House wife having fun
Housewife, having fun. (with 4th part)

"Dugguuuuu !!!! ......" Saritha yelled in a mock anger, to her Son, to whom she just completed giving a bath to, and then gave him a playful spank on his naked ass, she then cupped his freshly bathed, still water dripping, small dick, with her right palm and said with a smile "i will chop this off, if you do that again ".

The poor kid came out of the bathroom still naked and dripping water on his body, and complained his father "Dadda see what momma is saying, she said she will chop off my poppy" holding his own dick. The Dad smiled at his innocence and asked his son while toweling him "Why has she said that ? what did u do ?", "This is what he did" Saritha said, entering the bedroom from the bathroom, while pointing toward the big wet patch of pink thin nighty, through which her white innerware were visible. "So What ? Such a big punishment for such a small naughty thing ?" her husband said, looking at his Son's dick and his wife's face, while demonstrating the length of the kid's penis with his index finger. "How can i stay in this wet nighty, till i take my bath !!!..." She said, showing her slight irritation."Then remove it. very simple answer na duggu !!!" her husband said to his son, who laughed. "Oh yeah, i had no idea, i could do that" She said sarcastically , Snatching the towel from her son. "Yes dadda, we will punish her, that. When we go to goa beach, next week. she should walk in shame-shame dress (birthday suit)". His father had a hearty laugh on his son imagination power. This family was indeed planning a trip to goa in the coming up week. He saw his wife coming out of the bathroom again, now sporting a towel over her innerware, instead of the nighty on which her son poured a big mug full of water, while bathing. "Look what my son is saying, he wants to punish you for scaring him, the loss of his dick. He wants to punish you by making you walk in the goa beach, in your shame-shame dress (birthday suit)" he said "isn't it duggu !!! ....". The kid nodded blushingly. " NUDE !!!!! ....." The mother exclaimed, popping her eyes, which indicated her husband that she recollected his fantasy of making her taking a walk in the goa beach, in the nude. "Like father - like son. Where will the genes go !!!!...". Her son spontaneously said "Dont worry momma, i will carry your jeans for you". Both the parents were really amazed how the kid miss took genes for jeans, and the way he interpreted it, in sheer innocence. They all had a hearty laugh that echoed the bedroom.

Saritha laughed so much that she couldn't bare it any longer and fallen in between her husband and her son. They were already lying on the bed, as even they couldn't control their laughter. She hugged her husband lying on the bed for a while. Then a naughty idea stuck her husband, "Duggu, why dont we punish her now itself, just as practice for real punishment" he said to his son, and within a fraction of a second, he ripped her white towel of her body, giving her no chance for to protest, and threw it to his son, who by now was standing beside the bed. Saritha who was now in her white bra and panty, was concerned about her semi-nudity, as all this was unexpected for her and yet was her husband's intentional naughty acts. That too in her son's presence. So her only option to protect her modesty was by snatching the red towel, which her husband was wearing around his waist. They wriggled and fought for it because, his didn't want to lose it as it was the only thing he was wearing. When Duggu came back after keeping his mom's towel aside, his mom was on top of his dad and the red towel was wrapped around them. Yes, they were in a hug within a single towel. Saritha was having her bra and panty on, underneath the towel, while her husband had nothing else at all. As she saw her son, She hid her face on her husband's chest, facing away from the kid, because of shyness. But somewhere deep in the heart, she was enjoying it. He held her carefully, and made sure they stood up safely, while still hugging, within the red towel. Krish (saritha's husband) used his towel snatching skills again, and yes he ripped it off her again, and wrapped it on his waist. This time he was stubborn, gave no chance for her to snatch it back . So, as last resort she turned toward her son, who now saw her frontal semi-nudity, as she was in her bra and panty. She pointing her finger to the kid, said "Duggu, close your eyes", even though he was still blushing, he actually closed his eyes. krish said "look here", saritha in a panicky tone "No duggu, i will give you one tight slap". "Not him, you look at the clock, time to rush now, before that lets smooch a bit" said krish, hugging her from behind, kissing her earlobes and neck, his tried to move her bra strap off her shoulder. Saritha now again in irritated tone "Stop stripping me more, its 8:10 already, i need to serve breakfast to you both, let me put on something. "No, today you serve the breakfast like this only" krish said. Recently, when her son was enjoying a saturday holiday in their neighbors house, krish hardly allowed her to wear something, she had cook, serve and have the breakfast with him, mostly in complete nudity. But today was different. Along with Duggu even their servant maid meena, meenakshi, who hardly attends to work, was present in the house. Slightly aroused by the smooching that krish was doing, in a husky tone she said "No, i cant do that today sirji. meena has come to work today, and he (duggu) is also here today". krish dragged her out of the bedroom saying "nothing will happen, they are harmless rabbits". As she was made to put her first step out, she judged krish won't give up today also. So she made herself look composed. Then meena got to see saritha in only her bra and panty for the first time and they exchanged wide smiles. In order to make it look not too embarrassing, in a motherly-commanding tone she said, "Duggu, go take dadda's help and get dressed, he is also getting dressed in the other bedroom", which he obeyed. She then started doing her usual things to appear composed and busy, as if its a usual thing for her to walk nude or semi nude , even in the presence of the servant along with krish and the her son.

