Adultery God Save The Devil by strtlr69
I was absolutely amused on Ravi's choice of words and examples. Mr. Ajay's face was red with fury but he could not say a word. I wish I could express in words how they both looked at this point of time. It was pure delight for me and pure humiliation for them.

Me: "You should try to understand their problems Ravi. I understand your issues as well. Don't you have a shortage of staff at your hotel, why don't you give him the job?"

It brought a smile on faces of both Mr. Ajay and Shyamali. I was their knight in shining armor. Oh god!! It was like receiving life time achievement awards.

Me: "The problem of your interest will be solved along with their day to day problems as well. Whatever he saves will help him fight his case."

Ravi: "I do need a few staff Raj but the salary that I will pay him will not cover my interest even."

It was so very satisfying to feel Mr. Ajay feel the anxiety pangs as the discussions went on. I could see he was going cold, was shaking and at times was feeling helpless as well. Shyamali had gone away to the kitchen to fix something for us.

Me: "hmmmmm. What if you hire two persons from his family? Will it not cover your interest?"

Ravi already knew what I was implicating. He was playing along my lines very nicely. Ravi: "He only has one male member at his home. I have two types of vacancies. One is that of a Manager who can take care of my restaurant, cash and activities when I am not around."

Me: "Well, Mr. Ajay can do that job quite nicely. What about the other jobs that you have?"

Ravi: "I need a few good stewards. Waiters are what I call them."

Shyamali, after serving us water, was sitting near Mr. Ajay.

Me: "What if Ms. Shyamali becomes a waitress at your restaurant?"

Mr. Ajay was grinding his teeth out of anger and humiliation. Believe me, I would have loved to go on and fuck his brain dry but I would not let it happen so easily. Shyamali was in kind of a shock, crying and sobbing. She was in a state of numbness.

Ravi: "See Raj, you know my working hours. It is 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. There hours are tough for one and all. Besides this, I have never had a lady waiter at my restaurant. Moreover, we have a bar and you know the kind of crowd which sometimes comes in at our place. She might not be able to handle them."

Me: "Why can't you switch their jobs? She can be the Manager and Mr. Ajay can be the waiter."

Ravi: "She does not have the experience to be a Manager."

Ravi was surely going to get the award for best supporting actor.

Me: "Don't take me otherwise Mr. Ajay but this is the best solution that seems as of now. I know how bad you must be feeling to listen to all this."

I was speaking every word in a measured, slow rhythm. My eyes savored the result of words I spoke.

Me: "I would not like to force this thing upon you. You both decide on the issue in an hour and let Mr. Ravi know about it."

As if, an hour was enough to digest such all that had happened.

Me: "Ravi, is that fine with you?"

Ravi: "Raj, your word is fine with me but an hour means an hour, nothing more. One more thing, I will need a personal guarantee from you of their behavior, character and loyalty."

I just stayed silent.

Me: "Well, that happens only after they have taken their decision."

The final nail was about to be knocked in, the closing effect.

Ravi: "What, if these people, don't work well? What if these two don't take care of my clients?"

Me: "Ravi, don't be such a kid. If they don't work well etc, you have the land in your name. How long will it take for you to make them evacuate this place?"

Ravi told me that he will wait for their answer and inform me likewise. He left.

Me: "I know it is dark times upon your family. Take a decision wisely. He is my friend but he is a businessman too. Do let me know whatever you all decide."

My ego never had such a satisfying time. It was about time I left them alone.

Mr. Ajay had that blank stare on his face. Shyamali had his hands in hers. Both of them just did not know what to talk. Their minds were constantly contemplating the discussion that had just happened.

There wasn't much either could do or suggest. This fact chocked them even more.

Ajay: "I am sorry for making your life a mess. I don't think I have any other option but to agree for my job. Will you do the job?"

Shyamali: "I never wanted to do any job and you always knew it. Who would take care of our kids and home?"

Ajay: "Kids will have to take this responsibility. They have to take care of themselves as well as home."

Shyamali: "I wonder how long we will have to live like this."

Ajay could feel Shyamali's pain and irritation. It was humiliating him further.

Ajay: "Have faith, everything will work out in the end."

Shyamali: "I had faith on you up to now. I don't have any more faith on your abilities. You did not get a job in two months. You are now asking me to work. Tomorrow, you might ask me to be a prostitute. Had it not been for Raj Sir, Mr. Ravi would have made us evacuate this house today itself."

Ajay's face went red with humiliation.

Ajay: "How can you think that I will ask you to do such a thing?"

Shyamali: "If I have to do a job, I want to do a job which is more respectable."

Ajay: "We have to convey our decision in another ten minutes, how can we get a job for you in these ten minutes?"

Shyamali: "Let me talk to Raj Sir, I think he will understand my position and help me out."

She rung me but I did not receive the call. I did not intend to pick it up before Mr. Ajay gave his decision.

Shyamali felt alone, very alone despite having Mr. Ajay around.

Ajay: "What should I convey to Mr. Ravi?"

Shyamali: "Do whatever you wish. You have made our lives nothing less than living hell."

Mr. Ajay was feeling totally distraught and helpless to hear such words from her but he had no other options. He rung Ravi and confirmed that they both would be there at his restaurant at 8 a.m. in the morning. Ravi conveyed to Mr. Ajay that there is a certain dress code at his restaurant. He told them both to go and get their dresses stitched before they joined his place.
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God Save The Devil by strtlr69 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 15-02-2019, 12:42 PM
RE: God Save The Devil by strtlr69 - by Ramesh_Rocky - 15-02-2019, 12:47 PM

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