I dragged him away from her and threw him on the floor.
“Das, I don't want to beat you to the pulp. Don't make me change my mind.”
I said. He looked at me stunned, with his face drenched in pain.
I handed the clothes back to Nikita and turned to Das again.
“You think you can threaten us? You must be a fool, Mr Das. I just need to make a phone call to Neerja to tell what you had done to her sister, and you know what it means. You are not in a position to dictate her. It's you who don't have a choice, Mr Das.”
Das lay on the floor, not even hurrying to get up, and my verbal blow was far more fatal to him than the physical ones I had landed him.

“Krish you stay out of this.”
His voice was weak. He was awful.
“Not anymore, Mr Das. You wanted to make me watch, huh? Watch yourself.”
His lips were broken. He wiped the blood from them.
I looked at Nikita. She had her top across her chest.
“Get dressed, Nikita. He won't do a thing to you. He just can't. It was a bang, wasn't it?”
I grabbed my phone.
“No. No. Das' voice was the weakest than ever heard of a man.”
I smirked at him.
“Nikita, tell him it wasn't a bang. It was consensual. Tell him to stop. Krish, please.”
He pled. Nikita got up and watched him. She had worn her top again.
“You call that consensual, you bastard? You mixed my drinks and made me fuddled. How many times did I beg you to stop? You didn't, and if it wasn't bang, then what the fuck it was?”
She yelled and almost kicked him; she stopped just there.
“Okay, now I know how to handle this. Krish is right. It's you who don't have a choice. I thought by staying silent I would save not only mine but also didi's marriage. I thought of the humiliation our entire family would face. But you are a demon. You deserve no mercy. I don't care anymore. It's now up to you; do you wanna save your family?”
Das looked at her helplessly. He crawled back and leaned his shoulder against the leg of the couch. He said nothing.
“Do you want to save your life?”
Nikita looked at me.
“You take the shot. You dictate what you want from him, Nikita.”
I held my arms around her. She turned to him.
She ordered.
He got up slowly and nodded his head. I doubted if he would.
“Okay. I'm sorry. I'm sorry Krish.”
It was a complete surrender.
He picked up his shirt and started to wear it, in an attempt to avoid our eyes. I looked at Nikita. She looked back at me and then hugged me.

“Thanks, Krish. You saved my life.”
She whispered in my ears and kissed my cheek. I kissed her back, right on her lips. She held nothing back and the smooch was intense. Das helplessly watched us.
“I'm leaving Krish.”
We heard his low voice.
“No, where are you going?”
Nikita broke the kiss. He gave her a surprised look.
“You can't leave before I do.”
Dad thought for a moment.
“Okay then let's go. I'll drop you home.”
He said.
Nikita laughed.
“Hah! You think I'll come with you? And you know I've come here to meet Krish. Our meeting isn't over yet. Is it, Krish?”
She looked at me.
I knew what was coming. I just had a small doubt.
“What we should do with him?”
“I don't know. I'm not bothered. I'm worried only about what you are not going to do with me.”
She was calm. She was even smiling.
“Take me to your room, keep your words.”
She whispered.
I looked at Das. I knew what I should do.
“Sit down here, Das.”
I went to my room and quickly returned with a saree; a saree with a story.
I knew Das would recognise it easily. It was the same piece of cloth he had proudly taken off my wife's body.
I pushed and felled him on the couch.
“I hope you like sarees, Mr Das. Let me see how it fits you.”
I smirked at him and tied his hands to the arms of the sofa. He protested in vain for I was stronger and he was weaker. Nikita helped me to tie him down.
“What the hell are you doing, Krish? Don't do it.”
He growled like a wounded animal.
“You know what's coming, don't you, dear?”
I said and grabbed Nikita.
“I told you, the redemption is mine. You wanted to make me watch you forcing my woman. Now you watch me making love to her. ”
“Oh my God!”
It was Nikita who reacted first. It was her first time, indeed.
Well, she had no objections. She was actually turned on at the idea. She held nothing back from the moment I felled us on the couch opposite to Das. He sat there watching, as I resumed where I had stopped before his arrival. It took us just seconds to get rid of all the clothes. The moment I jumped out of my pants, Nikita unhesitatingly grabbed my dick and guided it into her mouth. With great vigour. And I leaned on her to kiss her and then defiantly caressed her shoulders. With great affection. She didn't look at Das even once, as she kept sucking and jerking me with her hands.
I glanced at Das every now and then, and he looked away every time. I felt so great. I was on the other side of the line. I thought.

