Adultery Arathi- Degradation of a Homely wife- Continue with mix of story Revenge
Arathi got angry by seeing Deepak. She wanted to shout at Deepak and call him cheater in front of everyone, but she controls her emotions. Deepak rush to Arathi with his cunning smiling in face. Arathi tried to smile at his face but angriness on him, fails her attempt to smile. Deepak came near to Arathi. Before she opens her mouth talking, he hugs her. Arathi did not respond to his hug.
Deepak: Thank god. I was worried about you. I was trying on your phone since yesterday.
Arathi: Deepak leave me. Do not embarrass me. Everyone is looking. Let’s go to room.
Arathi was silent during the way to room. Deepak understand that, she is angry on him, but his plan works out well. He didn’t try to ask further due to other hotel guest and staff were near to them. As soon as they entered the room. Deepak hold the waist of Arathi.
Deepak: You are looking stunned In Sari. You didn’t tell me about carrying sari with you.
Arathi slaps on Deepak face and hold the shirt color then shouted at Deepak by looking at his eyes.
Deepak saw the angriness in her face as well as the sight of dis appointment
Arathi: Deepak. I love you. I trust you. How can you send me to that beast alone? Whether you are using me for your contract? Are you acting as pimp of this Whore?
Arathi was crying during shouting. Deepak understands that these are the regular words of heartbroken girls. He knows that he needs to handle it with patience.
Deepak: Arathi my love. I really miss you. I was worried all these times. Your mobile is switched off. I send you because of your ability to convince people. I don’t trust anyone other than you. I thought that you really want to be part of our success. It’s my mistake to send you. You can punish me as much you want.
Deepak sound was cracking. Arathi knows that he is also acting like her. She decided to reverse the sentiments. Arathi doesn’t want to waste further time.
Arathi: Sorry Deepak. I really want to see your success. I was worried and disappointed. That is reason for shouting and welling at you. Please pardon me.
Deepak: Its alright my love. I understand more over deserved to get a slap. Now I will not send your alone.
Arathi: Deepak. Sharmaji wants me to deliver the money to him.
Deepak: Why you? His man is there in lobby. We can send with them.
Arathi: Our company name is not in his list. Until an until we deliver him full cash, he will not include our name.
Deepak: Balance cash is not fully arranged. I have 1 Cr with me.
Arathi abused Deepak in her mind. (she knows that money is there with Deepak, but he wants Arathi to bargain with Sharmaji to reduce the amount)
Arathi smiled at Deepak.
Arathi: Deepak- That old man is arrogant. Some one is offering him better offer. He needs additional 6 crores to allot the contract. He is not ready to speak with you in phone. He assigned me to speak with you and bring the money to him.
Deepak: Bastard. He asked for 4 crores now all together he wants 8 crores. Its not possible to make profit after feeding these bastards
Arathi: Deepak. If it is a loss, then why we must win this contract? If we are backing out from plan, I guess will be able to convince for getting the money given to them.
Deepak: Arathi. Even if the project gone in loss, still I need to win the contract.
Suddenly the mobile given by Sharmaji started ringing from Arathi’s bag. Arathi answered the phone.
Arathi: Hai Sharmaji. I am with Deepak. He needs to talk with you. Can I give the phone?
Sharmaji: I don’t have any topic to discuss with him.
Before Deepak or Arathi talks, Sharmaji disconnected the phone.
Arathi: Deepak. He is greedy for money.
Arathi saw a disappointment in Deepak face. She felt disappointed with Deepak for the reason he didn’t bother to ask about What happen to her last night.
Deepak excused Arathi and went to his room.
Arathi called Sharmaji from his phone.
Sharmaji: Hai. Arathi. How much he agreed to settle?
Arathi: Sir. Still not finalized. I am disconnecting the phone. Deepak is coming.
Arathi disconnected the phone to avoid replying to Sharmaji’s question.