Both the father and son then arrived at the dinning table. "Come, lets eat together" krish said to saritha. "No" she bluntly replied without looking at him. " Why ?" krish inquired, to which she replied in the serious tone " How can i sit like this to have my breakfast, with you both !", pointing towards her body from top to bottom, with the index fingers of both her hands. Still standing wearing only white bra and panty. To avoid saritha's seriousness that was about to take over her aroused feel, krish counter, replying "Then remove them and sat for the breakfast". Hearing this both Duggu and Meena blushed silently, but was slightly audible. Saritha's ego was hurt, and in a instant reaction she sat to have the breakfast, but not in the nude. Nothing interesting happen till both the boys were about to leave. Then saritha came holding both their lunch-pack bags, opened the main door and stood beside it. She never used to do this, but today she did it while still having nothing but a bra and a panty on her body. Duggu came first, took lunch pack and a bye-bye kiss, for which she had to bent down quite a bit, that exposed her complete cleavage to krish. He got totally aroused at a wrong time for all the things that happened today morning, and at the same time, he wanted to have the upper hand too. So, when he took the lunch pack for saritha, who was still at the same place, he gave her a french kiss for 10 full seconds and then squeezed her right butt with his left hand. This was 100% risky as anyone who might walk into the corridor could get them. She wanted keep looking till he disappears, but she heard someone's foot steps coming closer, so went behind the door and closed it, as she heard her husband saying "Good Morning Mr. Varma". Saritha was releaved that it was a narrow escape. Then She looked at meena, who broke the eye contact and continued doing her work. That confirmed Saritha that she stopped working a while ago and concentrated on looking at what saritha was doing standing at the door, all the while. 

Saritha was again concerned about her nudity, and confused what to do now. She made her back lean on the main door that was closed earlier, she raised her head which also rested on the door, her hands were down, on the either sides, her left hand holding the door-nob. "Should i go and put on some clothes ?" she thought to herself, " Or should i head for a bath ?". "No, either of them would make it too obvious to meena, that i am too concerned about my nudity." she decided herself, and gave a squeeze to the door knob, " Let me do my daily routine, So that it shows i am not embarrassed about my undressed state.". She picked up the newspaper that was on the center-table. "Yes, i am sure" she thought, and headed into the kitchen to prepare coffee for both meena and herself. Saritha had a habit of reading the newspaper, while having her coffee and sharing any news that she spots useful / interesting / weird, to meena. Coffee was prepared, she brought both the cups and handed one to meena, who took it and and sat on the floor, for a break. " Less work, more rest ", saritha thought in her mind, about meena. Anyways to appear normal, Saritha took the newspaper and sat at the dinning table. There was silence for sometime, meanwhile meena was scanning saritha's body to the max possibility, as she was having a nice diagonal-view of saritha'a body. 