I slowly pulled me out of her mouth.
“Suck my balls, baby.”
Nikita was happy to obey. I thought I would throw a glance at Das when she did that. But the moment she knelt in front of me and touched it with her tongue I forgot to follow my mind. She was a woman whose marvellous skills at pleasing her man were just waiting to be awakened. I watched in wonder and sheer ecstasy as she swirled her tongue around my balls with all the love in her eyes and I was compelled not to look away. Not even for a second. She reclaimed her grip around my dick again, and she ran her tongue underneath it from base to top. I let out a moan, unable to control my excitement.
“I love the look on your face.”
She smiled at me adorably.
“I can't tell you how I feel, baby.”
I blurted out.
“Lie down.”
I gestured her to the couch.
She shook her head sideways.
“No, you sit down.”

I wondered what she was up to, though I wasted no time, and she climbed on my lap facing me, her legs astride me. She guided my dick into her and sat further down, and I realised how wet she had become. She leaned on me and kissed my eyes lovingly.

“Thanks for reclaiming me, Krish. I owe my life to you. If I'm still a woman, that's because of you. Make love to me.”
She whispered. I grabbed her face and kissed her long and still.
Das would now see my dick entering her hole perfectly. But I was too unconcerned about him to realise it, let alone be excited or annoyed by it. Nikita soon was humping on me; riding me with all the love she was ever to give me. As the pleasure escalated, I turned to my left and adjusted my posture to lie back on the couch to allow her more room. I could see it from her face that she was enjoying the new style, and she began moving her hip back and forth in a perfect rhythm, and I felt her inner walls were choking my dick every time it plunged inside her. She started to pant very soon and I knew why.

“Oh my God. Aaahh...”
She tried to move the scattered hair fallen over her face with her one hand, while with the other she gripped at the edge of the couch. The view of her breasts dancing perfectly to the tune of our lovemaking further amplified the fire in me. She had started to breathe heavily; she leaned forward to lie on top of me and began to throw her ass up and then down on me like a pro. She was moving faster and becoming more intense.
“Oh my God. This is wonder...ful...”
My dick was probing all the right places inside her and she was soon drifted to a place that I quickly learnt she wasn't so familiar with. She was about to be lost in there, as I grabbed her ass cheeks and turned myself to push her under me, down to the couch.
“Oh my God. Krish...aaah...”
She cried and gripped at the edge of the headrest of the couch.
I placed my dick in the right place again and sank it deep into her. I followed it with a bewildering array of thrusts until she screamed high.
She was quivering. Her messed up black hair fanned out against the white cushion on the couch formed a lovely picture to me. Added to it were her reddened cheeks and tired eyes.
It was enough for me. I let out everything I had been holding until then and let it fill her.
It was a complete explosion and I felt I came heavier than ever before. Suddenly I believed I was making her pregnant. I felt I was making her my woman.
“My Neeku...”
I whispered, trying to control my breathing and kissed her wet, spoilt lips. She just opened her mouth and moaned through her gasps.
“Fill my mouth too.”
She was addicted to my maleness. She wanted to live it. I gathered all my love in my mind and let it flow into her mouth. She hugged me tight and swallowed it all.
“I love you, Krish. My love...”
I heard her whisper, in a voice audible only to me, many times, between her heavy panting. She was completely indifferent to the fact that her brother-in-law was watching her complete submission to his foe. She was also drugged by affection. No wonder Das was envious of me. I saw it in his eyes when I landed my feet on the ground. My dick was shiningly wet and when I looked at Das, I knew my face was lit up with a teasing grin. He kept staring me like a dead man. Nikita collected her clothes and ran to the washroom.
I got dressed quickly and turned to Das. I studied him for a moment.

“Now we have it even, right? What do you think?”
He said nothing.
“Come on Das, don't be overdramatic. Say something.”
He nodded.
“Yes. It's even now. I'm sorry Krish.”
Suddenly I saw a man caught up with regret.
“Do you have anything left with Nikita?”
He shook his head sideways.
“No. I shouldn't have come here.”
“All good?”
He nodded.
I untied his hands.
Though I set his hands and body free, I knew his mind would remain tied for the rest of his life.
This is justice. I thought.
 horseride  Cheeta    
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RE: Knowing My Wife, Knowing Me As Well - Part II by Krish_999 - by sarit11 - 28-11-2018, 04:20 AM

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