Deepak went to room and called Kripal
Deepak: Kripal, we must do something in urgent basis on Sharmaji Case. Now he needs 8 Cr for approval.
Kripal: Even I am tired of that Old man but the power in party is still in his hand. What about your new lollipop? Whether she got chewed by Sharmaji,
Deepak: She is in other room. Seems like her cunt was not free yesterday.
Kripal: I had already told you. You should have listened to my words. We should have called him to our location yesterday by showing her. I was sure that Sharmaji should have come for her now his desire ends.
Deepak: Kripal Ji. Don’t underestimate her. I am sure that no one can reject her immediately after being with her. Even you take my case. Normally I go for one-night stands, but not in her case. I am sure that Sharmaji will come like a dog behind her to lick. If my plan works, you will have your scandal video by today night. Please ensure our safety. That’s your responsibility. As we planned, Sharmaji will resign from party head.
Kripal: Don’t worry. I know how to utilize the video. Please don’t underestimate Sharmaji. He has good spy network. I didn’t operate from my end due to his strong spy network within party and city. Once he is down, I am sure that space will be capitalize by myself. Anyway, I am also eager to meet your Arathi.
Deepak: I will do for you. Bye.
Deepak went back to Arathi’s room.
Deepak: Arathi. I was just speaking with my friends. They can arrange another 2 Cr now. I can give him 5 Cr total.
Arathi’s mind is not willing to reduce her money. She has already dreamt of 4 crore cash.
Arathi: How can I ask to reduce money? Why should he listen to me?
Deepak: Are you at my side or his? Call him.
Arathi: I think I don’t have to answer to that question. What you think? *Angry sound****
Deepak: Sorry my love. I didn’t mean it.
Arathi” He called me while you were not here. He is adamant.
Deepak: Just ask him Two more day.
Arathi: Tender finalization is tomorrow. Our company name is not in the list so far.
Deepak was only planned for 2 Crore and rest he wants to skip after Kripal got the control. He has total budgeted 15 Crore as bribe. 10 for Kripal and 5 for Sharmaji. He got success in a 1 crore reduction in his primary negotiation. Deepak still wanted to reduce the share of Sharmaji by using Arathi. Even though, Kripal offered Deepak 50% reduction from his share after successful completion of scandal video, Deepak still want to reduce the money spends on both.
Deepak cursed Arathi for her unsuccessful attempt and started doubting her ability for first time.
Deepak: I am thinking what to do? Deepak started acting as disappointed. I don’t have any other money with me. Can’t think of asking my father.
Arathi: Deepak. Don’t get emotional. We will think of some other plan or ways. Let me speak with him and request for a payment time.
Deepak: No. I don’t think, It’s a good idea now. If he got any doubt. We will end up in trouble. Think for some other plan.
Arathi: Anyway. I need to give him trouble for misbehaving with me last night.
Deepak: I am sorry. This was not as per my plan. Now, I will not let you to go alone. I don’t want any more troubles for you.
Deepak kissed Arathi. Arathi wants to push him but she also acted emotions.
Arathi: Deepak. I love you. I am happy for doing anything for your betterment. I owe you a lot.
Deepak: Thanks for your support.
Suddenly Arathi’s phone rings.
Arathi: Sharmaji. Good evening. Deepak is arranging money. Please give us some time. I will call you soon.
Deepak couldn’t hear any conversation of Sharmaji. After Arathi disconnected, he asked her about his conversation.
Arathi: Sharmaji was telling about the dead end for payments is approaching. Tell me to reach his guest house fast. Do I need to go again?
She asked purposefully to hear the plan of Deepak.
Deepak: No. I don’t want to give any more troubles to you.
Arathi: Please don’t think emotionally. Do you any other plans which can convince Sharmaji?
Deepak: Arathi. I have a micro phone for high tech listening and camera. If you can hide some where and record him taking money from you. I think we can succeed by another 3 crores.
Arathi: Do you mean by blackmailing him? Not a good idea. He is so powerful. We can end up in deep trouble. Moreover, even though Sharmaji approves still we have an obstacle Infront of us in the form of final tender amount.