" What Dear, wont you ask me whats in the newspaper today ? " saritha asked meena, "tell me, maa" she replied. "Maa" is how a mistress is addressed, locally. "What should i tell you !" she exclaimed scrolling the newspaper, just before her eyes caught a news article. "Software techie's Naked ride in a car" is what saritha explained to meena. " What is that maa ? " meena asked, laughing quite a bit. Saritha read the whole article carefully and then started narrating it with a dramatic screenplay, which was just a translation and has not been hyped by saritha. "A car was tried stopped at temporary check-post near a locality called Manikonda, but it almost hit a security officer person and ran away. The security officer who has fallen down has informed another security officer through their wireless system. The Second person has put down his own temporary check-post, Which blocked that car and forced the techies to stop the car. The security officer knocked on the black side window, which the driver rolled down. The security officer person was taken aback as he saw two men sitting stark naked in the car. He asked those two men to get down the car, for which they reacted recklessly and tried to bribe him instead. The Dutiful security officer man's anger has hit the peeks by their gestures, who shouted at those men to get down the car, which left them with no other option. They got down the car naked, with embarrassing faces. " Whats in the car's back seat ? " the security officer asked, to which the men "nothing sir". The security officer had his own doubts and opened the back door of the car, which the men failed to protest as he gestured he would hit them with the big stick he was holding in his hand. He opened the car door, and was astonished to what he discovered. In the back seat there were two very highly boozed hot chics, who were equally nude as the two men. The security officer man who never ever expected to see such nude beauties even in his dreams, kept staring at them. Sighting the opportunity, one of the two nude men snatched the big stick from the security officer and has beaten him badly, the other nude man and the women that got down the car now also had their hand in beating up the security officer man. After beating him, they stripped him, stolen those clothes and speeded away in the car, leaving him on the road side, nakedly."

Saritha after completing the narration, looked at meena who was hearing with full attention. Their eyes met, and meena busted in laughter and then said " The security officer man's eyes might have popped out and lightened up in the dark, on seeing those prostitutes like that ". "All this happened in the broad day light, dear " Saritha corrected her, "and the two women are the two mens wifes, dear" and it was her turn to laugh out loud. Saritha laughed and meena shocked. "But, they would two couple do these kind of things" meena questioned for saritha answered "Nowadays people are slowly adopting western lifestyle a lot and these kind of things are one of its effects." Saritha educated her. " Slowly adopting in the sense, what will be the scene over there ? Will they always roam around in the nude ? ". " No, that will be a big crime, if anyone does it in any developed country " saritha educated her more. And in the same breath saritha said " But there will be dedicated resorts, clubs, beaches where people can roam around in their shame-shame dress " and saritha blushed as she ended with a kiddish term "shame-shame dress" by which she actually meant "a birthday suit" . meena asked curiously while laughing "what do people do in those kind of places, maa ? ". "They get some tan, swim in the water, booze, host a party, relax and maybe get a massage done" she answered. "For them its quite normal, as they are broad minded people" saritha explained further. " That will be so amazing to be at such places, for our kind of people". "what our kind of people ?" saritha questioned. "our kind means, like those who make a big scene to get naked in front of just one person, even if its in their secured bedroom. Like you !
remember ? you denied when i asked you to take a massage from me, for the sake of my extra income !" meena explained her perception. This was like a blow to saritha as meena categories her to "our kind of people" which mean he declared that she and saritha are of same kind.

"Ting Tong" the door bell rang. "Here, someone is at the door. May be you wont like to stay here in these clothes (bra and panty). " Go inside, i will see who is it" meena announced, this was like a second consecutive blow to saritha, and she felt like meena is acting as if its her house. To counter it "No, you finish your coffee, i will see who is it" is what saritha boldly declared, stopping meena from getting up from the floor. Saritha merged toward the main door to attend the door knock. When she opened it " hai ...........didi. Can i have our house key, please ?" requested saritha's neighbor's daughter, in a uncomfortable state as saritha attended the door only in her bra and panty. Now saritha walked away from the door, flashing her panty covered butts to get the keys. "Thanks didi. Sorry for disturbing, maybe you were about to go for a bath" the girl said taking the keys, to which saritha replied "No, no. i am free now. why don't you sit with me till your mom returns" saritha offered, which the girl declined politely and went away. Saritha turned back closing the door behind her. She smiled to herself thinking that maybe the girl was feeling weird seeing me only in my bra and panty. She stopped blushing as she noticed meena peeping from the dinning room to see her. They both laughed for that. 

"What maa ! i am observing from the morning, you seem to show peaks of your naughtiness ?" meena asked saritha. Saritha asked if meena wants to see her naughtiness peaks. Without waiting for the answer saritha took her hand behind her and unhooked her back-open white bra and she displaced here left strap which actually flashed half of her right breast to meena. But unfortunately the door bell rang again, so saritha placed her bra strap back on, but neglected to hook the bra. "You go, i will attend the door again" saritha ordered meena.

She walked down the hall again, thinking maybe the girl has come back to return the keys, after unlocking the door. As she opened the door, the first thing she noticed was the thick mustache, and she was startled !!!! ... Meena who was again peeping thought "For the first time saritha was exposed in such a state to a completely unknown, grownup male." "Courier madam ! " said that person the interrupted, coming out of the shock, that he got, seeing this lady in such a state of being undressed. Now we cant say she is in bra and panty, because the bra has been unhooked, so its an unhooked bra and a panty now, that really makes a big difference ! She extended her hand to take the courier, but no, the courier person wanted to stay longer. " I need to see your identity card madam" he said. "hmmm ?" she asked again as she couldn't hear what he said out of nervousness, and the person repeated the same. Without saying anything to him, she turned back. Yes, your right, with this turn her completely back was exposed till the panty line, as the bra was unhooked whose hooks were hanging on either sides of her body, there was indeed a chance to look at the boob's flesh under the hands. Saritha went into her bedroom and looked into the mirror. first, her eyes fell on her bra, " Even when though the loose ends of the bra are not visible for the person standing in the front, one can easily say its unhook" she thought to herself. Then she went down passing though the pretty flat navel which feels proud to expose even while wearing a saree. She stopped at her panty area and made sure its not wet by any chance. then she thought to herself "Let me show him this sexy body today, after all even he appears to be a handsome hunk. Moreover if things go out of hand, meena surely will come to my rescue. " She then took her identity card and quickly went to the courier person. She handed it over, she didn't know if he has done it purposely or if it happened by mistake, the identity card dropped on the floor. He made no attempt to pick it up, this made it clear that he has dropped it purposely. To fulfill his "purpose" she bent down without bending her legs at the knees. The left strap of the bra dropped down her arm, which made her left boob expose !!!! ..... Her brown nipple was exposed for a noticeable duration, she stood up, after which she pulled the left bra-cup to its place with her left hand and showed the identity card. He took the signature and left the place sadly, after saritha closed the door behind her, as the show came to an end.

Saritha walked back to the dinning area. "What maa ! you seem to be enjoying a lot, with a broad mind ?" meena asked. " Its not enjoyment dear, i am just lazy to put on some clothes as i need to head for a bath right after you leave. My body is aching today, need to soak it in the hot water for sometime." saritha explained, to spice it up she added "After that there will be no need of any clothes for me, as i will be alone at home till evening.". Meena in an attempt to counter it, Said "If your so board minded why dont you take a massage from me, you dont need to pay me, if you dont like it.". Saritha in an attempt to win an upper hand removed the bra straps off her should and threw the bra and meena's chest who caught it with a panicky look. "Wash the clothes and come, then you can start the massage" meena heard saritha ordering, while she was staring at saritha nude boobs.