Deepak: You didn’t listen fully. We are not going to black mail him. This is just for their party requirements to make him out of his present position.
Arathi: Still it is dangerous to go alone with the equipment to his farmhouse. If I got caught, we both will be in trouble.
Deepak: You are correct. My brains are nor working.
Arathi: You said about the support from his party. Who will be helping us?
Deepak: I will share with you the details after getting the clarity. Presently that person is unknown to me.
Arathi: Ok. What else we can do?
She understands that Deepak is mentioning about Kripal.
Deepak: Can we arrange a party tomorrow. We can handover the balance 3 crore to him tomorrow in our private party. He will not doubt as we will invite along with another limited guest.
Deepak has explained her about his plan. As per his plan, Arathi should convince Sharmaji to meet tomorrow. They will hand over cash to Sharmaji as well as for his weakness, Deepak has arranged a girl from Delhi for honey trap. Deepak didn’t tell the truth to Arathi that Deepak plan is’’ Sharmaji to become desperate for fucking Arathi and fall in their honey trap’’. Kripal was eager to meet Tanu after hearing about her from Mohan. Kripal was also invited by Mohan to his farmhouse as guest when Tanu was with him his Delhi Farmhouse. Even though Kripal denied due the fear of exposing outside his safe area, hearing about the erotic explanation from Mohan. He desperately wants to meet Tanu. For bringing Tanu for him, Kripal purposefully involved the plan to bring Tanu in Deepak plans without giving any doubt to Deepak. Kripal doesn’t want others to think that bringing Tanu is for him. He called Mohan and requested for using Tanu for his political benefits. Deepak didn’t like the idea, but he agreed due to fear of consequences of his failure plan. Deepak happily agreed to Kripal plan as an alternative. Deepak was fully confidence in Arathi’s ability and believes that she will be succeeded in his plan. Deepak also rolled Kripal idea to make him happy.
Deepak: Arathi. Call him and convince for tomorrow settlement.
Arathi spoke with Sharmaji. Deepak was waiting with patience till call ends. He listens the Arathi’s dialogues. Arathi purposefully didn’t mention about the money. She was telling about 1 Cr tomorrow and reduction of 1 cr. She was convincing Sharmaji in lusty voice about her immediate return today and spend more time with him tomorrow. She mentioned about the funds as face to face discussion after meeting him. She convinced Sharmaji about her difficulty to stay back due to the presence required for tomorrows party arrangements. Deepak also got happy by the way she made Sharmaji agrees. Deepak confidence got high by seeing the fully cooperation from Arathi to make his plan success.
Arathi: Deepak. I think he will het convince to total 7. He needs 6 today. Kindly arrange 1 cr more today. We can take this return from him.
Deepak started thinking.
Arathi: Deepak. He needs the money quickly. Don’t waste more time. Handover the money to me and you should drive out of hotel. After you left, His person will take me from hotel. They are watching both. He needs to me to deliver. They will drop me back. It is already late
Deepak: Tell me a Shopping mall name you saw while coming.
Arathi: Why?
Deepak: Just tell me.
Arathi: ABC mall.
Deepak: Ok. You go to ABC mall with driver. I will bring the cash in an hour.
Arathi: But Deepak. He told me to move from Hotel.
Deepak: Don’t worry. He wants money. My love can convince him.
Arathi: Deepak. No. It is risky. I want to pack the cash in bag and leave from hotel. That is safe.
Deepak: My friend doesn’t want to come in picture. I don’t want you and Sharmaji’s driver in hotel while he reaches. Please believe me. I will make sure about your safety. Now no second opinion. Hurry up. Let’s move. Please call Sharmaji and convince for me about the location.
Arathi was stunned. She can’t find any reason to stay back at hotel. This was Arathi’s plan to separate the 2 Cr and lock in hotel room safe. Arathi doesn’t want to speak in front of Deepak about this.