When meena came back after completing her work, saritha was laying down on a plastic mat with her tummy down to the mat, in the dinning area itself. "Start with my back" saritha said, handing over a cup full of luke warm massage oil. Meena sat down beside her and oiled her back, with good amount of pressure. "I will oil the whole body first, so that the luke warm oil will soak the skin well" meena said, to which she further asked "Do you want the keep the panty on" meena inquired. Saritha thought "This girl knows how to get what she wants from me" and silently lifted her butts up in the air, that green signal was enough for meena, who peeled off the cum socked panty down the legs and off the toes. Meena quickly oiled the neck and the complete hands, then went down to the legs and oiled them moving upwards, while saritha kept spreading her legs slowly, to give better access. By the time the inner thighs were reached, the legs were wide enough to give a nice view of saritha's treasure, that was between saritha's inner thights. " Cover the left out area also " Saritha indicated about here now nude butts. Meena poured some oil on the butt crack and gave a fine massage with some special pressure. "Will you turn the other side now ?" meena asked, "Hmmm, you get some more oil" saritha replied. By the time meena got more oil, saritha was laying on her back, and exposing boobs along hairless pussy. Mesmerized with the beauty of her hair less pussy, meena was a bite late to realize that she poured enough oil on her navel. Yes, she poured some excessive oil on her navel. " Heyyy " Saritha exclaimed weakly to get meena out of here trance. She realized what she did and immediately spread the oil that was a bit stagnant on her navel, allover her torso, she did the same to the oil that spelt quite a bit on the mat, by dipping her palm in that oil, but this went on to saritha's shoulder length hair, face and front part of the long legs, the hairy region between her legs was already socked, when the oil spelt. Still continuing the same pressure, now she concentrated on the navel and hips. Saritha had her eyes kept closed all the while, and now she was getting stimulated for a organism. By now, meena dared and started massaging her breast area. As if this oil is not enough, she poured about 10ml more on her cleavage region and and has spread it all around the breasts. Now she attacked the breasts with such an amount of pressure that saritha wouldn't bare even if it increases slightly. Meena gave special attention to her nipples, which made saritha realize that she was getting close to an orgasm. "What should i do now ?", saritha got panicked. It was so close that she would release the cum any second now. Just then as if the god has seen her facing difficulty, the door bell rang, "Ting Tong". "Do you want to attend it ?" meena teased saritha. "No, you go and see" saritha said, sighting a escape. Just as meena stepped away to see who it is, saritha took her panty and cummed on it.
She was feel the much needed relief. Meena came back with tears in her eye and told saritha "Maa, my kid was bitten by a snake, i am going" and ran out of the house without any chance to saritha to react. Saritha was disappointed that the massage was left halfway, she then fell asleep without moving from that place. When she woke up, she saw she was sweating, and her body was as if it was dipped in a pool of oil. She slowly got up and waked to the main door, to close it, as it was left open when meena left her place. She then headed for a bath, still feeling sleepy. 

Saritha had worked a lot on her body to get rid of this thick coat of massage oil, even After soaking the body, as she fell asleep again in the hot water filled bath tub. She bathed for about 45 minutes, after which she was satisfied that the oil was washed off well. She stepped out of the bathroom while towelling her body, dry. She felt tired, after working for 45 minutes on her body. She laid on her bed , still nude. “One might fall asleep while having a body massage, but after that she should feel very refreshed and energetic. Why am I feeling tired and sleepy ? Is it because of an incomplete massage or is it meena’s wrong technique in massaging ? In the first place, does she know massaging ? Did she do it to get close look and touch of my bare body ? “ saritha's brain was filled with the questions as she dozed off yet again, but this time on a proper bed, still in the nude. She had nice wet dreams about the goa trip, and her pussy leaked so much cum and made the bed wet, which she discovered when her sleep was disturb as the phone rang “Ring Ring, Ring Ring”. She didn’t feel like getting up from the sleep, but she stood up from the bed, still in deep sleepy feeling and walked to the living room where the phone was ringing. She picked up the phone while sitting on the couch. It was Krish from his work place.

Saritha: hai jaanu.
Krish: Why did you take so long to attend the call ?
S: I dozed off to sleep after my bath, i haven't even put on any clothes till now.
K: jaanu its 2pm, have the food on time.
S: hmm, ok ok. Tell me what made you to call and disturb my sleep ?

Sensing the already formed negative vibrations, he was bit hesitant to talk about it now, but

K (searching for word to speak) : Jaanu, it is, actually, you know .....
S (in a irritated tone): Come to the point, will u ?
K (knowing there is no escape now): It looks like we need to cancel our goa trip.

krish dropped the bomb.

S (with full of anger): What ? Don't you know that we had planned it 2 months, in advance ?
K: Ofcourse we planned darling, and that is what i explained to my boss. but one of the major servers of the company broke down in banglore, today. I need to go and fix it, maybe it will take about 15 days. So .....
S: 15 days !!!!! .... how could you do this krish !!!! ....
K: Jaanu its not me nor my boss. it the company's emergency situation that made this mess. If our team solves the issue, as a reward the company announced one lakh cash and said that it would bare all the expenses of a foreign trip of all the team members and their families.

" Thats quite a big reward " Saritha thought to herself, but as of now she wanted to show only the disappointment.

K (checking if the call was cut): jaanu.
S (Helplessly): Forget about you and me. What about Duggu, krish ?
K: jannu, i wish i could come home and explain him, but i have a flight in an hour. You please console him, explaining about the foreign trip that we might be going.
S (sensing the opportunity to cut-short the conversation): You want me to console Duggu, telling him about the foreign trip we "might" be going, Because your escaping in an hour.
K (loosing his patience): See, i am not escaping, its my work to the serve the company, or they will sack my job. Do you want me to leave the job for our holiday trip ? Where do you think the money for that trip came from ?
S (sensing the rise in his voice): enough krish. enough is enough .............. BYE !!!!!!! .......

After the call, saritha recollected the dreams she had just before the phone call, and felt every bad thinking " if she herself is so sad, how would duggu react ? " Hell with the cloths " she said aloud in the living room, in which she was alone.Saritha tried to go back to sleep, in the couch, but she couldn't. " How can i and duggu come out of this disappointment ?" she thought. "how about my friend, Sowmya " is the answer that struck her. She called Sowmya.

Sowmya (in a very refreshed tone): hai pal. Looks like you forgot me, in the excitement of your goa trip.
Saritha (in a sad tone): No darling, nothing like that.
Sow (sensing the dullness): Hey, is anything wrong ? how is your health ? and duggu ?
Sari (feeling good for the concern shown): we are all fine, Sow.
Sow (sensing some hesitation): Then what is the matter ? i am sure my jaan is facing some trouble. what is it ?
sari: Actually, our goa trip got cancelled. 
(she explained her the whole thing)
Sow: Com'on sari. it happens sometimes. You do know that the same thing happened with me for my honeymoon itself, dont you ?
Sari (comparing both the situations): Yeah, but.
Sow: what "buts". just leave it, get your butts off and put on some cloths. Duggu might come back from school anytime now.
Sari (surprised): how do you know that i am nude over here ?
sow (giggling) : I Just guessed. 
Sari: Stop it sow. 
Sow: ok ok. tell me if there is anything by which i can help you. 
Sari: oh yeah, that is the reason i called you. Instead of krish, can you come with me and duggu for a holiday. But no, this wont be to goa, now i am hating that place. 
Sow: Ok, so this is the thing for which you called me. Then dont ask, just order your slave. 
As saritha was hearing these comforting words, she was feeling better now, knowing there is someone who cares her as much as her husband. 
Sari (over coming the disappointment, and now in a playful tone): Come with me on a holiday, my bitch. 
Sow: Its an order to me, heiress. Lets have a girls day out, and please ask your son to get dressed in a girl's frock, for the holiday. 

They both giggled. Sowmya was feeling good for Saritha. 

Sari: how about going to vizag beaches ? 
Sow: Hey Stop, don't tell me all this, its all your wish. Just tell me the Train details after you book the tickets and we will meet at the railways station ..... byeeee. 