Arathi: No need to call, I guess. I can manage.
Deepak: Please hurry up. Don’t waste time. Call the driver and leave the hotel. You look stunning in Sari.
He holds her hip and pull her closer.
Arathi: Deepak. Please leave me. You call for arranging the cash. Let me change the dress.
Deepak left to his room. Arathi changed her dress to a pink business casual. Arathi couldn’t concentrate in her make ups due to the confusion of separating money from the 4 cr. She doesn’t know how she can able to keep the money separated in car. She was worried whether Sharmaji gives her share from total 4Cr. Arathi didn’t realize her transformation of a simple lady to greedy lady in a day. She cursed herself for reducing 1 Cr to Deepak. Arathi’s tension increased on every second by thinking about loosing the dream money near to her hands due to failure in plans or anyone cheating her. She got confused with whom to believe. Greediness started making her more uncomfortable. She has already made plans for using 3 crore amounts. Arathi wants to finish off quickly and return to Mumbai at the earliest. She wants the time to go fast so as day after tomorrow will come quick.
Deepak wants Arathi to move out of Hotel so as he can bring the bag with money to his room and separate cash.
Arathi left the hotel with Shambu:
Arathi: Shambu. We must go to ABC mall.
Shambu: Why? Where is the money?
Arathi: Deepak will bring the money there. He needs to borrow from his friend and ABC mall is near y (She lied)
Shambu: Madam. Money is in his car. He wants you to move out of hotel so as he can take it to his room.
Arathi: Maybe you are correct but am following what Sharmaji told.
Shambu: Ok Madam,
Arathi called Sharmaji and informed about the cash hand over place. Shambu didn’t speak after she called Sharmaji. Deepak reached and hand over the bag as per schedule. Arathi opens the bag and see the way of keeping bundles. She didn’t have any feeling while carrying 2Cr with her yesterday but today after seeing the cash, she got nervous about separating and safety of her cash. Her heart started beating fast by fearing about any chance of foul play my Sharmaji. Whether he will take her money also? Arathi know that Sharmaji was expecting to ask 50 lakhs additional but she ended up in an amount almost equal to Sharmaji’s Share.
Shambu: Why you are so tensed madam. Your attire is better than yesterday. You are good in all dress.
Arathi: Shambu. Nothing… you just drive. I was thinking about my home.
Shambu: Madam. Please share with me for any help required.
Arathi found the sincerity in his eyes. She thought of asking his help to get a bag and separate the cash in two bags. Arathi can’t find the ways to take this money to Mumbai. Arathi was confused about the person who she will ask for help. Sharmaji or Shambu. One thing she understand that she needs to keep Shambu in confidence. Shambu is the person who is going to be with her throughout her journey.
Arathi: Thank you for your offer. I am glad to take your help. I will discuss with Sharmaji.
Shambu: Any help other than discussing with Sharmaji also welcome like yesterday. Why you are going back today?
Arathi: Who told you?
Shambu: Sharmaji. He called and informed me to bring you as early as possible and should return today itself.
Arathi understands that Shambu and Sharmaji shares everything except her. Shambu always hint her for hidden meeting will him. Arathi though of taking advantage of that situation.
Arathi: Sharmaji informed you so quickly?
Shambu: We share every information
Arathi: Only information?
Shambu: What you mean madam? If you hint about girls. Then my answer is No.
Arathi: Then. What about yesterday?
Shambu: Mam. You are an unsatisfied lady. You were enjoying your orgasm yesterday. Please ensure about the secrecy about what happen yesterday. Madam you enjoyed yesterday. You are stunning in bed.
Shambu opens the zip and pulls his Lund out.
Arathi: What are you doing?
Shambu: Remember you only requested me to do. You promised me to give blowjob while driving. Please madam. Do it for last time. I am desperately need it.
Arathi: Car will get accident.
Arathi didn’t shout at him like earlier. She also confused that whether he will support her after fulfilling his desire. Arathi looked at his face with confusion. Surprisingly, Car turned to a remote road.