Sowmya has cut the call, so that saritha takes all the decisions about the trip without further discussions. 
Saritha was extremely glad for having such a kind friend. The happiness was showing on saritha face now, as she was thinking about their relation that they had right from their kinder-garden, and also about the conversation they just had. She then sent a text message to Sowmya that read " Its a trip just to get away from the daily routine life and relax, just pack the clothes in which you are comfortable, and no cameras allowed  " for which she instantly got a reply "ok baby. as you say, always "

"Ting Tong, Ting Tong, Ting Tong" the door bell rang repeatedly at 3:15pm. "oh my god, that must be duggu with strong urge to pee" saritha thought who was sitting on the couch, still in the shame shame dress. She had no time to fetch a towel. Her heart beat increased 100 times, because she knew there will be a watchman with Duggu, who drops him home, almost every day. She cleverly went and opened the door hiding behind it, such that only her face is visible to the outsiders. As she opened the door duggu rushed into the house holding his penis over his clothes, with his left hand. While, rushing he helplessly said " Why did you take so long to open the door !!!! .... ", " Sorry duggu, i was in the bathroom " she yelled at him, who disappeared into the bedroom. When she turned her head other side, the school bag was at the entrance itself and the watchman who came with him, was not visible now. She quite naturally stepped out and bent down to pick up the bag, while doing so her look has fallen on her left where the corridor was spread for about 10 feet. She could have died on spot for what she saw, the watchman was standing there waiting for the lift/elevator. She saw him staring at her with his jaw dropped down, in her bent down position. The lift just stopped on this floor and someone was sliding the doors to come out. What the man got to was a magnificent sight, a side view of her bending down in her shame shame dress, with her boobs hanging down which had few strand of her shoulder length hair on it. Getting terrified, she picked up the bag and rushed into the house. When she picked up the bag, she rushed back turning left in such a way that she used the bag to cover her breasts from the watchman's eyes. Result ? while turning she also flashed the frontal view of her pussy for a second, which was enough for the 40year young person who never ever thought about having such a feast from a lady living in this surroundings. Saritha was panting for what just happened, just behind the now closed door. 
She closed her eyes just before she heard duggu's scream. " Mommaaaa !!!! ..... " duggu shouted, and she was afraid if he had fallen down, and immediately rushed into the bathroom and saw duggu troubling to unzip a blocked zipper of his pants, which was getting wet with his pee. She went to knell down right behind him, extended her hand on either sides of him and unzipped his pants but, his pee almost stopped by the time she had pulled the dick out of his undies, with her right hand. When she was confirmed that the flow has stopped she spoke out "Its ok, dont worry, i will give you a wash ". She then turned him to face her and stripped him off the shoes and then the his white shirt, pants, vests, and red undies which were all wet atleast a little bit. When she turned to a basket to throw the discarded cloth, her old cloths in it could her attention and she then realized that she dosn't have any clothes on, now in front of duggu !!!!! ...... in a flash before turning her head away from the basket she decided, that if she panics now it will be biggest embarrassment that she would never have. Therefore decided to continue in her shame shame dress, now having duggu with her. Avoiding the eye contact, she opened the tap and she made him stand just beside the spot where the water was falling down from the tap and took some water in her palm to splash it on his dick. His dick was getting slightly erect as the water was slightly chilled, she did that at regular intervals and washed his dick with her bare palm. Actually there is no need to mention that the palm was bare, because they both themselves were totally bare from head to toes. They then came out of the bathroom, she sensed there was some sadness on his face. She laid down on the bed and lifted him up to make him sit on the her tummy, so that atleast her pussy was out of his viewing pleasure. He then rested his head just above her cleavage area. She looked into the mirror that was on her right. A young naked boy sleeping on top of his nude mom is what was visible on the mirror, but what saritha saw was only the sad face of her darling son. "Its ok duggu. Today even i peed in my cloths, that is why i am in my shame shame dress now " saritha consoled her son, thinking its two birds at one shot, one is consoling him and the other is giving him a reason for being nude. Duggu spoke out "Not that momma, today dadda came to my school with a big chocolate and told me that he is going to banglore for 15 days to do office work and also told me not to trouble you in these 15 days ". Saritha had no words as she thought "how could krish make some time and to meet duggu !". "Its ok momma, we will go to goa some other time " Duggu said trying to smile, now sitting up right on her tummy. "You have become a big boy duggu, and you know what gift i will give you for that ?" she quizzed him and then explained about their trip with sow aunty (that is how duggu calls her). To cheer him up, saritha further added, whispering into his ears " When we go their, without telling dadda you can punish me to walk on the beach like this in my shame shame dress " and they both laughed out loud. " Won't you feel shy to be in your shame shame dress infront of sow aunty ?" duggu inquired. Saritha replied " We both are girls and are seeing each other from your age, so why to shy ". "You both saw each other in shame shame dresses ? " Duggu asked for more clarity, for which saritha nodded positively with a blush and kissed him. Saritha wanting to know what he would reply asked in a playful manner, "When you first planned to punish me on our goa trip,why you didn't ask if dadda saw me in my shame shame dress ", before answering this he shifted his butts, down till her thighs and said "If dadda didn't kiss you when you both are in shame shame dresses, how would i come out of this from your tummy" tapping his cold palm just above the pussy lips, but still on the pussy mound . With all this going on, saritha was getting turned on again thinking of the kind of general knowledge he has about these kind of adult thing. He again laid down on her torso, he spotted a mole on her neck which he circled with his index finger. Saritha was surprised as duggu was adoring her mole(s), just like his father. She asked "You liked it ?" for which duggu replied " Yes momma, i like this mole very much " and he kissed it, lifting his head a bit. " How many of these do u have, momma ?" Duggu inquired for which Saritha replied " two more ", and she pointed one between her belly button and left hip, little above the waist line. He kissed it quite a few times. Saritha was now getting aroused more and more, thinking what will happen if he kisses the next mole too. Breaking her thought he again asked " Where is the next one ? " fumbling a bit to reply, she said "There are only two, duggu ", in a weak attempt to distract him from this play. Duggu sat further down her body, now between the thighs and corrected her "No, you said there are two more " and started inspecting his momma's shame-shame body. Saritha who had her eyes closed knew that she was getting closed to another orgasm, as her son was staring at her nude body. " Here, i found it " and kid announced just as he spread the thighs apart and kissed on the mole that was just a bit away from her pussy lips, on her inner thighs. This time the kisses shower was much more compared to the kisses on her hip or the one on her neck. Saritha cummed as duggu was still kissing the mole just next to her pussy. Seeing the white liquid flowing out of the pussy, duggu was taken aback. As saritha was relieved from the orgasm, she wiped her pussy with her left hand and rubber the palm day, on the bedsheet. She then extended her hand toward duggu, and they hugged tight. "Its ok, it happens when someone is made happy, today you made me happy " she cleared the air for him, explaining about the orgasm she had, by the acts of her own son. Duggu now went up and sat beside her head and said "Momma, your poppy and my poppy smell the same ", "is it, show me " saritha said showing some interest to smell her son's dick. She then smelled it and said "Yes, your right, my darling son, but a girl's poppy is called a pussy, and these are called boobs " she said squeezing them. " But this is my favorite poppy. " she said before showering many many many more kisses on her son's bare dick. His dick now had the marks of the lipstick she wore last night. They both had a hearty laugh and petted each other, laying in the bed in their shame-shame dress.

Credits goes to original author
I got this story from
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House wife having fun - by tinderbird - 31-03-2020, 08:28 PM
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RE: House wife having fun - by Sam15 - 02-04-2020, 02:27 PM
RE: House wife having fun - by akshatha - 02-04-2020, 10:57 PM
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RE: House wife having fun - by abhirajfree - 31-12-2020, 08:52 AM
RE: House wife having fun - by idea11 - 11-02-2021, 01:07 AM
RE: House wife having fun - by idea11 - 25-04-2022, 12:16 AM

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