Arathi: Where are we going?
Shambu: Please wait madam.
With in few minutes, Car stopped in a remote place.
Arathi: What is this Shambu?
Shambu: Madam. Car is stopped now. We will not be met with any accident now. Now you please do it for me.
Arathi looked at surroundings.
Shambu: No one will look at this car or come near to this.
Arathi: Shambu. I will do it after getting a favor from you.
Shambu: Tell me how can I help you?
Arathi: I need to deliver some cash to my home in Mumbai.
Shambu: You mean the money from Deepak?
Arathi: How you know?
Shambu: I know everything mam. That will be done today itself.
Arathi: How come today?
Shambu: Leave it to me. Now can you fulfill your promise.
Arathi holds his Lund.
Arathi: Firstly, do it as you said. If done, consider that your request is done.
Shambu: Mam. Please don’t mix both. I need you to fulfill your second promise after that.
Arathi: Second promise?
Shambu: Yes. We both will fuck with out any fears in the hotel bedroom.
Arathi: That is not possible.
Shambu: Madam. This is not fair.
Suddenly phone started ringing.
Shambu: Wait don’t pick. Let me start the car and drive.
Shambu started the car and drive towards the farmhouse. Sharmaji was in line and Arathi handled very cool.
Arathi: Shambu. I need a help. I need a bag to separate the cash.
Shambu: Bag is there in car luggage space.
Shambu stopped the car.
Arathi: Stop the car after taking the turn to our farmhouse road.
Shambu: Mam. How much cash you want to deliver in your home?
Arathi: 2 Crore. Firstly, let me tell Sharmaji. Then you arrange.
Shambu: Ok Mam. Amount is big. You got a big fish.
Arathi: Shambu. Give me an advice. Shall I separate the money or keep it with together?
Shambu: Up to you. I am handling lot of such transaction. I run the network in city. Sharmaji is not involved in any such deals. It is my duty to safeguard him from falling from someone’s trap. He handles only bureaucrats dealing and rest is me. I am going to handle both funds any way. As far as I know Sharmaji, he is not going to ask how much you got from this deal. Sharmaji will not tell me to deal for you. He is very particular in using my network for his purpose only. It is better to not inform him about this deal. You can tell him about the only earned and be silent on the way you carry the amount to your home. If you are going to ask his permission, then you are going to get a ‘’No’’ from him. He doesn’t want my network to use for any other deals. I personally will do it for you without his knowledge.
Car has already entered the farmhouse road. Shambu stopped the car.
Arathi: How you will deliver the cash.
Shambu: Give me the person name to get this cash deliver.
Arathi: Anshu. My husband. You need address.
Shambu: I know your entire family tree. So, what next?
Arathi: I will separate the cash.
Shambu: Don’t worry. No need to separate the funds. I will be handling both funds. Sharmaji will not even ask me about the money. He is calling you to see you. Seems you don’t believe in me. I am not compelling you.
Shambu drive the car to the farmhouse. Sharmaji was in entrance to welcome them.
Sharmaji: Hai sweetheart. You dis appointed me. You have promised to stay back but you broke it.
Arathi: Sharmaji. This is as per Deepak plan. I want him to believe that his plans are working fine.
Shambu: Sharmaji. I need to reach city by 7 Pm.
Sharmaji: Shambu. She will be free in another 30-40 minutes.
Sharmaji pulled Arathi inside the farmhouse. She was expected to discuss about what happen but he pulls her to bedroom.
Arathi: Sharmaji. Listen to his plans. Your money
Sharmaji: You know his plans. That’s all. I trust you. Money. Shambu will handle. Let me handle you. I was waiting for you long.
Arathi saw a madness in tone.
Sharmaji started kissing her madly.
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RE: Arathi- Degradation of a Homely wife- Continue with mix of story Revenge - by mindset00007 - 26-04-2020, 07:08 AM

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